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The first africanamericans in the Space Program. Moss i first heard about the africanamericans in the Space Program and nasas involvement with civil rights and racially quality when i was at texas tech in 1995. When i was doing research for a paper, i started noticing little back page articles about the sintins at huntsville. There is the Marshall Space Flight center in huntsville. Articles,smaller back page, two paragraphs, but they were all in nasa locations or nasa home states. I decided there had to be a connection, a bigger story. Nasa was the federal government under president kennedy and president johnson. They were advocates of desegregation or racial equality and equal employment. There have to be some story there. There were too many little threads not to have a whole sweater somewhere out there. There was more of a story than i was able to tell back in 1995 and 1996 and 1997. Thats what is shown in the book. The stories of these men, some of whom worked for nasa, or nasa contractors, and some who were part of the Space Program or used the Space Program to advance the idea of racial equality and civil rights. One of the early executive orders of president kennedy was 10925. E civilrior to th rights act of 1964, this would use federal employment and federal contracts to force the issue of equal employment. It created the president s commission on equal Employment Opportunity which would be chaired by Vice President johnson. It then required that all federal contractors advertise and prove they are equal opportunity employers which was a big thing. They could not discriminate based on race. And, that made a difference to all those contractors that nasa had. The total number of africanamerican employees throughout the installations was always going to be small. We are talking in may be done dont doubledigit at the most, particularly in this time period. 1960 to 1964, 19 65 that is going to be a very small number of africanamericans in that type of workforce in the south. A spacease, he was contractor. He worked for rca. That was julius montgomery. When a missile came down or something went wrong, he and a crew went out to find out what was wrong and fixed it. His first day on the job at cape canaveral, he goes in and there are all these white people there. He does not know anybody. He is the only africanamerican there. Finally, he decides he will introduce himself to one. He puts out his hand and introduces himself and the man looks up at him and says, is that how you talk to a white man . Says,mery stops and forgive me, oh, great white bsastard. According to the story, they both laughed and shook hands and everything was fine. I love that story. It is sort of like the two men were testing each other will you be able to handle this job . Another would be morgan watson. Was one of the group of interns from Southern University in baton rouge. Called water walkers because they could walk on water. They were that good at what they did and had that type of respect, especially within their community, the africanamerican community, college. Andan watson came to nasa he worked on the rockets. It was not just working at an office. He worked on the engineering side of it and hes very quick. In fact, he gave us the quote that gave us the title of this book, that he felt and others ofe him felt that the image professione in the was resting on them, was resting on he and his coworkers. And we could not fail, he said. That reflected in the comments made by others who work at nasa and contractors at the time. They were fully aware that eyes were on them, of the black community, of the white community, the Engineering Community of nasa. They could not fail. There was too much if they make a mistake, then whatever mistake they make gets labeled onto everyone who comes after them and these gentlemen did not fail, not at all. George carruthers worked for nasa as an astronomer. I think it was the far ultraviolet camera of his is on the moon right now. This wonderful piece of technology that took 20 years for him to design and build went 1970s apollo 16 in the because the closer you are to space, the better you can take pictures of it. As an astronomer, he had that. The others who are in the book is frank crousley. He worked for space contractors. The first africanamerican able officers theval officers and first africanamerican to have a phd in his field. His experience as an academic is a lot like other africanamerican academics, engineers at the time. He was told when he asked about promotions, why no promotion . Why in my still here . He was told you have already come farther from anyone else in your race. We thought you would be ok with it. Could not see that happening now and it should not have happened ever, but that is the type of system that existed. There was political pressure integratedated an nasa core would make sense. An africanamerican astronaut. In 1961, the white house is sending memos to get a black astronaut. We need to find a candidate to eventually qualify to be a black astronaut. Clearit is never quite who orders it. Whether it is president kennedy who is directly involved with it, or his Brother Robert kennedy. Never quite clear how this exactly happened. Curtis lemay, the air force chief of staff, tells chuck yegor that Bobby Kennedy wanted an africanamerican candidate. He was given this by the general attorney general. Ed1962, a black candidate, dwight, an air force officer, starts the full training for consideration into the astronaut corps. In the black press, he is front page. His picture is