This is one hour and 40 minutes. But nowonce was lost am found seeblind but now i twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved how precious did that grace appear hour i first believed the lord hath promised good to me his word my hope secures he will my shield and portion be as long as life endures through many burdens, toils, and snares i have already come brought umethat safe thus far will lead me home there ten been thousand years as the suning days to sing gods praise we first begun in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you. And with you. As our sister cokie has died with the lord, so may she live with him in glory. Let us pray. O god almighty father our faith professes that your son died and rose again mercifully grant that through this ministry, your servant cokie, who has fallen asleep in christ, may rejoice and rise again through him who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit one god forever and ever [in unison] amen. A reading from the book of ecclesiastes. There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for everything under the heavens. A time to be born, and a time to die. A time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant. A time to kill, and a time to heal. A time to tear down, and a time to build. A time to weep, a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them. A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embraces. A time to seek, and a time to lose. A time to keep, and a time to cast away. A time to rend, and a time to sow a time to be silent, and a time to speak. A time to love, and a time to hate. A time of war, and a time of peace. What advantage has the worker from his toil . I have considered the tasks god has appointed to the sons of men to be busied about. He has made everything appropriate in its time. And has put the time in his heart without man ever discovering from beginning to end the work which god has done. The word of the lord. [in unision] on] thanks be to god. [organ playing] [singing] the lord is my shepherd, nothing shall i want the lord is my shepherd, nothing shall i fear my lord is my shepherd, nothing shall i want my lord is my shepherd, nothing shall i fear the lord is my shepherd, nothing , nothing i shall want the lord is my shepherd, nothing shall i want nothing shall i fear though i shall walk in the shadow of death i know that he will be there his crook and staff shall give me comfort my lord is my shepherd, nothing shall i want my lord is my shepherd, nothing shall i fear my lord is my shepherd, nothing shall i want my lord is my shepherd, nothing shall live here mercyhis goodness and shall follow me all the days of my life my lord is my shepherd, nothing shall i want my lord is my shepherd, nothing shall i fear good morning. We appreciate all of you being here. This is a reading from the first letter of st. Paul to the thessalonians. Brothers and sisters, rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances, give thanks. For this is the will of god for you in christ jesus, do not quench the spirit, do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything. Retain what is good, refrain from every kind of evil. May the god of peace make you perfectly holy. And may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our lord jesus christ. The one who calls you his faithful. And he will also accomplish it. The word of the lord. [in unison] thanks be to god. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah [singing] hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah the lord be with you. And with your spirit. A reading from the gospel according to john. Glory to you, o lord. Martha said to jesus, lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died. But even now, i know that whatever you ask of god, god will give you. Jesus said to her, your brother will rise. Martha said to him, i know he will rise in the resurrection, on the last day. Jesus told her, i am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live. And everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this . She said to him, yes. Lord, i have come to believe that you are the christ, the son of god, the one who is coming into the world. The gospel of the lord. [in unison] praise to you, lord jesus christ. [choir singing] hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah there is an appointed time for everything, and a time for everything under the heavens. We do not gather here today to question the truth of gods name or gods word. We have experienced in faith that gods word is authentic in its wisdom, and always generous in its promise. Yet strangely enough today, this assembly filled with many people who believe, who trust, who affirm our confidence in god, most of us may now find those words confusing and equally challenging. We know that cokie believed in gods word. She accepted it and fashioned her life around that word. And she also used her own words so exquisitely. She spoke often about the influence of gods word in her life, about the church that she loved. In particular, the sisters of the sacred heart, who helped form her as a young woman. And she used the often concealed meaning of gods word frequently in reference to the lives of so many of us here present. However, the time that we embrace this morning is not a time that we welcome. We do not welcome it enthusiastically, because we are not yet ready to release cokie from our lives, and from her splendid professional contribution to the life of our nation. There is an appointed time for everything. And a time for everything under the heavens. It is not our prerogative to choose the times in which we live, or the advent or the passage of those times. It belongs