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Host the trump correction is the term that Washington Times used, do you think there is any responsibility from the trump administration, have they tied themselves too much to the stock market . Rep. Bacon i think the stock market operates independent of a lot of things. Every president will have a correction, so i do not put a lot of stock into this, or a lot of importance into it. It will come back up. Host what can congress do to help or bring stability . Rep. Bacon i think the policies we have now, with tax reform, was the right policy and we want to maintain a high level of gdp growth, bring money from overseas from corporations that were keeping money overseas and investing overseas because of our tax policies. The tax reform we passed is Encouraging Companies to bring the money back and reinvest and we are seeing over 200 Companies Giving bonuses and raises now, investing in our country, like apple. 350 billion back, creating new jobs. And we have the right policies, we need to be patient. Host what is the potential Government Shutdown do to the markets and what is the possibility of a debt ceiling increase not happening . Is it Something Congress can help with . Rep. Bacon people want to see stability, i do not like do not think they like to see the gridlock between the two parties. We should be able to pass the budget and get Appropriations Bills out of the senate, which the democrats will not allow us to do. Gridlock impacts the confidence of our country and how people perceive it, so there is an impact and we should be able to do better. Host congressman don bacon with us. We invite the viewer is to join us. Republicans, 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. Independents, 2027488002. We mentioned, you are a member of the House Homeland Security committee. Your thoughts on the release of the new memo last week. Is it something you supported . Rep. Bacon i asked for the release. And i think we have to be careful not to overstate what it does or does not do. Evidencewas strictly that the Senior Leadership at the department of justice and the fbi did a wiretap and three renewals, based on the dossier, which smith was paid 160,000 to do by the dnc and Clinton Campaign. I think that is the focus, the wiretaps against carter page. And i think the fisa court deserved to know what was funded and i do not think it was well done. But to put more analysis on that or overhyped it is also wrong. Host yesterday, the intelligence committee, the House Intelligence Committee d voted to release the democratic memo. Here is congressman adam schiff, Ranking Member of the committee, last night after the vote. This evening from the House Intelligence Committee voted to release the minority response to the majoritys memo. We think it will help inform the public of the many distortions and and accuracies in the majority memo. We have also asked the support of our transmittal to the white house that unlike the process used with the majority memo, that the department of justice and fbi be consulted, that they vete the opportunity to b the information. We want to make sure that those men best position to do that have the opportunity to do so. Weve already had the memo for several days. We also want to make sure that any reductions that are made our fully explained to our committee by the fbi or department of justice, and likewise by the white house, we want to mature the white house does not read act redact the memo for political purses purposes. Th e majority found itself in a position when it released the memo and refused to release the democratic response. I think they were compelled to take the action they did today. And we think that thisll be useful information for the American People to see. Host your reaction . Rep. Bacon i believe in transparency, i support the release of the memo and i would say that the reason they were not released together was their memo was put together much later, and i think that statement, it was not right to release them separately was wrong. Now that the memo is ready and it has been vetted, i am for releasing it. Host you mentioned concern for how the fisa process was used. Jim himes will be joining us this morning. He had a statement on twitter addressing those concerned by republicans, if you have real concerns about the fisa process, you would do interviews, alert the inspectors general, you would not jam through a memo that coincidentally the president s fantasies. Rep. Bacon i am not part of the committee, they do things behind closed doors, but they should do hearings on this. When the fbi and attorney general are doing wiretaps based on a political document that the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National party paid 160,000 to have done, that begs a question. There should be hearings on it. Host we will let you give your questions. Don bacon with us for the next one in minutes. California, line for republicans. Ted, go ahead. Caller i want to make a comment on the stock market. I think it is a leading indicator. It reflects the collective expectations of Market Participants about future economic activity. So i think as people have been saying, things are looking good, so people are thinking about the Interest Rates might be going up, so that is what you are looking at. I want to make that quick comment. Rep. Bacon i think the Interest Rate discussion is a factor. Folks will make judgments because of that. Again, the drop was the 99th biggest drop in value. We have to look at it in perspective, it was the 99th. I think the time to invest is now. Host oklahoma, the line for independents. