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Mr. Burgess will you yield for parliamentary inquiry . Ms. Eshoo i want to do my Opening Statement. Pardon me. I already recognized myself but afterward. Ize you i never thought id be holding or that we would be under the sad ng circumstances, but i think its one. Essary pain. Untry is in americans are afraid. Sick. E theyre hungry and jobless. Nd over 80,000 souls have been lost. And the government that was supposed to protect them has failed. There are heroes and they have isen, extraordinary, ordinary americans showing courage, compassion, and a sense of and duty beyond what could have or should have them. Sked of regular americans have risen not. Their leaders have we are the greatest country on earth, and, yet, we have the cases and the most deaths in covid19 of any nation the world. Why . The inept, ineffective and extremely late to what was pond clear to many scientists and in ic Health Experts january. Hat basic delay cost precious lives and is continuing to cost lives. Theant have a system where price paid is unconscionable. Daughters. Ing daughters losing fathers. Because of incompetent, denial, and a disorganized response. Of those who ired bear the responsibility it while none of deflecting blame on others, the administration, the World Health Organization, the but where anywhere the blame belongs. Second, the United States has remains dangerously dependent on Foreign Countries supply of critical lifesaving drugs and lifesaving masks, gloves, p. P. E. And ventilators. Our result, we cant treat own people without relying on supply us. Thers to e cant outfit our first responders, our hospital workers, our nurses, our doctors. Care for our own nation in crisis. A national is security issue. I want to thank the gentlewoman indiana, mrs. Brooks, for to bipartisan work with me address the drug supply chain issue as well as other members a bipartisan basis for their as slation on those issues well. Today, were going to hear about the disastrous federal response approaching pandemic. Of the ht has filed one most specific and troubling histleblower complaints ive ever seen. He was the right person with the right udgment at the time. He was not only ignored, he was right. Or being we cant have a system where the who get t fires those it right and reward those who wrong. Completely mr. Michael bowen, the executive of prestige t amayor tech will speak about the ill speak crippling dependence on foreign critical supplies, a National Security issue. A terrible is paying price today. And it rests on congress to threat where any effort of an adversary can cut lifesaving ly of drugs and supplies. Lifeline. And this would create a Health Care Disaster on a scale never before. Ced i bear this responsibility as every member of congress. This subcommittee has over our countrys most prestigious health care f. D. A. , n. I. H. , c. D. C. , and barda. To listen. We have to learn. Together for rk the people of our country who so, so much. Egardless of inconvenient truths. Finally, i regret the secretary robert kadlic, and dr. All refused have to testify today. I now ask for a moment of of the over nor 80,000 americans who have lost their lives from covid19. The chair now recognizes r. Burgess before im recognized for an Opening Statement, i wonder if i can be ecognized for a parliamentary inquiry. Ms. Eshoo the gentleman is parliamentary his inquiry. Mr. Burgess id like clarification before us today, this witness testifying as a government witness or as an individual . Ms. Eshoo dr. Bright is a federal as employee. Correct . Representing he is a ederal employee representing himself. The ranking ze member of the subcommittee. Madam chair, just to question. Normally we have name plates identifying whos at the table dr. Bright, know of course, but im not sure him. Next to ms. Eshoo youre correct. I dont know why we dont have name plates. Cament notice that when i in the hearing room. Can the staff provide them . Can there any way the staff can them . E can. Nk we mr. Walden thank you. Would like to so inform the members that dr. Attorney, deborah katz, is at the table. Microphone. Ted a she is not here as a witness. Asking her ot be questions. Simply here to represent her client. To recognize ke the Ranking Member of the dr. Burgess, for his five minutes for an Opening Statement. Thank the chair and the energy and commerce, particularly the subcommittee on premiere Health Subcommittee in the congress. Jurisdiction. D a long standing tradition of tackling Important Health care bipartisan manner. I personally, like our witness oday, have been very, very concerned. In fact, sounding the alarm about this Novel Coronavirus january. So i ask, why is this the first fficial hearing that were hearing on this topic . Disappointment would be an understatement. Not only disappointment but im oncerned that it took five months to have a hearing on this Novel Coronavirus instead of ackling any of the issues suggested in the letters that that i sent to you this week, a whistleblower complaint that is only a proper ld before investigation. In these letters, i outlined the importance of addressing the stockpile, tional covid19s impact on Mental Health, testing. We should have a hearing on testing. Acial disparities and provide relief. The lack of attention to these details are detrimental to our nations overall response to pandemic and it is the responsibility of this house and his responsibility of this committee. We continue to stand on the sidelines. Nstead of becoming fully engaged. Every whistleblower deserves to heard. Dr. Bright has raised serious llegations, and they deserve investigation. Whistleblowers must have their deserve to cted and have their allegations investigated with policies and been long that have established and upheld as and fair. T cnn m chair, on april 23, reported that you planned to call dr. Bright to testify. Fileright did not actually his whistleblower complaint with the office of special counsel 5. Il tuesday, may that same day it was announced on social media that you planned it was a hearing, but not officially noticed until two days later. The office of 8, special counsel recommended that dr. Bright be temporarily of stated as director arreda barda so they could thoroughly conduct its investigation and move forward with the usual processes of whistleblower complaints. Despite the hearing memo, no final determination of the of the whistleblower statute has actually been made. A robust investigation process, the customary setting for a whistleblower hearing our energy and Commerce Committee under the nder oath in the Office Oversight and investigation subcommittee. To say this hearing is premature, and it is a to the investigation of dr. Brights complaint i goes without saying. You trampled on minority rights. You would have never tolerated in the n you were minority. You neglected the tradition of this committee and in the manner this hearing was called. Number of procedural fouls committed in advance of this hearing would certainly have led chair to a foul in multiple games. All apparently in a World Without sports, this subcommittee has become political sport. 80,000 american lives have been lost to this pandemic. It continues to wreak havoc on communities, not only in terms of physical health but Mental Health and certainly financial health. Should be conducting a hearing on the realtime the pandemic of allhaza preparedness and advancing act and we should have done it in february. To democratic counterpart the primary officer, dr. Susan chair, shouldadam have a great interest in holding such a hearing. In my district, weve seen amongst young africanamericans from covid19. About a new phenomenon of very young are dying from an intense inflammatory response sparked by infection with this virus. Of hould hear from some these families and the medical professionals to analyze why his virus has disproportionately affected some communities, particularly minority communities. Before, not all heroes wear capes. Hospitals, doctors, other health are on the rs frontlines every day battling this virus. They go to work so we can stay very which weve done successfully. The inability to conduct nonessential procedures and to financial harm to our hospitals and doctors, and country s preparing to ease back into roviding medical care is the distribution of the Provider Relief Fund in the cares act working . We e are the questions should be asking experts today. I appreciate chairman pallone telephone briefings since we have our own questions. I will say, this pandemic is health of our c nation. I thank you for your commitment to hold future hearings on the stockpile, tional Mental Health and racial disparities. Im happy to help you set the rest of the year. I hope you will commit to additional hearings on testing relief fund. Der and i request that my letters and your responses be part of the record. Back. D ms. Eshoo the gentleman yields. Back. Ntleman yields i think the gentleman will ecall that i called for a hearing on january 30, and on that, it was to be fauci, alldlick, dr. The heads of our health it was secretary azar that said they cannot come. Top person. And when i come, they will come with me. 30. Hat was january mr. Burgess madam chair, versight and Government Reform Committee for two days. Ms. Eshoo im not finished yet. m not finished yet, dr. Burgess. Youve written several letters week, and i last communicated to you, im happy review own with you to and to come up with all the that this hearings subcommittee should hold. On we will Work Together that. We have a lot of work to do. Right. Absolutely the stockpile, testing, the list s as long as pennsylvania avenue. So we will Work Together on that, rest assured. Id like to recognize the chairman of the full committee, his five e, for minutes for an Opening Statement. You, madam thank chair. Thank you, ms. Eshoo, for initiating this hearing and your energy into it so that were here today with dr. Bright. We are here as part of the energy and Commerce Committees ngoing work to confront the largest Public Health and economic kriers of our crisis ofr life our lifetimes. More than 80,000 americans have lives. Eir 36 million lost their jobs as of today. This is a National Emergency ekt of res afters a every aspect of government ofether to reduce the spread this terrible virus so we can confidently reopen our economy. And congress ent worked together to enact four laws to provide economic to the American People, new laws are simply not enough. Resident trump and his administration have failed to provide the consistent and stable leadership that is our nation guide through this Public Health and economic crisis. For months, the president has mixed messages and misinformation to the American People, creating confusion the nation. Instead of showing leadership, competence and vision in a time crisis, the administration has absent indicated its responsibility and forced states themselves and find their own way out of this pandemic. While states and frontline workers were pleading for personal protective equipment, testing supplies and protect them s to and their patients, President Trumps response was to let out on the open market. For months, the president has refused to develop and implement National Testing program. For months weve been promised tests were right around the corner. Promise is hollow. Esting is Getting Better but nowhere where it needs to be. The president proclaimed about testing earlier this week, and i we have met the moment and we have prevailed. That could not be further from truth, mr. President. Dr. Rick bright, the former barda, has come forward as a whistleblower and made serious allegations ncluding a lack of urgency by Administration Officials to respond to the virus. Mismanagement and failure to supplies and ary disregard for Public Health and scientific integrity. Lie at s his claims the heart of this committees concerns regarding the thenistrations response to covid19 pandemic. Were here today to hear the who istive of dr. Bright positioned to discuss the administrations preparations pandemic. Se to this now, the failures weve seen simply cannot persist. Energy and he Commerce Committee continues to onduct robust oversight and to propose bold legislative solutions of. Weve been demanding answers administration on testing, Contact Tracing, the supply chain, food safety, and he safety of Food Production workers and attempts undermine science and Public Health. To receive ave yet any sufficient responses from this Trump Administration. Legislation, congress has already passed four major Coronavirus Response packages by the work roved of this committee. Nd now with the sense of urgency, earlier this week we act, which heroes will be voted on tomorrow by the house. It continues our ongoing commitment by providing the resources and support needed to combat the coronavirus crisis. Strengthen ion will testing and Contact Tracing by finally requiring the administration to develop plans with clear benchmarks and timelines and public reporting of key metrics. This will allow transparency so we can see if the trump itsnistration is fulfilling promises and hold them accountable if theyre not. To lso provide 75 billion support robust testing, Contact Tracing, surveillance, and activities. This is beyond the 25 that was in the last bill. Beat this ly cannot virus without these efforts in place. Our legislation also ensures all covid19 treatments, drug, and vaccines are free of patients. The bill will help shore up our Public Health infrastructure for the long road ahead. The health rity is and safety of the American People. The heroes act builds on the progress we have made and lays foundation we will need to ease social distancing and reopen the economy. So i just want to thank dr. Bright for coming forward and for being here today. Want to thank you, madam chair, for bringing him here. Im hopeful this hearing will elp us better understand the failures of the Trump Administration so that ollectively we can find solutions that will help us finally get a handle on this virus. Its the only way well be able protect the American People nd safely and competently reopen our communities. I thank you, madam chair, and i yield back. S. Eshoo the gentleman yields back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from oregon, the anking member of the full committee, mr. Walden. Mr. Walden thank you very much, madam chair. And before before i use my have just a parliamentary question for you. That. Would yield to madam chair. Ms. Eshoo state your inquiry. Tary mr. Walden i know were operating under really unusual conditions. We are. O mr. Walden because of the masks affects the layout of the room. Do investigative hearings there is a script about whether an individual is whether ed by counsel, they want that counsel represented. I got that script. He reason im asking is were not in o. N. I. , but it is have rdinarily unusual to government witness as an individual with private counsel table and with a microphone. To get m just trying claire if clarification for future precedent setting for Committee Reason im he only asking this. He obviously has counsel. We should follow the protocol thats prescribed for the versight and Investigation Committee in similar circumstances. Ms. Eshoo well, i think this is that this we have another first here. Dr. Bright came in this orning with his attorney, she requested the microphone. I extended they, microphone to her. Mr. Walden yeah, sure. S. Eshoo now, shes not a witness. She will not we are not going to ask her questions. Simply is accompanying her client. So i dont is it a problem . Mr. Walden i dont have that. Ion to any of can i read you what this text is and maybe that resolves it . This is not o , and i. Need to ggesting we follow what o and i does . Saying that the witness is not here in his whistleblowing capacity is what im told, what you communicated, but this is his personal attorney, if im correct, and we i know who you are but we have not identified that for the record. In o and i, as you now, you ask if the if the witness wants to be accompanied by counsel, they respond yes or no. Counsel is allowed to move forward, sit at the table, and then the question is asked, give testimony or not and if so raise your hand, here. All im doing we dont usually do this type of activity in this in the other committees. And we are not usually set up this way but because ms. Eshoo would you like to ask he mr. Walden i think we all to precedent. Future ms. Eshoo its a good suggestion. Mr. Walden we are all learning how to operate in this environment. Ms. Eshoo all right. The gentleman is recognized for his five minutes for an Opening Statement. R. Walden well ms. Eshoo you dont think its resolved . Mr. Walden are we going to ask if he wants to be represented by who the counsel is . Ms. Eshoo dr. Bright, do you ish to be represented by counsel . Dr. Bright yes. Mr. Walden ok. She identify herself for the record . S. Eshoo for record, would counsel please state your name. Is deborah katz, an ttorney representing dr. Rick bright, from the law firm of banks. Arshall and ms. Eshoo the gentleman is for his five minutes. Parliamentary question. Ms. Eshoo the gentleman will state his parliamentary will the witness be under oath . If you have a whistleblower i, a ony under o and witness is under oath. Today hes not under oath, then whistleblower allegations, how can we be assured that the witness is the truth under oath if theyre not under oath and if howre not under oath, then can you talk about the whistleblower complaints . Ms. Eshoo i thank the gentleman. And equitable manner. Ms. Eshoo i thank the gentleman for his inquiry. That it is s know illegal to lie to congress. In our subcommittee, unlike o and i, they are the only subcommittee i mean, its a practice. A tradition. In. We dont swear people but witnesses know that it is to congress. E 1,003, i believe. Mr. Bucshon thank you. Hiseshoo the gentleman for five minutes opening. Mr. Walden thank you. I know were operating under unique circumstances. Is coping with an historic deadly pandemic that we always knew was possible but we prayed would not happen. In a bipartisan way we did everything the experts said we do to be prepared should a pandemic or other hazards strike. Madam chair, the work you, dr. Burgess, representative susan rooks and i did over two congresses when each party has controlled the house resulted in one product the pandemic allhazards preparedness act. You are are know part of our efforts in writing that law. Horizing we thank you for your work. In fact, given the role you once before going to barda, you had a big responsibility to make sure strategic ovided the National Stockpile were needed, us shortcomings as we were doing the act. To over three earings we held in the subcommittee where you testified about the zika outbreak in 2017, on march 8, flu 2018, on june 15, 2018, entitled Public Healthu. S. Biopreparedness, responding to pandemics, ttacks, and emerging Infectious Disease outbreaks. We didnt make sure miss anything. Nothing jumped out of me as i reread the record. Increased funding to asper and bardia. Followed your recommendations in playing in this combiepd effort. Nfortunately, some of the systems we put in place to prepare for a pandemic, systems designed without actually living have notome like this, performed as expected. Weve learned we didnt have enough of the basic supplies weve always taken for granted. While chair eshoo and i warned bout the potential vulnerabilities of our medical supply chaps, especially from china, not enough was done to problem, and it still hasnt been fully addressed. Thankful that President Trump invoked the defense roduction act to ramp up the production of masks and ventilators and the president used the Emergency Powers and to ys congress provided launch unprecedented efforts to search the globe for supplies, to rapidly advance development and vaccines. But we still have much bipartisan work to do to respond the challenges presented by covid19. Learning. Ssons were we have asked for and this committee should hold hearings to reformpath forward the strategic National Stockpile, to increase domestic manufacturing of critical and disentangle our supply chains from china. We should be exploring increased testing so we can begin to safely reopen our economy. We need to find ways to improve and s to Mental Health provide relief, both for our Health Care Providers on the frontlines treating covid19 and our Health Care Workers who have been furloughed because their hospitals are closed. Conducting rigorous oversight of the trillions of policiesnd a myriad of congress appropriated and enacted in the last three months and we should be investigating, allegationstigating like dr. Brights, that raise concern that our about our Coronavirus Response. That does not appear to be why were actually here today and me. Kly it saddens dr. Bright, your allegations are serious. They deserve a real investigation. Know the office of special counsel, with whom you filed complapt, will do just that and i know they take their work out. Usly and hear you and well give those named in combr complapt to complaint to hear. We were confused when we learned from a tweet this schedule was in the wake of your complaint. As you know, thats certainly not how we do things at the energy and Commerce Committee. After the notice of this being a whistleblower hearing, we were advised you were here as a government not a whistleblower, but then we were told you were not representing the government yourself. Hearing title suggests the hearing is about protecting integrity, yet, the chair invited a witness that ill not be speak being that issue. Its unusual to say the least. Here we are in the middle of a given c and we arent time to secure our witnesses, conduct appropriate research or require documents that could aid understanding of the situation you face and the country face. Our first discussion with the unfortunately, just ago. Red three days this is really serious business. This is not how we should conduct an investigation. We need to get to the heart of we look togation and look what we have not done right as a congress and country and together and nd fix