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This is 40 minutes. [applause] [applause] is my pleasure to be able to introduce to you his excellency, the governor of the commonwealth, charles baker. [applause] gov. Baker thank you. [applause] gov. Baker thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you all for being with us tonight. Thank you. It is nice to have you with us. Thank you for being here. Mr. Speaker, madam president. Members of the house and senate. Congressman neal. Thank you for joining us. Fellow constitutional officers, members of the governors counsel, mr. Chief justice, welcome. Members of the judiciary, members of the cabinet in my administration, sheriffs, district attorneys, mayors, local officials, reverend clergy, distinguished guests. Members of my family that are here this evening. [applause] gov. Baker our children, char lie, excuse me, he is the naughty one, aj, caroline, and my wife. And an outstanding and committed first lady. [applause] gov. Baker and my fellow citizens. When we when we began mr. Romney three years ago, we set out to make a State Government that works well for the people who needed them most and we would be as creative, thrifty, and hardworking as the people of massachusetts. While much remains to be done, with your help, we have made great progress toward these objectives. We began with a 1 million structural budget deficit. Today, we have reduced that to less than 100 million without raising taxes. [applause] [laughter] gov. Baker we began with 1500 homeless families stuck in hotels and motels, isolated from their support systems. Today, there are fewer than 60 families. That is a 95 reduction. [applause] gov. Baker we began with the department of children and families in freefall. Today, 99 of its social workers are licensed with the lowest caseloads they have had in years and clinical teams to support their work. We began with a Health Connector that was by all accounts a mess. And today, it just finished his third consecutive positive open enrollment, providing more than 240,000 working families with Affordable Health Care Coverage here in massachusetts. [applause] gov. Baker we began with a State Hospital in bridgewater struckr decades, was with tragedies but nothing was done. Today with the help and support of the legislator and many others, bridgewater State Hospital is a completely different place, and families that never expected anything to get better finally have hope. [applause] gov. Baker we began in the midst of an opioid crisis, and with death overdoses and prescriptions growing by double digits for more than a decade. It was the worst case of negative momentum i have ever seen. Today, with your help and support, we reduced opioid prescribing buy 29 and opioid deaths dropped for the first time in a decade by 10 . [applause] gov. Baker we have made significant progress in many other vital areas that directly influence the quality of life for everyone here in massachusetts. For the first time, we are directing capital grants to vocationaltechnical schools to upgrade equipment and expand popular programs, providing students with realworld experience and employers with job ready employees. And thehips at colleges federal government and materials, advanced manufacturing, robotics and aretal health, they incubating the next generation of commercial clusters. Partnerships with our colleagues in local government and the private sector have translated into billions of dollars of downtown and development projects, greeting thousands of affordable housing. Working with you we have allocated more than 700 million in local road and bridge funding, the largest investment in years and another 3. 6 billion has been spent on resurfacing projects. We have repaired and replaced 80 bridges and paints enough miles of roadway to crisscross the commonwealth five times. [applause] gov. Baker we have also built a commitment to veterans. We enhance the benefit for gold star familys, enacted the home at, created a tax credit for Small Businesses to hire veterans, and created the funding necessary to rebuild the soldier home. Were joined by u. S. Navy veteran tom miller who lives at the soldiers home. God bless you and thank you for joining us. [applause] gov. Baker as you all know, our Public Transportation system collapsed during the brutal winter of 2015. We investingater, hundreds of millions of dollars more to upgrade its core is a structure than it has in years, monetizing its operations and rescuing projects like the green line expansion. After more than three decades of lip service, we are going to make Commuter Rail from fall river in new bedford to boston a reality. [applause] [laughter] gov. Baker we have much more to do, much more. But for the first time, the plan to modernize the system is in place and moving forward, fixing decades of neglect. It does not happen overnight, but make no mistake. We will deliver the Public Transit system the people of this commonwealth deserves. [applause] deserve. [applause] economically, we are hitting on all cylinders. In 2017, we had more people working than at any time in state history. Has added 180,000 new jobs since we took office. Best of all, the number of