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Rex tillerson talked reporters in qatar. Lavrov speaksey to the nonproliferation conference and another chance to with sherman gillams. Announcer on wednesday, british Prime Minister theresa may talked about Social Security and Welfare Program known as the universal credit. This is about 45 minutes. Want to welcome my dutch cousin, thank you for being here. Questions to the Prime Minister. Mister mcveigh. Question number one. The Prime Minister. Mister speaker, i am sure members across the house will wish to join me in marking antislavery day. I am determined to bring it to an end. I have meetings with ministerial colleagues in addition, i will have further meetings later today. Can the Prime Minister reaffirm her governments commitment to the Northern Powerhouse . Could she set out specific schemes . The honorable lady has never been silenced and as far as i am concerned she never will be. The importance of the north will be heard. And could the Prime Minister set out the schemes to prioritize, would she agree with the in tune with the leader of the oppositions Political Correctness and marxism, north korea . We have a lot of questions to get to and i went to hear youve got to contain yourself, we have 32 questions Prime Minister. My right honorable friend referred to the voice of the north being heard and it has been heard by the conservative government. That is why it is a conservative government that remains committed to the Northern Powerhouse and conservative government putting in the investment in skills and infrastructure into the Northern Powerhouse and backing this across the north as i saw in the northwest, 60 Million Pounds for the north looking at the Northern Powerhouse rail putting that part of 13 million Infrastructure Investment going in. They recognize the importance for everyone across the whole country. Jeremy corbin. Thank you, mister speaker, i joined the Prime Minister and recognizing antislavery day recognizing safe trade is one of the most grotesque kinds and we must be resolved to drive out slavery in any form whatsoever. I hope the Prime Minister will join me, the solidarity of support for the people of somalia, horrific terrorist atrocity last weekend. I welcome todays fall in unemployment. But, mister speaker, but, mister speaker, the same figures show that real wages are lower today than they were ten years ago, most people in work are worse off. Does the Prime Minister really believe falling wages are a sign of a Strong Economy . Can i join the right honorable gentlemen expressing our concern at the terrible terrorist attacks that took place the killed 300 people and many hundreds were injured. Terrorism in somalia understands the stability of africa and we will work with the International Community to bring stability to somalia and that part of africa and part of that is dealing with terrorist threat they face. The right honorable gentlemen, i think, may be first in the house of commons today. It is the First Time Since i became Prime Minister the was welcomed unemployment. It is good news that more people are in work. It is good news the Unemployment Rate is at its lowest level in 40 years. That does mean more money being taken in wages by people to their families and asked about the cost of living and i tell you what he has done in relation to costofliving, 30 Million People have been given a tax cut worth of thousand pounds every year. We have given the low pay for the National Living wage the highest pay in 20 years and for those who take full entitlement, it is worth 5000 pounds per child per year to every family. That is what we are doing to help with costofliving. Mister speaker, i wonder if the Prime Minister could answer a question. A question i asked was about falling wages and this week, mister speaker, christine, a worker in a village shop, wrote to me saying i am worse off. I cannot afford to my car which i struggled to buy, on the road. I need my car to attend appointments, job hunt for a better position and take my son to activities. We dont have a luxurious lifestyle and dont want one, we just want to feel secure. When millions of workers are having to rely on the benefits system just to make ends meat, isnt that a sign not of a Strong Economy but a weak economy . I recognize people in this country find it difficult, i recognize that. That is why, that is why, that is why it is so important for the government to take steps to help people with the costofliving with costs they find themselves facing week in and week out. Why the measures i just listed for the right honorable gentlemen in taxcut and natural living wage, it is important for frozen fuel duty, we have insured some people with lowest pay, paying income tax altogether. We are going to introduce an energy price tax, all about helping people. It is all about helping people with the costofliving but you can only do that if you have a Strong Economy and you only get a Strong Economy with a conservative government. Jeremy corbin. People struggling to make ends meat, privatesector rental evictions up, wages down, universal credit in shambles. Is christine wrong or is she just an example what it is like living in modern britain . Mister speaker, last week i asked the Prime Minister to scrap the unfair charges on the universal credit helpline. Today she finally bowed to that pressure. But the fundamental problems of universal credit remain. The 6week ways, rising indebtedness, rent arrears and evictions. Will the Prime Minister pause universal credit and fix the problem before pressing ahead with the rollout . It is absolutely right. [cheers] she is an aspiring states woman, conduct yourself with due decorum. Calm. Again, maybe the honorable lady should take it up, the Prime Minister. I suggest listen to the whole sentence. We are going to change in relation to the telephone charge. This is i said last