before fall arrives. Thank you for being here. I enjoyed working with you over the years and continue to look forward to working with you and right. To get this madam chair, we have a letter 11 you asking for rule hearing that well provide to you and with that i yield back. Thank you. The gentleman yields back. The chair would like to remind to ers that pursuant committee rules, all members written Opening Statements will of the record. I would now like to introduce our witness. First panel today. R. Rick bright is a highly regarded scientist with expertise in the fields of therapeutics, vaccine and diagnostic development. Decade, hes been a career Civil Servant at the epartment of health and Human Services. In 2016, dr. Bright was appointed director of barda, the third director of barda, the andedical advanced Research Development authority. S director of barda, hes testified before congress as a government expert numerous imes, including before this subcommittee. I share a special pride with because ichard burr together it was our legislation barda. Eated so thank you for your willingness to join us today and to offer testimony, dr. Bright. E look forward to your testimony. Youre certainly familiar with the lights. I dont need to explain those to you. For your ive minutes statement. Microphone got the on. There you go. Good morning to you. Dr. Bright good morning chairwoman, eshoo, Ranking Member burgess and distinguished members of the subcommittee. I am dr. Rick bright, a career Public Servant and a scientist who has spent 25 years of my career focused on addressing pandemic outbreaks. I received my bachelors degree with honors in both biology and sciences and a ph. D. In molecular pathogenesis. Barda in 2010, until april 21 of this year, i had the serving as its director. Barda partners with private address National Health security threats. Confronting ad is Public Health emergency unlike over a not seen in century. We are facing a transmishl and disrupts the hat very foundations of our society. The American Health care system the limit. Xed to our economy is spiraling downward and our population is paralyzed by fear, temming from a lack of a coordinated response and a daerth of accurate, clear path tion about the forward. Americans yearn to get back to for their ovide families. I get that. However, what we do must be done fairfully and with guidance from the best scientific carefully best th guidance from the Scientific Minds. Our window of opportunity is closing. If we fail to improve our b b b b b science, i fear the pandemic will get prolonged. E there will likely be a of covid19 this fall and be greatly compounded about he challenges of seasonal influenza. Without better planning, 2020 could be the darkest winter in modern history. And foremost, we need to be truthful with the American People. Deserve the truth. The truth must be based on science. Greatest e worlds scientists. Let us lead. Of us speak without fear retribution. We must listen. Ach of us can and must do our part now. On tuesday, dr. Fauci delivered a message in a voice thats trustworthy as he encouraged us to act with caution as we return to our lives. We should listen to him and other scientists sharing their expertise. And a aiting for a cure vaccine, which i believe will come, there are things we must immediately. We must increase the public the basics washing hands, social face cing, appropriate covering. They are simple but critical steps that buy a valuable time a vaccine. Is we need to ramp up production of essential equipments and supplies, including Raw Materials and critical components. Shortages of these increase the health our frontline care workers. They deserve the best equipment to protect themselves. To facilitate he can whi hichable equitable distribution of supplies. Finally, we need a National Testing strategy. The virus is here. Everywhere. We need to be able to find it, isolate it, and stop it. Need to have the right testing for everyone who needs it. Trace to be able to contact, isolate, quarantine, and appropriately while striving a cure. Op initially, our nation was not as as we should have been. Been. Could have some scientists raised early that were nals overlooked. And pages from our pandemic by some inre ignored leadership. There will be plenty of time to assess what has happened so we can improve, but right now, we need to focus on things right going forward. We need a comprehensive plan that everyone knows and everyone participates in. Congress has taken important steps to support the response more we can do. With your help, we can get through this crisis. Cooperatively with our global partners, we can and will finding a cure for covid19. That success depends on what we do today. We will either be remembered for what we did or what we failed to crisis. Dress this i call on all of us to act. O ensure the health, safety, and prosperity of all americans. You can count on me to do my part. Thank you. S. Eshoo thank you, dr. Bright. Well now move to member questions and i recognize myself questions. Nutes for thank you, again, dr. Bright. Clear. E a distinguished youre one of our countrys leading public Health Experts on pandemics and to ational Security Health threats. Youre the first government fficial whos been on the inside seeing everything and hand to come forward share an unvarnished experiences from what really happened january to the time you departed in april of this year in dealing with the virus. O i want to make sure i understand what youre telling us. Written d in your testimony, a window of closing, but it is not yet closed. Do with the ed to time left to get it right and if we dont, what do you mean when darkest2020 will be the history . Modern dr. Bright chairwoman eshoo, for your question. Closing to address this pandemic because we still not have a standard central, coordinated plan to take our nation through this response. I believe with proper leadership and collaboration across government, with the best leading the way, we can devise a comprehensive strategy. A plan that includes all of americans and them help us guide us through this pandemic. Because is running out the virus is still spreading everywhere. Restless to etting leave their homes, and we have to make critical decisions on economy and e the science. My concern about this fall is knowledge and y preparation and response to many outbreaks. Fluenza pandemic influenza outbreaks and outbreaks. Fluenza in our country in 2017, we had the y 79,000 people die in u. S. From i flew enza. That influenza. A covid19 d with resurgence this fall, could be devastating for our Health Care Systems and for americans. Window of imited opportunity to get plans in place to address both of those. Ms. Eshoo thank you. When you look at the first four onths of this year, would you describe the governments and the administrations response as the success as a success or failure . R. Bright i believe we could have done better. I believe there are critical take in t we did not time. Ms. Eshoo was there a failure to respond when you correctly to claim early virus samples or to obtain early virus china so we could evelop critical medical countermeasures . Dr. Bright from my perspective and working with companies that get vaccines, viral samples are critical. As soon as we were aware this a significant e threat to human lives, i began pushing for those virus samples. Frustration and ms. Eshoo and when did you do that . Dr. Bright i did that in the secretary azar in january to push for the virus samples. Nitially mentioned on january 23, and the strong push on january 27 for those virus samples. S. Eshoo and was there a failure to respond with the needed urgency when you correctly pushed to ramp up of masks, swabs . Tors, syringes, dr. Bright congresswoman, weve sometime that our stockpile is insufficient in aving the personal protective equipment. Once the virus began spreading and became known to be a threat, did feel quite concern we didnt have those supplies. In gan pushing urgently january along with industry colleagues as well. Those urges, those alarms were to with action. Ms. Eshoo was there a failure to take immediate action when correctly pushed to acquire dditional doses of the drug remdisivir, which is the only appears ar that has to be at least mildly effective, thank god, for treating people covid19 . Dr. Bright there was no action aken on the urgency to come up with a plan for acquisition of remdisivir, nor distribute those limited doses remdisivir once we had Scientific Data to help those virus. Ed with the ms. Eshoo instead of your recommendatio recommendations and try to cut you out of meetings, marginalize your participation . Was told that my urgings were causing a commotion from those moved meetings. Expired. my time has i now recognize the gentleman the Ranking Member of the burgess. Tee, dr. Chair. Gess i thank the dr. Bright, i hope, as it is you, everyone on this dais on both sides appreciate before us today even though we are frustrated of hearing without having the full effects. Youre testifying in your personal capacity and not on leadership or lead administration . Sir. Right thats correct, boi mr. Burgess thank you for that. The e ask a question about disease modifying antiraoux mettic drugs that have been looked at for therapy for this disease. Hydroxychloroquine was initial a tially identified for therapeutic because if of its antiinflammatory effects and calm things in the immune system. As we know, one of the features f this disease is the overwhelmi overwhelming response that host. Elms the there also may be an effect of the virus at the point of contact with the cell. Certainly something that probably deserves a little investigation. One. , its not the only there were some other drugs. Barda if im correct investments. H two others which are thought to have similar impacts on the suppress the response to hydroxychloroquine, am i correct . Dr. Bright there are a number were evaluating initially, congressman, that we were considering to conduct studies to get further information that they really had an impact and if they were safe use in patients that would impact this virus. Mr. Burgess do you have able to the dollar amounts that barda appropriated or authorized each of those two drugs . Those ght i dont have numbers available with me now. Mr. Burgess would you be able available to the committee . Mr. Burgess i believe h. H. S. Available. Those barda could make those available. Burgess what about hydroxychloroquine when you as the concern of hydroxychloroquine which became paramount in your disagreement with the administration, was it when you tablished made these other investments in similar medications . The my concerns round the safety of hydroxychloroquine in people infected with the covid19 virus are reflective of the scientific we received from an Interagency Group of clinicians nd regulatory experts and scientists. At the time that we learned about hydroxychloroquine and quinn, there chloroquine, there was limited Data Available and our proposal were to see if we can identify a source of that n. I. H. Could conduct randomized control Clinical Study. Thats a similar action we took remdisivir. Once we thought we had promise cheap, n. I. H. Rom china, n. I. H. Did a Clinical Study with remdisivir. That was our plan of action. Burgess you of course, authored the letter to the emergency ng for the use for hydroxychloroquine . R. Bright i was directed as barda director from the office of h. H. S. Secretary to put in expanded Access Program to make chloroquine donation beyer available to unique s through a opportunity that would utilize an app and perhaps make it americans who are not under close supervision of a health care provider. Burgess of course, this hearing not hearing on hydroxychloroquine, i, of would welcome a robust hearing on therapeutics and the weve h going on, what nvested in, what is panning out. I note that kazara and the other medication may not have panned the nd i think Manufacturing Company for kazara of the continue part help because it wont cov covid patients. Since you identified yourself at this hearing and got noticed, from a lot of doctors. My state, around the country, using e experienced hydroxychloroquine and coupled with zinc nd theyre reporting significant benefit if is used early enough in the course. Eliminate the need for hospit hospitalization and ventilator y. And wouldlook into it just be interested if you did that as part of your duties at barda . The gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Burgess can the gentleman answer the question . Witness be able to answer the question . Ms. Eshoo you may. Believe its r, i important. I heard those antidotal stories as well and they were not context of a he randomized control Clinical Study. Ts very difficult to understand data from those type f observational studies or antidota stories so the drug might have some benefit in some opulation but we wont know that until we have it from a truly randomized Clinical Study. Are of those studies ongoing now. Some of the studies we are data from and those have not showed overwhelming evidence of benefit from the use of in those oroquine patients. But the different studies are devised to look at different of it as you most described. Ms. Eshoo the gentlemans time expired. The chair recognizes the expired thetime has gentlemans time please. We all want to be fair to each other. The gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the committee, the full mr. Pallone, for his five minutes of questions. Mr. Pallone thank you, madam chair. Me just say, dr. Bright, thank you for your courage in being here. Was younger, we used to read a book by president kennedy alled profiles and courage, and, you know, your courage in being here reminds me of some of about in that ad book. I am concerned, dr. Bright, that he Trump Administration does not have plans for a nationwide Vaccine Program to ensure that vaccine is approved well be able to quickly make it available to everyone. Want to words, i dont see the same mistakes by the Trump Administration, the with etence that they had the supply chain and the testing repeated with the vaccine. Outset of ted at the the pandemic in january, you began urgently pressing h. H. S. To provide the ecessary resources to begin Vaccine Development but that your pleas fell on deaf ears. Progressed, you said you were alarmed by the pressures coming from some Administration Officials for invest in drugs and vaccines, i quote, without roper scientific vetting or that lacked scientific merit. Can you tell us where we are now vaccine and or a where we could have been had the investment rs made decisions sooner that were based merit . Ntific dr. Bright thank you, congressman. S we all know, vaccines are very difficult to make. Its nothing you can do quickly and you need multiple shots to to make a vaccine. There are many diseases weve for pted to make vaccines through history and we still havent been able to do so. So it takes many opportunities approaches. Ferent right now there are over 100 different approaches for this ping a vaccine for coronavirus. So were competent hopefully, at least one of those or two of those will work. You identified key critical need to anticipate and prepare for early. Chain one is the supply for those vaccines. And various buffers ingredients go into a vaccine as well as the glass vials that the vaccines are put into and needles and syringes and then a careful coordinated distribution and mitigation strategy. We havent yet gotten to those yet in ourstrategies government and i think those are going to become a significant issue down the road if we dont that now. The urgent need for funding at is outset of a pandemic something weve known about through many years of pandemic august, even in our 2019, crimson contagion exercise, it was highlighted we at least 10 billion from the outset of a pandemic to start the development of drugs vaccines. Every day we delay delays the output of that vaccine or drug. Days, my firstly meeting with secretary azar, i andd for funding for people for those viruss, the three critical things to get the started. It took some time to get the funding available through but what bardaes did, we looked at other we had toand programs redirect some other funding, ven as early as january to be able to initiate contracts or agreements with some companies those t working on vaccines as soon as possible. Its because of those actions the not only have those vaccines started, made some progress, but also United States has a placeholder with some of those companies to be able to vaccines rs for those when they are available. And we did Everything Possible investmentsat those were in companies that would the united ty in states to manufacture those vaccines. We had to get in line first. Wasnt fully money there to complete the development program. Did. S what we mr. Pallone i guess my concern is, im very critical of the dministration in terms of their i call it incompetence with the supply chain, with lack testing. Im afraid the same thing is vaccines. Appen with once this and the distribution. Should i be concerned based on your experience . Sir. Right absolutely, were already seeing those challenges with limited doses of remdisivir with data were getting that it has some benefit in people and we have limited and we havent scaled up production and we dont have a lan in how to fairly and equitably distribute that drug. If you can imagine the scenario even all or winter, maybe early next spring when the vaccine becomes available, there one company that can produce for our country or the world, it will be limited supplies. Strategy and e a plan in place now to make sure we cannot only fill that make it distribute it, but administer it in a fair equitable plan. Mr. Pallone thats not the case . Dr. Bright we dont have it net and its a significant concern. Mr. Pallone thank you. Thank you, madam chair. Ms. Eshoo the gentleman yields back. Have the pleasure of recognizing the Ranking Member f the full committee, mr. Walden. Mr. Walden thank you, madam chair. Forgetting witness here. Bardas job is to get the vaccine, right . To support that is industry to make the vaccines. Mr. Walden ok. To t bardas responsibility direct the personal protective equipment acquisition the p. P. E. , is that part of your responsibility at barda . Dr. Bright barda plays a role preparedness for our nation and we prepare and align nd dprr with our other exercise with our other federal agencies. We are also familiar with the ritical gaps in the supply chain. Barda isnt responsible for procuring those items for the stockpile, weonal are aware of those shortages and those needs. What i was doing in my capacity director was raising those concerns and needs with within opriate group the asper. Asper has the responsibility to do that, right . Thats not your direct responsibility. Oure obviously in this discussion, but thats not how correct . Thin barda, dr. Bright its my responsibility to raise a significant concern about a limited supply or shortage that think will affect the lives of americans. Mr. Walden did you raise those on capitol hill and if so who and when . Dr. Bright i raised concern with my leadership, sir. It with the appropriate folks in the Strategic National critical and our Infrastructure Protection program. Mr. Walden not up not up here . Is to raise y role it to my supervisor. Raise that concern, though, in the white house with mr. Navarro. Interested im because were passing these bills. In the future i hope you would or anybody out there listening if youre encies, spotting something thats not working right, we need to know. Of sars covid se identifieds. , it was in washington state. C. D. C. Put the positive specimen day, correct . T dr. Bright i believe so. I think its january 20. Mr. Walden ok. Understanding the samples from the virus were made available to the u. S. Government and that the c. D. C. Expanded the virus stocks between january 29 3 and shared the b. E. I. On february 4 to enable sharing. Now, according to your complaint, after the virus samples were available to the from the nment ashington state case, and potentially even after the c. D. C. s effort to grow the virus and share with the dr. Bright thats truce, but we need more than mr. Walden why was it not available to you . Dr. Bright we wanted to make sure we had a head start to it was a vaccine available through the bei resources which was available, i asked maker that we had the viruses and that they were distributed. Walden and where did the viruses come from. From dhst some came and some from cdc. Mr. Walden thats helpful. In some conversations i have been a part of, with nih, they have indicated that the real key here was to get the dna sequence, which china did eventually put out at the end of december or late january. And in terms of going after the vaccine, it was that sequencing that really mattered most to get started on Vaccine Development, and there are other scientists were very distinguished, who believe the delay in getting the virus sample actually did not set them back. Is that an accurate assessment . Or do you have a disagreement in that view. I know scientists disagree and so do we have here. But im hearing that having the sequencing really mattered the most and getting a virus important did not set them back in proceeding to get the vaccine underway. It was madewhen available in january, its important to understand that the , some companies could get started with that information. You haveerable because another country and their laboratory might be on the internet or database. It could still be challenges, with the National Security when you had that sequence. Mr. Walden before my time its run out or dies going to ask had begun when they got the sequence. Thebright nih began after rna vaccine candidate. But without the viruses you cannot tell what the neutral antibodies listed are, or your diagnostics or therapeutics could actually work area you could try to synthesize to work. You could try to synthesize the virus but it will never be representative and we are spending billions on diagnostics and we want to have the most credible information possible. Mr. Walden thank you. The gentleman yields back. A pleasure