Starting a fight club, endangered species are back in danger, and how to get a free vacation from fox news. Lets catch up on todays headlines. We begin tonight with some big news for the animal kingdom. The Trump Administration moved to make the most sweeping changes in decades to how the endangered species act is enforced. The overhaul would weaken a number of protections and allow the government to consider the price tag for saving some species. Today some 1600 species are protected by the act. More than 40 species in this country have recovered under the acts protection, including that soaring symbol of american might. Trevor yep, thats right. The Trump Administration say they want to start taking costs into account when decide ged whether or not to protect an endangered species, which seems like a pretty short sighted point of view because you can always make more money. What you cant do is bring a grizzly bear back from extinction. The best you can do is convince polar bears to dye their fur brown and thats problematic. Yeah, you know the polar bears will be, like, dude, are you sure this isnt racist . I think its racist. I dont know, man, im not comfortable with this. I dont want to get canceled, ive got that coke endorsement, i dont want to lose this. I just dont want to lose this. Now, many critics of this plan are pointing out the endangered species act has been instrumental in protecting many animals on the verge of extinction. One of the main examples is the american bald eagle. Thats part of the problem. That eagle is probably why trump is changing the law. Dont forget, it was the bald eagle that attacked donald trump. Dont ever forget that moment cheers and applause yeah. applause yeah, dont forget, donald trump was minding his own business and he was attacked by the eagle that lives in his Office Laughter he was just, like, you scared the shit out of me, now im going to build a highway through your habitat laughter so theyre saying its all about the cost, its about how much the animal costs to keep alive, i guess, so i guess if this law goes into effect, animals will have to go into shark tank to pitch why they should stay alive. It will be just, like, hi, im an aunt eater and today im offering low cost organic pest control, uh. laughter the only way to get trump to protect the habitats is going to be to say it helps protect the species he likes. Like the flannel moth caterpillar that inspired his hair, thats a thing. Thats a very handsome snake, weve got to protect it. laughter cnn anchor chris cuomo, you might know him for breaking news, but if you talk trash to him in the streets the only thing that might end up breaking is your face. Cnn standing by, chris cuomo is shown threatening a heckler. This video taken during a Heated Exchange with an unidentified man who called cuomo fredo who he insists is a racial slur against i tall yanls. Its an insult to your people. Like the n word for us. Is that cool . Youre going to have a problem. What are you going to do about it . Im going to ruin your shit. Im going to throw you down these stairs. You going to sue . What are you going to do about it. ~bleep wreck your shit, wreck your shit. Trevor yeah, chris cuomo doesnt mess around. Now i see why cnn makes people fight in separate boxes, workplace safety. Quoamo is like, if i wasnt in this box i would smash your face cuomo is pissed off because when the guy called him fredo, its a negative italian stereo time his reaction is also a negative italian stereotype. What did you say . Ill wreck your ~bleep shit and throw you down these stairs, man you want to talk to me, ill ~bleep break you cheers and applause so since this video we want viral, theres a Big Conversation now over whether the word fredo is a slur. Some are saying its a reference to the dumb brother in the godfather because cuomo has his brother and hes the dumber one whos in the news and entertainment, but some are also saying its an ethnic slur. Quoamo claimed its like calling an italian person the nword. To find out if thats true, were joined by roy wood, jr. , everybody cheers and applause so, roy, is calling an italian fredo the same as calling a black person the nword . laughter roy wood, jr. , everyone thank you so much, roy cheers and applause in other news in other news, have you ever been to a strangers house and seen things in their house that make you go like wow, i would really get along with this person . This story is the complete opposite. House hunters in michigan surprised to say the least the furnished home they were looking at had kkk paraphernalia on its laws. The cup were looking at the home on a large wood lot when they noticed something disturbing, the house belonged to miskeegan Police Officer Charles Chuck anderson. A fullwing Confederate Flag so i said, im not liking this. There was one plaque on the wall which said kkk application. I said, i was, like, im done. I want to get out of here right now. Trevor you know what i love about black people . They do not indulge danger. The guy saw a Confederate Flag, then the klan, and said, baby, we are out. We are out out of here, were not staying. Will not stay. The uber is on the way, even though we drove ourselves. laughter we got to get out like in the movie scream, come on, baby laughter can i also just say i didnt realize the kkk had application forms . I love something new. I just thought they saw someone on the streets saying the nword and said you start monday, good job if the