people looking for work has dropped in every county over the past three years, and in most cases, by more than 35 . [applause] gov. Baker the progress we have made together has been noticed, and it should be. Bloomberg ranked massachusetts number one in innovation for the past two years. The United Health on station called massachusetts the Healthiest State in the nation. In 2014, a National Survey gave for smalltts a d business friendliness. Last year, they gave us an a. [applause] gov. Baker u. S. News world report ranked massachusetts the best state in the nation in which to live, work and raise a family. And for the third time in four years, the new England Patriots are going to the super bowl. [applause] [whistles] gov. Baker so i can stand here tonight and say, without question, that the state of our commonwealth is strong. [applause] gov. Baker a strong commonwealth is built on a foundation of strong communities. Friendly, welcoming, bustling neighborhoods in downtown, great schools, safe, accessible, attractive places to play, growing local economies, and he believes that anything is possible. That is why for the past three years, we have focused so much of our time on strengthening communities. Our First Executive order created a new partnership between state and local government. Funded by the legislature and overseen by the Lieutenant Governor, 330 cities and towns joined this partnership, adopting more than 800 best practices in everything from Financial Planning to regional collaboration. This is how government should work. [applause] gov. Baker when we took office, more than 50 communities in western massachusetts did not have access to highspeed internet services. I first heard about this when a local official told me poor stories of what life was like without it. He mentioned students from our washington who often did her homework sitting in the car next to the library after hours so she could get access to their wifi. Sarah is a straight a student at Mount Everett regional high school. But come on, the parking lot . The good news. Mount washington still has highspeed internet. Sarah is applying to colleges using the wifi interval. The vast communities that had none when we took office either have it now or have plans to install it. Thanks to this legislatures help, they will all have this infrastructure over the course of the next two years. [applause] [laughter] [applause] gov. Baker our program to plant 10,000 trees in gateway cities has been a success, and we look forward to planting 10,000 more. By the fall of 2018, 70 1 of all streetlights will be leds, saving communities millions of dollars and cutting power usage by 60 . To support our coastal communities, we, revived the Seaport Council established a statewide task force, and have begun making millions of dollars in Strategic Investments to preserve, protect, and properly use the critical natural resource. With the help of Community Leaders and our legislative colleagues, we instituted programs for small grids maintenance and repair, made Major Investments on bike paths and walking trails, and delivered predictable investments in an and unrestricted local aid for infrastructure. We also worked together with our colleagues and local government to welcome fellow citizens from puerto rico and the Virgin Islands after the devastating hurricane. [applause] state agencies have worked together to help thousands of families relocate here and find housing, schools and jobs. Our budget will include additional aid for the communities hosting these families. Ago, we committed to what became a longstanding bipartisan investment in k through 12 education. High standards, equitable funding and other major reforms, and it worked. We continue to finish first for a row on the in National Assessment in educational progress exam in and english with the highest fouryear graduation dropout ratet weve ever had. Were continuing to fund than 4. 7at more billion and tomorrows budget submission will boost that by according 100 million, representing an increase of nearly half a billion dollars since we took office. [applause] the commonwealth efforts, as you throughnt stop with k 12 education. For students and families struggling to pay for college, expand three key successful initiatives. Increase College Scholarship funding by more than 7 million so that all community forege students who qualify pel grants with an unmet financial need will have their fees fullyuition and paid for. [applause] second, well significantly expand our Early College which gives students the opportunity to take collegelevel courses and earn while theyres still in high school. This prepares students for reduces theirss, costs and boosts College Completion rates. And third, well continue to our commonwealth commitment plan which makes it possible for students to earn fouryear degrees for less than 30,000 and thats before scholarships, state or federal grants. [applause] in addition, to help the next generation of students get off start, we delivered, with the support of this legislature, one of the largest increases in fund in Early Childhood education in over a in our 2018 budget. [applause] all in, we increased state spending on Early Education