to recognize the gentleman from new york, mr. Angle for his fiveminute questions for his five minutes of questions. Thank you madam chair. For holding todays hearing. Octor, if you were a betting man oh, sorry. Thank you. Man, whene a betting would you bet that we would a vaccine . Thats a very difficult question to answer. I know that there are companies and academic labs working very hard. Normally it takes up to 10 years to make a vaccine, we have done it faster in emergency situations, when we had starting material and a freezer. Before a novel virus, this has not been done yet that quickly. A lot of optimism is swirling around a 12 to 18 month timeframe if everything goes perfectly. We have never seen everything go perfectly. My concern is that if we rush too quickly, and consider cutting out critical steps, we may not have a full assessment of the safety of that vaccine. So it will still take some time. I think 12 to 18 months is an aggressive schedule and i think it will take longer than that to do so. From now areonths from when this all started at the beginning of the year . From when thenths particular manufacturers first received the material or information they needed to start developing vaccine. Its critical to know that when we say 12 to 18 months that does not mean for an fda approved vaccine. That means to have sufficient data and information on the beety, if not efficacy, to able to use on an emergency basis. Thats the consideration that we have in mind as we talk about an accelerated timeline. Thank you. I represent roxanne westchester bronx, which is that county and Westchester County which is the epicenter of the crisis. New yorkers have really rallied together and supported their neighbors, but the administration has failed at every turn. The president has sidelined our best scientists, pushed baseless ,onspiracy theories and more and sincerely days of the outbreak, the president has encouraged doctors to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to suffering americans despite a lack of evidence supporting its use. Hadpril 24, the president the fda commissioner coming out against the use of chloroquine for covid19 cases. What are the dangers of chloroquine if prescribed incorrectly . What happened when you raised the issue of its use in coronavirus patients with hhs leadership . Dr. Bright our concerns are around the potential use of chloroquine in people who were infected with this coronavirus. Usee is data with effective and safe use in malaria patients and other patients. We also knew there were potential safety risks to cause irregular heart rhythms and in some cases death. Our concern was with limited information and knowledge, especially of its use in covid19 infected patients, and the potential for those risks, then we should make sure that any studies with that drug were done in a carefully controlled Clinical Study with a close and watchful eye of the physician so they could respond to the patient if they experienced one of those adverse events. There was not sufficient data at that time to support the use of this drug in patients with covid19 without close supervision. Mr. Engel when you raise that issue of chloroquine usage, with coronavirus patients in hhs leadership, what happened to you . You were removed as the director of barda, is that true . Dr. Bright i believe part of the removal process was initiated because of a push back that i gave when they asked me to put in place and expanded access protocol that would make chloroquine more freely available to americans that were not under the supervision of a physician and may not be confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus. Arta ntists at fda, worked hardothers to put that under strict guardrail so that patients will be in the hospital and under the close supervision of a doctor. Who could not otherwise participate in a randomized controlled study. My concerns were alleviated somewhat by being able to lock that in the stockpile with those conditions. But my concerns were escalated when i learned that leadership and the department of health and Human Services were pushing to make that drug available outside of the emergency use authorization, to flood new york and new jersey with this drug regardless of the eua. When i spoke outside of the government and shared my concern with the American Public, that i believe was the straw that broke the camels back and escalated my removal. Mr. Engel thank you. The gentlemans time has expired. A pleasure to recognize the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Guthrie for his five minutes of questions. Thank you very much. Wantng your complaint, i to point out that the chairman said earlier, i talked about the lack of urgency and implied of president s lack of urgency, most of my constituents want to know that things are getting done and where is the president on this. You are having issues with the leadership at health and Human Services and you are giving them recommendations. If they are not accepting her recommendations, i would fair not accepting their recommendations come i would fairly surmise that should go to the white house. So the president is unaware what you are putting forth. Because reading from your complaint it says that the white house trade advisor, Peter Navarro, shared their sense of urgency. So talking about the urgency in the white house, you have a meeting with him on saturday, you are back in on sunday, where you are prepared for your recommendation with a memo for Mick Mulvaney. So essentially, the president. Leadership with the of hhs, meeting with the , anddent, Mick Mulvaney the meeting with navarro on the memorandum on sunday, and on monday its has a National Security Council Policy for dating committee met with and directed hhs to implement navarros recommendation. The push for the white house created tension between dr. Bright and hhs political leadership. I dont know how you could be more urgent in government and having a meeting on sunday, and action on monday once he got to the president s attention. So we appreciate that. Im a Ranking Member of all and whichch does oni, does investigation street im looking at the process of putting at this hearing together. As we read through your complaint, the only way we have it is because you made it public. In your complaint, there are different exhibits that you talk about and we are having a hearing today, there are 33 exhibits referenced in your. Omplaint which are not public we got them through the Washington Post, thats how documents were made available for this hearing. So the 33 exhibits that are not made public, that are referencing a complaint, would you make those available to the committee . Do you have them and can make them available to the committee . If we are using your complaint for this hearing, we need to have the documentation. May i address that . Dr. Bright i dont have that problem. We will take that under advisement and get back to you. Mr. Guthrie and reading through there may be privacy considerations in the documents so we need to look at the documents carefully. And if we read through the email chains that are made available, summa appear complete , some are not some appear complete and some are not full email chains so you will under wonder if the context relates to the inferences taken, would you make those available to us . I would like to address that as well, the problem is when dr. Bright was removed from his position he was locked out of his email. He does not have access to his email. So the changes you have, we have. Thats correct. Dr. Bright and i could address this, thats correct. I was immediately locked out of my email by april 20 of this year. I did not have full records available to me, however i believe i laid a Solid Foundation in my complaint, as detailed as i could be, for the office of special counsel to be able to conduct an investigation. I believe as part of their investigation they will be able to access those emails and those individuals to get the full story and the full information. Mr. Guthrie it would have been helpful for us as well. Havehere any exhibits that not been shared with us in the Minority Side . Dr. Bright i believe you have whats available in the Public Domain and the rest has been submitted to the office of the special counsel. I have not made it available to anyone directly. Theo the gentleman, minority and majority members all received the same packet of information. Mr. Guthrie which is available to the public. Which was available in the Public Domain. Mr. Guthrie are there any other documents in your possession or accessible to you that are not included in the exhibits in the complaint but are nonetheless relevant to your allegations . If so will you provide those . Dr. Bright i believe i have provided the information i have available to me at this point. If i had access to my email from hhs, there may be additional supporting information and that email. I do not know the status if that has been deleted or why doordash i have not had access. Mr. Guthrie i appreciate your answers. I yield back. A pleasure to recognize the gentleman from north carolina, mr. Butterfield for his five minutes of questions. Mr. Butterfield thank you, for coming today and your 25 years of service. I would like to ask about your efforts to address supply shortages for administering covid19 test, according to your account as the covid19 testing ramped up, you asked for an inventory of the Strategic National supply availability of testing supplies including swabs , viral transport materials, and extraction buffers. That the National Stockpile did night stock these items. After that did not stock these items. And that these swabs were sourced from a manufacturer in italy, the center of the covid19 outbreak in italy. It is my understanding that this information prompted you to agencyut to the deity that had previously assisted your office with International Transportation of supplies related to ebola. My question is, why did your Office Contact dod at this point . Dr. Bright it was quite a surprise to me that the urgent ramp in testing did not include the critical supplies needed to support the rampup of testing, including the materials you mentioned, and i was quite sittingto learn from behind the cdc director, redfield, that we were going to experience a shortage of swabs. I was even more surprised that our strategic National Stockpile did not have any of those in supply. My urgency to find a solution to fda was supported by the director of the center for cdr h devices and diagnostics at the fda. Once i confirmed there was a shortage, it was critical to find a solution. That was by partnering with our department of defense colleagues who worked with us for the ebola response. We worked with them to ship a dose of the ebola vaccine from germany to the United States to rapidly respond to the outbreak in africa. Occurrence oral response from me and my colleagues in barda. Mr. Butterfield where there any restrictions in place in italy that would require secretary azar to move forward with the request of the dod . Dr. Bright what we needed to ourt the air bridge was secretary, secretary a czar, to make a request of the secretary of defense. My colleague and icom a dr. Gary just bro my colleague and i and it wasissue, clearly not a topic that wanted to be discussed on that day. We were rebuffed, saying that he did not want to talk about swabs right now. I raised thisnd concern repeatedly in that call. Knowing it was critical and time sensitive, and we had a critical shortage of these swabs, i placed a call to mr. Navarros office and asked if mr. Navarro could offer some assistance in contacting the secretary of defense, and the clearance for dod to put the airplanes in place under the contract we have. That happened in a very quick turnaround, without permission from the secretary of defense we were able to start that within two days. We have transferred over 20 5 million swabs. You alertedaying Peter Navarro about this issue, is that right . Dr. Bright yes. Mr. Butterfield and with hours he had coordinated with the dod to transport the swabs. This seems like a logical response to the analysis that you have provided, whats perplexing to me is why anybody would resist such an initiative . Its a rhetorical question i wont ask you to answer that. Finally, we still dont have enough testing supplies, i dont understand how or why that is possible. I understand converting an auto plant might take some time to build ventilators, but how can we be struggling to get adequate and simple supplies like swabs. What does this say about the federal response about the outbreak . Me thatht it says to there is no core data plan on how to respond to this outbreak. We dont have a strategy or a plan in place which identifies each of those cripple components , and we dont have a designated agency sourcing those components and coming up with a strategy to make sure that we have those supplies when we need them. We need to this comprehensive National Strategy. This includes every component to make sure that we respond and protect american lives. Mr. Butterfield thank you dr. Bright, you are a great american. I yield back. The gentleman yields back, a pleasure to recognize the gentleman from virginia, mr. Griffith. Mr. Griffith thank you. It seems like mr. Navarro has done a good job of listing the questions. I wish we had more information available, its not your fault, that i wish we had done this to regular channels. To ask questions about the supplies being available. I got the impression from prior testimony that the project you are just to put money into put and 735 in 19 18 was supposed to take care of some of that, and my misunderstanding project bio shield . Dr. Bright its used to invest in Late Stage Development of drugs and some diagnostics. That did not help on this at all . Dr. Bright not on this at all. Mr. Griffith that being said, and i would hope that we have had everything available to us and i understand that may not be your fault, but it does create issues. Crazy, peopleoing of all kinds of things going on, and hydrochloric win comes up and there are some email exchanges in exhibit 54 from your documents, indicating that a christopher writing that we should take a look at this, im paraphrasing, but it says especially when we have few or no options. One of the frustrations i have had for years with our community trying to respond to all kinds of different diseases is that we want to have the doubleblind studies in place and the science which makes sense if you have an alternative. But when you have few or no options, it seems to me you would go after those things that are available. If hydrochloric when is one at one point and remdesivir in the , has doubleblind study that already happened . And i have an article from the Richmond Times dispatch, april 15, where a doctor used high and anotheramin c drug, these are all floating out of doctors are using all kinds of things because we dont have other options. Im wondering what was the great hesitancy to at least let doctors try, and even if anecdotally it was having some effect, we wouldnt you have to have that available in order to do the tests . And if you have few or no options, why wouldnt you want to go down that pathway . Dr. Bright we want to make sure the drugs we consider are safe. And effective. The highest priority is safety. Many of the studies that we have our anecdotal evidence are reports that we have had which did not include a thorough safety vetting of those drugs. There are known side effects with some of the drugs, many were repurposed, they were not built for this. We knew about some potential safety concerns and we did not have any evidence of how those safety concerns would appear in people infected with this virus. It takes over a lot of your body and infects multiple organs, causing significant inflammation and organ shut down before death and acute respiratory distress which turns your lungs into a brick. Mr. Griffith it is scary stuff and you said hi to chloroquine hydrochloric when hydrochloric queen how to hydrochloroquine, it affects your heart. If it is showing some promise, why would we not want to accept an offer from a manufacturer to have it out there for widespread use if the doctors chose, like the doctor in richmond where they used it in this case and it did not work. So he tried something else. I think thats really what we are going to have to do in an emergency situation, and i not correct . Dr. Bright we need to do it carefully. We have to make sure we have the information available. We are thinking outside the box. To accident and kill people. Dr. Bright we can put up a Clinical Study in less than a week, its important to use Clinical Data and if we know there are potential risks we need to make sure that we are cognizant of them and that the drugs are used in a safe and controlled manner. Mr. Griffith i appreciate that. Let me say this. Its our job to ask tough questions. But just like you found through the white house, you may have found some friendly years on ears in the white house. In 2018 you were talking about offshore production, and i asked you to let me know if there was anything we could do to get onshore production. Im with you on a lot of these issues. I dont know whats going on behind the scenes pray we have to investigate that, today was not the day to do that investigation, we dont have enough information. But dont hesitate in the future, if you see something, let us know on both sides of the isle whats going on. I appreciate it. And i yield back. Recognize theto gentleman from california, miss matsui for her questions. Thank you for appearing before us and for your public service. Of describe a series activities that has left us unprepared. Many americans are eager to repair to return to normalcy. But to even begin to safely reopen we need widespread Testing Capacity and organize Contact Tracing. And a Health Care System that can handle a surge. Ultimately, a vaccine are therapeutic cure is required. I would like to ask you a series of questions about your warnings to the administration while at barda. Im hoping you could answer whether you believe each scenario will ultimately shorten or lengthen the time it takes for our country to safely reopen and recover from the coronavirus pandemic. Began pushingyou hhs leadership for sequencing and virus challenges. Given the importance of the samples for a vaccine and diagnostic development, has the inaction shortened or lengthened. Ur timeline dr. Bright its important to start as early as possible, any delay could delay the countermeasures which is our important. Mr. Matsui through january you have made hhs aware of a need for funding. Bardas budgett was sufficient, has a shorten or lengthen to timeline for reopening . Dr. Bright it has extended the ability the timeline to make drugs available in Vaccines Available and has extended our ability to respond to the pandemic. Mr. Matsui and you pushed a coordination for a covid19 planning activity across the government. Initially the request was rejected, suggesting it was not time sensitive. Did the delay and coronation shorten or lengthen our timeline for reopening . Dr. Bright that length into the timeline for reopening. We needed those early policy discussions to happen as soon as possible. Mr. Matsui and you pushed for hhs to ramp up production in january and march for swabs, syringes, and masks. They failed to act quickly. Has this shorten or lengthened our timeline to reopening . Dr. Bright it has put a lot of lives at risk with our frontline Health Care Workers. With no time to reopen our country bringing those people back to us. Mr. Matsui thank you dr. Bright. Many decisions were made outside of the scenarios which can influence when we can safely reopen. But from the hearing today, if we had heated your warnings early we could have proactively controlled to the on our country. It appears clear from the whistleblower report that the Trump Administration prioritized political calculation above Public Health with regard to chloroquine and hydrochloric oquine. The Trump Administration promoted the drug use because it was seen as a big and immediate win. Dr. Bright, do you believe there theother instances where administration relied on politics rather than science to make the response decisions . And what consequences might those decisions have had on Public Health . Mr. Matsui we have a dr. Bright we have a very rigorous scientific review process and there were some attempts to bypass the rigorous process which caused great concern and actually increase the tension between myself and the other doctor. Without the vetting, increases the risk of a drug being evaluated or supported which could have safety concerns. We really need to have the best sciences in our country weighing in on whether that drug should be evaluated and how it should be how it should be evaluated. Mr. Matsui certainly. The trumpet ministration waited until april to invoke the defense production act to increase the reduction of lifesaving supplies after doctors began extreme sink shortages. And three month after your initial january warnings. Should hhs have invoked the act debter to decrease the should increase the production of masks and swabs . Dr. Bright im not an expert on the defense production act, i do believe we should have been doing Everything Possible and y andng orders earl ramping up supplies. And getting that medical will equipment as quickly as possible, through the defense production act or other mechanisms. It should be high priority. Mr. Matsui thank you, i have run out of time. Thank you very much for appearing before us today. The gentlewoman yields back, a pleasure to recognize the gentleman from florida. From porto. Us thank you for your service for our current for your service to our country. Focusing on hydrochloroquine, when was the potential use of chloroquine and hydrochloroquine as treatment for the covid19 first brought to your attention . Midmarch, probably between march 10 and march 17, somewhere in that timeframe. Not prior to that . Dr. Bright not that i recall her the first i heard of the drug was actually a call and received from dr. Woodcock asking if i had heard of the drug, i had not heard of it or its potential use for covid19 patients. She said there may be Something Interesting to look at and she forwarded a manuscript. That was the first i learned of the drug itself. Are not aware of any news articles and Research Papers discussing the potential benefits of the drug . Dr. Bright i heard anecdotal stories and reports. Fornt recall if i did chloroquine specifically but i tried to track the media and scientific journal as well. But i rely on the guidance of the science within hhs, the first i had heard of that was from my colleague, dr. Woodcock at the fda, and then a summary report from our scientist at fda, cdc, and barda. Sing the evidence for benefit was weak and its evidence for safety concerns with stronger and they did not believe at that point it was something that should be supported. Mr. Bilirakis and what was your reaction, personally . Did you see something worth pursuing initially when you heard from dr. Woodcock . Initially, i trust dr. Woodcock and her scientific judgment immensely. She mentioned it was something we should look at and something we should consider testing in a randomized controlled Clinical Study. I would be supportive of the team reviewing that protocol and that information to see if it should be used. I have heard from experts and im certainly not an thert in this area, that drug, that we are talking about, in this case hydrochloroquine, of all, used, first timely. I understand that theres a window there as far as the patient and the efficacy of the drug. Have you heard this . That if its administered properly theres a small window there for the patient as far as risk is concerned . Can you elaborate on that if you have heard that . And this is not from a layperson, this is from an expert. Mr. Bilirakis we have seen anecdotal data from different physicians that they believe that they have seen benefit or patient improvement from use of this drug in either combination zinc orantibiotic or vitamin c or other things. But there was never sufficient evidence for a randomized controlled study to show benefit would outweigh the risk. Thats why the nih and 40 other institutions around the world were conducting randomized controlled clinical studies to look at the benefit either in late stage treatment or earlystage treatment. Most of the data coming out from those clinical studies today have not shown an overwhelming level of evidence that it has benefits and those patients. It does not mean it wont have some benefit in individuals in a case or two in different studies and physicians believe they see a benefit in their patients. But in the context of a randomized controlled study, we have not seen an overwhelming level of benefits. Mr. Bilirakis have you reviewed the studies in other countries japanrance and possibly know, you i want to because my constituents ask these questions, do you take those studies into consideration when you make these decisions . Dr. Bright we absolutely do. We look at the quality of the studies, we look to see if they were done with the right controls in place and the right signs was that statistically relevant or just a few people . 