everywhere, headlines everywhere. Natural thebit of a mercury seven every bit of an astronaut that the mercury seven was. It was unusual for a white paper in the south to say anything of an africanamerican, but he was a rock star. He was going to be the first africanamerican astronaut and that he was not. It is never quite sure what happened. He finished the Training Program and was nominated to nasa, but so were 130 other people. Than 20k, i think, less out of that 130. He was not one of them. Int led to some controversy magazines, some investigations, calls for investigations. No one is quite sure exactly how it ended up. There are lots of different stories. Dwight has a versio of how things wentn. Theres pieces of the official version. All we know for sure is he never nasa, an astronaut, but while he was a potential astronaut, took advantage of his publicity. They did not see a way to take advantage of the press that what have come along with an actual africanamerican astronaut. I think the story of nasas rightsment in civil fell through the cracks because there was so much bigger, fancier stuff. When people think of the Space Program, they dont think of an entrylevel africanamerican engineer. Not in the 1960s. They think of all of those launches. The gemini, apollo, mercury seven, all those launches and splashdowns, but they dont there are, wow, five africanamerican engineers working in alabama. What a great thing. They dont think about that because there are all these other excitement with the Space Program and all the other social and economic histories. So much about it that it just got overlooked. It is not a big story in that sense. It is the same and how it fell through with the civil rights histories. There are so many central figures and events to talk about in civil rights history in the 1950s and 1960s. The march on washington, dr. King, malcolm x, the black panthers, core, students for nonviolence. There is just so much there that the stories, the personal stories of these men and how nasa just doing its job more or affecs an agency ted racial equality and no one made the connection before. On the personal side with the gentlemen, these were not the guys that were on tv back then. These were just guys that went to work, came home, went back to work. They were not part of the protest movement because as it was described they had their jobs at stake. It is important that these get out while some of these men are still with us because they can see that their stories are making a difference on a broader scale and they can continue to be an inspiration and a role model, not just for africanamericans, but for anybody that is facing a sort of discrimination. That because these men could not fail and did not fail, we have a more fair, more equal society. Tomorrow, the cspan tour heads north to madison, wisconsin with a look at the early 20th Century Progressive protest against the vietnam war and the history of native americans in wisconsin. The tour is tomorrow on cspan at 6 p. M. Eastern. Follow the cities tour as we travel outside the washington beltway to communities across america. Take theea is theo programming out on the road beyond the beltway to produce pieces that are a little more visual, that provide a window into these cities that viewers would not normally go to that also have really rich histories and a rich literary scene as well. A lot of people have heard the history of the big cities like new york, i lay in chicago, but what about the small ones like albany, new york . We have been to over 75 cities. We will left it 95 in april of 2016. Most of our programming is event coverage. These are not event coverage pieces. They are shorter. They take you someplace a home, a historic site. We explore the history and literary culture of various cities. The key entry is the cable operator who then contacts the city. It is the cable industry bringing us. They are really looking for great characters. You really want your viewers to be able to identify with these people we are talking about. Where wean experience are taking people on the road to places where they can touch and see things and learn about it is not just local history, because a lot of it plays into the national story. If somebody is watching, it should be enticing enough that they can get the idea of the story, but also feel as though this is in our backyard. We want viewers to get a sense that, yeah, i know that place just from watching one of our pieces. The mission, as we do with all of our coverage, bleeds into all what we do out on the road. You have to communicate a message about this network in order to do this job. It has done the one thing we wanted it to do which is build relationships with the city and our Cable Partners and gather some great programming for American History tv and book tv. Watch the cities tour on the cspan networks. To see where we are going next, go to our schedule on www. Cspan. Org. The road to the white house coverage continues tonight with two republican president ial candidate. At 8 p. M. , florida senator marco rubio at the iowa state fair and then Ohio Governor john kasich at 8 45 p. M. Both candidates spoke at the candidate soapbox and walked the fairgrounds to talk to voters. More live coverage from the iowa state fair tomorrow on cspan. At 11 a. M. Eastern, rick perry also speaking at the candidate soapbox. Later in the week, another texan, center ted cruz speaks at the fair on friday at 11 a. M. Eastern. Right now, wisconsin Governor Scott walker, the republican insidential hopeful spoke minnesota earlier today to laid out his plan to