delivering a 45 million wage increase for teachers. [applause] for seven years in a row, massachusetts has been ranked the most Energy Efficient state and in a few days the commonwealth will announce the results of the Largest Energy proconsumer in our history. The process enabled by our 2016 legislation will lead to clean Energy Pricing thats carbon emitting fossil fuels, a huge win for our businesses and environment. Later this year, well complete a competitive process that could construction of the largest offshore wind power operation in the nation. Further reducel emissions, create thousands of green jobs in places like new bedford and solidify our standing as a Global Leader in energy. On and clean were also making new investments in the development of energy storage. The gaps inridge peak demand, expanded storage effectiveness of wind and solar power, provide relief for rate payers and pave the way for a future independent from fossil fuels. [applause] but despite the tremendous it will weve made and continue to make here in massachusetts, our climate is still changing. Well dedicated an climateal 2 million to adaptation efforts in our upcoming budget, providing additional support. Made a strong we statement that in this commonwealth, everyone will have care to quality [applause] by working with governors and ablers of congress, we are to preserve the Health Insurance program put in place in the but weealth a decade ago must continue to be vigilant to for us what has worked and continue to advocate for bipartisan fixes to the Affordable Care act that many governors, democrats and republicans, fought for last year. We made an equally strong womens healthcare when we pledged that regardless of the outcome in d. C. , no woman massachusetts will be denied healthcare reproductive services. [applause] months left inx this legislative session to work ofether on a long list important initiatives. Lets start with the opioid epidemic. Boston mayor walsh and i testified on behalf of opioid addiction legislation which this body enacted several months later. Want to thank you for your steadfast lifelong leadership on this issue. [applause] mary lou secretary sutors and i testified in support of the care act, a that 2015 law. The care act will provide a framework for communitybased services,addiction expand schoolbased education dreamoaden pathways to for people dealing with addiction. Added overwould, weve 1100 treatment beds, increased state spending on addiction upgraded our0 , prescription monitoring program, required medical, dental, nursing, social work and pharmacy schools to teach every opioid therapy and pain management, increased narcan, certified hundreds of sober homes, expanded screening programs and created new pathways to treatment. And over the next five years, we plan to add 500 more treatment spending onrease Addiction Services by more than 200 million. But everyone in this room knows we need to do more. Please move quickly to enact the care act. [applause] in addition, we have to deal with fentanyl. Fentanyl was present in less Overdose Deaths in 2014 but in more than 80 of them in 2017. Agencies arent working this hard but we have this deadlyo drive drug off our streets. A bipartisan fentanyl bill that arrest andsier to convict dealers and traffickers is in your hands and i ask you as possible. S soon [applause] also have work to do to bolster Behavioral Health services. The budget we file tomorrow will include more than 83 million in new funding for the department strengthenealth to Community Based services for adults with serious mental illness. [applause] in addition to integrating behavioral and physical healthcare, these services will andide active outreach engagement support, residential supports, clinical coverage 24 day, seven days a week, and include peer and recovery the treatmentt of team and we would ask that you make this initiative as part of our budgets. Know, we significantly expanded our investments in affordablend housing, investing hundreds of millions to create housing. But here, too, we must do more. Its been decades since this state produced enough housing to keep up with demand and the result has been predictable. A limited supply creates overheated demand and rising prices. Young people, seniors, working class families cant afford to rent or buy here in the commonwealth. We filed legislation in 2017 that will make it possible to build more housing. 135,000 new units of housing by 2025 and we ask that this proposal be taken up quickly because for far too many people, housing in the simplyealth is unaffordable. [applause] to increase the takehome pay for more than 400,000 working we Work Together to expand the earned income tax credit in 2015. Proposing another increase in the e. I. T. C. In our budget which would result in a doubling the credit and i look forward to signing that provision into law. [applause] well also include additional skill building funds for low workers and those funds will be targeted to job openings so people can take the next step up the wage ladder and well be filing an Development Bill in february that will build on the success of the legislation that 2016. Gned into law in [applause] thanks to the