20 people . Or 2000 people . That adds to the power of the data itself. Many of the studies we saw early only included a few patients and it was unclear, even from the whetherion of those, all of the patients were treated the same, whether they had full participation through the Clinical Study itself. And looking at the statistical power of many of those studies, they are very small. Its difficult to understand the benefit. That the vastudy hospital conducted with hydroxychloroquine that showed that people treated with it appear to have a higher rate of death than those who were not treated with hydrochloroquine. That study as well has weaknesses, no study is perfect. You take all of the evidence into account when you make a decision on how to further study the drug or use that drug. Thats my understanding, not my constituent buddy u. S. Citizen, a veteran, was cured, again, what i have heard, from the drug. That was a late stage case, but ive also heard of earlystage cases as well. I wanted to get that on record. Thank you. Back, gentleman yields pleasure to recognize the gentleman from florida ms. Castor for her five minutes of questions. Dr. Bright, thank you for speaking out to save lives. I read your filing and i want to ask about the n95 respirators. These are essential personal protective equipment, they are not the cloth masks or surgical masks that every day americans are encouraged to whereby the cdc. Are n95rest respirators necessary to save the lives of nurses, doctors, and those on the front lines . Dr. Bright yes, they are required personal protective equipment to help protect healthcare workers from getting infected. Mr. Castor and this is not hypothetical concern, the l. A. Times reported a tragic story of a heroic nurse, who appears to have died because she lacked an respirator when she rest rushed into a hospital room to try to save a patient who had stopped breathing. This brave nurse is not the only staff, theing to the cdc reported over a month ago that over 9000 Health Care Workers had already contracted covid and dozens have died. I checked with my tampa Bay Area Health providers, and one hospital said that n95s are difficult to procure. Saying theres a dire need, one of my Community Health centers says that we are continuing to struggle to get them. There are so many folks trying to sell knockoffs and a large tampa Bay Area Health system said the supply chain remains inconsistent and irregular, and there are remains there are fallning as we head into with the demand increasing due to the flu season and the presence of covid19. Dr. Bright, you understood that america would face a shortage of. Espirators in january dr. Bright we understood that america would face a shortage of n95 masks for a pandemic since 2007. We have notified this every year since 2007. And this was exercised as early need 3. 5t we would billion n95 respirators in our stockpile to protect our Health Care Workers from pandemic response. And you sounded the alarm repeatedly, but were ignored by the Senior Leadership, can you explain what steps you took and the response he received . We knew going into this pandemic that critical equipment would be in short supply. I began getting alerts from industry colleagues in the mid and late january, telling me that from the industry view, the supply chain was diminishing rapidly. That other countries that we had relied on to supply them where blocking export and stopping the transfer of those masks to the United States. I learned china was trying to purchase the equipment from u. S. Producers to have it shipped to china so they could make more. In each of these alerts and there are dozens of these alerts, i push this forward to our leadership, and asking our Senior Leadership team, and i push this to our Critical Infrastructure Protection Team and to our strategic National Stockpile team, throughout the responsibility of procuring those medical supplies for our stockpile. In each of those i was met with indifference. Saying they were too busy, they did not have a plan, they did not know who is responsible for procuring those. In some cases they had a sick child and they would get back to it later in the week and a number of excuses it was weeks after my pushing that after a survey was sent out to manufacturers asking producers if they actually made those masks. A in your filing you discuss february 7 meeting of the Department Leadership group, where you urged the department to focus on securing n95 masks. Can you describe what happened . They informed me that they did not believe there was a critical urgency to procure masks. They conducted some surveys and spoke to a few hospitals, and did not yet see a critical shortage. I indicated that we knew there was going to be a protocol shortage of the supplies and we need to do something to ramp up production. They indicated that if we notice a shortage we will simply change the cdc guidelines to better inform people who should not be wearing those masks to save those masks for our Health Care Workers. My response was, i could not believe you could sit and say that with a straight face. It was absurd. In fact it took three months from your initial warning, until mid april, for the federal government to evoke its authority under the defense production act to require the production of millions of more n95 masks. Even then. The administration required the production of only 39 million masks. Far fewer than what you and other experts had said we would need. What was the consequence of that three month delay and inadequate response . Were lives in danger . Dr. Bright lives were in danger and lost. Theere forced to procure supplies from other countries without the right quality standards, so even our doctors and nurses in the hospital today are wearing n95 marked masks from other countries that are not providing sufficient protection that a u. S. Standard mask would provide them. Some would be 30 effective. So nurses are rushing, thinking they are protected and they are not. Ms. Castor thank you for your courageous effort. The gentlewomans time has expired, a recognize pleasure to recognize our colleague from indiana. Thank you for testifying. I appreciate it. I was a cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon who had been in health care for 30 some years and i want to comment i will not ask a question about hydrochloroquine. I want to comment on how the medical Community Response to this type of thing. Doctors across the country will use drugs off label, in a circumstance where they dont have or see a viable alternative. I think this was one of those circumstances. Im hearing from doctors across the country and im with you, you have to have a doubleblind study, you have to have proof in normal circumstances. But in this situation, i think a little bit of understanding and leeway from the federal government is in order. We do want to ensure the safety, this is a drug that has been proven safe for many years in the appropriate doses. It does prolong the qt interval as you have outlined which can lead to arrhythmia if not used properly. Stophen states try to doctors from using this, there was such a backlash that they had to back away from it because the physicians wanted to use it. So doctors like me in the real world, things are working, anecdotally, they will not wait for the bureaucracy to approve it. I want to get that on the record. Im saying this is why doctors are using this drug. Whether its right or not, the data will show, but of two years from now we have the studies and it says that would have worked, and the government stopped that from being used, if i was a family of a person that was stopped from getting it, i would be pretty mad. I want to talk about the supply chain issues as it relates to the personal protective equipment. I think theres enough blame to go around in the federal government about what happened h1n1, the National Stockpile was depleted and we did not replenish them, we had people on both sides of the aisle talking about this area this. I think there is some blame to go around. I dont want to be accusatory but i do want to go over some of the facts about barda as it relates to the masks. According to the Washington Post reported in 2015 the Obama Administration and a company now known as lmn howard halyard announced the project to develop rapid pandemic mass production. According to federal contracting records in 2017 hhs signed off on a 3. 3 million within an m payment. To turn out respiratory masks during a pandemic. However, in september of 2018, cnbc reports that the machine was never built. And despite the 1. 5 billion with Washington Post reported there was not money to pay for the project, why was it scrapped and did you sign off on that decision . Dr. Bright that project with halyard was to build a novel new machine to make respiratory protection face masks faster as you have described. And the Technical Team reviewed the proposal or further investment in that machine, the investment to date was made to design the machine, build the. Achine and im not even sure dr. Buchson were you the head of barda in 2018 . Dr. Bright i was. Dr. Buchson money was allocated from hhs to barda to do this and i would not expect not expected to be scrapped without the director signing off. Did you sign off on it . Dr. Bright its not a scrapped project, i dont know what the proposal was but we rely on a thorough vetting project. So for that proposal to continue, never made it to me. It was not approved and did not make it through the proper vetting process. The decision to end or continue it was not brought to me. Dr. Buchson i find that surprising but i will take your word for it. This was supposed to be part of any illicit strategy to have mask production. We are here and we dont have it, and we are dealing with the consequences of that decision. Halyard,dition, to the and is my understanding i am running out of time. So what i will say to doctors across america, its easy for us to sit in washington, d. C. Whether we are members of, congress or agencies and talk in the abstract about people dying in our intensive care units. But when you are at the physician at the bedside and theres a medication that has promise, and has the safety profile, we understand that doctors will use this medication offline. That is what is happening. Whether thats right or wrong, we might take years to prove. In the meantime, people can die. I yelled back. The gentlemens time has expired. The a pleasure to recognize gentleman from maryland for his five minutes of questions. Chair, dr. U madam bright, welcome back to this committee. The United States government deploys millions of dedicated Public Servants working together to achieve our shared goals to promote effective government and to protect the public interest, in this case to protect Public Health. As a scientist and Public Health official that was your charge and you took it seriously. Unfortunately the record shows that your superiors at hhs and potentially beyond common instead of valuing your expertise, squandered and wasted amounting tos, gross negligence. They ignored your sciencebased plea to pursue critical strategies, like your repeated calls to get virus samples from masks,nd get supplies, respirators, swabs, they have dismissed your warnings about pursuing unproven strategies, and your concerns about stampeding towards hydroxychloroquine. We have heard about that today. And they send chute to find treatments with little therapeutic value all for the sake of satisfying political cronies. You testified about a miracle cure drug, and dismissing your input was not harmless malpractice because theres every reason to believe that if the input had been heated heeded, especially early in the pandemic, it may have saved thousands of lies per eight i want to thank you for coming forward and blowing the whistle on this misguided and chaotic response to the pandemic. There arethat conversations, emails, moments in time that you remember like they happened yesterday, inflection points where if the response to your warning had thingsated, heeded, might be different here im sure they haunt you and keep you up at night. From january of this year, tell me from tell me about one specific moment where you had that sinking feeling because you did not see the response that you knew needed to happen. Dr. Bright i will never forget the mail i received from my colleague indicating that our masks apply, our n95 respirator supply was decimated. He said we are in deep shit, the world is and we need to ask. I pushed it forward to the highest level i could and got no response. From that moment i knew that we were going to have a crisis with healthcare workers because we were not taking action. We were already behind the ball. That was our last window of opportunity to turn on the production and save the lives of those healthcare workers and we did not act. Chills because it adds up to one inescapable conclusion, it did not have to be this way. There was another path. Things could have gone differently. The federal response could have been more effective. So here we are, at a moment when our country needs the kind of expertise and sciencebased guidance that she went others like you can offer us, these voices are too often being sidelined. Things are upside down, in you we have someone who made the right call in the early days and has been removed from your position, while so many people who made the wrong call still have their jobs. Dr. Bright, when the council that you and others offer is cast aside, i know you know this, it means that science and reason are also being cast aside. Thats a dangerous impulse, its an attitude that deprives our country in this critical moment of any real chance of getting ahead of this pandemic. But hopefully, we can learn from this. There is still time to put science and reason back into the National Strategy for fighting covid19. We need people like you to help lead us through this. The federal response has got to get smarter. Ahead of put science politics and cronyism and wishful thinking. Our committee will continue to press for that in the days ahead , i know you want to look forward, so tell us, what can we do now to learn from the mistakes of january and february and march and make sure that we navigate and lead our country through this Public Health crisis . Congressman, we need to install and empower leadership. We need to unleash the voices of the scientists in our Public Health system in the United States, so they can be heard. Their guidance needs to be listened to and we need to be able to convey that information to the American Public, so they have the truth about the real risk and dire consequences of this virus. And they have the truth about the consequences of their actions if they dont follow those guidances. Single point of leadership right now for this response. And we dont have a master plan for this response. Those things are absolutely critical. And i would encourage congress to ensure that there is oversight in this response, large sums of funding have been made available to help us scientists and others respond to this outbreak, and without proper oversight of those dollars, im concerned that they could be misdirected and lost and not put to the right fight. I would urge congress to continue and increase their oversight, and how those funds are being spent, making sure they are prioritized and used appropriately. Thank you for the caution, yield back. The gentlemans time has expired. A pleasure to recognize the gentleman from indiana, miss brooks. Five minutes for her questions. With all due respect, the Vice President was named the head of the White House Task force, which was actually a recommendation from a bipartisan blueribbon study panel that issue recommendations years ago and thought the office of the Vice President should be in charge. With all due respect, i believe there is that coordination. Part of what im very concerned, relative to this hearing is the impression being made that there has been no plan. In fact, that is part of what the reauthorization that i worked closely with you and others, so many of us, relied on what weto share with us needed to do to reauthorize poppa, which most members of congress did not know, the pandemic preparedness act, and most members of congress and members of the American Public did not know that we had Strategic National spot stockpiles and we might be short on some of these things until this hit. But we did get that reauthorized. It was signed into law of june 19. Do you recall . Dr. Bright yes. Bardaooks and you joined right after h1n1 because of your expertise and we rely on your expertise and you became the director in 2016. And you mentioned it, in 07, after the h1n1 pandemic the supply of masks in the strategic National Stockpile was not resupplied. Youve mentioned it that we have had problems. But i have to share with you, members like congresswoman eshoo and i had discussions about this and many of us did not know that. Of this committee did not know and were not told of these shortages of masks, as we work through reauthorization of this important law. Were you aware of this issue, did you push hhs to maintain mass production for purposes of replenishing the strategic National Stockpile before this happened in january . We bright before 2017 actually held an annual review of the Strategic National stock ill stockpile which was chaired by dr. Lori. Since we have removed the strategic National Stockpile from the cdc management under the management we have not yet had an intercross departmental review of the supplies in that strategic National Stockpile. We went through an annual prioritization process, there has always been limited funding and never enough to top off the stockpile. Ms. Brooks do you know dr. Greg burrell . He led the strategic National Stockpile before this. Did you have conversations with him from 2009 until 2020 about what was in the strategic National Stockpile . Dr. Bright absolutely. The blue Risk Management meeting met on a monthly basis and each year they reviewed and prioritized items that should be purchased by the strategic National Stockpile. That body, which i directed for some time, made recommendations however, was the strategic National Stockpiles responsibility to make those purchases. S. Brooks purchase briefly,ks would you can you explain what that is . This is a plan experts like yourself participate in. I want to the American People to know, there have been plans. They had for 2017 and 2018 and implementation plan. The white house put forth in september of 2018, in national by a defense plan. Did you participate in that plan . Dr. Bright i did, many of us did. It was the first time our country had put forth a plan. Many said it was landmark. Same thing. I want the American People to know, a lot of folks over a long period of time have been focused but yet you did not still have enough. We didnt have enough swabs, not enough masks, not enough gowns for those incredible Health Care Providers. So i dont want everyone to be given the impression that you raised the flag on the in january when you saw it was