repeal the Affordable Care act. This is 45 minutes. Welcome. We are a proud minnesota manufacturing facility. We are in our 70th year of business. We make a lot of the parts you see behind me. The industries we serve are the lawn care industries, agriculture. We are honored today to have scott walker and his Campaign Today to unveil his alternative to obamacare. It is a little overwhelming as well. I would like at this time to introduce our speaker of the house. He was first elected to the house in 2010 and elected speaker of the house in 2014. Hes a private pilot and he is single, girls. [laughter] [applause] quite an introduction. Thanks, steve, for hosting us here. It is absolutely a wonderful facility that you run. We are proud to have you as an employer. Im very excited to have Governor Scott walker in minnesota. Governor walker is a bold conservative reformer and he has brought unbelievable policies that have turned around the state of wisconsin. When he took over in the state of wisconsin, it was a mess. They had a 4 billion deficit and lost jobs and had an Unemployment Rate above 8 . Governor walker lowered taxes to spur job growth, but reforms in fraudthat eliminated wage. And really turned the state of wisconsin around. We are really proud of the work he has done. Im very proud that he has come to minnesota to announce his obamacare reforms. There is really no better place than minnesota to announce these reforms. We have seen the worst of the worst of obama care in minnesota. Have lostnnesotans their Health Coverage because of obamacare. People have lost the choice they had. In some cases, they have only one option for Health Coverage. Frankly, all the while during the worst of the worst, democrats gave the obamacare executives in minnesota bonuses to reward them. Likeed new, bold reform scott walker has brought to wisconsin here in minnesota and all over the country. If you followed the news yesterday, you know scott walker is ready for the task and is on intimidated. Scott walker is the bold reform leader we need not only in minnesota, but the entire country. Please join me in welcoming the next president of the United States, Governor Scott walker. [applause] gov. Walker thanks. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Chris has done a spectacular job here in minnesota. I was pleased to be with you earlier in the capital. I appreciate your leadership for our team. We are going to compete for the caucus and we are pleased to have your leadership, grassroots will make a huge difference and i want to thank all the employees here. Thank you for hosting. I was kidding on the tour, i know where not to stick my finger and where not to turn off the light curtains. Fueling therally economy here in minnesota and across the country. Thank you for having us here and thanks to everybody else, all the friends and supporters for being here. And hearing a bit about what we are here for today. We will talk about obamacare. I want to point out that america is a cando kind of country. We have people in washington that cant get the job done. Washington is 68 square miles surrounded by reality. When i think about washington, i have to tell you, when i talk to people across this country, people are fed up with washington. I feel your pain. I am fed up, too. We were told by Republican Leaders during the campaigns last year that we just needed a Republican Senate to be elected to repeal obamacare. Here we sit. Both chambers of the United States congress have been controlled since january by republicans. There is not a bill on the president s desk to repeal obamacare. I want to be clear, americans want more than Just Campaign promises. They want results. Actions speak louder than words. That is something i know. I understand it, i am not intimidated. Even yesterday at the iowa state on the soapbox, i was not intimidated by the people there. Long before we took on union bosses in my state and before we took on liberal special interest from washington, we took on some of the establishment in my own party. Back in 2010, when i was thinking of running for governor, i did so because i was upset with the direction my state was heading. I thought it was heading the wrong direction. A week after the election, we had all the republican lawmakers together and i said to them the voters, that voters had told us they wanted us to be big and bold. There were some republican lawmakers who were uneasy with the idea of taking on the status quo. The session was open to the public. I said to all of those lawmakers including some that were uneasy, i said it is put up or shut up time. That was the headline. It was important because we wanted to send a clear message. I heard what voters said. If we didnt do what we said we were going to do, they had every right to throw us out. I was proud not long after taking office, the very day i took office, i took the oath and authorized our state to join the federal lawsuit against obamacare. Then we set out on a path of bold reforms. We took on union bosses. Then we fixed the 3. 