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. And secondly, i would like to ask representative bacon you stated a moment ago that the reason for the fisa warrant was the dossier. There has been other reporting that says there were independent basis, because of the comments made by mr. Papadopoulos. So either you purposefully said it was solely the dossier, based on the dossier, or you are uninformed about the other evidence that may have been used in the application for fisa. I am wondering would you acknowledge that there was other evidence other than the dossier . That is my question. Rep. Bacon the statements i have heard from leaders from the department of justice and fbi, they said they did the wiretap on carter page based on the dossier, that there were no other factors contributing to that. They would not been a wiretap without the dossier. Granted there are other wiretaps going on, but for carter page, it appears it was based primarily on the dossier. Host key largo, florida, line for republicans. Caller i agree with what the gentleman, mr. Bacon, just said. Schulz had done things to bernie sanders, i think we should go further into the state Department Investigation too. Thank you. Rep. Bacon i think one of the things i would like to may be express, a lot of americans feel this way, we have to be careful that we do not use the tools of justice for political reasons. That is the real factor, if the department of justice can be used by whatever political power or party against political opponents, that is a terrible thing to have happen. We sought earlier in the Obama Administration with the irs. So we want to make sure that we have good oversight when we see abuses, that we call them out and we vet. This is what we are doing, we want to make sure there is not a problem. The perception is when you base a dossier that was funded at 160,000 from the Clinton Campaign and Democratic National party, use it as a basis for a wiretap, that should be a concern. Host wade, an independent. Go ahead. Caller i watched the sunday morning news this week and there was a guy from South Carolina that said, even without the dossier there still wouldve been enough evidence for a fisa court. Memolso, i can write a too. This memo is more of an opinion piece than it is any kind of factual evidence anyway. I think that you guys are putting a hood over the American People, saying it is based off of the dossier, where the republicans even say it would not matter if they had enough evidence. Your own republicans said that over the weekend. Rep. Bacon there was leadership from the fbi that said without the dossier, that a wiretap would not have been done on carter page. There may be other investigations, maybe a separate, but when it came to him the dossier was the cornerstone for the wiretap requests. Host how do you feel about the Robert Mueller investigation . Do you think it should be allowed to continue. Rep. Bacon yes. When i look at both chairmen, they said that this was not intended to undercut or to stop the investigation. I think it is important that we dig deeper into what russia is doing. I have been an Intelligence Officer since 1985, i had about three years of retirement, now in congress, but the soviets have a long history of trying to interfere in elections. I do not think they are trying to do it to favor trump or clinton, they are trying to divide us. They want to create a partisan wedge and i think you would have to say that they were successful. We see the same things in europe. In the recent election in france, they pointed it out to the electorate, we know what russia is trying to do and you need to tune them out. We should have done the same thing. We knew from august of 2016 that the russians were involved in we should have been better at warning the American Voters what they were trying to do. And i think it wouldve helped. Host do think that the memo undermines the investigation at all . Rep. Bacon not when both airmen say that this has been very focused on the carter page wiretap itself. And we do know what to over hype this, this is focused on the wiretap and part of the oversight of congress is to ensure that pfizer is not been abused. Fisa is not being abused. Host do you think that is what was communicated to the public . Rep. Bacon this is about potential abuses with the wiretap and i think we need to keep communicating. Host what changes should be made to the process . Rep. Bacon lets understand what the issue is. I welcome the democrat memo. We should have hearings. And i think of the fbi and department of justice abuse they are not the rank and file, we are talking about the Senior Leadership, the top appointed officials. If they did that they should be held into account. Host anthony, independent. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I have a couple questions. Republicans the curiousrious were about our children paying our debt. Now we have a debt that we are looking for people to take a long. If you choose to back that loan that is my question. Rep. Bacon thank you for your question. I have not heard about the chinese wanting to support the loans. We should be concerned about our debt, we are at about 20 chilean 20ars and our debt trillion and we are passing it on to our kids and grandkids. So i think we should be concerned. And we should be fiscally responsible. I agree. Host in the short term, how concerned are you about a potential Government Shutdown on thursday . Rep. Bacon we will have a continuing resolution vote today. I think that those are very corrosive to our government and our funding for our military. It has suffered badly. And if you go back to 2010, the military has been reduced 18 and we have had 36 crs, so you do not get the pay raises when you want to them, you do not get money for cyber defense, you have to weigh into the budget is passed. We have undermined the military and this past year we had 80 fatalities from training, alone. That should concern us. Folks were not trained adequately, and as a military commander ive had to go to peoples homes and talk about the loss of a loved one, and it was because of loss of training. That is terrible. Yet congress cannot get an appropriations bill through the senate, because of a filibuster. That is part of the problem. We will be voting the defense appropriations bill and it, we will do Community Health centers, we will also have an extension for Diabetes Health care. So i think it is a good bill that the democrats and republicans will like. Hadt does fund the military we have funding for Community Health centers, and diabetes, which i think americans want. Host you talk about the impact on the military. You are in afghanistan at the end of last year, we were operating under continuing resolutions at that point as well. What is a specific example of the impact on the ground in afghanistan that you saw . Rep. Bacon when you need more weapons systems, or you need more a munitions, you are forced to buy them at the previous years level, which in this case is inadequate. Aircraftent out an lend out an aircraft, the skipper told us that one Fighter Pilots train back home, you are only getting 11 hours a month flying. That is one third of what they used to get when i was a captain in the air force. So we are sending folks out with one third of the training because of funding shortfalls. And the budget fixes that, but you cannot execute the budget with a cr, we have to pass the budget and appropriate the money. With the defense bill we have ready to pass, it will give us a full pay raise, the first in a decade, and we will plus up Missile Defense and cyber defense, and we work on our military force with modernization, we will push up manpower to spread the weight of the deployments around better. You cannot do that with a cr. It is imperative we get the bill passed. Trip,coming out from that you were optimistic about the u. S. Efforts there . Rep. Bacon i was optimistic in iraq, modestly optimistic about what i saw in afghanistan. Isis controls no real estate in iraq. There are fighters and hiding. The taliban in afghanistan has had the momentum through august and when the president changed the policy it pulled the rug out from underneath them. We thought that they would take over but the change of policy said we would stay there until the conditions allow us to leave, not based on a time. The confidence of those in afghanistan has skyrocketed. We have their back. Now they are fighting more aggressively. We have seen land taken back from the taliban. We have seen more taliban coming forward to talk about peace. I think it is too early to say that it is permanent, but the momentum has changed and it is on our side. Host the special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction released a report very critical about the amount of information out there for the public to know what is going on in afghanistan, saying it is getting smaller. Hey was what he wrote. The enemy knows what the situation is, the Afghan Military knows what the situation is, the only people who do not know what is going on are the people who are paying for it, and that is the american taxpayers. Is there something you are doing about that concern . Rep. Bacon there are two areas he was concerned about. One is how much information do we put out, how many afghans are under government control versus taliban control. A province by province review. The second is how well we are doing with training with the afghan forces. We have been transparent with both up until this past year, but the concern is, why should we tell the taliban how well we are doing with training . What is our perception of how we are doing on the ground . Some would say it is a healthy tension between transparency to constituents, versus how much do you want to let the enemy know how well we are doing. I think we have seen a change in our thought process. Wthis is a healthy tension. This is what we do in war, to figure out the balance. Host 10 minutes left with congressman don bacon. Dorothy, go ahead. Caller good morning. This is my first time calling in. I have tried