kkk has application forms, the odds are someone got denied. What reason would the kkk give for denying the application . Does the guy say, everyone looks okay over here. Yeah, in ~bleep paris. I wish they would go to paris. Says thats a hiphop song. Im sorry, thats not gonna work. laughter some people are saying the owner having a Confederate Flag and klan memorabilia on his walls means hes a fan of the kkk, maybe hes just a history buff. You dont put things up on your wall if youre not a fan. No ones going to post Hurricane Katrina in your living room. Thats not a thing. Were joined by roy wood, jr. , everybody. Help me out, is having a framed klan application on your wall something a casual history buff might do . laughter applause roy wood, jr. , everyone thank you so much, roy thats it for the headlines. Lets move on to our top story cheers and applause in the wake of the mass shooting in el paso and the arrests of domestic terrorists since then, everyone has been talking about the threat of White Supremacy in the united states. In fact, even President Trump admits that its a major problem, which is a pretty big deal, because that would be, like, if hubs and shaw spoke out against speeding. Jason came out and said, you know whats cooler than driving fast . Going 55 and buckling your safety belt. laughter even most people in america has acknowledged the threat, one person still isnt convinced. Fox news anchor and concerned face drawn on to a balloon Tucker Carlson. The whole thing is a lie. If you were to assemble a list, a hierarchy of concerns of problems this country faces, where would White Supremacy be on the list . Right up there with russia, probably. Its actually not a real problem in america. The combined membership of every White Supremacist Organization in this country would be able to fit in a football stadium. White supremacisty, thats a problem, its a hoax, like the russia hoax, its a Conspiracy Theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. Thats exactly whats going on. Trevor wait, what . White supremacists arent a threat because they can only fill a football stadium . My man, those stadiums hold 100,000 people we shouldnt have enough White Supremacists to fill a golf cart. Thats how many we should have. cheers and applause were talking numbers here. How many . How many of them are there . White supremacists are like babies on a plane, even one is enough to ruin your day. laughter and you do notice that Tucker Carlson only gives white terrorists this pass. Like after 9 11 he wasnt, like, al quaida, what is it, 19 people . Is this a real thing . Call me when they can sell out a knicks game, okay . Uhhuh. Its especially interesting that tucker doesnt think White Supremacists are a real threat especially when you look at the other tests he talks about. If youre looking for threats to democracy, how about Silicon Valley . How did we wind up with a country where feminists do science, a country where you are afraid to touch people is a country we dont want to live in. Kneeling during the nationa natl anthem is an attack on the united states. Almost every nation on the earth has fallen under the oak of turny, the metric system. Trevor the metric system whoo the metric system is a threat to america but White Supremacy is a hoax . I feel like Tucker Carlson would tell the lamest camp fire stories of all time, just be like, and then she heard a scratching sound coming from inside the door, and when she turned around it was cent meters laughter now, apparently soft peddling White Supremacy didnt go over well with everybody. In fact, three big advertisers pulled out of Tucker Carlsons show after he said that. cheers and applause and something tells me his bosses at fox news didnt like what he said because, the very next day, he made a surprise announcement attend of his show. Thats it for us tonight. Tune in every tight 8 00 p. M. , the shown that is the sworn enemy of lying, smugness and group think. By the way, i am taking several days off, headed to the wilderness to fish with my son, catch some brook trout. Politics is important, fishing with your son sometimes more important, so im doing it. Trevor okay. That timing seems suspicious but who knows, maybe lots of people leave for fishing vacations on wednesday night also at 9 00 p. M. You never know when the fish are going to start biting you never know cheers and applause i do feel bad for tuckers son, though, because he probably knows whats up. Tucker comes up, pack your rod pack your rod, son, were going fishing. In the middle of the week . Did you Say Something racist on tv again, dad . Ill get the tackle box. laughter some people will just say this is probably just a coincidence, just because tucker said something offensive and took a surprise vacation doesnt mean the two things are related. Okay, maybe not, but it does seem to happen a lot over at fox. Sudden vacation announcements have been a goto move for trump tv. Last week Laura Ingraham went on ava case after mocking hogg, sean hannity after exploiting the death of seth rich. Jesse waters took time off after a lewd comment about ivanka trump. You go in hard enough, they drop the ball, perfect. Good, glad he didnt run them over. Also im going to be taking a vacation with my family so ill be back on monday. Try not to miss me too much. Saturday also . laughter trevor my favorite part is how the fox hosts try to casually slipped in to random conversation. Sort of like how you used to buy condoms in high school, yeah, let me get a bag of doritos and a pack of condos and the cashier is like jerry, bring me over a box of condoms for the kid, please im going to say extra small audience reacts so almost everyone on fox has had to go on a surprise vacation after saying something controversial, but one vacation on fox is the greatest of all time. Bill oreilly took what he insisted was a preplanned vacation after revelations he settled multiple sexual allegation. I grabbed vacation because its spring and easter time. Last fall i booked a trip that should be terrific. Not going to tell you where it is. Ill have a full report when i return and he never 100. 