short, because you hadnt gotten the job done prior to january, and you were at those tables as were so many others. This happened over a very, very time, and those of us have been very disappointed to learn what was and was not in the strategic National Stockpile. Thank you for your service, thank you for your expertise, but across the board, over many administrations, we did not do enough. Yield back dr. Bright i can see that those plans were in place. Puts that they were not on the table with a strong leader indicating, these are our plans, everyone follow through. I think it is important the enterprise was comprised of many great scientists from across our government to put these plans in place, but since 2017, we have largely dismantled the organization. We have not had those interagency discussions for a number of years. The executive enterprise committee, the executive Leadership Committee may have had one or two meetings at most. And the organization was restructured. So my partners and colleagues across government havent had the venue to even talk or coordinate for a number of years to understand what the plan look like or how they could Work Together to implement that plan when the day came. Chairwoman eshoo the gentlemans time has expired. She yields back. Thesure to recognize gentleman from new mexico, mr. Lujan, for your five minutes of questions. Reppo lujan. Thank you thus representative lujan representative lujan. According to your account, when offered to donate chloroquine pills, your experts determined that there were safety liabilities associated with the drug and that accepting the donation could lead to widespread use not supported by any Clinical Data. Furthermore, one of the experts advising you said, there was no data showing the benefits of the drug. Yes or no, dr. Bright, are there safety liabilities associated with chloroquine . Dr. Bright there are, yes. According to the whistleblower complaint, the consensus was that it was advisable to wait for additional Clinical Data before making any recommendations on the use of chloroquine to treat covid19, is that correct . Dr. Bright that is correct. Forward and move did President Trump say in a press conference at the white house that the drug has shown positive effects on covid19. Accurate . Esident dr. Bright i dont think it was the bestinformed statement. In the conference, the president also said the drug had been around for a long time, so we know things dont go as planned, it is not going to kill anybody. Yes or no, is that statement accurate . Dr. Bright the jug had been around for a long time for its use on malaria, but not for covid19 patients. That is a different indication and different clinical outcome. Is it true that within days of that press conference, you received urgent instructions from h. H. S. General counsel, passed from the white house directing you to make the drug available to the public . Dr. Bright it is true. That the pressure put you in a difficult position . Dr. Bright yes. How did you handle this pressure while still trying to protect the American People . Dr. Bright we had to come up with an alternate solution that our administration would accept. Yes or no, did the administration respect this compromise . Dr. Bright they accepted it eventually. The emergency authorization option was accepted by the administration. Of, and iam aware would agree, is that of h. H. S. Assistant secretary for health, giroir, on april 4, said this compromise matters and that the drug needed to go to hospitals. There are only 24 hours in a day, and you and your team had to spend on chloroquine was on our you could not work on the crisis. Did the president s obsession with this issue distract you and your team from the mission of saving lives . Dr. Bright we received a prioritized and put the protocol in place within 48 hours. It was extremely distracting to dozens of federal scientists who were focused on the coronavirus outbreak. They had to set aside all other work to put together this protocol in the 48 hour director time period. Did it distract from efforts to prepare for the crisis, including securing p. P. E. And wrapping up testing and supplies . Of other dr. Bright it distracted from the efforts of developing other vaccines and drugs. Bright, just yesterday, the president questioned the testimony of dr. Fauci when discussing children and schools. Itpresident insisted that, has very, very little impact on young people. Yes or no, do we know that his statement is accurate . Dr. Bright there is a lot we virus. Et know about this it is really concerning over the last few weeks as we are getting more and more data out of new york and other places where they have had high numbers of infections the impact of the children. It is a very different presentation and outcome in children than we see in adults. It is very concerning and we dont have an answer for that. We should proceed cautiously and not have any knowledge or hope hat we have everything and not have any knowledge that we know everything about the virus. Without implementation of the steps i and others have outlined, 2020 will be the darkest winter in modern history. Yes or no, do you believe this administration is doing everything they can to prevent the darkest winter, and what more should they be doing . Dr. Bright i believe there is work we still need to do. We still need we need still a comprehensive plan. Everyone across the government and everyone in America Needs to know what the plan is and what will they play. There are critical steps we need to do to prepare for the winter coming. Still have enough personal protective equipment to protect our Health Care Workers. We still do not have the supply chains ramped up for the drugs and vaccines. Instill dont have plans place to distribute those drugs and vaccines, and we dont have the comprehensive strategy so americans know which tests do what, what to do with that information, and how to find the virus, trap it, and kill it. There is a lot of work we still have to do. Chairwoman eshoo the gentleman yields back. It is a pleasure to recognize the gentleman from oklahoma for his five minutes of questions. Chair. K you, madam i would be remiss not to thank you for your continued prayers for my son. It is very kind of you and i really appreciate it. Dr. Bright, you are here on your own time as an individual, correct . Dr. Bright yes. Where are you currently employed . Dr. Bright i am currently an employee of the department of health and Human Services. I am in the middle of the transition between that department and the n. I. H. You have accepted the position to n. I. H. . Dr. Bright the position is under discussion at this point. I have not yet accepted that role. Are you currently being paid . Dr. Bright i am currently being paid. From n. I. H. Or from the other department . Dr. Bright must clear to me, but i believe it is from n. I. H. So you have been over there since midapril, is that correct . Dr. Bright i have received one paycheck. From n. I. H. . Dr. Bright i think it was still part barta and still part n. I. H. So you might 285,000, is that correct . Dr. Bright that is true. How much are you currently making at the n. I. H. . Dr. Bright i dont think my salary has changed. Still the same . So you have been there approximately one month . Dr. Bright it has been about three weeks since i was removed from my office. Have you reported to the n. I. H. Yet . Dr. Bright i have checked in with the n. I. H. Directors office and discussed the on boarding and fingerprinting process. We had a call just last evening to discuss the framework of my responsibilities that have envisioned for me at n. I. H. So you have not reported to but you are dr. Bright i have been on sick leave. For high Blood Pressure for hypertension. So you are on medical leave . Dr. Bright i have been on medical leave. This week i transition from medical leave to and will leave so i can manage. What is and will leave . Dr. Bright Vacation Time. Inform your supervisor is about you coming here today or did you need to do that . Dr. Bright i have informed them justtimately status and i had a conversation with them last night. So you transferred from medical leave to vacation this week . Dr. Bright i had a conversation with my physician about my hypertension and how we have been managing it over the last few weeks because this has been very stressful to be removed suddenly without explanation for my role and position. Me. S a life change for my physician has been working with me to manage my hypertension and stress. The conversation i had with him last night indicated i am confused. You say you have hypertension yet you are able to do this interviews, make these reports and prepare for this hearing, yet you are too sick to go into work, but you are well enough to come here, while you are still getting paid from the United States government. Is that correct . Dr. Bright sir, i have been leave. Edical , if you have been under medical leave you are too sick to do that yet you can prepare for a twohour hearing. Just having a hard time tracking that. I have a hard time understanding that. If you have hypertension and you are too sick to go to the n. I. H. , but you never experienced that in barda . Never had hypertension . Dr. Bright never had the level of stress from being removed from my position while in barda. I get it. People handle pressure quite different, but as director of barda, i feel like you are in quite a stressful position if you are trying to manage the pandemic but you cant manage you could manage that but you couldnt manage her own hypertension because you got removed from office, yet you can still receive pay from the n. I. H. , yet you can shop from work i have a heart of understanding this. I know you are a bright individual and very smart, but you are unemployed of the federal government. I just wanted to mature you are not doing something to deceive the american yet at the same time getting paid by the national government. With let the yield to the Ranking Member. Dr. Bright, your lawyer appears to have a substantial binder. Are those the exhibits to your complaint to the office of the special counsel . Dr. Bright i dont know what they are. I will direct it to the council, then. To these the exhibits complaint to the office of special counsel . Sam farr my work products and some are my notes. They are not appropriate to turn congress. Is it appropriate to turn over the documents referenced in the complaint . Not your work product, i respect that. You asked the question initially and i said we would look at the documents to determine whether they are appropriate to turn over. We have partial emailed emails. Screenshots of i think we should have the right to see those documents if we will effectively know the full extent of this complaint. I wish he would commit to turn those over. Dr. Bright, will you turn those over. I think i address about. I am asking dr. Bright now . Dr. Bright i sent my full the. Aint to. Chairwoman eshoo office of the special counsel that is the process i know to follow gentlemen, the time has expired. Dr. Bright sir, i understand process. By was supposed to submitted to the office of the special done. L, which i have i dont understand the legalities of showing that before they have had the opportunity to review that. They have certainly been shared out to the public and the press. The Washington Post has them from some source. Other Media Outlets are certainly seeing them. Eshoo we will seek all information that is appropriate to be submitted to the committee. What i circulated or recirculated to all members of the subcommittee were the emails to the public as well as the complaints. That is what was out there. Politico has something too. Any other investigation, we would both be going, he need to see all the documents as a committee. It . Y i address chairwoman eshoo no, we need to move on. Thank you for being here. Can you describe the reactions of the january 23 meeting when you had the all agencies meetings on the covid virus . Could you describe how up to speed they seemed to be . Dr. Bright it was one of our first meetings after the outbreak. Since i came in with my list of needs, the list of money, people, and viruses, my request was met with a bit of surprise, puzzlement. I remember secretary as are looking around the room and saying, you need money . Maybe there is money somewhere. Weand despite the fact that had had the outbreak in china for some time . Was january 23s at this point. Can you describe the emailer exchange with mr. Bolin on the mask situation . Dr. Bright i dont remember that specific, but i am sure it was urgent. He was sending me a notice asking if so you did not ask him to talk to you, he just reached out to you . R. Bright yes, sir how about an email exchange on january 27 . Dr. Bright he reached out to me, i believe this was because that he is a pandemic influenza expert as well and he knows the vital nature of beating these viruses. He was involved in prepping our secretary for a cost he had with the Prime Minister in china. We knew that high priority was for our secretary to ask for those viruses. We have had challenges in the past getting viruses from china, even influenza strain viruses. This was a high priority and we needed that. He was alarmed when he wrote to me that morning indicating that the c. D. C. Director had reprioritized and indicated we did not need the secretary did not need to ask jenna for viruses. It was alarming to us because we knew how critical it was need to ask china for viruses. It was alarming to us because we knew how critical it was. That is alarming. So the point is we have a brave individual coming forward as a whistleblower. But he is not alone, there are many other experts, scientists and the manufacturers who realized we were in for as they [beep]. P what do you think wouldve happened if mr. Navarro hadnt reached out to you and actually responded to you. Where would you be now if he hadnt been able to get one person in the white houses attention . Dr. Bright difficult to speculate where we were. Even when mr. Navarra reached out and strongly suggested that action be taken on february 10, it was conveyed to dr. Catlett that we needed to ramp up production of n95 masks, that solicitation did not close until march 18. So even with the pressure of mr. Navarro, who i believe shared the sense of urgency around this outbreak, that still did not spare our strategic National Stockpile for that urgently needed action. That is very disconcerting, and the reason we are here today, perhaps. Last question, switching gears and going to the other side of the spectrum. It has been hard to get folks attention here in washington, d. C. On the seriousness of this. I think most people now are convinced us is a very serious issue. I am a little concerned we are going to much the other way in terms of information. You alluded to it here on the vaccines. The people are under impression of vaccine will be developed in a couple of months and everything will be fine and i go back to work. We, unfortunately, have to juxtapose economic issues. They have to have realistic expectations at home. You, i think accurately, indicated that it could take up years. The quickest we did, i guess, was ebola and i think that was five years. Ask, and youion to dont have to answer, but i dont want america to think they cant get back to some semblance of a new postcovid life until a vaccine comes out, because that could take years. And there is a chance that a vaccine will maybe not as effective much like our flu vaccines, with the flu mutating yeartoyear. So i just want to make sure ask you if you would agree that, we cant wait to open up entirely until a vaccine, we have to use some of the other parameters you suggested. Dr. Bright we have to make sure we have scientifically led and driven decisions on when it is safe to reopen america. If it happens before we have a vaccine, if we have a vaccine faster, it is great, but we need to open america sooner, we need to make sure everyone understands the risk of their activities, and everyone has to play a critical part in following those activities to reduce the risk. We have to have a testing plan in place and enough tests to make sure we know people know when they are exposed so they can quarantine and not continue others. T and we are also developing a number of therapeutics that could offer benefit of electrically or protect you most like good offer a benefit prophylactic, it might offer our Health Care Workers and frontline workers protection until we have a vaccine. So there are a number of steps vaccine. Now and the i believe if experts inform americans of the risks and have clear guidance of what will happen if people follow the get us in theill process of getting back to work. Chairwoman eshoo gentleman s time has expired. We go to the gentleman from north carolina, mr. Hudson. First let me say, every whistleblower should be allowed to be heard. It is a core component of keeping our government accountable and run smoothly. But this hearing is not about a whistleblower something, it is about undermining the administration during a national and Global Crisis as evidenced by the fact that this hearing is being held in the wrong committee, well before the special counsel finishes his work. Sodisregard the minority spectacularly in this hearing only undermines the political nature of this hearing. I hope it will serve as a lesson of what should not be done in the respect that should be given to was a lower complaints so they are not abused for political expediency. More importantly, we have vital work we should be doing. My constituents Want Congress to get back to work. I am glad to be here to highlight the important work that needs to be done. Long story short, we should be examining the 175 billion authorized and appropriated in a bipartisan manner for providers, and what providers still need, and recommendations moving forward. We should be examining dapps and outcomes of access in minority communities. North carolina, folks back home are scared because coronavirus hits them hardest. Why are we not spending our time today examining this crisis more closely . I hear from providers and hospitals about issues with p. P. E. I know the gov. Edwards and has done extraordinary things to secure more. I know if administration has done extraordinary things to secure more p. P. E. His travel ban on a january 30 was able to move although it was panned by critics as an overreaction at the time. The president has gone to Great Lengths to overcome the system he inherited. Questions remain about why there is a global shortage and what more congress can do to support the administrations efforts to secure sufficient p. P. E. The committee should be working on that question. We have multiple pieces of legislation waiting to be considered to improve the stockpile. We should be examining why the stockpile was allowed to dwindle under previous administrations. The solutions to these problems are timely and critical to helping this administration combat this virus and the deadly disease it causes. And hear from quested winds was everyday suffering under these orders. Home this crisis is hard for anyone even if they werent suffering from Substance Abuse disorder or Mental Health challenges before they were confined to their homes. The crisis has exacerbated this problem. Why are we not examining the in fact this crisis has had our constituents with Mental Health issues . I appreciate your service to this country. You deserve to be heard. And your was a lower complaint should be given the serious consideration in a complaint deserves. But we also deserve to have the opportunity to ask questions about serious allegations made against you. I will note again, this is not the time and place for this hearing, it is after the special counsel has completed its work. Dr. Bright, building on other others. S from there was a Statement Released yesterday stating that your complaint left out a lot of information and context regarding the agencys decision to acquire hydroxychloroquine. You chose not to elevate your concerns to the office of Inspector General. The screenshots did not include full context. Another example, the wall street you wereeported that in support of acquiring and using hydroxychloroquine. Can you elaborate on what was missing from your screenshots and why you did not elevate your complaints at any time to the office of Inspector General . Dr. Bright when i was aware of the hydroxychloroquine, we were interested in acquiring that drug for its use in a randomized and controlled Clinical Study. When i heard from the doctor that there was something we should try to investigate in a randomized controlled study, i even reached out to a company that was licensed to make the drug in a United States to see if they could donate the drop to the n. I. H. To conduct those clinical studies donate the drug to the n. I. H. To conduct those clinical studies. As long as it was going to be used at that time for those randomized, controlled clinical studies, i thought we should look into the supply chain, the same way i did with lind remdesivir. It was only after i learned that the supply being discussed was coming from pakistan and india, facilities not approved either f. D. A. , not approved for use in the United States, but i became alarmed having the drug in the United States. Second, it was when i learned that the plan was to make the drug available through an expanded Access Program so people could potentially get that drug and not be under the close supervision of a health care provider. That caused significant concern. Because of that, and the cascading days afterward, we put that emergency authorization, with the safety bumpers in ways we could feel comfortable with that the drug would only be used under clinical observation. In the him in exchange you are referring to, it was before we knew that in the emailed in the email exchange are referring to, it was before we everything. Before i thought our efforts to obtain the drug would be used at the n. I. H. To conduct randomized, controlled clinical studies. I was relieved that we did identify the supply of the drug for those clinical studies. My time has expired, madam chair. I yield back. Chairwoman eshoo the gentleman yields back. Pleasure to recognize the gentleman from massachusetts, mr. Kenny , thank you for your service to our country dr. Bright. Lets ground this hearing a little bit. Theres 1. 