to the providence of god to assign all the times of our lives, according to his wisdom, and to direct each life to himself. The eye of the lord views us at the moment of our conception and at the moment of our death, all at once. He sees being baptized and ultimately being welcomed into the fullness of his kingdom, all at once. He sees us in our prime, and in our weakness, all at once. The lord sees us seeking and seekingending reconciliation the lord sees us sinning and seeking reconciliation simultaneously. It is that vision that allows each of us to rest secured in gods love and in his mercy. It is that vision that we celebrate in eucharist this day, as we commend cokie to the reign of god. When in the course of ones life an individual is fortunate enough to encounter a loving and giving person, such as cokie was for so many, then there is a great inclination to forget that it is not without our power to control. And the passages and entrances of people into gods reign is accomplished by gods providence, irrespective of our personal yearnings or desires. We grieve this day and will grieve for a great many days to come, because a woman of faith has touched us, loved us, and taught us. And who has been taken from us. We saw clearly in cokie many of the expressions of the gifts of the spirit that st. Paul described in the second reading this morning. She was, for so many, a wise woman of faith. She called us to be our better selves, and she was quick to point out when we behaved as our lesser selves. She attempted to heal conflicts and occasionally made people realize how childish we were acting in the midst of our incessant squabbles. She challenged people of all ideological persuasions to listen to one another more attentively. She taught men and women to recognize and to rejoice in the dignity of their identity as human beings. She challenged all of us to Work Together for the building up of this nation, and of our church. And for the increase of everyone. She was unafraid of bishop or political figure. And she delighted in letting both know that fact. [laughter] her faith and determination to improve the church she loved and the nation she cherished accomplished great good for us as individuals and as institutions. For that, and many other more personal reasons, we grieve her loss with heavy hearts today. We readily transform marthas words of sorrow into our own this day. Lord, if you had been here, our sister would not have died. We may perhaps seem to feel that somehow our loss questions christs presence, his care, his understanding of what we must all now feel. How quick would cokie perhaps to be to remind us of that presence, especially in moments of sorrow and anguish, when we need to be together in hope and trust that gods providence and wisdom are not compromised, nor are they absent. If we insisted on narrating our hurt, perhaps she would be adamant that we give thanks for all that we have received so generously from god in having her for even these all too few years. In short, cokie would challenge our lack of confidence in gods goodness and his presence, even in this moment of sorrow. For she would tell us again of the lords response to martha. Jesus told her, i am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live. And everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this . Gods word is a comfort for us this morning, but it is also an invitation for us to celebrate the eucharist, to offer the gift of christs own sacrificial death and passage to his father. In eucharist, we reconnect and react christs own submission to the will of his father. And that sacramental action encourages us to consent, enjoy, and in confidence to gods will and to his providence. Even when they are difficult to accept, and even more difficult to understand. There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens. We give thanks for the time that Cokie Roberts graced this world of ours. We rejoice in her humor, her conviction of faith, and her womanly ability to bring out the best in us. And to insist on nothing less. Thanks be to god for the time that he gave her to us. May the time that she now enjoys be blessed, filled with laughter and reward for the person that we loved, and whom god loved even more. To her beloved, steve, and their children, lee and rebecca, along with your own children, i offer a special word of consolation. It would not be an overstatement to admit that our entire nation is deeply indebted to you, and to your family, for this great lady, this dear friend, this extraordinary, professional servant of the truth. We know that she had a blessed life with you, long before the camera let us meet her. And in that former and personal life with all of you, she continued to discover the great wisdom and the assurance of gods goodness that she so willingly and generously shared with all of us. We all now rightfully claim her as a national personality, born from her proud new orleans roots, may cokie now be one with the lord that she loved, and whom she invited all of us to love as well. Amen. Jesus christ is risen from the dead and sits at the right hand of the father, where he intercedes for his church. Confident, we join our prayers to his. Broughthe women cokie alive in her book and elevated to their rightful place in american history, may their stories and examples continue to enrich our national lives, we pray to the lord. [in unison] lord, hear our prayer. For all those who struggle for justice and liberty, and despise tyranny in all its forms, give them the courage to continue their fight, we pray to the lord. [in unison] lord, hear our prayer. For all those who grieve for cokie, inspire them to follow her example, to put others