6 billion budget deficit. We cut taxes by 2 billion. We defunded planned parenthood. We put a photo id requirement to vote in the state of wisconsin. We now ensure that every adult in our state who is able to work must be able to pass a drug test before they get a welfare check. We did all those things. We went big and bold and we got results. [applause] gov. Walker we took action. In addition to that first day, authorizing the state to join the lawsuit against obamacare. Not long after that, i turned down a state exchange under obamacare. As you mentioned, mr. Speaker, having looked at minnesota and maryland, i am glad looking at the other problems states are having that i made that decision several years ago. Unlike my friends rick perry and bobby jindal, i turned down a Medicaid Expansion under obamacare. That was tough in a blue state like wisconsin. There were some republicans that wanted us to grab the money but we turned it down because we knew how difficult it would be to repeal. Families in charge of their healthcare coverage. Other states were expanding to it and adding underneath it. We showed we could get results. I am proud to say the state of wisconsin for the first time in our history, everyone living in poverty is covered under medicaid. We took everyone above poverty and transitioned it to the marketplace. It still protects taxpayers. Even the Nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation looked at what we did and said wisconsin was the only state out of all of the states that did not take the Medicaid Expansion, the only state that did not have a coverage gap. In other words, we got results while still staying true to our common sense conservative principles. If innovative reforms like that can work in a blue state like wisconsin, there is no doubt they can work for america. There is no doubt Going Forward they can work for america. I am willing to stand up against anyone, including members of my own party, to get the job done. We are not intimidated. [applause] gov. Walker the reason i say this is because talk is cheap in the world of politics. In our case, we fought, we won, we got results, we did all of that in a state that hasnt gone republican for president since 1984. We were not intimidated, we did what was right for the people of our state. The people paying the tax bills Going Forward. Now we have a plan for america that i want to share with you. It is simple. It starts with a premise that on my first day as president , i will send legislation to the congress to once and for all repeal obamacare entirely. [applause] gov. Walker along with that we will replace it in a way that puts patients and families, your families, back in charge of your Health Care Decisions. We call it the day one patient freedom plan. As i mentioned, the first part is repealing obamacare entirely. Some ask how you will do that. You have a congress out there, it is simple. We make sure this happens. We have to repeal obamacare entirely, lock, stock, and barrel. We have to repeal every part of it, including the parts nancy pelosi did not bother to read. I talked to reformers like paul ryan and tom price and others out there. They are ready to work with us to pass reforms as soon as possible. We need to have an incentive out there to do that, the great way to motivate the congress to pass the reforms we are talking about is to make sure they have to live under the same obamacare rules the rest of america has been put under. [applause] gov. Walker on my first day, i will issue an executive order that will pull back on the special deal that president obama provided for congress. They pulled out of this like they often exempt themselves from other things when it comes to other laws. We will do an executive order that removes the deal that president obama put in place and make them live under the same conditions. Once they are susceptible to the obamacare premium increases that Many Americans have been under, i have an idea that will light a fire under congress to get things moving. A lot of candidates talk about repealing obamacare and we have a plan to make sure Congress Acts on reforms right away because they will have to live under the same rules that everyone else does. [applause] gov. Walker the next part is once we get established that we will repeal obamacare, the next screen i will show you is about ensuring affordability and accessibility for everyone when it comes to Health Insurance. We want affordable and Accessible Health Care Insurance for everyone. We will have lower premiums. Once you repeal obamacare and get rid of those regulations, that is part of the plan, once you encourage more competition when it comes to insurers and health care providers, you will see premiums go down for everyone. Including for people who get it from places like this. We will see a reduction of premiums, which is good for everyone. Second, for those out there who may not get it from their employer, we will have an option there as well. We provide a tax that it that is not tied into age so it applies across the board so as people we have a great tax credit up there that will help people no matter whether it is someone who is working parttime and going to school or maybe somebody else who decided they wanted to start a new business. They are looking for a way to buy Health Insurance. This gives them an affordable way to get Affordable Health care. We apply for everyone out there. You all know this we provide, in addition, 1000 in a refundable tax credit to put into hsas. On the Health Saving accounts. We lift the limits. We are raising the limits in terms of contribution limits for both individuals and families. We will allow you to pass it on to your children and other family members. We want you to be able to control more of your own money. You will do more to manage your health care and your health. If you actually have control over those dollars. It is putting freedom back in the hands of patients and families to make decisions about your health care and money. You are also seeing besides the credits and incentives, we will allow people to buy Health Insurance anywhere, in any state. In the past, you have been restricted