4orning million cases diagnosed of covid19 in the United States and over fate 80,000 fatalities. Experts believe those are under counts because of after five months of this virus we still have a systemic problem with regards to robust testing. In many states across the country, cases are increasing because of the lack of testing, correct . And you mention your testimony that we have missed Early Warning signs and forgotten pages from our playbook. You have been the head of barda since a 20 since 2016. Dr. Bright until recently. Mr. Kennedy have you experienced any pandemics there or in your prior Government Service . Dr. Bright we responded to the Ebola Outbreak which did not rise to the level of pandemic area that pandemic. Mr. Kennedy and you are aware at the end of the Obama Administration that obama put together a playbook in trying to guide administrations and how to handle an outbreak, correct . And you are aware that there was a simulation done from an administrative with an Incoming Administration on how to respond. This that right . Dr. Bright yes. Mr. Kennedy and the trumpet ministration cut cdc staff located in china from 47 to 14, is that right . Dr. Bright i dont remember the number but i know it was reduced. Mr. Kennedy and you referenced the simulation called crimson hhsagion, that was done by and begun in january of 2019. Can you shine a little light as to what the shine the findings were . Actually thet was participants who were beyond some of the significant findings were the need for improved ,oordination and communication and an alignment between the local state and federal governments with a need for personal protective equipment and a need for funding. Dr. Bright and it was based mr. Kennedy and it was based off of a flulike virus based out of china, and it resulted in nearly 600,000 dead, is that correct . Dr. Bright yes. Mr. Kennedy when did you first have concerns about the potential impact of covid19 in the United States . Dr. Bright early january. Mr. Kennedy we aware that your thervisor suggested activation of the defense production act in midjanuary . Dr. Bright i was not. Mr. Kennedy you mentioned that you had two meetings with secretary azar, and im sure others but you referenced two meetings on january 23 and 27th where you raised concerns to him. Deputy secretary hagen was there at the second meeting. Mr. Kennedy and you witnessed top Security Council staff including the National Security advisor mr. Obrien and his deputy raising significant warnings that china was downplaying the effects of the virus. Dr. Bright i did learn that. Mr. Kennedy and you are aware that we sent 17. 8 tons of medical supplies to china in february area are you aware that the Trump Administration proposed a budget release calling for a cut to the cdc by nearly 700 million . Dr. Bright im not aware of that. Mr. Kennedy were you familiar with a memo written by Peter Navarro that warned of the impact. Dr. Bright yes. Mr. Kennedy that it was spread among Senior Administration and white house officials. Dr. Bright yes. Mr. Kennedy april 2 was when the Trump Administration finally defense production act, months after being warned. Dr. Bright i did learn that. Mr. Kennedy are you aware that order did not extend the full authority of the dpa and left a haphazard allocation process to states and hospitals to compete against each other . Dr. Bright i dont know the details of that authority. Mr. Kennedy has a task force actually developed a plan for reopening the country . Dr. Bright im not aware of the full plan to reopen. Mr. Kennedy had they developed principles that the white house has touted as guidelines to reopen . Dr. Bright i have heard of some principles. Mr. Kennedy our states following that plan . Dr. Bright it does not appear that there is a coordinated plan that states are following. Mr. Kennedy so after this recitation of actions and inactions of this administration in the past six months, can we possibly say this administration has prepared our country for the moment that we are in . And how could we be prepared for the Distribution Development and manufacturing of distribution of a vaccine to try to adjust 330 million americans over the course ahead . Dr. Bright i thing we have a lot of work to do to be prepared. Mr. Kennedy thank you, i yield back. The gentleman yields back, pleasure to recognize the gentleman from missouri, mr. Long, for his five minutes. Should we go to you can reserve. We will go to the gentleman from california, mr. Cardin for his five minutes of questions. Ok. Thank you dr. Bright for being , i wanted to tell you that my family, my community, and myself, we appreciate your 25 years of service, specifically when it comes to addressing pandemic outbreaks. Its my understanding that you spent those 25 years leading teams of scientists when it comes to drugs, diagnostics, and Vaccine Development. We appreciate that. When an administration or decisionmakers prioritize politics over science, does that the to increase or decrease likely results of the loss of life in the middle of a pandemic . Dr. Bright i believe that the scientists are best equipped to understand and manage a Health Crisis. I believe scientists should lead. Will phraseestion, it differently, the scientists are not leading and politicians are leading with the final decisions, when trying to address the issues of pandemics that are taking lives, that way of handling it, doesnt likely lossoflife, or decrease the lossoflife . Dr. Bright i believe that scientists leading will increase the likelihood that we can survive this pandemic and move through it. If scientists are not allowed to speak up, i believe it could increase the lossoflife. Mr. Cardenas thank you. How many times in your career actively personally, said i need to enact my right to be a whistleblower . How many times in the last one he five years have you decided 25 years have you decided to enact your right to be a whistleblower . Dr. Bright this is my first time sir. Mr. Cardenas i knew that answer was simple, i think it was confusing because i made it simple. The reason why i wanted to say thatis because i believe you have been incredibly consistent and your willingness to dedicate yourself, your expertise, and your career, to saving lives. Youre lossoflife on mind, was that on your mind when you decided that you needed to enact your right to be a whistleblower . My career is focused on saving lives. Everything i have done to come forward now is to raise awareness to the challenges that we have, because i do think it will save more lives. Mr. Cardenas are you aware of the lack of testing in the United States is affected by many pieces of the puzzle in order for people to get testing, rated equipment for caregivers to enact safely with the public, are those all factors that have can treated contributed to our lack of having adequate testing . Dr. Bright they are factors prei dont think anybody thought through the entire plan completely to understand those critical components for testing. I think theres a lot of confusion about the different types of tests and i think the narrative has focused on the number of tests, its not the number so much as it is the right types and what to do with that information. Nobody has really thought through the raw material supply chain to make sure that we can sustain the test. Mr. Cardenas that sounds hasusing from somebody who been working at a high level at the United States government in this space that we are discussing. Is, if we are not implementing in this pandemic to the degree or ability that the United States should or could, what has contributed the most . The lack of scientists recommending up the chain of command . The people of the top of the chain of command deciding to do things differently and scientists are strongly recommending . Of bright there is evidence scientists raising concerns about shortages and other actions that were important to take that were not taken. With my personal situation is the leadership with hhs and i asked my supervisor who was dismissive of the Early Warnings that i was raising. You saidmr. Cardenas Early Warnings, despite that, had there been other examples were either being a board or set aside and other actions were taken . Dr. Bright i believe i have learned of others, the cdc has written several guidelines for reopening america and getting people back to work. Im not sure if all of guidelines have been reviewed or publicly considered at this point. So theres another example of really hardworking career scientists and their information hard work not getting the proper that venting vetting. Mr. Cardenas im sorry i have no idea how much time i have wehopefully a little have heard boasting from the white house about millions of personal protective equipment, ppe, millions have gone off to america. But to date, we should have had billions go throughout america. Isnt that the disparity . Dr. Bright there is a huge disparity, healthcare workers are having to compromise their protection and health and safety because they are happening because they happen to because they have to be creative and come up with novel sterile practices that are not proven or tested. It is impacting our frontline workers, those of the lies we need to preserve so they can treat others. Mr. Cardenas i have family members working in hospitals today on the front lines who are telling me that they are wearing equipment for days at a time, that they are supposed to dispose of several times a day. Gentleman your time has expired. Mr. Cardenas thank you very much. To some but he could do a better job, i would appreciate it. The clock kept slipping. You are right, it got stuck at 4 44 and went to zero and 1 21. Up to 121 time so im watching as well. My father was a watchmaker and , its apair man pleasure to recognize mr. Long, for missouri, for his five minutes. You contend that your removal because the trumpet ministration and hhs leadership lacked scientific integrity. Do you think that dr. Fauci lacks scientific integrity . Dr. Bright i dont think my removal is associated with dr. Fauci at all, i think its because of tension between my supervisor and myself. Mr. Long do you know about dr. Faucis testimony two days before the Senate Health committee question mark dr. Bright im aware . Dr. Bright im aware of that. Mr. Long if the leadership is so hostile as you allege, how do you explain dr. Fauci being allowed to testify forthrightly, and having a prominent role on the White House Task force and direct the Research Efforts . Dr. Bright im not sure what decisions are involved in allowing dr. Fauci to testify or not. Not aware of what process or decisions are involved in allowing dr. Fauci to testify or not. Mr. Long he was allowed. Dr. Bright yes but i thought you asked me that was youopriate, perhaps could repeat your question if i have misunderstood it. Mr. Long you are seeing hhs is hostile to scientific integrity, if thats the case, can you expand why dr. Fauci was allowed to testify forthrightly in the committee . If they are hostile, why would they let him testify with no holes barred . Dr. Bright im saying my supervisor was not following proper scientific process that we have in place for barda. Im not actually saying the administration is hostile again scientific integrity in all cases. Im saying in my situation and in my claim, my supervisor was conducting an inappropriate activity that was going around proper scientific vetting. Mr. Long why did you not bring these concerns to secretary azar . Sir, i believe some of the activities were isolated with the supervisor, and his senior staff was aware of some of the processes that were being utilized to go around our traditional review process for scientific review. Wouldnt the normal protocol in any situation be that you go to the secretary of foror his chief of staff the injector general with your concern instead of just gathering them up in deciding that one day you are gonna dr. Bright i did not decide that, i was pushed out and involuntarily transferred. Mr. Long but you had these concerns, why didnt you take them to your conceit to your superiors and maybe we would not be here today . It was not easy for any of us to get here today. Dr. Bright i requested an ig investigation, its in my claim, i think it was in 2018 which i believe was inappropriate pressure, in discussion about procurement integrity. And i dont think i was ever followed through on. Dr. Bright did you bring your concerns to the Inspector General . I dont believe they were submitted to the Inspector General. But i raised those concerns to mr. Long you did not raise concerns with the Inspector General, secretary azars chief or Inspector General. Dr. Bright the general counsel was present in that meeting. Mr. Long i will take that as a no. He stated that hhs leadership was and the pressing need to act. But its my understanding that it was dr. Redfield of the white house and the National Security council about the risk of the virus on january the second, and with counterteam proliferation and bio defense director quickly began meeting to address the possibility of the pandemic. Toyou consider dr. Redfield be dismissive about the threat of coronavirus . Dr. Bright sir, people were aware of the urgency, what was lacking was action and how to address it. When we were raising issues of critical supply chains and medical equipment to protect doctors and nurses, if they were aware of the urgency of the situation and still failed to act, i think thats even more unconscionable than not being aware of the emergency and not acting. Mr. Long in your new position i would recommend that if you have issues that you go to the head of the department. I yield back. Gentleman yields back, a pleasure to yield to the gentleman from vermont, mr. Welch. Welch your job and our job is to protect the American People. Can be managed, if done correctly, correct . Dr. Bright i believe so. Mr. Welch and the playbook is , its testing, Contact Tracing, and isolation, starting first with social isolation, correct . Dr. Bright nonpharmaceutical interventions and testing are critical first steps. Mr. Welch and this virus is across the world, and in many countries, which have followed the triedandtrue protocol has done better than the u. S. Correct question mark dr. Bright we correct . Dr. Bright we have seen differences in outcomes. Mr. Welch the john hopkins study said that the u. S. Had best preparedness, turned out that we had the worst response. Most cases and the most deaths. Dr. Bright we had the most cases and the most deaths. Mr. Welch i did some calculations come on january 19, south korea determined its first on january 19 the u. S. Determined its first case. Dr. Bright january 20 was the u. S. Mr. Welch if we had the same response to south korea as south korea, by population, they had 33,000 deaths, we would have saved 50,000 lives. In taiwan they had the same virus, 22,000 deaths, adjusting for population, that is 60,000 more deaths than we have had here. Singapore, 82,000 more. New zealand, 65,000. The question for us here and the American People is why, when we had the best plan and we had the worst execution. Let me go through a few things you have established established. Hhsnning in january, the was asked to start contrasting companies about the shortages of personal protective equipment and he got blown off, correct . Dr. Bright as i understand. Mr. Welch and before our first case you wanted to convene highlevel meetings about the virus but that was initially rejected. Correct . Dr. Bright yes. Mr. Welch and you demanded urgent access to funding for critical specimens to develop lifesaving medicines and were told that the spread was under control, correct . Dr. Bright i was told there was no urgency. Mr. Welch and you warned others in the administration of their was a pretty cool need a critical need to secure surgical masks. That was ignored . Dr. Bright true. Mr. Welch and he participated in the daily covid19 meeting where you expressed frustration samples andng virus clinical specimens from china and were reprimanded and you are no longer a part of those meetings, is that correct . Dr. Bright thats true. Mr. Welch so you and others were seeing over the horizon what was coming to our shores. Even before our first case was confirmed. Dr. Bright we had spent many years preparing for pandemics, we understood the threat and what needed to happen. Mr. Welch exactly. It is knowable and manageable. It is fierce and fearsome. But what you have to do is established, is that more or less correct . We did not do it. February 25, President Trump gave the assurance that the stock market is starting to look very good, and the coronavirus was under control. Were you aware of any medically involved people who had the view that the virus at that time was very much under control . No sir, i dont think the virus was under control and i dont think that many people would agree with me. Those countries i mentioned include germany, taiwan, new zealand, south korea, singapore. The leaders of those countries accepted that there was a role that only the nation could play in the and the provinces would have to depend on them. I want to go through some of those things. Establishing a testing protocol, was that done here . Dr. Bright no. Acquiring and allocating and distributing personal protective equipment to where it was needed when it was needed, was that done here . Dr. Bright no sir. We had governors and hospitals competing with each other to get needed equipment, isnt that correct . Dr. Bright theres a lot of confusion and competition and bad decisions made to acquire poor quality products. Mr. Welch and in any of those other countries, are you aware of the leader of that country at a press conference making recommendations on what kind of medication people should use . Dr. Bright i dont know the details of what happened in those countries, so i dont know. Mr. Welch we had governors here, republicans and democrats, like hogan, phil scott from vermont, who have done a tremendous job. But no matter how good they do their job, can they protect their people without the aggressive intervention of the federal government playing its role. Federalht i think the government plays a Critical Role in coordinating, aligning, and making an equitable distribution of those supplies. Thats what we have exercised in the past, that there would be a Critical Role for a federal lead in state, local, and tribal territorial levels. Mr. Welch i yield back. The gentleman yields back. A pleasure to recognize the gentleman from georgia, mr. Carter. You wish to question or pass . You reserve. The gentleman from california, mr. Ruiz is recognized dr. Dr. Ruiz recognized is recognized. Thank you. My heart aches for the family and friends of the over 80,000 in america who have died of covid19 in such a short period of time. My heart aches for those closer to me, the Riverside County has reported 228 deaths. As a doctor i appreciate your written testimony that states that science and not politics or cronyism must lead the way to combat the deadly virus. Theres been a lot of hype about cures for cobit which have been shown to be an effective and even dangerous. We are now seeing the very real dangers and consequences of not making decisions based on science. , which foxroquine news commentators and then the white house touted, and encourage people to use his exhibit a. But there is one drug that is providing some therapeutic benefit. Remdesivir. Dr. Fauci showed a clearcut significant positive effect in diminishing the time to recover. My understanding is that in january and early february you launch a review to say which drug may have therapeutic benefit and you said this was the most likely drug to be effective against covid19. Can you describe how you came to that conclusion and what the response was . About in a it came technical review from a number of scientists within hhs. As well as others and it was aligned with the assessment from debbie hon global experts who looked at every potential drug, and remdesivir was the drug that had the most potential for benefit. Who did you tell and what was their response . Dr. Bright we shared that information with my supervisor, and with hhs leadership. We had discussions about the have thehat could limited supply. And we had discussions about how to ramp up the discussion for more remdesivir in case the randomized controlled study came through dr. Ruiz you had the discussion, what was the response . Dr. Bright no decision was made at that time. Dr. Ruiz my understanding is that Peter Navarro reached out for you to seek your counsel. You told him about your top three concerns, the shortage of masks, the need for a Manhattan Project to develop vaccines in securing adequate supplies, can you tell me if he agreed with you and what steps you took . He did agree with me masks,remdesivir, the and the Manhattan Project. To the whitememo house chief of staff and Mick Mulvaney to share with the task force. On ruiz it occurred february 10, what happened next . To the department procure the needed supplies for remdesivir . Dr. Bright we did not proceed with procuring any supplies. Dr. Ruiz and you are removed from your position on april 22, by then had the department settled on a plan and procured the remdesivir . Dr. Bright no, they were still aboutsing presentations potential donations of remdesivir at that time. Dr. Ruiz what you are describing as they gang that could not shoot straight but we are in the middle of the pandemic. Theres one drug the experts say could make a difference and has been shown to make a difference and the department cannot seem to figure out how to acquire it. A week ago the Washington Post the rolloutblished of remdesivir as confusing, and marred with incomplete medical information area doctors described how they can obtain the drug and do not understand the process for accessing it. We were told the process was a staggering injustice. And you are warning about this over three months ago, if the department had listened