strength of our economy, our welfare case load has dropped by 25 and our budget will include reforms that more onp thousands public assistance find good jobs. Now, last spring [applause] im with you appointed a i council to address aging with a goal of making massachusetts the most age friendly state in the nation. The councils been providing a think beyond Public Programs and draw on experience in technology, healthcare, inoweivation. Were pleased to announce that has designated massachusetts as one of only two age friendly states in the country. [applause] that seems to matter more to me every year. Statealso be increasing support for the councils on 2019 budget to the ever. T level our discussions with the legislature and other interested parties about mass health have and we believehy our goals can be achieved. Finally, while our k through 12 schools are the envy of the nation, we still have more to do to close the opportunity gap. Innovative program in springfield to address this issue is producing impressive results for middle and High School Students and deserves attention. Springfield empowerment zone gives teachers and administrators a chances to share Decision Making on professional development, curriculum, budgets, the works, and it seems to be working for kids. Visited these schools three times and every time came away optimism for all involved. Collaborative approaches like this one are working in and can work elsewhere, as well. Tammy grimes and evan chrisener the empowerment zone in springfield and they a Game Changers for them and the kids they teach. Theyve joined us and i want to thank you for being here and thank you and your doleagues for everything you for our kids. [applause] now, this is my fourth turn podium and i know i speak for the Lieutenant Governor and myself when i say opportunity to serve has been the honor of a lifetime for both of us. With this in mind, i want to close with a few thoughts on the share inility we all serving our commonwealth while in public office. Think im being too simplistic when i say were all here to help people. We may differ about how to get that done but we all share that goal. We all want to create for people to help them get a great education, to great community, to get a great job, to live a long and healthy life, to believe in future, and future for their kids and their families. To we also want people believe in their government. [applause] this requires, among other things, that we commit ourselves decency in our debate and in our dealings with one another and the public. Havedoesnt mean we always to agree, because we wont. Members of this legislature, thousands of officialsd appointed and millions of adults in this state with Life Experience and point of view. Will agree with each other most of the time. Some will agree some of the time. Never agree at all. Thats ok. Thats called democracy. And more often than not, it works. We should recognize and never forget why we have this serve ourhance to fellow citizens. Most heartrending responsibility i have as family ats to meet a the airport as they stand silently waiting for the military casket of their loved to come home. I always say the same thing. Im sorry to be here today and i too, and if i can do anything for you, just ask. And each time ive said those words, that parent, spouse, sibling responds with a heartfelt thank you. Think about that. Midst of their immeasurable grief, they are and generous. Grace beyond compare. For generations, people put harms way so the rest of us could create and democracy, a democracy based on a very simple of many, one. Every citizen our best efforts but we owe those who have paid the ultimate price to us free something more. [applause] humility tothe understand that what we do in this building is tied to thanhing so much bigger partisanship. Its our job to create the vision by those who came before us, to move this state forward, to protect and its interests and its people and to never forget that we are the lucky ones. [applause] filled in a great state with creative communityminded, hard working and decent people. What they want from us is opportunity, possibility and hope. Not noise. Not name calling. And not finger pointing. [applause] they want progress on the things help them help themselves. Weve done great work with you ourany important issues but work has just begun. We stand ready to work with you more on housing, economic development, life sciences, education, criminal justice, community building, and addiction. But most of all, we all gather tonight as the grateful recipients of a profound greatunity to serve the people of this great state. Lets make the most of it. God bless this commonwealth. God bless the United States of america. [applause] [cheers and applause] [captions performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] stateofthestate speech now. California governor jerry brown praises First Responders for battling the wildfires and talks about efforts to combat climate change. Finals governor browns yearly address delivered at the State Capitol in sacramento. Its about 30 minutes. [applause] gov. Brown thank you. Thank you. [applause]

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