to call several times. I want to thank representative bacon for representing my district, my city, where i live in omaha. I want to tell him thank you for being there to represent us in washington dc and donald is doing an awesome job. You guys on washington journal are doing a great job too. Rep. Bacon thank you, i appreciate that. Teresa frome michigan, go ahead. Caller i think you are being misleading to your people, because another thing they cannot do with the budget is work on one that they have not got. Warrant,r as the fisa backhave been going on him in 2013, then they let it go off, then they restarted it comment. Papadopouloss to whoever and gates had his little trip to go to russia. If the people cannot see how obvious it is, all the connections mr. Trump has to russia, and the games mr. Nunez is playing, then they are pretty blind. Host congressman . Rep. Bacon there is still doubt if the russians were involved in our elections, trying to create divide, i do not think that there is evidence of criminal collusion, but that is why we have an investigation and we will see what the Robert Mueller investigation puts out. This memo, again, i think also the question, when you use a political document paid for by political opponents to start a wiretap against a political opponent, we have a problem. I think it deserves vetting and transparency, and there is another side of the story, we welcome hearing that as well. As a democracy, looking at both sides is a healthy thing. Vis in fort lauderdale, florida. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I would like to ask the representative, he mentioned transparency and the fact he wants everything to be in the open. Now, the president yesterday had a, i guess some type of a rally called, all he Democratic People in congress treasonous. Ive always respected the republican party, they a voice had a voice, sometimes a voice of reason. But to have mitch mcconnell, paul ryan, and representatives now, are you willing to say that the president was wrong for calling members of congress treasonous . Rep. Bacon that is a good question and i appreciate your comments. I think it is not the appropriate word to use, i know what the intent was and i was at the state of the union. When he was speaking on record low in employment low unemployment, he was reporting a lot of good things going on in the country, yet we saw the anger and hate from nancy pelosi and others, he is referring to that. Treasonous was the wrong word in my mind. You should have talked about the hate. And frankly, i think on both sides of the aisle we have to be doing better on civility and the way that we talk to each other. It is good to be honest. Doing thee to stop namecalling, the character assassination. But the fact is there was a lot of hate demonstrated at the state of the union a lot of and a lot of rancor. I think the country is tired of it. Ever since tuesday, i have heard it on radio talk shows, do you believe how angry nancy pelosi and a chuck schumer, all of these folks were they are right. We cannot let hate trump the good things going on in our country. The fact is there are a lot of good things going on in our country, and americans first, and of the anger has gotten too much. Treasonous was not the right word to use. Host paige is a democrat. Good morning. Caller i would like to say that there is a reason for us to be angry. Justr one, the republicans recertified the fisa warrant about a year ago. Now they are making a big deal about it. And another thing, this is the fourth time they have gone to get an authorization for carter page. It is not the first time. This is the fourth time. Who is lying . Why are you trying to twist things up . And the ignorant people who cannot listen and understand are rolling along with trump. This country is going to the dogs, because of the republicans and liars like this gentleman here. Rep. Bacon thank you. The fisa was extended for 702. It is a Large Program and there have been abuses in the broader program, which i think we witnessed with of this memo. But the 702 is a small subset and it allows us to collect overseas. Terrorists those we have captured or killed, we were able to get through this 702 program. I stand by the vote to extend fisa for National Security reasons. The package overall, we need to look at how to safeguard it so we do not have the abuses we saw. The point about carter page, there was the original fisa requests based on the dossier, then they did three extensions. It has been done four times and all four times the use the dossier as a reason for the wiretap. I think that was wrong. It was a political dossier paid for by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton. Host you said the nunez memo helped bring transparency to the process, do you think it would be helpful to release the pfizer warned application fisa warned application and the renewals, could that bring more transpired of that we all know what is going on as opposed the memos written by members of congress . Rep. Bacon i am not opposed to that as long as it has been reviewed. This i have been dealing with classifieds since 1985. There was no classified information in this memo. We need to look at the application. That being said, if it is unclassified, i would be willing to support that. Host michigan. Glenn. Republican. Go ahead. Guest i would like to caller i would like to agree with the person that came on there everything needs to be secret over there. You cant go out and tell those people. There is a problem with the media. There is a lot of left out there. It creates a lot of havoc. You heard the last couple colors. People need to settle down and relax. Things are doing great. Theres always the one thing we can do in support of donald trump super majority. Get him out to 65, 67, the most possible, and report our president. 