to you, and other x and other experts as well, which this have been avoided . Dr. Bright we should have had a plan for that drug. Dr. Ruiz it did not have to be this way. Dr. Bright right. Dr. Ruiz you were right about the danger of hydroxychloroquine , you are right about the benefit of remdesivir, you were masks and other critical issues, but you were fired from your job while officials who botched the response and ignored your warnings stayed and theres in theirs. Not only is this unfair to you but its dangerous to the American People. I yield back my time. The gentleman yields back. I would like to clarify something quickly, relative to your lead dr. Bright. Are you want to cruise Vacation Time now . Accrued Vacation Time now . Yes. Would you share the exhibits once you remove personally identifiable information . Dr. Bright im having trouble understanding you through the mic. Im getting so comparable wearing a mask i forgot to have it on. Would you be willing to share the other exhibits once you remove personally identifiable information. Dr. Bright yes. We will make them available after the hearing today when we have had a chance to review it. Will they be made available to the minority as well as the majority . They will be made available to the entire committee. We had never shared anything with the majority that has not been shared to the minority, this is a bipartisan issue. Will exhibits be kept in comments among Committee Members . Not knowing whats in the emails and im wondering if theres any information in there that might be deemed to be degrading, would that be kept in confidence among the Committee Members . As opposed to being released to the public . We will follow the rules. Thank you. I have the pleasure of recognizing the only pharmacist in the United States congress, mr. Carter. Mr. Carter thank you for being here. Before, let me extend my condolences to those 80,000 plus who have lost their lives and their families as a result of this, and a shout out to our Health Care Professionals and are other essential workers who have put their own health in danger in order to provide services to our citizens. Dr. Bright, its my understanding that in 2017 barda funded a project with five ofearch associates albuquerque of a company to butlop sanitizers, according to recent reports by the Washington Post, none of these next generation respirators are available for us, why is that . Do you have any idea . Dr. Bright are you talking about the ventilators that we have developed . Mr. Carter im talking about those that were developed, the respirators that were developed and could be sanitized and reused during Public Health emergencies. Its my understanding that was contracted and that project was scrapped. Dr. Bright so im not familiar with the project to resanitize respirators. Enough, if your are fair enough if youre not familiar with it. We have had a lot of discussion about hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, im confused because its my understanding that this is what barda, and if you want to clarify something here. It is my understanding that that is the role of barda, the mission, to look at things like this. Congress,me in appropriate and allocate money to go towards this, barda is supposed to be looking at things that could possibly happen. Such as hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine. That youit appeared embraced that and you were in favor of looking at that and im wondering, because of this pandemic and we did not have any vaccine or any kind of agreedupon treatment, we should be testing and thats what we are appropriating that money for, would you agree, that thats what we are trying to do, to look at what could possibly to try toork with the encourage them to come up with those kinds of solutions . Dr. Bright absolutely, we should look at all options and evaluate the potential risk and safety and benefit of those in the context of a randomized controlled Clinical Study and in the context of an emergency we should move and get that as quickly as possible. We should not proceed recklessly without that Clinical Data on potential adverse events in an emergency. Mr. Carter you are saying we should not proceed adversely, are you referring to hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine . Dr. Bright we were promoting the standing up of randomized controlled clinical studies at the nih with hydroxychloroquine. I worked with the company to even ask if they would donate used in the nih to be the context of a randomized controlled Clinical Study. That is what barda would do. Mr. Carter and you worked with the fda to get an emergency use for hydroxychloroquine. Is that correct . And it was approved. Dr. Bright that was in the contact the context of the director we received to have extended access protocol. Mr. Carter you are saying you were instructed to do it anywhere against your will . Dr. Bright we were instructed to put in place expanded access context of anhe americans accessing this drug and not being under the close supervision of a physician. The scientist said fda, nih, cdc, and barda worked together to change that directed to the context of emergency use authorization with guardrails, so patients would be under the close supervision of a physician. Mr. Carter understood. And initially appeared encouraged by what could possibly be a result of the effect of hydroxychloroquine. When did that change . When did you sour on the use of hydroxychloroquine . Dr. Bright i believe we have seen many drugs that could have benefit, some of the more interesting things weve never heard of. Mr. Carter but my question is when did you sour on it . Dr. Bright when it was determined that it should be made available to americans outside of the context of a supervises. Ian who i supported a randomized controlled Clinical Study at the nih. When i learned that there was a directive to make it more broadly available and not under supervision of a physician mr. Carter when did that directive go out . Dr. Bright march 23. Thats when you decided thats not what we should do, and we should not be looking at hydroxychloroquine at all. Dr. Bright i did not think it was the proper or safe way to evaluate that drug in the context of this outbreak. I believe it should only be done under close supervision of said of physicians. Placee put the eua in which locks the drug down to only be used under close supervision of a sedition of a physician we had the guardrails in place. With the email string followed a week later saying to ignore the eua and push this into the retail pharmacies in new york and new jersey. Mr. Carter who put that directive out. The gentlemans time has expired. But you can answer. Dr. Bright which directive . Mr. Carter that it should be put to the public without physicians . An email string that had a number of individuals on it, i believe it first came from the assistant secretary of health who indicated the white house was asking for that drug to be more broadly used. Mr. Carter was it because the president was encouraged by the use of this drug that she became discouraged . Dr. Bright nothing to do with politics, i wanted to make sure that americans were aware of the risk of this drug and that it was only available specifically. Timet the gentlemans has expired by 1. 5 minutes. You can finish her answer dr. Bright, then we are moving to the next member. Dr. Bright it has been used safely for malaria for a number of years, we didnt have a database. Mr. Carter its being used in the same dosage. Please. I know that im overly generous with both sides of the aisle, but i think we need to move on. Two minutes of extra time his tomb and its of extra time and im not going to ask that it be shared over here. The gentlemans time is expired. Its a pleasure to recognize the gentleman from michigan, miss dingle for her time. Chair, thankmadam you to dr. Bright also for being here. You are doing a great service. I think we are here today because covid is real. I share the sentiments of many of my republican colleagues that have expressed the thanks to the front line workers, asking questions. I want to look at the last few months. Covid is real in my state. Michigan is the 10th largest state in the country, and we were third in the number of cases for weeks. We were third and we remained there until this week and the number of deaths. We have managed to move to fourth place two days ago, which is not a number anyone wants to be. My family alone, a cousin woke up with a 104 temperature and was dead that afternoon. There are people still dying every single day. On sundayt someone, and monday, a brother lost. And then we hear scientific experts, yourself, dr. Fauci, and other scientists saying to us that if we do not listen to aem we could begin to see return. Point. L it a dark i call it i dont want to see more spikes or to see anyone else die. Im losing too many friends that i know, and people across the country are. I want to focus on an area thats not your area of expertise, but it is mine. Car safety. We expect cars to be safe. We specked Car Manufacturers to be responsible in making sure defective cars are not sold. If they fail in that responsibility, we hold them accountable. If an engineer and a car company realized a model had serious defects and warned her management about that, we would all think she had done her job responsibly. If management ignored her, and our Committee Found out, i will bet you right now we would be having hearings. If americans died driving those cars, the companies would be sued, they would be charged with klim no with criminal negligence. In fact, for my time, this committee investigated airbag defects and vehicle safety. The subcommittees Ranking Member, dr. Burgess said there is no room for going slow when it comes to safety. And certainly deception cannot and will not be tolerated. Dr. Burgess was right then. All carmakers have to be accountable. What im concerned about is that we are not applying the same standards to coronavirus. I want to learn from what happened so we keep that dark winter that you are talking about from happening. It seems to be dr. Bright that you acted the same way the auto engineer i mentioned should act area you identified Serious Problems and suggested fixes when it came to diagnostics, the n95 masks, other equipment, and medicines, is that right . Dr. Bright thats true. And congresswoman we still have those challenges. Mr. Dingell do you believe if your suggestions were implemented lives would have been saved and the severity of the pandemic might have been lessened . Dr. Bright i believe lives would have been saved if we had proper medical equipment for healthcare workers. Mr. Dingell so people died because you were not listened to. Dr. Bright people died because they did not have appropriate protective equipment to save their lives. Mr. Dingell the problems are not limited to just ignoring your advice. The American People are confused , given mixed signals, and frankly, some days deceived. Let me give you an example. There was a visit to the cdc on march 6, the administration said anybody who wants a test will get a test. Was that true then . Dr. Bright there are still not enough tests. Mr. Dingell so even this week, as we are being told anybody who wants a test can have a test, is that true in the United States of america . Dr. Bright no. Mr. Dingell in fact all the experts say we are doing only a small fraction of the tests we need to do to reopen safely. I am running out of time so let me ask you about vaccines. We are told by the white house that we have heard very soon, a matter of months for that vaccine to be developed. This is your area of expertise, you are a top immunologist in the world, was there any scientific basis to suggest in march that we would have a vaccine in the next few months . Dr. Bright theres a lot of optimism and hope, but that doesnt make a vaccine. Theres a lot of work that needs to be done. Mr. Dingell will we be able to vaccinate people in the next few months . Dr. Bright its very unlikely. Mr. Dingell thank you. The gentleman yields back. My understanding is that the. Inority is reserving so with pleasure i recognize the gentleman from New Hampshire, ms. Custer. Thank you for being with us today, i want to thank you for your courage, for helping us to do our job to protect the American People. I want to start by restating what i said in a hearing on february 26 with secretary asia secretary a czar. The key to the Public Health crisis is trust and credibility. I urged the secretary to provide clear and credible updates from this administration to the public. But your whistleblower complaint and testimony today unveiled unheeded warnings about personal protective equipment, testing supplies, and vaccine supplies. Over the past several months i have held countless conversations with doctors and nurses and hospitals and Community Health centers and all republican governor our republican governor and every other person in New Hampshire trying to get access to personal protective equipment to protect our frontline workers, to protect our grocery clerks. We have been trying to get testing supplies, we were told that because we were not a hotspot, we were on our own. And we had to turn to entrepreneurs, thank god they fort, and thank you to them flying to china and bringing us the equipment we need that we should and could have had distributed have we planned ahead. These conversations have informed my roadmap to recovery on how to safely reopen our economy, and the key to those efforts is adequate testing, Contact Tracing, supported isolation and Vaccine Development. Your specialty. I want to focus on your role as the director of barda and Vaccine Development and distribution. On page 28 and 29 of your addendum to your complaint it states that barda estimated that andeen 600 and 50 million 850 million needles and syringes would be needed for a vaccine to be administered in the United States. For everybody to be safe. Your team also estimates it could take up to two years to manufacture these vaccine delivery supplies. To your knowledge dr. Bright, at this time, has the administration placed any orders to prepare for how a vaccine will be delivered when one becomes available to every american . Dr. Bright i learned they placed an order for syringe is on may 1, and another order was placed today. Ms. Kuster were the amounts adequate . Dr. Bright 320 million needles and syringes. Ms. Kuster could you describe the situation if every american does not have access to the vaccine due to a supply shortage . Dr. Bright that situation would be catastrophic. The decisions have not been made yet on who to vaccinate first and how to identify those individuals. And how to stretch those limited supplies appropriately. Thatimportant to remember its not just the United States. There is a limited supply when i said two to 2. 5 years, that was assuming there would not be global competition for those limited supplies. Those are not made in the United States, some of them. Dr. Bright did a lack of prep ms. Kuster did a lack of preparation make us more vulnerable to future spikes. Dr. Bright absolutely. Ms. Kuster two we have enough supplies to distribute the flu vaccine next winter and the coronavirus . Dr. Bright its good be extremely challenging. Ms. Kuster do we know the interactions of the fullfledged flu season in combination with covid19 . Dr. Bright we havent seen it flu luckily in spring the ones down, thats when covid19 emerged. Ms. Kuster without adequate supplies to vaccinate all americans, does this slow down the goal of fully reopening our economy and getting back to the normal that every american wants . Bringsght it certainly significant consideration that must be taken into consideration before reopening. We need to make sure that not only the guidelines are cleared to each individual, and that each individual follows those guidelines, otherwise it with a solid risk. I know you are not political, and certainly we are all trying to not be political. Im very proud in our state that our delegation and our governor are working so well together. Dr. Bright, does this virus give a damn whether a patient is republican or democrat. Dr. Bright no, i just want to infect people. Unfortunately, a lot of people get sick and many die. Ms. Kuster thank you, im grateful, not just for your knowledge, but for you humility and service to our country. I yield back. The gentlewoman yields back. On theure to call gentleman from illinois, ms. Kelly, for her five minutes of questions. Thank you for being here. Concerned im deeply concerned by the described dominant time time and time again, some communities are forced to do without the debt to make do without the services they need. You have identified multiple situations that the United States has faced a shortage of supplies needed to respond to covid19, from masks, test swabs, and other testing material. And potentially delivering a supply. During covid19 we have seen some paying significantly more because they are on their own, to procure those medical supplies. Not every state or locality can afford to do this. Knowing what we know about how scarce resources are procured and distributed. What impacts will happen to lower income communities. Dr. Bright unfortunately and increases the concern in communities that are not part of the mainstream, or those with lower socioeconomic status. It has a significant chance of increasing the risk in those communities. Ms. Kuster how have used thekelly how have you seen devastation in this disease. Dr. Bright we dont have the information to understand why they have been hit so hard. We dont know why Health Status or access to health care or Immunization Status or healthcare status, we are learning a lot about that. But its important to think about when we have diagnostic tests, and other things available, that they are available to everyone. Are veryof these tests expensive, or in rare supplies. We need to make sure we are making the available tests that are not just accurate, but lowcost, so everyone can access a test. Ms. Kelly did you urge hhs leadership or the administration to consider preparedness outreach or targeted resources for these populations . Or are you aware of any hhs Administration Actions to target resources and outreach to vulnerable groups . I have had some conversations, there have been some conversations i should say that focus on groups that are harder to reach and with a different socioeconomic status. Im not sure theres a plan in place just yet to make sure, thats more of a conversation. Ms. Kelly it doesnt sound like there is. You recommend testate you recommend having a National Standard and having equitable distribution of equipment and supplies. Will this help to ensure that every community can access the quitman 10 supplies they need . Dr. Bright that is whats needed. Ms. Kelly will this help to address the inequities that we are seeing and the impact of covid19 on communities of color . Dr. Bright absolutely. Ms. Kelly and do you feel in the last bill that we made sure paths in the bill with better data as far as race and not just two dies but who was hospitalized and so on and so forth. We are hoping that the data will inform policy, do you feel that will help . Dr. Bright i think its important and a wise move. Ms. Kelly we are supposed to get her report, 21 days from when the president signed the bill, 30 days and then 180 days. Dr. Bright im not aware of those guidelines it comes from a different area. But i think oversight is important. Ms. Kelly and you have been sitting in that seat for a while, is there anything we have not asked you that you want to say . Dr. Bright its an important question and ive thought a lot about it. The highlight of things i talked about in my Opening Statement is that we need transparency and american needs to know the truth. ,his is a devastating pandemic not just for health but our society, economy, jobs, livelihood. If we dont take seriously the call for action to put specific things in place, a coordinated National Plan for testing in response, and equitable distribution is limited to supplies and a ramp up and preparing for what will be a devastating fall if we dont have the right supplies in place or Raw Materials, then the virus will overcome us in a significant way. , we haveimited time the ability to do it in the greatest Scientific Minds in our country to do it. We need to listen to them and put the plan in place and everyone gets busy stopping the virus. I have had three people in my family with this and i have lost my uncle may 10 days ago now from the vat maybe 10 days ago now from the virus. Thank you. And thank you for your patience. Back. Gentlewoman yields the minority reserves . Then we go to the gentlewoman barragan. Ornia, ms. Thank you. One striking aspect of your account and your complaint of the office of special counsel is the contrast between the public updates by the president and secretary a czar azar on covid19 versus the analysis you and other experts were providing. I would like to explore this disconnect, and ultimately that the administration has shared information that was misleading. We need to do this to better understand what has happened and how we can ensure that the Administration Provides accurate and constructive information going forward. Dr. Bright, you had learned of the threats by early january, is that correct . Dr. Bright yes. Ms. Barragan according to your complaint it was clear to you almost immediately that the virus was highly contagious, spreading rapidly, and could have a high mortality rate. Is that correct . Dr. Bright we were learning that from the outbreak in china at the time. Ms. Barragan each day we learned each day we learn more it was more concerning. Ms. Barragan and your view is confirmed by the World Health Organization in a january call to agencies including hhs. In january you pressed leadership about the urgent need to devote increased resources to address the outbreak. On january 23 you reached the secretary directly, that funding, personnel, and clinical specimens were critically necessary to Begin Development of lifesaving medicine needed in the likely event that the virus has spread beyond southeast asia. Yet, on january 24 in a tweet regarding the virus, the president assured us that it will all work out well. Andon january between ninth secretary reportedly told the president that the epidemic was under control. And the president echoed that comment publicly the following day. This disconnect between the analysis of public Health Experts and the public statements by the administration throughcontinued february. Let me give you more examples. In early february he continued you continued to raise the them bell within hhs about imminent mask shortages and the lack of preparations for the wave of infections that you saw coming. Thank you for doing that. Yet in public remarks on february the 10th President Trump stated it looks like by april, in theory, when it gets warmer, it miraculously goes away. And he added i think this will work out good. We only have 11 cases and they are Getting Better. Said that experts knew that the number of respirator masks needed to protect Health Care Workers and other americans in a pandemic was close to 3. 