The bible says if you owe debts, pay debts. If honor then honor. If respect then respect. And President Trump asked me to be here today to pay a debt of honor. To the memory and the families of the 40 passengers and crewmembers of flight 93. Men and women who rose up, who fought back, and who met unspeakable evil with selfless heroism and american strength. [applause] Vice President pence america was attacked on september 11, but america took the fight back to their enemies on that same day. Not on some foreign battlefield, but right here, in the skies above these fields. Where the heroes of flight 93 were forged. 18 years ago today was a beautiful tuesday morning. When united flight 93 left Newark Airport bound for san francisco, carried onboard 40 men and women from all across america, from every walk of life. At only 20 years of age, dorriy francis was the youngest person onboard. A student at santa clara university, she volunteered at her local Animal Shelter and aspired to be a child psychologist. On september 11 she was flying home. Also onboard with Edward Porter felt, an accomplished man, with degrees in colgate, cornell university, two patents, an encryption technology, devoted husband, a father of two daughters, new jersey native was making a lastminute usiness trip to san francisco. Then, there was a Flight Attendant, wanda anita green who worked for United Airlines for 29 years. Mother of a mother of two, the deacon at her church. She earned a real estate license, dreamed of opening her own Real Estate Office after retiring from flying. And richard, as you just heard, a dedicated public servant, project manager for the u. S. Fish and Wildlife Service where he worked for 17 years. On september 11, he was going home after celebrating with his parents, sister, and family at his grandmothers 100th birthday. Lawyer, Public Relations person, an antique dealer, a world war ii veteran. As you heard so eloquently from this podium already this morning. They were ordinary americans, but their heroism would inspire the nation. When they took off at 8 42 a. M. , their flight must have seemed like any other. They had no way of knowing that within four minutes american flight 11 would hit the north tower. Within 21 minutes, united flight 175 would hit the south tower of the world trade center. And within 46 short minutes, their own flight would be ijacked by terrorists, etermined to strike another determined to strike another attack. This time on our Nations Capital. And they had no way of knowing those 40 remarkable men and women that within 81 minutes from takeoff, their lives would be over. They would enter eternity. But not before they had earned annuls f honor in the of history and in the hearts of every american. [applause] Vice President pence it was 9 35 in the morning when the plane diverted toward washington, d. C. And immediately, the men and women of flight 93 sprang into action. They began calling their loved ones and soon learned of the attacks that were gripping our nation. When tom burnetts wife told him about the attack on the entagon, he replied we have to do something. So they did. Told 7 a. M. , jeremy glick his wife that the passengers were voting on whether to charge the cockpit and he later told her that those onboard voted to act. So they did. Talking with her husband on the phone, Flight Attendant Sandy Bradshaw uttered words that captured perfectly her and the. Ssengers clarity of purpose she said everyones running to first class. I got to go. Bye. And in the midst of the chaos, a young husband and father, a n starting a Business Career prayed the lords prayer. Th an air phone operator and recited a verse from the 23rd psalm. Only then to speak, words that would echo the resolve of a nation. Ets roll. History records they ran forward. They charged toward the cockpit. And at 10 03 a. M. , flight 93 plummeted to the earth. Ight here. In the early days after the attacks, a Pennsylvania State trooper hung an American Flag on an old drag line sitting atop the hill overlooking this crash site. But now 18 years later there an even memorial and more fitting tribute to the courage and sacrifice of that day. Just not far from here stands a 93foottall tower of voices. Which today holds eight chimes, each with a different musical note. Symbolize the voices of all of those lost 18 years ago. When played together, the notes perform a perfect harmony, just as in their final moments the men and women of flight 93 worked in concert to defend our nation, defend our capitol, and defend our way of life. [applause] Vice President pence here at this memorial, the names of those 40 men and women are to ed in marble, but i want assure their precious families, theyre also carved into the hearts and memory of the American People. [applause] Vice President pence the bible tells us that the lord is close to the broken hearted. And thats our prayer for you. This day and every day, and its our prayer for all of the families all across our nation who meet this day each year to remember a personal loss. Were with you. To the families gathered here, you honor us by your presence, and american stands with you. [applause] the American People will never forget or ever fail to be inspired by the courage of the men and women of flight 93. We honor them by remembering them. And we honor them by resolving here and now that we will do as they did, each of us, in all of our varied roles to prevent such evil from ever reaching our shores again. When flight 93 went down, the heroes aboard were the first of a new generation of americans to rise up as citizen soldiers in what would come to be known as the global war on terror. After september 11, the rising generation of the new millennium also answered the call and recruiting stations across the country had lines around the block. Since this day 18 years ago, 5. 