24ave watched hillary for hours. I would like you guys to step into the middle of little bit more. I have lost a little bit of interest in cspan, but i still come back to you guys. I love this guy on tv right now. He is a smart man and he needs to stick in there and do his job. Hopefully the democrats can stop i cannot believe this is such a how can they stand there with the fellows and all be one . They are not one. Host congressman . Guest i appreciate the feedback. I think there are a lot of good things going on in the country right now and we cannot let the angry the trail cover that. Our Economic Growth is moving at a good port good pace and there are estimates well get to 3 , 4 gdp growth next quarter as companies are bringing money back from overseas investing in america right now. With tax reform, we see companies expanding, pay raises. Bonuses are being given up. 401k enhancements. That is a great thing. I see great progress with our foreign affairs, foreign relations. What we do in iraq right now is an incredible success story. We see positive trends in afghanistan. We are pulling allies together when it comes to north korea what russia is doing in europe and the baltics. I think there are a lot of things to be positive about. There are a lot of good policies being done by this administration. I wish we could tone down the anger and the vitriol on both sides because in reality the policies are making a difference right now. Host time for one or two more calls jonathan, springfield, missouri, line four democrats. Electionring the 2016 i looked at a couple of andces with Huffington Post pbs newshour is stated if Hillary Clinton won the presidency russia would send threats to us. That is one question. The second question is why would trump fire the fbi director comey for going into the Russian Investigation to see what is going on . Guest when it comes to fbi relieved, iey being am not in the administration. This is my observation. He came and spoke to congress, and i would say he was treated very rudely by the democrat side there,house when he was and the folks on the republican side also had some issues with him. On my perspective, i am a beingan, i saw he was not held in high regard by both sides of the house, and i think there was a loss of confidence. Part of it was how he handled the clinton email investigation when he initially exonerated her then put her back under investigation. You go through the whole process. Both sides loss of confidence. I personally thought it was the right time to replace the fbi director and put someone who has the confidence of both parties in congress. I thought both parties said walked away from mr. Comey. Host last call. Florida. Go ahead. Caller i have a couple different points. Give me a second. First you start out talking about the deficit and how it has gotten so outrageous and it is so crazy, but then we have been under sequestration for i cannot even remember how long. We havent doing continuing resolutions since the 1990s. The government has been underfunded. You are not even spending the money you want to spend. You went through all the things we need to spend more money on, but were not getting the money because we dont have it because of the budget resolution. That,e go through fastforward, and we get to the point where it seems to me that all republicans do i am independent. I am getting of the democrats, too. All republicans do is point out the evil things that democrats do, and all democrats do is point up the evil things that republicans do. Host congressman bacon. We will leave it there. Your thoughts . Guest i think the anger and vitriol needs to be turned down on both sides. When it comes to the budget, i am for constrained spending where we have it right now on the domestic side. Spending, hold the with maybe some areas like v. A. , which we have increased funding for. Nih. On the military side, people do not realize week of the military by 18 since 2010 while we are fighting two wars. So, we have proposed increasing that funding back by 10 of that 18 , so it would be an 8 reduction overall. I think that is fair for what we have asked our military to do and it is what our military needs if we want to continue what we are doing in afghanistan, iraq, the tour. Eter russia unfortunately, the senate has been unable to pass an appropriations bill because the Senate Democrats refused to hold on it, holding it hostage vote on it, holding it hostage, yet of sides agree we need to raise money for the defense. Were going to pass the defense bill with the cr today, and i hope senate will pass that cr with the

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