ahead of self, to live a true Christian Life and always offer a hand and a heart to those in need, we pray to the lord. [in unison] lord, hear our prayer. For the leaders of the country, give them the wisdom to see beyond the battles of the moment and seek the common values and a shared humanity that unites us as americans, we pray to the lord. [in unison] lord, hear our prayer. For the children of the world who cokie cared so deeply about, especially those facing poverty, sickness, and hunger, give them the strength to overcome adversity and grow in grace. We pray to the lord. [in unison] lord, hear our prayer. For our grandmother cokie, who gave us an undying gift of love and laughter, whose care for us knows no end, who we will miss deeply and cherish always. We grant her peace in the arms of her god. We pray to the lord. [in unison] lord, hear our prayer. Lord god, give her peace and giver of peace and healer of souls, hear the prayers of your people whose lives were purchased by the blood of the lamb. Forgive the sins of all who sleep in christ and granted them a place in the heavenly kingdom, we ask this through christ our lord. [in unison] amen. Ave maria gratia plena [singing] ave maria gratia plena [singing] brothers and sisters, pray that my sacrifice and yours will be acceptable to god, the almighty father. [speaking in unison] as we humbly present to you the sacrificial offerings, o lord, for the salvation of your servant cokie, we beseech your mercy that she who did not doubt your son to be a loving savior may find in him a merciful judge, who lives and reigns forever and ever. [in unison] amen. The lord be with you. Lift up your hearts. Let us give thanks to the lord, our god. It is right and just. It is right and just, our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks. Lord, holy father, almighty and eternal god, for even though by our own fault we perish, yet by your compassion and your grace, when seized by death according to our sins, we are revealed through christs great victory and with him fall back into life. And so with the powers of heaven, we worship you constantly on earth. And before your majesty, without end we acclaim. Holy, holy, holy lord god [choir singing] you are indeed holy, o lord, and all you have created rightfully gives you praise, for through your son, our lord jesus christ, by the power and working of the holy spirit, you give life to all things and make them holy. And you never cease to gather a people to yourself, so that from the rising of the sun to its setting, a pure sacrifice may be offered to your name. Therefore, o lord, we humbly implore you, by the same spirit graciously make holy these gifts we have brought to you for consecration, that they may become the body and blood of your son, our lord jesus christ, at whose command we celebrate these mysteries. For on the night he was betrayed, he himself took bread and giving you thanks, he said the blessing. Broke the bread and gave it to his disciples, saying, take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my body which will be given up for you. In a similar way, when supper was ended he took the chalice and giving thanks he said the blessing and gave the chalice to his disciples, saying, take this, all of you, and drink from it, for this is the chalice of my blood. The blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be borne out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me. The mystery of faith [organ playing] [singing] lord, as we, o celebrate the passion of your son, his wondrous resurrection and ascension into heaven and as we look forward to his Second Coming we offer you in thanksgiving this holy and living sacrifice. We pray upon the oblation of your church, and recognizing the sacrificial victims whose death you will to reconcile us to yourself, grant that we who are nourished by the body and blood of your son, and filled with his holy spirit, may become one body, one spirit in christ. May he make of us an eternal offering to you, so that we may obtain an inheritance. Especially with the most blessed virgin mary, mother of god, with blessed joseph, her spouse, with your blessed apostles and glorious martyrs, with the st. With st. Matthew and all of the saints on whose constant intercession in your presence we rely for unfailing help. And may this sacrifice of our reconciliation we pray, lord, advance the peace and a of all and salvation of all the world. Be pleased to confirm in faith and charity your church on earth, with your servant, our bishop and the order of bishops, all the clergy, and the entire people your son has gained for you. Listen graciously to the prayers of this family, whom you have summoned before you in your compassion, o merciful father. Gather to yourself all your children scattered throughout the world. Remember your servant cokie, whom you have called to from this world to yourself. Grant that she who was united with your son in a death like his may also be one with him in his resurrection, when from the earth he will raise up in the flesh those who have died, and transform our lowly body after the pattern of his own glorious body. To our departed brothers and sisters, and to all who are pleasing to you in the passing from this life, give kind admittance to your kingdom. There we hope to enjoy the fullness of your glory, when you will wipe away every tear from our eyes. For seeing you, our god as you are, we shall be like you for all the ages, and pray to you without end through christ our through whom you bestowed all that is good in the world. Through him and with him and in him, o god almighty father, in the unity of the holy spirit, all glory and honor is yours forever and ever [singing] amen, amen, amen, amen amen, amen, amen, amen at the saviors command, informed by divine teachings, we daresay our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespassers, as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Deliver us, lord, we pray , from every evil. Graciously grant peace in our days, but by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope, the coming of our savior, jesus christ. Lord jesus christ, you said to your apostles, peace i leave you, peace i give you. Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your church, and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will, who live and reign forever and ever. [in unison] amen. The peace of the lord be with you always. [in unison] and with your spirit. Offer each other a sign of peace. [in unison] peace be to you. [indiscernible] lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world [singing] lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us have mercy on us lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world grant us peace grant us peace behold the lamb of god, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb. [speaking in unison] [indiscernible] the body of christ. The body of christ. The body of christ. The blood of christ. The blood of christ. The blood of christ. [singing] and he will raise you up on eagles wings bear you on the breath of dawn make you to shine like the sun and hold you in the palm of his hand [singing] and he will raise you up on eagles wings bear you on the breath of dawn make you to shine like the sun and hold you in the palm of his hand [singing] and he will raise you up on eagles wings bear you on the breath of dawn make you to shine like the sun and hold you in the palm of his hand [choir singing] and he will raise you up on eagles wings bear you on the breath of dawn make you to shine like the sun and hold you in the palm of his hand [choir singing] [choir singing] let us pray lord god, whose son left us in the sacrament of his body food for the journey, mercifully grant strength and buy it our sister may come to the eternal table of christ. Amen distinguished guests, members of the press, leader hoyer. Diss of the press, leader hoyer. Family, good morning. Steve, becca for the honor of joining you in this historic holy place. Such a special singular soul. Cokie roberts is a national treasure, whose passing is a great loss for america. For cokie it was always about family. About the lovene she has for steve and the love and pride she takes in her beautiful children and and children. She loves you also much. Than 100 here today that so many others have joined you to ane and share in extraordinary outpouring of love and remembrance. Nothing surpasses the honor of paying tribute to cokies memory. Today is a sad day for america. The passing of Cokie Roberts is for all who are blessed to call cokie a friend. Its official and deeply personal. Our parents came to congress around the same time. He longingly read longingly represented louisiana. Wasink thats why cokie always so protective of me. I met cokie. She had star power even then. Tradition of friendship continues in the third generation. I like to tell the story because its a little bit embarrassing. She lives in san francisco. Off as the himself first to congratulate them. You are you were our first introduction to the next generation. Cokie acted upon those values her entire life. And isnt it so fitting that we are here in the drill at saint inthews, because her life the life of her family was almost always about living the gospel of matt. Gospel of matthew. She was the only one in her family that didnt run for office, and she wanted journalism to be her public service. The knowledge and understanding developed as a daughter of the for people across america. My chief deputy was in a gift store in hudson ohio this week. The woman behind the counter was from washington. In this we lost cokie. Has been code across america. The womans response was one shar over five decades of celebrated journalism and persistent pursuit of the unvarnished truth as the archbishop mentioned. She enraptured and enlightened millions. Her greatness was recognized with many awards. Prestigiousw, the Walter Cronkite award for excellence in journalism. She was inducted into the broadcasting and cable hall of fame. She was named one of the 50 greatest women in the history of broadcasting. Not that year. In the history of broadcasting. Legend declared a living by the library of congress. As i say, to name a few of her awards. She was an american icon. She willver be forever be in the pantheon of the greatest professionals in her field. How blessed we were in congress that she used her gift to study and share americas history and heritage, helping tell the full story of our nation. Cokies brilliant reporting and writing shined a spotlight on the unsung women heroes of american history. Their steroids steroids had long gone untold. The women who helped build and strengthen our nations are net are taking their rightful place in americas history books. As she stared are the stories of the suffragettes, upon his shoulders we stand, she empowered the next generation of Women Leaders to stand on her shoulders. Her work to chronicle history helped shape americas future, helping inspire countless young women and girls to follow in her groundbreaking steps and to give them the confidence to do so. Isnt it just like cokie to have all women ushers and the nuns to be offering the gifts . We were fortunate to honor cokie and the capital as she shares her story as suffragist in the day we mark the centennial of the house passing the 19th amendment. Cokie said its important to be celebrating those