100 and he never returned. cheers and applause trevor oh, man and he never returned. Doesnt sound like a guy going on vacation, sounds like he got what could by the mob. Lets just say riley is going on a permanent vacation. Im chris cuomo. Thanks for watching cnn in italian accent . cheers and applause i still feel bad for the one fox viewer who waited for oreilly to return. Like, bills going to have so many great stores stories when he finally comes back these emergency vacations are such a staple for fox news i wouldnt be surprised they had their own travel agency. Are you tired of hustle and bustle of being dropped by advertisers . Want to get away because your bosses say you have to . Then you need fox vacations, the travel agency for fox news hosts in trouble. Well lift you off in the dead of night and bring you to an isolated spot where you can rant in peace. Hang ten while spreading murder conspiracies. Mock shootings survivors between rounds of beach volleyball, or share your views on White Genocide with the fish. Plus call now for our special forever vacation. You will have so much fun, you wont want to go back, which is great because you cant. Fox vacations, relax. This will all blow over. cheers and applause trevor have a great trip, guys well be right back cheers and applause romance isnt dead but it is here. Thanks, captain obvious. Dont hatelike their trip, book yours with hotels. Com and get rewarded basically everywhere. Hotels. Com. Be there. Do that. Get rewarded. Freshly prepared chicken. s full attention like my the delicious kfc 20 fill up. With eight pieces of extra Crispy Chicken and sides, well surely get your kids off their phones. And they may even look at you. Their loving parent. Kfc, its Finger Lickin good. Lets have some fun. With our favorite people. At our favorite places. With our favorite snacks. Theres a million ways to celebrate summer. And we got the perfect side for them all. Frito lay, the perfect side of summer. cheers and applause trevor welcome back to the daily show. My guest tonight is a recording artist and songwriter from nigeria whose new album is called african giant. Please welcome burna boy cheers and applause welcome to the show. cheers and applause trevor nigeria in the house. Yes, sir. Trevor welcome to the show, my friend. speaking in Foreign Language trevor so many accolades have happened in your last year i dont want to cut you off. I have to tell you this. Trevor oh, hold on. This guy is a legend. Im from nigeria and i used to spend a lot of time in south africa, and this must have been 2014, right, i went on this boat thing in cape town with some girl laughter yeah. And then we was going in, and then you must have been coming out from someplace, i dont know. Then its like a big crowd starts saying, Trevor Trevor laughter you know . And then the girl im with, shes like, thats trevor noah. Can i go im, like, you stay put. laughter you know, so after that, we got done and went back and started watching the whole everything. Trevor oh, man, i appreciate it. Most people would have been like thats when i started hating you. Thats a pretty dope story. Thank you very much for that. Thank you very much for that. But lets talk about that. You know, you have spent time in south africa, but youve also spent time traveling around the world. You know, for those who dont know you, they are definitely bound to know you. Burna boys music has been blowing up. Drake sampled the sound drake . laughter trevor youve got so many huge artists who sample the sound, and when you hear songs in the club, you hear nigerian and african music. Im fascinated how its not even call, its music. You have a specific title. You call it afro fusion. Whats that mean . Its basically like a pizza, right . laughter hold on. Im serious. laughter so its like a pizza, right . Trevor okay. And then imagine the pizza. Whats the main thing in the pizza that every pizza needs . Its the flower. Trevor the dough, the base. Yeah. So afro beat is the base, right . Trevor okay. And now you can have any pizza you want, but you have the afro beat base. Theres the hiphop pepperoni. Trevor oh, okay, okay. Im, like, hiphop pepperoni. Thats a good favor. Theres the dance hall ham, you know, all types of you know, so i just kind of make a nice pizza. Trevor youre performing live everywhere. People love your music. You will be performing for us today. Whats the song today . So im going to do a little medley. Im going to, like, bring one of my songs from my other albubble. Trevor right. Called ye and im going to fuse it with one of my songs from this album called anybody. Trevor after the break, youre going to make us a pizza where we have all the toppings at the same time. African giant is available now will be performing after the break for a special performance, well be right back, people cheers and applause guys, i want you to meet someone. This is jamie. Youre going to be seeing a lot more of him now. Im not calling him dad. Oh, nno. Look, [sighs] i get it. Some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, were all in this together. Right, champ . Im getting more nuggets. How about some carrots . You dont want to ruin your dinner. Youre not my dad thats fair. Overstepped. Applebees handcrafted burgers now starting at 7. 