over state lines. Wherever you think is the best spot, you can buy it outside of your employer, we will allow you to buy it anywhere in any state. We will make sure, this is important, while we are repealing obamacare, we want to make sure one concern that i have heard, we will make sure people with preexisting conditions, you will not get bumped off your coverage. You will not have to face huge increases just because of preexisting conditions or because you get sick. That is the first phase. Ensure affordable and Accessible Health Care Insurance options for everyone. The next thing is make health care more efficient and effective and accountable by empowering the states. One part of that is the ability to oversee Health Care Insurance back to the state. [applause] gov. Walker thats one of those where the speaker and i know this but i know across the country, it is more effective and efficient and more accountable when you send power out of washington to the state level. That is what we do with this plan. In terms of overseeing health care in our states, have it done at the state level. On top of that, we want to reform medicaid. That means fixing it and sending it back to the states. I have seen for years we have tried different ways of doing that. One of the things i am proud of is even under obamacare, we were able to find a way to make sure every person living in poverty for the first time in my States History was covered. We did it without taking the socalled free federal money. There is no such thing as free federal money. Were the ones that pay for it out there. We need to put those abilities at the state level. It is much more effective. If you want to make sure that truly needy people get the care they need, you need to send the power back to the state where it can be more innovative and more likely to get the job done. They are caring for the people right here in minnesota, wisconsin, iowa. Part of this is just taking power from washington and sending it back to the states. The next thing is improving and increasing the quality and choice through innovation. We allow people, consumers, to go out and pool together and Purchase Health care. It could be a group of farmers or Small Business owners. We want another option from the choices we have right now. We allow people to pool resources and go out there and purchase Health Insurance together. It is about giving people more freedom. We also put in place incentives for wellness. There are a lot of great employers working with employees on Wellness Programs that increase health. That is beyond just talking about health care cost. It is improving health. You deal with chronic diseases and things of that nature, that helps Lower Health Care cost as opposed to alternatives. Under obamacare, it leads to rationing. We want people to lead happier and healthier lives. This allows employers to participate in Wellness Programs. We also put in place reforms for longterm care services. Reform the process for longterm care. That is important for those of us in the middle class. Theres a lot of concern about Financial Stability. When you think about longterm care needs for your family. We put in place changes so you have more stability and confidence, not just for yourself, but for those in your family. We allow for more options out there. So that you can provide longterm care in peoples homes, not just having to go to certain places. More abilities to provide longterm care. That is something we have heard time and time again. Finally, we want to make sure we provide an incentive for states to pursue lawsuit reform as it applies to medical procedure. I Want Health Care professionals to go forward with procedures and tests and decisions that are based on medically necessary decisions, not based on trying to avoid the adverse effect of frivolous lawsuits. We are going to let the doctors and nurses and Health Care Professionals make decisions based on the medical needs, not just in trying to avoid frivolous lawsuits by practicing defensive medicine. These are things that will help lower costs and increase choices and push innovation. A lot of people say this all comes together but how will you pay for it and how does it apply to obamacare . For us, it is important to have Financial Stability for ourselves and families, but also for taxpayers. Our plan is for longterm care, giving people more options whether you get it through employers. Those without employerbased health care to increase tax credits and allowing families to get it at a reasonable rate. Whether it is looking at putting more money into account. All of those things about putting more money and your pocket and giving you more control over your money. This is good for families and patients and your Financial Stability. For all of us, it is good for taxpayers. We are not sustainable under obamacare. I am proud to say that by repealing obamacare entirely, we are getting rid of the spending and taxes. Which means this ends up being a tax cut to about a trillion dollars. We get rid of the taxes and spending. The trillion dollars invested in obamacare. We give that back to the American People. We provide more relief on top of that with the hsa. We put more money back in the American Peoples hands. I think it is probably one of the biggest tax relief plans we have had with Economic Development and tax relief plans in the past 40 some years. Thatll have a important impact on the nations economy. It is important as we think about obamacare, you think about candidates talking about obamacare and what they will do to repeal it. We are one of the few candidates