stories today, because its important to know them and for the next generation to know them. We watched cokie beam with pride. My own next generation has taken on the task. Cokie mentored and motivated so many, leading by the power of example and the personal interest and encouragement, she gave and encouragement she gave countless young women. It was in her dna. I had the pleasure of serving with and congress. We grieve with her, with barbaras passing. We named a room for her. Years ago lindsay said to me, darling, know your power and use it. Here i am. She used it to forge a better america. We will miss her great generosity. We will always remember the 21st of september. Thank you, for sharing cokie with us. In her own words, i would never have had the confidence without his support. So many people mourn their loss, and we are praying for you in this sad time. God bless america with cokies life and legacy. Thank you. On behalf of the whole family, i want to thank you all for coming. We have been truly gratified and overwhelmed by the expressions of love and support we receive. She filled a hall, didnt she . She filled a hall, didnt she. The summer of 1962, i met a girl at a student political meeting. Believed she was wearing a pair of charcoaled grave bermuda shorts at that moment. For the last 57 years, she has corrected me on this and many other points. Insisted,ver, she owned a pair of charcoal shorts. Over the years on countless occasions, cokie corrected all of us. Us, inspireduraged ,s, taught us and touched us cajoled and consoled us. Us fiercelyhe loved and forever. I knew immediately i met an extraordinary person, but i was a typical guy, petrified of commitments. Finallyme four years to oppose. Did ite used to joke, i by saying, oh all right, cokie. Of course, it was the best thing i ever did in my life. Many of my former students have quoted act to me a frequent piece of advice i always give them. Who you marry is the most important decision you make. Fortunately for us, even though we heard young, directly from thousands of people. Some of the most poignant notes werefrom young women, who helped by cokie as they navigated their way through the journalism business. One of them, now i correspondence for the pbs newshour, called himself a proud member of cokies army. What made me adore her so much is the fact she used her power to empower others. Ladderght her way up the and then kept reaching back down. Most people dont do it with the style and grace and good humor that cokie did. One reason cokie felt so strongly about helping others to the own experience house she and i lived in for the last 42 years. Later she was hosting her own interview show on the local nbc station. Of opportunity and journalism was largely close to her and other women. Here is a person who eventually wrote national bestselling books. After we were married and moved to new york she was told repeatedly by various editors, we do not hire women to be writers. She often told the story that she was so depressed when we got to new york she had trouble getting dressed in the morning. One day she decided to return a fancy newesent to a york store. She put on a coat and headed out. She realized to her horror that the couple had given the present was also in the same line. Since he was ad, guy, he had no clue about what present the family had given. The guy called his wife to answer a question. The wife knew exactly what cokie was doing and demanded to talk to her. What are the odds this could happen in a city of 8 Million People . The guy in the story, i saw him at the press club, the guy works and wasew york times about to cover rockefeller probably rockefellers inauguration. Hot andights were very everyone kept offering to take her coat. She was still wearing her nightgown. She kept replying, im from the south, im always hot. At which point cokie politely declined and fled back to our apartment. We had our first baby two years later. She hit on the idea of doing as a stringerork in journalistic lingo. After we rented a house and got cableds settled, cokie the cbs station that she was ready to go to work. Coupight Wing Military toppled the governments in cyprus. Two days later the turks invaded cyprus and cokie got an urgent message from cbs assigning her to report the story from the cokie was onou did crutches at the time. Friends remember her appearing in the doorway of their room, waving her crotch and announcing the turks have invaded. That was her first day as a radio reporter. Virtually every other reporter in the region was still stuck in cyprus and the airports were closed. Get a radiod to report out to cbs. Cbs said, dont worry, shes fine. But we are running her radio piece as the lead of the tv news tonight. Want to show her photo while the audio is playing. When i finally got out of cyprus on a British Military and i found i was veteranto a correspondent. Returned to washington a few years later, she was unhappy about it. She wanted to stay abroad. I walked into the New York Times and introduced myself to a woman who i didnt recognize. She replied National Public radio. Npr had been on the air for five years. Perfect place for my wife to work. What do i do. He answer was, my friend now, npr the next day i met her outside a few blockses from where we are sitting right now. Hired her as a parttime reporter. Thats the first, saw the Old Girls Network at work. Women doing for each other when men always had done. What talents they had. Cokie has been a Critical Link in the Old Girls Network ever since. The ladder climbed of success, she always reached behind her to help others. Priority was always clear. She gloried in the success of her two children. She became the budget