week, we were listening to a number of folks to be made. It was right to have done this now because theres a lot of evidence, i want people to know they can get their advice without being worried about it. The gentleman talk about universal credit. Why have we introduced universal credit . It is a simpler system that encourages people to get into the workplace. It is a system that is working, people getting into work and causing universal credit wont tell those people helped by growing to universal credit, getting into the workplace and bringing home more pay for their families. There is a long list of people urging the Prime Minister to pause universal credit including citizens advice bureau, the trust, john major and 2 dozen of her own back centuries. They can vote to pause universal credit. Public sector pay cut is causing real suffering and staff shortages. Last week secretary announced the nhs packet was scrapped but when asked if the nhs is going to get extra money to fund any agreed payraise he replied that is something i cant answer right now. This is right now. The Prime Minister is here right now. How about an answer right now . As i say to the right honorable gentlemen and the house in the past the way in which we vote the whole question of Public Sector pay is through the workers pay review bodies, they reported for this current year. They did that against what was set by government, the blanket of 1 in relation to Public Sector pay, for the 201819 year we have changed. What we have done is to ensure the respectability in the system for that period but perhaps i could explain Something Else to the right honorable gentlemen. All his years in parliament, theres one thing he failed to recognize. Government has no money of its own. Government gets money. [shouting] order you are becoming over excitable again, younger man, calm yourself, no need for excessive gesticulations. The Prime Ministers reply will be heard however long it takes. Government has no many of its own. It collects money in taxes from businesses and people to pay to spend on the nhs and the Services People need. If businesses arent growing, if people arent in where government doesnt have the money to spend on schools and hospitals and of course the only way you ensure those businesses are growing and those people are in jobs, the government has the money to spend on schools and hospitals and nhs pay, when a conservative government jeremy corbin. The primus has no problem finding 1 billion pounds, she needs to make it clear, mister speaker to the nhs workers what payraise is being offered, when they will receive it and what funding is being provided and what cuts she is proposing to make elsewhere in order to deal with that. Mister speaker, young people are in record levels of debt. This Week Financial Conduct Authority warned of, quote, a pronounced buildup of indebtedness among the Younger Age Group to fund essential living costs. Is in this yet another sign, not a Strong Economy but a weak economy . Prime minister. I have to say to the right honorable gentlemen, the deficit the labor government left us was unsustainable. Since then. [shouting] since then, we have indeed found money for the people of Northern Ireland. We also found as i was explaining earlier 20 billion pounds to give a taxcut of 30 Million People and 38 billion pounds, about helping ordinary working people. When it comes to students and young people, one we know is we shouldnt be racking up debt today like labor proposed but they have to pay off tomorrow. Jeremy corbin. Interesting she talks about what happened ten years ago. Her former friend George Osborne said earlier this week did gordon brown caused the subprime crisis in america . No. He went on to say broadly speaking the government did what was necessary in a very difficult situation. [shouting] under this Prime Minister, we have a weak economy. Uk growth is the worst among the 10 largest eu economies. We are the only major economy where wages are lower today than they were 10 years ago. Even without risks posed by this government on gold brexit negotiations. The home secretary keeps the two protagonist apart. We now have week growth, falling productivity, falling investment, falling wages. How does the Prime Minister have the nerve to come here and talk about a Strong Economy when figures show the exact opposite . I have to say to the right honorable gentlemen, the lapd says about the United Kingdom we have the most Efficient Health care system, fiscal sustainability has improved, steps have been taken to improve educational outcomes and jobs and earnings are good. That is what the oecd says about the Strong Economy of the conservative government. The way to get a weak economy is to borrow 500 billion pounds by the labour party, the way to get a weak economy is to ensure that you are promising spending after spending after spending, and people have to pay for that. The only way to get money for public services, the only way we can get tax cuts for the cost of living, get our debt down and deal with labors position the first way. Thank you, mister speaker, following the flaccid response, welcome announcement, help charges, to work hard and get on it. All welfare claims will be completely free to all claimants. It is useful to do that, the secretary announced we make the decision to change universal credit help line to a free phone number and tell my honorable friend by the end of the year, extending three phone numbers to all their phone lines, welcomed and helpful to all of those. Thank you, mister speaker. Will the Prime Minister what was unable to do in the chamber yesterday and rule out a no deal scenario and leaving the eu . What we are doing is working for the best possible deal the United Kingdom, but it would be irresponsible of government to not prepare for all possible scenarios. Can i point out what the secretary said yesterday, a no deal is