that has laid a plan out, not just for how to repeal it but what to do in its place, but we lay out when you talk about this, you want to make sure to understand the nation is undergoing a critical financial crisis when it comes to our debt and deficit problems. None of these plans will add to that. In this case, our plan is cost neutral. We pay for this and the credits of the other components. By reforming the process by which the tax treats some of the goldplated Health Care Plans and by reforming and fixing medicaid by sending it back to the states where it is more efficient and more accountable to the American People and to people served by these programs at the state and local level. That is really important because we want to repeal obamacare and want patients and families back in charge of Health Care Decisions. We want to do it in a way that doesnt break the bank. This is cost neutral. Going forward, we found an effective way to do that that doesnt add to the deficit problems, provides massive tax relief and puts all of you and the rest of the people across america in charge of their Health Care Decisions. This is the layout. We think it is a great plan. It is a great way to repeal obamacare and not just talk about it. For a lot of folks, it is a good punchline in your speeches. We actually now have a plan to give the American People that shows exactly how we will repeal obamacare. Not just saying it, but by putting in place executive action that will force congress to live under the same rules everybody else has to live under. We think that is the light, the fire under congress to make them act immediately. There are great reformers that want to. There are others that might not want to. We are prepared to take anyone on to get the job done. That is what the American People want. They want you to deliver on those promises. [applause] one of the things that makes us unique we dont just talk about things. We fight, we win, we get results and we do it without compromising our conservative principles. I think now more than ever, that is what people want. Think about the contrast. We know we have a plan on the table to get obamacare repealed. A plan to get patients and families back in charge. To give you the freedom to make those decisions. We also have a great contrast with Hillary Clinton. Think about this as bad as things have been under obamacare, they would only get worse under Hillary Clinton. Think about all the problems we have had with obamacare but they came long after Hillary Clinton but this idea out. In the late 1990s, there was hillary care. Back in the early 1990s, there was hillary care. Even in 2008 in the democrat primary, Hillary Clinton laid out a plan that included the federal mandate and many provisions that are now in obamacare. We were told under obamacare that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. That was the light of the year nationally. Think about all the people that have been dumped off their Health Care Insurance by their employer by the pressures of obamacare. Think about how many premiums have gone through the roof. Some of the folks here have lost coverage and seen premiums go up. A lot of people were told this is not a tax, but we see this for individuals and employers. Think about all the things that have been problematic about obamacare. They only get worse under Hillary Clinton. She has a much bigger golden what we see in obamacare. Voters across the country have a clear choice november. Next november. I want to be the candidate that says here is how we will repeal obamacare. It is not about more government. It is about putting freedom into your hands and the hands of the American People. In the hands of you and your family Going Forward. This is what it is all about. It is all about freedom. If you want a candidate who will do something about obamacare, will actually get congress to repeal it, get congress to pass reforms, put reforms in place that puts you back in charge of your Health Care Decisions, that lets you control your money and freedom Going Forward, im your candidate. Four years ago, like we saw a little bit in iowa, we took on over 100,000 protesters. We took on the Big Government union bosses. We took on the liberal special interests in washington whos been all sorts of money and resources to take us out. Yes, we even took on someone in our own party early on to say the voters in my state back in 2010 sent a clear message. They were willing to make a change because they wanted big, bold reforms and they wanted results and that is what we gave them. If you give me a chance as president , we will not just talk about things we fight, we win, we get results and we dont compromise our conservative principles. That is the difference in this race. I appreciate you coming out and listening to me today. As i mentioned in the beginning, there are a lot of people across america who are just as frustrated, just as angry with washington and even some of the Republican Leaders as i am. If it was just about anger, people would have checked out. They what have become cynical. What gives me hope is i have not given up on america and i dont think you have either. That is why you are here interested. And interested. You want people in washington who actually listen to you, do the sorts of things you would do if you were in washington. I may not be the flashiest. I may not have the pizzazz. But i hope you see across america, i think like you think. My family lives like your family does. Dowant the same things you and we will not back down. We havent tested in a way that no other candidate has been tested. When