Mike Cronick of Quinnesec rakes his greening-up lawn Tuesday. While recent warmer temperatures have spurred growth in yards and trees, the area will see a cooling trend that could linger late into the month. (Iron Mountain Daily News photo by Terri Castelaz)
IRON MOUNTAIN — Cooler weather is taking hold following an early spring heat wave that’s pushed soil temperatures about 7 degrees above average in the region.
Snow could fall today, with temperatures hovering below 40. Highs should reach into the 50s by the weekend but may not get to 60 until much later in the month.
Tuesday’s average soil temperature of 47 degrees compares with a 10-year average for April 13 of 40 degrees, according to greencastonline.com. High temperatures last week at Iron Mountain-Kingsford climbed into the 70s Monday through Wednesday, peaking at 77 on April 6, unofficially tying a record for that date from 1991.