99 now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Now starting at 7. 99 give extra, get extra with new extra refreshers gum. Ok. Family meeting aww come on im right in the middle of my show busy. Doing homework. I can hear you playing video games. Thats me, honey well, im going to tmobile and for every iphone ten r i buy, theyll give me another one. But if youre all too busy. Wait, what . Youre getting iphone ten rs . Awww yeah. The battery life on those is sick. Oh, can you bring me back one . I cant pause this game. Come to tmobile and for each iphone ten r you get, get a second one on us. Yof your daily routine. Lf so why treat your mouth any differently . Listerine® completes the job by preventing plaque, early gum disease, and killing up to 99. 9 of germs. Try listerine® and for onthego, try listerine® ready tabs™ a run to the left morgan running. Iven, looking for one hundred. [ kids screaming ] a run to the left side, no foul given. Morgan running. Looking for one hundred. Shes got it [ kids cheering ] cheers and applause trevor welcome back to the daily show. Now to perform a medley of ye and anybody, please welcome back burna boy cheers and applause mrksz. Oluwa burna. Eh eh hen, ye ye o, ye ye ye ye, yeee ye o eh eh hen, ye ye o, ye ye ye ye , yeee ye o yeee ye o, yeee ye o, yeee yeeee, ye ye ye ye yeee ye o eh eh hen ye ye ye o , ye ye ye ye yeee ye o. This one na gbedu wey dey janpata me i no get time, i dey da pada dada cover my face, calling me lagbaja o big man wey no dey wear agbada. Ah ahn can you tell me,. Whats it gon be, gwagon or the bentley the girl dem riding with me i no fit, die for nothing my nigga, whats it gon be , gwagon or the bentley the girl dem riding with me i no fit die for nothing. Ah hn hn ah hn hn ah hn hn ah hn hn ah hn hn gbese i don charge my energy i no get time for no enemy tori pe won le to mi nothing wey person never see omo nothing wey person never see forget i say fashi money soon expected je ki awon padi e je m be i dey kaku dey gbese jejeli jeje jeje i been dey answer them yes sir now na me them they answer yes sir respect is reciprocal even though una know sey i special anybody wey no want to soji anybody wey no dey carry body nak am something eh hen nak am something to ba ta fele fele nak am something you wan chop where you never work shey na because me sef i never talk i look you. Dey laugh you gan gan gan gidi gan gan gan i sha know sey the time go come omo i know sey the time go come when you no go fit lie no more omo omo life na turn by turn whether you like or not to ba ginger me ebeskele go burst kigbe je kan gbo o anybody wey no want to soji anybody wey no dey carry body nak am something eh hen nak am something to ba ta fele fele nak am something money soon expected je ki awon padi e je m be i dey kaku dey gbese jejeli jeje jeje i been dey answer them yes sir now na me them they answer yes sir respect is reciprocal even though una know sey i special anybody wey no want to soji anybody wey no dey carry body nak am something eh hen nak am something to ba ta fele fele nak am something gbese eni to ba ta fele fele la go lori e eni to ba ta fele fele la go lori e eni to ba ta fele fele la go lori e eni to ba ta fele fele la go lori e cheers and applause trevor burna boy, ladies and gentlemen and gentlemen cheers and applause give extra, get extra with new extra refreshers gum. Barrb barb i can taste my beer. Samuel adams sam 76 finally a refreshing lager that you can taste. Samuel adams sam 76 we hide hotel names so you can score 4star hotels at 2star prices. Hotwire hotwire. Com boots up as fast as 6 seconds when youre running late . At whispers its switching time or how about a battery that lasts up to 12 hours . Order up now were cooking. Or how about one with virus protection built in . Which. Would be helpful. Right. About. Now. Yeah, if you want all that, switch to chromebook. Trevor well, thats our show for tonight. Lights out with david spade is coming up next. But first here it is, your moment of zen. The man said he watched in disbelief monday as the tree was cut down and landed right on to a parked vehicle, totaling it. Sounded like a beer can getting flattened, it was just a crunch. I hate to say it, it was kind of cool, you know. I mean, what guy, you know, doesnt like, you know, destruction, yeah, you know, thats why we go to demolition derbies, but, hey, bottom line, thats that poor girls new car and she cant get to school, now s, youre a smart guy and you make obscure references, but it is not that kind of show here. Are you saying a little more oscar wilde and less aristophanes . You run a tighter ship than the british magistrate in old calcutta. David are you speaking english . Can i talk about my recent trip to portugal . David well, dont make up countries, dude. Talk about anything. All right, what about this what about that hostess at nobu who only gives you a good table when you pretend to be owen wilson. Dav a

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