we talk about what we are going to do to repeal obamacare, we have a plan to make it happen. We will not back down. We will stand up for the American People and do what is right and just. We will do what is right for you and your family. With that, lets take some questions. [applause] [indiscernible] i would say one thing do you think underwriting needs to be brought into the Health Insurance market . I would encourage you to look at a model. We did allow people with uninsurable conditions to get Health Insurance. The model needs to be tweaked. But when you give all preexisting conditions coverage with no underwriting, the worst coverage with benefits breaks the plan. I would encourage you to research that. I think minnesotas model did well. Gov. Walker that is a great point. We have a Similar Program in wisconsin. Unfortunately in obamacare, it forces out of that. This plan would allow things like that to happen Going Forward. To go back. We have some friends of ours who are Small Business owners who are getting their Health Insurance who then under obamacare were making too much, not a lot, but too much to qualify for the assistance. Under our plan, because it is not incomebased, it is based on age, they would qualify for the credit and would use it for a plan just like that. That is exactly the sort of things we envisioned with this plan. I like your ideas. Relatedquestion i have to the preexisting conditions you mentioned the high risk pool. Can you explain how that would work . Gov. Walker the federal government we would empower it in terms of oversight. It would be in the state level as opposed to the federal level. States could see Health Insurance in general, but it would allow states to do some of the programs we have done in the past. This empowers them. In other states, we were not allowed to do that. We had to change out of that because of obamacare. This restores that freedom. Atone of the areas we see official increases is the pharmaceutical side. What do you see that we can do to change the way is there a happy medium that could still encourage innovation and at the same time cut back on some of the crazy costs for new drugs. Gov. Walker i think when you see the marketplace now being more active in a competitive ense, that would play a key role in encouraging lowercost because people what have a greater hand. The more people have the ability to watch where their health spent,ollars are they will hold those entities accountable. Most of us probably know more about our cell phone plans then are Health Care Plans. It is very attentive to people managing to how they are doing it. I think that would open the door. A little tweak in terms of putting incentives in for states to do will al lawsuit reforms. It will offset frivolous lawsuits. This would encourage states to put in place reasonable reforms but also help with the costs. Thank you for coming to minnesota. My question is more on salesmanship of your plan. I lived in england, so i know what it does to a country with government run health care. How do you sell your plan so you are not just a big bad republican taking away Peoples Insurance under obamacare . Gov. Walker the one thing that has interest over the last few years i came out against this when iran in 2010. Ran in 2010. After i took my oath, i turned to the attorney general of wisconsin to give them authorization to join the lawsuit against obamacare. I did not do the Medicaid Expansion under obamacare. I was up front. Early on, i think some people were concerned about it. Over time here and some examples we gave, people are increasingly frustrated. There is an overwhelming sense of obamacare was not what was promised. If it had done everything, i would still have concerns, but it would be a harder battle. When the American People were told things like if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor and that ended up being not just me saying it, but politifax saying it was the light of the year when people are told all these promises. For young people, i think there is Something Like a 19 increase in premium costs for younger people, younger employees in the state of minnesota just under the obamacare state exchange. The more people have seen, looked into this, the more i think americans are saying obamacare has not lived up to its expectations. That it is not enough to say you are against obamacare. You have to show what you are for and why it is better. It cares for people with preexisting conditions. It helps people that dont get insurance from their employer. It allows for farmers and Small Business groups to pool together. It provides for all these rate options, but it does not dictated through the government. I think in general, not just when it comes with a Health Care Plan but overall, the contrast between me and Hillary Clinton is simple. Hillary clinton is in a topdown approach of government. That is what we get out of washington. It may be worst in what we have over president obama. In contrast, i believe you grow the economy from the ground up. It is new and fresh and organic. As long as you dont hurt the health and safety of your neighbor, go out and start your own career, build your own life, do whatever you want. That is freedom. I think most Americans Still fundamentally believe in that essence of freedom. They want a more free country and they want leaders to recognize that sense that it is all about personal freedom. Do we want to help our neighbor that is in trouble . Absolutely. This does. This says if you are down and out, we still provide help for those that are needy. We empower the states that