unthinkable. I agree with the secretary. Brexit has contributed to a rise in inflation squeezing household budgets. Getting further in britain today. To the northeast of england, with the governmentfunded the analysis. Mister speaker, the commodity. Order order the speaker is gesticulating rather noisily. He should calm himself. Lets hear mister blackburn. Engaging the people in this country are going to pay and economic price. Mister speaker. The analysis from the government points out people in the northeast of england suffer from a hard brexit. What is the analysis . Order. When i say to the honorable gentlemen i know what i am doing, trying to help the honorable gentlemen but he must help himself. I honorable gentlemen has completed his question. No . A last sentence and it had better be very brief. What is the governments analysis of the impact of brexit on a no deal scenario . Can i say to the right honorable gentlemen, he once again stand up and talks about the scottish economy making reference to scotland, sorry that in his rather lengthy question he did not make any reference to the fact since 2010 a quarter of 1 million more people in scotland are in work as a result of the actions of the government. Now we hear backbenchers, the backbenchers must be heard. The Prime Minister pointed out in answer to the first question a powerhouse initiative has done a great deal to help the economy in northern areas, coastal communities are in need of further investment and support, we established a project toward private sector which includes expertise of members including a former chancellor and former head of the civil service. Good the Prime Minister give support to the initiative for a deal for all these things that might provide a model for other areas. I am grateful to my honorable friend for raising this. There are issues regeneration plans by the project board and i welcome a strong private publicsector approach and partnership being put forward and my honorable friend is playing an active role, with meetings from the Community Secretary and my honorable friend the powerhouse minister and encourage the board continue engagement with officials about details of the plan. At the general election both parties committed to an energy price. The government has published the bill for which i believe there is strong cross party support. Will the 14 million customers see the Energy Prices come down this winter and if not when will the Prime Minister get on to the legislation to ensure this is the last where customers can be ripped off . I welcome the fact the honorable lady says she and others will support the legislation. It is important we take action with Energy Prices, draft legislation for millions of households for customers and initially 2020, we will be able to extend on an annual basis, we sent an Important Message to the industry. I hope they make changes even before we get the legislation. The Prime Minister, expressing in the house yesterday including by ministers the implication for systems principle in hong kong as recent refusal of the authorities to disallow ben rogers, will the Prime Minister confirmed the government will work with the hong kong and the chinese authorities to ensure the democratic freedoms in the one country two systems principle our honored and preserved. My honorable friend is right the we want to ensure that principle of one country and two systems continues to operate on the specific issue she has raised, my right honorable friend informs me the Foreign Office has raised this issue in hong kong and continue to do so. I refer to registers of interest, people in my constituency devastated by an accident of job losses this week, clarity on a trading relationship with the eu was needed before the country could be in a position to consider future investments. Plenty to say to each other about brexit, but what about the 400 workers in the runup to christmas. We never went to see people in the position of losing their jobs and support people who do lose their Jobs Available to them through the gwb to get back into the labor market and back into work. We are in the process of a negotiation on brexit. We will need the European Union in march 2019 and we are negotiating the best deal for the United Kingdom. We indicated we want implementation period after that deal has been negotiated to make sure businesses can have certainty about the rules they operate in the future but one thing is certain, we will leave the eu in march 2019. It is in the statute books which is a good piece of legislation. Could the Prime Minister confirmed the Community House Homebuilding Fund for Group Housing project is still available, does she agree writing service plots of land at scale is a good way to fix the broken Housing Market . He has campaigned on this particular area and a great deal of expertise in it and is right, if we are going to fix our broken Housing Market we need to build more homes and housing white paper they make more land available, to give the tools they need, a roundtable with House Builders and others looking at how we can ensure we unlock the potential of the Housing Market and im sure my right honorable friend the Community Secretary will discuss specific issues he raised with him. You said universal credit is working. I wonder what you would say to my constituents, who claimed universal credit for a short time over two years ago and been working ever since despite spending hours on the phone line, fred was not told why he was being charged, and over £100 a month was taken out of his wages, meaning he incurred bank charges. Will you take personal responsibility so that no more claimants suffer injustice and debt, as fred has . I will take no responsibility for those matters myself, and the honorable lady will be advised on the protocol, but the Prime Minister may wish to respond. Prime minister may as i have indicated changes have been