director of the state of north carolina. She was equally gratified when wrote a marvelous book about the Suffragist Movement and becoming a renowned expert on women in politics. Akie also loved being grandmother, taking endless pride in those six wonderful grandchildren. When they got older she would take them on trips. Asked to moderate took tributes, she was a true democrat. Democrat. E a small d met,ouched everyone she especially those who are not famous or wealthy or influential. During the last days of her life she was hospitalized at nih. Old immigrants, not very fluent in english, would say to me we are praying for miss cokie. She became friendly with one of insisted iand rummage through her recipe box at home and find a recipe for crawfish cornbread. The author of that recipe is serving a life sentence in louisianas prison for murder. Then there was judith. Ith was another work another nurse on the ward. Here pt bugging her bugging her. In the last hours of the last day that cokie was conscious, judith finally relented and showed cokie photos of her two children on her phone. Faced face lit up with that incandescent smile. She exclaimed, what beautiful children. And the two of them just embraced. That moment captures the cokie i will remember most, caring about someone else, helping him feel good about themselves, opening arms and and her making the world around brighte. What a beautiful smile. A beautiful spirit. What a beautiful life. Before we go let us take leave of our sister cokie and express our affection for her. Sadness one day we shall joyfully greet cokie again. The love of crisis which conquers all things, destroys even death itself. [choir singing] into your hands on of mercy we commend our sister, cokie. With the sure and certain hope that together with cries to she will rise with him on that last day. We give you thanks for the lessons which you he stowed up coachingtowed upon. Uring this life is merciful lord, turned toward us and listen to our prayer. Servant gates to your and help us who remain to comfort one another with assurances of they until we all meet in cries and are with you and cokie forever and ever forevercrisis christ and ever. Sisterus now take our cokie to her place of rest. [singing] glory, glory, hallelujah. Glory, hallelujah. Glory, hallelujah. His truth is marching on. [choir singing] [choir singing] cspans washington journal, live every day with news that and policy issues that impact you. Straussorning, daniel and Julia Manchester will join us to discuss campaign 2020 and political news from capitol hill. Also, university of notre dame Professor Robert small on his book. Watch cspans washington journal, live at 7 00 eastern sunday morning. Be sure to watch the program tomorrow beginning at 7 00 eastern as we continue our campaign 2020 battleground states tour across the country. Monday, we will visit wisconsin. Trump and president indian Prime Minister modi speak at an event hosted by the Texas India Forum in houston. Well have live coverage of their remarks beginning at noon eastern. On monday, President Trump will talk about religious freedom at an event called the global call to protest religious freedom at the United Nations in new york city. Vice president pence is also expected to attend. Will have live coverage beginning at 11 30 a. M. Eastern. Cspan,th events on online at cspan. Org, or listen live on the free cspan radio app. Tonight on book tv, at 11 00 eastern, New York Times reporters kate kelly and robin program and explore Brett Kavanaughs recent confirmation process. Hearings,time of the the me too movement had been underway for a while. I think there was a backlash brewing. It was going to far, this notion of, believe all women. Andas oversimplified overlooking the investigation part of it. You do have a president who does advocate taking tough stances and has talked about allegations of Sexual Misconduct as something where you need to deny. It was important for us to put ourselves in kavanaughs shoes and imagine that someone is being falsely accused and really go there and explore that. Eastern,day, at 10 00 live coverage of the 2019 brooklyn wrote book festival, featuring a discussion of the administration featuring Annette Gordon reed and brenda white apple. And a look at historical resistance with author and activist deray mckesson. Eastern, former utah republican congressman jason chase its argues that liberals are trying to undermine the trump presidency. There is this recurring theme in here that they really do believe on that radical far left side, they throw these labels like fascists, all these really negative terms on donald trump. What i see them doing is exactly what they claim the president was doing. That in order to protect their freedom, they need to take it away. In order to make sure the First Amendment applies, they need to take away our rights under the First Amendment. Its a recurring theme. At 9 00 on afterwards, Michelle Malkin offers her thoughts on u. S. Immigration policy in her book. Shes interviewed by texas republican congressman chip roy. Havem cook and jeff bezos donated to many of these deeppocketed nonprofit organizations that are crusading for illegal alien writes. You wonder how it is that they have instant representation in court to sue over every last Trump Initiative to enforce the law. Business is a huge reason for that. Watch book tv, every weekend on cspan2. Representative joe kennedy is serving his fourth term in the house. Hes announced he will run for the u. S. Senate seat in massachusetts. He will be challenging incumbent senator ed markey next year. This is about 30 minutes. [applause] [inaudible]

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