are much better at doing it. We say to folks who may be in position we just started a company, left the company and started on the wrong, took that risk this gives you a tax credit that will help you with that, but we will let you choose what you take those dollars. We will let you take that money and eventually we will allow you to pass it down to your children and family members because it is all about freedom. That is why we call it the patient freedom plan. It is about giving you back to freedom that was endowed in the first place by god. It is something that has been laid out in the constitution, but all too often, the federal government has taken away. Obamacare has failed america overall. It has failed individual after individual. There are some points of successes, but we can point to a better alternative. This is not about federal government. It is about giving you your money and your power back to control your own life. Sir . Governor, under obamacare, we have seen a lot of oppression of religious freedom. We have seen hobby lobby go to the supreme court. The Little Sisters of the poor all these lawsuits. Individuals, companies. What does this plan due to hopefully eliminate that . Gov. Walker it puts the power back in your hands to make Health Care Decisions about you and your family. It is something where it gets the government mandate out. S out. It says here is where you can spend your money. You can spend it for somebody that is not a getting Health Insurance from their employer. It eliminates all the mandates from obamacare. It is ultimately about freedom. In the larger sense, i believe the constitution of the United States protects our religious freedoms. I dont believe we have freedom from religion. Whether you are christian, jewish or hindu, that is incredibly important for us to protect. That is why our founders were so focused on making sure religious freedoms were a part of that because they were oppressed. That is important far beyond this plan. It is the make sure the next president recognizes that and has an administration and a cabinet that defends that right. [applause] i appreciate that. Gov. Walker tomorrow in new hampshire, i will be out doing town hall meetings. I hope you can share the word because people always say how do you win campaigns . It is the message, manpower and money. What is most important is having a message. The manpower is men and women at the grassroots level, sharing the message. If nothing else, you can be an echo chamber to pass the words onto others about what we talked about today. We will have different issues talked about along the way. We want to show people if you want to get things done, you have to have a plan. We had a plan when we came in. We started working on the plan before the election. We were working on it specifically between the election and when i took the oath of office. That is why we acted on things so quickly across the river over in wisconsin. We had a plan and ready to go. We were not just talking campaign promises. We knew in a blue state like mine, if i did not do what i said i was going to do, the voters had every right to throw me out. Yearsthree times in four with independents and maybe a few discerning democrats, because in the end, what i think americans want more than ever, they want people that will stand up and boldly tell them what they will do during their campaign. And then they want the confidence that that candidate will actually follow through on those promises once they are in office. You may look at my record and you may say i like some things and not others. Hopefully, you like more than not. You may like it all. The one thing i hope people see even for those that dont approve of everything ive ever done, the one thing you will not doubt is i will do what i said it will do. My interest have always been pure. The reason i decided to run for governor was not because we were mad and upset that our state was heading to the wrong direction. We were upset because we have two boys growing up. Im glad that is the reason why we ran. When we had the death threats, the protesters, the recall we were targeted as the number one target in america by these liberal groups it was worth it, because it was about making sure that for matt and alex and the other sons and daughters, all those that are yet to be born, that they will grow up in a state that is greater than the one we grew up in. Now to me more than ever in this country and people ask why you are doing this, why are you doing all this hassle it is for matt and alex and each of your sons and daughters, nieces and nephews. It is worth it not just a run, but to see those promises fall through to action. That is why i think we need someone from outside of washington. A new face. Someone that is proven they can actually do what they said they are going to do. That is exactly what you will get from me if you elect me as your next president. I ask for your vote, your support and most of all, your praise. Thank you so much. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] walker up scott wisconsin unveiling his Health Care Plan earlier today. Heres a headline walker shakes the gop field with plan to replace obamacare. The article says scott walker is jumpstarting a debate on obama care with the hope of getting in front of his gop rivals on one of the partys toughest top next. He became the leading candidate to put forward a detailed replacement plan for the reform put a move that will pressure on his rivals to release their own plans. Is the only other candidate with a

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