5 million americans have stepped forward to defend our country by enlisting in the armed forces of the United States, and we honor each and every one of them this day. [applause] Vice President pence and we especially honor the memory of the nearly 7,000 other americans who gave their lives on other fields of battle since this day 18 years ago. To their families looking on, we pledge, we will never forget or fail to honor the service and sacrifice of our fallen heroes. [applause] Vice President pence today, we honor those who fell on this Hallowed Ground and in honoring them, we also honor every allen hero since that day. We honor them by remembering their sacrifice, and as President Trump has done from the first day of this administration, we also honor our fallen by ensuring that the men and women serving in our armed forces today have the resources, training, and equipment to accomplish their ission and defend this nation, and this we will always do. [applause] Vice President pence we did not start this war, we did not seek it, but in every year thats passed, our armed forces have taken the fight to the enemy on our terms, on their soil. Weve met the evildoers with the resolve and force beyond anything they could have imagined. Our armed forces took the fight to the terrorists who attacked us in the mountains of afghanistans. Their mastermind met justice at he hands of navy seals in abad abad, and our armed forces captured the last inch of territory controlled by the caliphate. Is [applause] Vice President pence but the threat of terrorism re mains, remains and i can assure you, under this commander in chief, our armed forces will never relent until the earth is purged of the scourge of radical islamic terrorism. [applause] Vice President pence but the terrorists of 9 11 did what the terrorists of 9 11 did not understand, is that americas love of peace is exceeded only by our resolve to defend our freedom. The fiery ordeal through which passed s of flight 93 lit the way for heroes that were to come, and it will inspire generations of americans for alltime. It is truly a privilege to be with you today here in shanksville, along with my wife, karen, to honor the memory of the heroes of flight 93. [applause] Vice President pence i pay ribute as Vice President and as a grateful american, but as i said when we were here two years ago, for us and our. Amily, its personal 17 years ago i was serving in congress, and my wife and i made a point, bring our three small children here to this Hallowed Ground on a drive back from washington, d. C. , to indiana. It was less than a year from that terrible day, but we nted to come here to pay our respects and make sure that our and ren saw this place knew what happened here. I remember that day like it was yesterday. We didnt find this impressive memorial. Wall painted wood with the names of the fallen, a timeline listed, and a wooden ross in the field. [applause] Vice President pence with the help of one park ranger, we learned of the sequence of that day, and i remember asking the ranger, if the United States capitol was the target, at what time would the plane have reached the Capitol Building . And what she told me ill never forget. From the time she mentioned, i, ong with hundreds of others, was standing near the east front of the house of representatives. As i stand before you today i say from my heart, i will always believe that i and many others in our nations capitol were able to go home that day and hug our families because of the courage and selflessness of your families, the heroes of flight 93. [applause] two years ago on this occasion i toured the Memorial Museum and there i took note of one of the possessions of a passenger that was recovered at the crash site. Among what was left of what was brought onboard was a book, titled a life of integrity by howard hendrix. As i looked at the display through the glass i was struck by the books title and how perfectly it represented what the men and women of flight 93 demonstrated on that day 18 years ago. Shortly thereafter, i purchased a copy of the same edition of that devotional book and it has flown with me every day since on air force 2 as a quiet tribute not just to the man, but to all the passengers and roo crew of flight 93 for all youve done for us. [applause] for what your loved ones did for my Little Family and