made , to the phone line. But i repeat to the honorable lady, universal evidence shows that on universal credit, more people are getting into the workplace than on jobseekers allowance. Universal credit is about helping people get into the workplace and about and sure and ensuring that, as they earn more, they keep more of what they earn. That is exactly what universal credit does. Is my right honorable friend aware of the wonderful work at twycross zoo in my constituency, Breeding Endangered Species . But is she also aware of the critical problem of the demise of african elephants who are being slaughtered at the rate of 20,000 a year . What will she do about banning ivory sales in london . Prime minister may yes my , honorable friend raises an important point, and i commend those in his constituency who are doing this valuable work. We did earlier this month set out proposals for a ban on ivory sales that we believe will help bring an end to poaching elephants. That would put the u. K. Front and center of global efforts to end the global trade in ivory. I am sure that members across the house are concerned about this particular issue. And ivory should not be seen as a commodity for financial gain or a status symbol. What we are proposing to do i think will make a real difference. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Universal credit is not just a benefit for job seekers. It is for people in work to subsidise their low pay, for and forts carers those who cannot work. My constituents have endured the brunt of austerity for many years. Now the department for work and pensions proposes to roll out the universal Credit System in my constituency over christmas the toughest financial time for people. My question of the the Prime Minister is this, is the rollout a matter of gross incompetence or calculated cruelty . Speaker bercow Prime Minister. Prime minister may the prime the dwp has been rolling out universal credit. As it has done so, it has listened to the concerns that have been raised. I am pleased to say that we are seeing a much better performance from the dwp. It looks like the honorable lady is shaking her head. The figures show the figures , show that the performance in getting payments to people on time has improved substantially. More people are getting advance payments. And we want to ensure that all those who need advance payments are indeed able to get those payments. But the fundamental reason for moving to universal credit a simpler system, a more straightforward system she may not want to listen, but there is a reason for universal credit. There is a reason for universal credit. Speaker bercow order. Colleagues know that i am determined to get through the list to help back benchers, but when questions are asked, the answers must be heard. And today is exceptionally noisy, and we are not setting a very good example to our dutch friends. I am sure that they do it much better. [laughter] speaker bercow now the questions, and the Prime Ministers answers will be heard. The Prime Minister. Prime minister may i just simply highlight, would say to the honorable lady that the purpose of universal credit is to have a more straightforward, simpler system that helps people to keep more as they earn more and encourages more people into work. And that is what it is doing. Speaker bercow victoria prentice. Mr. Speaker, it is great to have the Prime Minister back in her usual fine voice. Will she join me in encouraging members of the houses who have demonstrated what good voices they have in encouraging them to hold events in their constituencies for singing for syrians in their own constituency . The situation on the ground in syria gets ever more desperate, and i am sorry to say that the hands of foundation, who do great work, have an ever increasing list of prosthetic limbs that are needed. Speaker bercow the Prime Minister. Prime minister may can i first say to my right honorable friend i think we all recognise the desperate situation in syria, and that is why we continue to be proud of the record we have as a country of giving humanitarian aid to syria and to refugees from syria, £2. 46 billion has been committed since 2012, which is our largest ever response to a humanitarian crisis. But i am very happy to join my right honorable friend in encouraging members of this house to support the singing for syrians initiative and various events throughout the country. This is another Important Initiative focused, as our humanitarian aid is on helping , those people who are in a desperate situation in syria. Speaker bercow Lillian Greene was. Greenwood. Notts fire Service Tells Us that sprinklers save lives. Nottingham city Council Plans to retrofit sprinklers in all its high rise blocks, but the government will not provide a penny to support it. After grenfell, the Prime Minister, promised we cannot and will not ask people to live in unsafe homes. Of how safe would she feel living on the 20th floor of pine view or Southchurch Court in my constituency with one staircase and no sprinklers . Speaker bercow Prime Minister. Prime minister may to the honorable lady, much has been said in this house since grenfell, much has been said in this house about sprinklers. There are a number of aspects that have to be looked at in relation to the safety of tower blocks. And it is not the case that sprinklers are the only issue that needs to be looked at or can be addressed. Nor is it the only solution to ensuring the safety of those tower blocks. In relation to the expenditure by her local council, it is of course up to the council to make decisions about what it wishes to do. We see we have been very clear , that discussions have taken dclg with the d. C. Lg and local authorities. The Mental Health of our servicemen, servicewomen and their families is rightly gaining the attention it deserves. Will the Prime Minister join me in welcoming the initiative between the Royal Foundation and the ministry of defense to ensure targeted support across the whole Armed Forces Family . Speaker bercow Prime Minister. Prime minister may i am very very happy to welcome the , initiative that my honorable friend as referred to. We know we need to address Mental Health more carefully and with greater attention across the public in general, but the issue is about Mental Health concerns for those in the armed , forces and those who have left the armed forces, is a very real challenge that we need to face, because they have put themselves on the line for us and we owe it to them. Speaker bercow dr. Alan whitehead. A major southampton Housing Association tells me that 65 of its tenants who are on universal credit and now in major rent areas averaging £700, hampering the associations ability to get on with building new houses. What message does the Prime Minister got for my local Housing Association . Is it just tough, get on with it, or has she got something more positive to say . Speaker bercow the Prime Minister. Prime minister may to the honorable gentleman we are , indeed giving support to Housing Associations to build more homes. That is why in the a couple of weeks ago, we announced that an extra £2 billion will be going to Housing Associations to enable them to do exactly that. Speaker bercow david amess. Does my right honorable friend agree that with the death of sir teddy taylor the country has lost an outstanding parliamentarian, a great constituency member of parliament, and a true patriot . Would my right honorable friend further agree with me that if sir teddy were alive today, he would be delighted to learn that the outgoing labor mayor of southend, plus three unaligned councillors, have all joined the conservative party . Speaker bercow Prime Minister. Iime minister may can i, can , can i first of all joined my honorable friend in recognizing the great contribution sir teddy taylor made in his time in this house, standing as a member of parliament for different seats, but of course including the southend seat, although i have to say to my honorable friend that one of my abiding memories of sir teddy is the number of times we had to evacuate portcullis house because he had set the fire alarm off by smoking where he was not supposed to in his office. But i am very pleased to welcome the former labor mayor and the unaligned councillors who have now joined the conservative party. We welcome them to the conservative party and look forward to working with them. Speaker bercow julie cooper. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Government failure to fund schools adequately is hurting children in my constituency. In lancashire, lancashire schools will lose £40 million of funding and 828 teachers by 2020. Can the Prime Minister explain to me how this will help raise standards and aspirations . Speaker bercow Prime Minister. Prime minister may i will tell the honorable lady what is helping with standards and aspirations. First of all the record funding that the government are putting into our schools, and secondly, secondly, the reforms to the Education System which mean already that over 150,000 children are at good or outstanding schools in the honorable members area, which is an increase of nearly 40,000 since 2010. More children are in good or outstanding schools that is what this government are providing. Speaker bercow james cleverly. Earlier this year, i opened a stateoftheart manufacturing Training Facility at braintrees further education college. On friday, i opened a new Training Center for css a , familyrun business. Now that unemployment is at a record low and employment at a record high, will the government commit to supporting both public and private sector trainers to increase productivity in the british economy . Prime minister may my honorable friend is absolutely right. Increasing productivity is a key aim of our government. It is very important for the economy of the future. Investing in skills is a key part of that. I am pleased to hear my honorable friend has been so active in opening new facilities in his constituency. The changes we are making our support for fe colleges, the new tlevel, and the emphasis we are putting on Technical Education and the £500 million we are putting into it will all help to increase the skills levels of young people in this country. Speaker bercow joan ryan. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Trust for londons latest property profile shows that levels of homelessness in enfield have risen by 82 in the last two years alone, and that the eviction rate is the highest in the capital. Can the Prime Minister tell me what hope she is going to give to my constituents . They are in work in the private rented sector. What how can she give them for their regional reasonable aspiration for themselves and their children to live in a safe, secure and affordable home . Prime minister may i will tell the honorable lady what hope we are giving to people. It was precisely why i sat with House Builders, Housing Associations and others in number downing street earlier 10 this week to encourage a faster rate of building houses and homes in this country so that more people can reach their aspiration of having a safe and secure home. It is why we are putting £500 million over a period of years into dealing with the issue of homelessness. But it is all very well her standing up here in the house and asking the government what they are doing. We are putting more money into house building. She should be asking the labor mayor of london what he is doing. Speaker bercow lucy fraser. Yesterday, the director general of mi5 said that Internet Companies had an ethical responsibility to deal with the terrorist material online. The Prime Minister has previously indicated that if they do not meet this challenge, she will consider regulation. Can she confirm that if regulations are