countless others in our Nations Capital that day. We thank you. When heroes fall, words fail. For no greater love a man than this he should lay down his life for his friends. This, then, is what the heroes of flight 93 did. And its important that we tell their story. Im grateful that all of you are here today to hear it one more time. Its important that we tell their stories because as has already been observed, a whole generation of americans has come of age with no personal memory of 9 11. So the rest of us, my fellow mericans, must tell the story. We must never forget and never fail to honor the memory of those who were lost here in new york city and in washington, d. C. And this we will do. We will tell their story. We will honor their memory, always. [applause] so to the families of the fallen, as President Trump said this morning at the pentagon, i say now, the memory of your loved ones will never die. They will always be with us. We will always tell their story to future generations. As long as this nation endures, americans will ever be inspired by the faithful and courageous words and deeds of the heroes of flight 93. So may god bless our beloved fallen, may god bless and comfort the families gathered here and all those who suffered loss on this day 18 years ago, and may god continue to bless the United States of america with such men and women as the passengers and crew of flight 93. [applause] please be seated. Thank you again, mr. Vice president , for your thoughtful words and again it is truly an honor to have you and the second lady with us today. As many of you know Vice President pence also joined, as you mentioned, for the 16th annual observance to two years ago. As we conclude here today i am indeed reminded of Vice President pens pences words from that ceremony. I will never forget that sentiment that he shared of how on the morning of september 11, 2001, as he stated, and i quote, and i quote, for me, it was personal. Ill never forget that. I remembered that Vice President shared his firm belief that the heroism of the 40 passengers and crew members of flight 93 may indeed saved his own life as he stated, he was on capitol hill that morning. However, i believe there are many individuals who share that same sentiment as many people were both inside and around the Capitol Building that day. They included members of congress, thousands of employees working inside that building, and countless citizens. Ladies and gentlemen, people dont just visit flight 93 National Memorial, rather they make it a pilgrimage as for them, too, it is personal. Please allow me to share a few powerful messages left by visitors on comment cards very recently. Quote, the passengers on this flight could have saved my life and many people i know because i was working near the Capitol Building that morning. And many of my coworkers were in the capitol at that time. Forever grateful. End quote. Signed, h. Thomas. Heres a message that was written directly to the families of flight 93 left on september 7, just four days ago. And i quote, to the families of flight 93, we will be forever grateful for your sacrifice for , kevin, was working in the capitol that day, end quote. And finally, a powerful message left on august 24 of this year, quote, thank you for your brave selfless actions in the midst of evil because of you, thousands more were saved. Our nation is forever thankful and your memory will forever be remembered. Signed, a grateful american. As it is clear from the three examples above, it is very common to have powerful testimonials that mirror the Vice President s meaningful words both today and also in 2017 left behind by visitors who visit flight 93 National Memorial. Their monumental sacrifice was most certainly not in vain. All of us here at flight 93 National Memorial thank all of you for pausing on this day to remember the heroes of flight 93 and all those affected by the events of september 11. We, indeed, remember those who perished here at the twin towers and also at the pentagon. We carry their memory with us as we go forth from this place to better ourselves, our communities, and our nation. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you once again for being with us today and sharing in this special day. Thank you. [applause] at this time, the Vice President , the second lady, gordon felt, antisecretary of the interior will lay a wreath in the memory of the 40 heroes. If the families of the passenger and crew members of flight 93 would please join us in that special moment and memory over at the wall of names. I would ask that all of you who remain seated while the family members make their way to the wall of names. Hen indicated to do so, by a National Park service representative, all of you will also be cordially invited to join at the wall. Once again, thank youall for joining us today and helping us honor the memory of the passengers and crew members of flight 93. Thank you. [applause] [captions Copyright National able satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [applause]

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