necessary, they will be robust and enforced . Prime minister may well, i very am happy to give my honorable and learned friend that confirmation, but i also, before we get to that stage, work to be done before we get to that stage. My right honorable friend the home secretary has done important work, for instance, with the Tech Companies, which have come together and formed a global forum looking at how to deal with terrorist material on the internet. It is a real issue that we need to address. I was pleased with president macron and Prime Minister gentiloni at the margins of the u. N. General assembly this year , atold an event which was which there were representatives of more than 70 countries and representatives of all the major Tech Companies. Dealing with exactly this issue. We need to work together, but i want those Tech Companies to recognize their social and moral responsibility to work with us to do something about this. Speaker bercow john mcnally. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Does the Prime Minister notice that i am wearing a red card in my pocket today . She will be aware that the honorable member for moray is not in his place. Indeed, he is in barcelona doing his other job, today of all days. What signal does she think this sends to hardworking members of the public who are expected to turn up for their day jobs or face sanctions . Speaker bercow order. Order. I trust that the honorable gentleman notified the honorable member for moray in advance of his intention to raise this question. He did. I am grateful that confirmation. Prime minister may let me say to the honorable gentleman that i think the constituents of moray will be very pleased that they have a conservative member of parliament who is looking after their interests in the house. And i can say to him, and i can say to the honorable gentleman that the conservatives that the , scottish conservative members are doing more for the interests of scotland in this parliament than the scottish nationalists have ever done. Speaker bercow mr. Spencer, what is the matter with you . My dear fellow. You eat homeproduced food, you are a very respected farmer, and you are normally of a most taciturn disposition. I dont know what has come over you. Perhaps you should go and have a rest later. You must cheer up. Cheer up. Mr. Philip davies. Mr. Speaker, along with the snp, the labour party has said that it will not accept no deal with the European Union in any circumstances at all. That means they will pay whatever final bill the e. U. Demands, and accept any conditions that they insisted upon. Does the Prime Minister agree that nobody with even an ounce of common sense would enter into by an announcement in advance, and does she agree with me that the stance proposed by the labor party and the snp is not a negotiation, but a capitulation . Speaker bercow Prime Minister. Prime minister may my honorable friend has put it very well indeed. We dont enter negotiations taking the stance that the labor party and the snp have taken. Because as my honorable friend says, that their rejection their , rejection of a no deal means that they would accept a deal at any price to the british taxpayer, whatever the damage it would do to our economy, and we will not do that. Speaker bercow david crosby. We are seeing the loss of skilled jobs at British Aerospace in lancashire and more at vauxhall in ellesmere port, redundancies at austin in preston and monarch in manchester. So what has happened to the Northern Powerhouse . Has its battery gone flat . And will the Prime Minister recharge it like she quite rightly did in Northern Ireland . Speaker bercow Prime Minister. Iime minister may as mentioned to my right honorable member the friend for tatton the , government are committed to the Northern Powerhouse, and, indeed, are putting money into it to encourage economic growth, particularly through our investment in infrastructure. There are a number of issues he has raised, as well as the issue raised by one of his honorable friends earlier. We are working throughout this process to do all that we can to protect United Kingdom jobs, as we have done with bae systems, and as we are doing with others. But what matters is ensuring that we have an economy that can see more jobs being created, and 3 million more people are in work today then were in 2010. Respectful and committed family relationships reduce poverty, improve wellbeing, and help the government to live within its means. And are a key part of a country that works for everyone. So will the Prime Minister implement the proposals of the recently published family manifesto . Speaker bercow Prime Minister. Prime minister may i think my mentione friend for his of the issue. We are, of course, looking into what more we can do to ensure that we see those stable families, which lead to the benefits he has said. He has campaigned on this issue since he came to the house, and i welcome the valuable contributions he has made on this issue. Speaker bercow last but never forgotten mr. Dennis skinner. , is the Prime Minister aware that ineos, the fracking company, have been accused of creating a massive deterioration in the water supply, run by severn trent . Will she as Prime Minister investigate this matter, and call on ineos to halt the process while the investigation takes place . Speaker bercow Prime Minister. Thee minister may honorable gentleman has raised an issue which i am sure will be properly looked into, but underlying it is the question of ensuring that we are able to get a secure and safe supply of energy into the future. That is why the fracking is continuing. That is why we are supportive of the shell gas exploration. There are opportunities there for the United Kingdom. But i am sure he has raised that particular issue which will be looked into appropriately. Speaker bercow order. 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