5 billion. Yet in testimony on for bureau 25th, secretary azar said they would only need 300 million respirators. Thats an order of magnitude so much less than what was stated. Through february you continued your warnings. I would say her hair was on fire about the dangers that millions of americans faced. But President Trump characterized the number of cases this way, we have 15 people, and when a couple of days it will be down to close to zero. Thats a pretty good job youve done. 10, there were over 1000 diagnosed covid19 cases in the United States. Over 30 debts had been attributed to the virus in this country. Yet the president that day told ,he country it will go away just stay calm. It will go away. He could not have been more wrong. Today we have over 1. 4 million cases. Dr. Bright, what impact do you believe that statements by the end ministration leaders downplaying the covid19 crisis the Administration Leaders downplaying the covid19 crisis had to mount an Effective Response by our Health Care System to the covid19 virus . I believe americans need to be told the truth. That the best scientific guidance and advice was not being conveyed to the American Public during that time. I believe by not telling america truth, or being fully transparent regardless of where the information was coming from, people were not as prepared as they could have been and should have been. We did not forewarn people. We did not train people, we did not educate them on social distancing and wearing a mask as we should have in january and february. All of those Educational Opportunities for the American Public could have had an impact on slowing the outbreak and saving more lives. Ms. Barragan thank you. And thank you for sharing your perspective today. I hope that your courage in coming forward helps our country forge a better path in a disastrous course chartered by this rep. Eshoo the gentlewoman yelled back. The minority reserves. Pleasure to recognize the fiveewoman from delaware, minutes for questions. Thank you madam chairwoman. Thank you dr. Bright, so much for your testimony but also for your courage today. As you can hear, there is not a person in this room or country that hasnt been personally touched by covid19 and your statement that we need to be told the truth is probably the most important statement weve heard all day. I want to personally thank you on behalf of all americans for your courage to testify before us today. I want to say that, my focus for this hearing is really on three things. Number one, we learned . And number two, what do we need to do now . Number three, what do we need to do to prevent the risks of an additional wave of covid19 . It is clear since january that there has been a failure on the part of the administration to use the Scientific Evidence that has been prevented by the nations top Health Officials to take comprehensive i will use that word again comprehensive, and urgent action to respond to covid19. One of the most pressing needs that has yet be addressed is the need for a National Testing strategy. Your testimonynd you mentioned the need for such a strategy that ensures tests are among other things, available to everyone who needs them. Congressmanh peterson and presented to from thes wrote a letter to democratic and Republican House leadership in the house and senate and we really impressed upon them the need for outlining a robust testing plan. While current capacity is 1. 6 million diagnostic tests per week, Health Experts say we are woefully short of the estimated 30 million tests per week we need to get america back to work as safely and confidently as possible and to mitigate a second wave of covid19, which is one of my biggest concerns. Dr. Bright, what are the immediate steps hhs needs to be taking to ramp up Testing Capacity now through the fall, and what target should they be held accountable for . Dr. Bright i think what is interesting about the testing story that gets lost is the confusion about the different types of tests. There is an antigen test that tells you if they have the virus, there is a pcr test, and there is an Antibody Test that looks at your antibodies, trying to tell you if you have been exposed already. I think the first thing hhs needs to do is determine which of those tests is most important to achieve which objective. If the antigen test is what is needed because it is faster and lower cost, what is it tell americans what does it tell employers, what is tell schools about the potential for an individual who has a positive or negative, and their potential to have different results than a day or later that day . There is a lot of confusion, so i think the first thing hhs should do is determine the type of test and how that test would be used effectively. Then make sure we have enough of those types of tests. The people using them know what the data tells them. I think there is a lot of confusion and they need leadership in hhs to distinguish those challenges and clarify that for the public. It is not just a test. There are many tests that tell you different things. Rep. Rochester why do you think our nation has struggled with ramping up Testing Capacity, other unlike other countries . Was there a backup in spite of the situation youre in now . Dr. Bright i think part of the struggle is waiting too late to get it started. Conversationsad with manufacturers, they have been very creative. Is, we havelenge allowed many of these capabilities to be offshore. We have much more capability of expanding domestic capacity and it is in our country. But if the supply chain is offshore and there is a global need and competition, that also significantly impairs our ability to ramp up. Rep. Rochester again, i want to thank you so much for the time you have contributed to our country, but also for your courage to be here right now. Challenged as democrats and republicans to make sure that our country is safe and healthy. Thinklly is i dont ive ever my lifetime seen anything like this. It does require rest to look back, and at the same time look forward and make sure we have what we need is a country. I think you again that youll back the balance of my time. Rep. Eshoo the gentlewoman yelled back. Does the minority reserve . All right. To recognizeure the gentleman from illinois. Mr. Rush, for his five minutes of questions. Do you have your microphone on . I have it on now. It is so good to see you. Ive been washing you watching you this morning and it andes me about your courage your insight and your commitment. I am so delighted to be in the same room with you. Your contributions are reports ofand your the scientific process was pushed aside for shortterm political points is extremely troublesome to me. American public, im sure. I am absolutely convinced that doctor, and the chinese the doctor who first raised the inrm over the coronavirus wuhan, china, you two will be twored as to titans titans of this pandemic. You were the path that is right, rather than the path that was easy. I commend you for it. Thats been widely reported president Obamas White House National Security council left the administration a detailed, very thorough document on how to proceed through a pandemic. Do you have any input in that playbook . Dr. Bright yes sir, i did. And number of agencies had input. Rep. Rush as far as you know, and any of those recommendations have any of those recommendations been followed . Dr. Bright i believe some of those principles have been reviewed and considered. I think changed. Rep. Rush i think it is critically important that we focus on the path forward. Thee we must learn from response has to be forward thinking, forward moving, and i am the sponsor of a bipartisan covid19 trace act. I have been working on development of comprehensive strategy for mobile testing and doortodoor tracing. Legislation empowers train,ty groups to hire, and pay workers to engage in testing and Contact Tracing. Hotspots ands medically underserved areas, as well as companies who hire locally. Insuch, i was interested your views on a National Testing and tracing strategy. In your testimony you said, the viruses out there, its everywhere. We need to be able to find it, to isolate it, and stop it from affecting more people. I could not agree with you more. I believe that it is a question that is relevant today. I would like to hear what you believe should be our National Strategy for testing and tracing. Dr. Bright i think it is important. You are spot on that we need to have a strategy that everyone follows, the same strategies to test for the viruses, who is infected with this virus. Then we have to isolate that person and quarantine them so they dont infect others. We rapidly need to trace their contacts. And be able to test those individuals. If they have been infected as well, we need to be able to isolate those. Through a coordinated effort across the country, we can be able to identify, give those paper people proper treatment and slow the spread of this virus. That has to be in a coordinated way. We have to have the right tests and enough of those tests. It is not something we do once and we are done. It is something we have to continually do. It is not just we have to have one test for every person in america, we need multiple tests in the right types of test. We need the right professionals who knew who know how to use those tests, to trace those contacts, and isolate the virus. Rep. Rush i think you so very much and thank you for being here and lending the American People letting the American People know what is going on. Madam chair, i yield back the balance of my time. Rep. Eshoo the gentleman yelled back. You are request on speakers, ok. It is a pleasure to recognize the gentleman from errors arizona, mr. Ohalloran, who is a member of the energy and Commerce Committee. According to our rules we can wave onto a subcommittee, so we welcome you this afternoon and commute recognize you for five minutes of questions. But your microphone on. Thank you madam chair. Your insight, your knowledge, and your caring for the American People. You have touched on several concerns i share with my colleagues about how the United States has responded to covid19. We must address the Health Crisis headon. If you want to tackle the economic crisis that has overtaken our country. We are going to need a coordinated National Testing and Contact Tracing plan, spearheaded by the federal government to prevent states from competing with one another for resources and planning for hotspot attacks and other issues that will come up. This is the only way people will feel safe returning to work, eating at restaurants, enjoying arizonas public lands, and being out in public, and close to others. This flexibility is critical. You cant have that unless you have a coordinated process. District, the Navajo Nation has been going under this process. It is 170,000 people. The area is the size of west virginia. That only urban areas are impacted is and that it can spread fast, 16 people died yesterday. Fact, on a per capita basis, this currently has more cases than any state in the country. Is still notpot being addressed in the appropriate way. More resources are needed and they are needed now, and they were needed more than a month ago when we started trying to get this done. They continue to struggle to see the federal governments promise of payments in a timely manner. It came through, finally, what has to be timely in order to respond. This will bolster the Health System and provide people with water, food, and supplies during this time of crisis. Dr. Bright, what is the one thing that the federal government must do to ensure that hotspots like Navajo Nation or anywhere else in our country are successfully mitigated in a timely way . That this virus does not continue to spread and to bring back the citizens of our country to be able to understand that we will respond quickly with the necessary supplies . Dr. Bright congressman, that is a question. I believe we need to recognize that it is a hotspot and understand the per capita out rake of a number of infections in different areas and not treat every area of the same. The rural areas, the less dense areas are not the same as a dense city such as new york city. However, you can have just as significant of challenge in a rural area as you described. I think the first recognition is to get the data across the country, into the federal government so they can make the right prioritization decisions, allocation of those limited supplies and resources to areas such as yours. I dont think there is a full recognition yet of how to define the hotspots in a standardized way. We need to have scientists review this challenge and come up with an equitable distribution of those areas. Rep. Ohalloran thank you, doctor. I want to point out that this enemy goes much faster than one of our jet planes. Our fighters go fast, but this goes moving forward and how can the federal government address these now, within a quick period of time . They cannot get tests. Of they have 400 cases out 14,000 people. I mean, this is a critical issue, please. Think wet i still need to identify the types of tests. Then we need to put all efforts into ramping up production of all supplies for those tests. We have found many times that we have ramped up now tests production, but we have not thought about the critical agents that accompany those tests. We havent thought about the swaps. We are asking diagnostic equipment that might run 100 test today to run 10,000 tests a day. There hasnt been a real thought through plan about how to maintain that equipment. That equipment now is failing in many places. As we ramp up capacity to test and we havent thought all the way through to rails and maintenance, materials and maintenance, we can find ourselves a few days down the road not having the tests we thought we had. Aain, this is where coordinated strategy and plan for testing comes into place. Not just had to use the test, how to make sure we are sustaining that supply. How to make sure we have thought of every component, if it is a swab, if it is a buffer, if it is a lubricant for the instrument itself. Making sure all of those things are considered in that National Strategy so we dont ramp up one area and crash in another. Thank you,oran doctor. Madam chair, i yield. See no other members to speak. I want to close, dr. Bright. Ofve been here for just shy four hours of straight testimony. And my observation is the following. I think that you are the finest ambassador in our country were scientists. Knowledge, theic depth and the breadth of it, i think that the American People have listened this morning, that you have given them confidence. You have also issued your warning. I pray and i sincerely mean that word i pray that we well Work Together successfully so that that window that is closing, we will optimize the time that we have while it is still open. Know, facts are really stubborn things. Sometimes it is uncomfortable to have to deal with the facts that we are facing. The United States, still has more cases, more deaths by far than any other nation on earth. Definition, we have, in my view, a profound failure. You have given this committee roadmap today. Witnessed have been your integrity. Thank you for your service to our country. Willingnessr your to testify here today. Thank you for your courage, chas raised your lead pressure with all of the, what one contends with when you come i highprofile witness. I think you should rest assured that youve made a difference today. On behalf of all of my colleagues, i think you and salute you, and thank you for your family being here as well. Thank you. Dr. Bright thank you. Rep. Eshoo yes . I was going to ask if i could be recognized . Rep. Eshoo how would be glad to. Dr. Burgess, you are recognized. Rep. Burgess there are a number of things we need to look into, and i hope that we will. This crisis has been going on for several months. A had an hour tacked onto Budget Hearing at the end of february, then this is the first glancing blow weve had against this crisis. I welcome the hearing today, i think it is important. I appreciate dr. Bright being here. I do think we need to look into the issue of testing. I simply do not understand how the cdc. So far behind the curve. I would like to know that. But i also feel like there has administrationus there was an effort to really regulate what are known as Laboratory Developed test and move them away from regulated products to fdaregulated products. That really put us behind. The innovators have now stepped up, i am thankful that they have to break we shouldnt have excluded them in the first place, and we look back on this that is going to be one of the failings at the federal level. That is not a recent failing. That goes back to guidances and rules that were issued back in 20122014, as far as testing is concerned and the ancillary supplies. Involve taking a salivary sample, that would be great. Spit into a cup, not have to deal with obnoxious swabs going down your throat. I suspect those cops are probably in greater supply and more delay available. Then, dr. Bright, you will remember i had an action an interaction with you in march. Ive had people pounding on the door with all kinds of ideas. I have had people want to turn their furniture shop into a ppe manufacturing shop. Throughe issues getting federal agencies. I have a man who has a breathalyzer test for covid19. I dont know whether it works. If it does, it is intriguing. A mobile unit about the size of a breadbox you can take from place to place, simply blow into a tube i would have to have more straws, but that could be dealt with. There are some innovative things on the horizon. The vaccine worries me too, because i recognize this is analysis there are illnesses for which we have never found a vaccine. H1n1, i recognize that is different. That happened in about eight months if i recall correctly. The outbreak happened at spring break, we didnt know if we were going to be able to open schools in september. The vaccine was available mid september, early october depending on the part of the country you are in. That gives me hope that perhaps there is going to be light at the end of this tunnel in the form of a vaccine. But i do welcome the hearing today, i look forward to a number of additional hearings. The Ranking Member of the full committee was incorrect was correct to invoke rule 11. We will keep that as an option going forward. I think our witnesses and i yield back. Rep. Eshoo the gentleman yields back. You again, dr. Bright. The first panel has completed testimony and i just ask the staff to prepare the table for we next witness and then will begin in just a few minutes. This subcommittee hearing taking a break in between panels. So staff can clean out the witness table. We heard from blick Health Official rick brighton. Me up, testimony from a Vice President of a medical device company. You are watching live coverage on cspan. Mr. Bowen, you can be seated at the witness table. Good afternoon and welcome to you. I know members have missed being together, but we are going to begin our second panel. Introduce mr. Mike bowen. Mr. Bowen is the executive vice ameritech,f prestige which is americas largest domestic surgical mask maker. Bowen,to thank you, mr. For flying from texas to be with us today. Powerfuly is a very one. To my colleagues, mr. Bowen has wins an award he for tenacity. Because over three president ial administrations he has been banging on the door, warning, asking for, pointing out that america has a dangerous dependence on Foreign Countries for product that we need here at home. This is very important testimony and we welcome you, we thank you for traveling to be with us today. With all of the extenuating circumstances to travel. And we are very grateful to you. So, you are now recognized for ,our statement and then we will and then he will hear from the members and i am sure both your statement will provoke questions and that you will get good ones from both sides of the aisle. I should add something here. Our is this issue of terrible dependence on Foreign Countries for not only our drugs, our nations critical drug supply, but also all of the materials we have been talking about is an issue that is shared, the concern is shared on both sides of the aisle. As i said previously, i think it was this morning, that we have had Bipartisan Legislation on. We want to hear from you. Want to hear your story. I think it is a very important one and i know the members will as well. I want to invite at i want to invite the Ranking Member welcome our guest because he is a constituent. Welcome always good to a texan to the committee. I have been on this committee since 2005. Hudler second term, then on my second term, then chairman ingle had an amount of we had a problem with contamination. We have had a number of issues melaminebased toys, and pet food, and there has been concern about why we continue to use the supply chain when it has been detrimental for us. If there is any bright spot, it might need that finally, after seriouslyears, we move to make stuff here, be and,ders for ourselves, quite frankly, America First should mean something. And made in america. You have the floor now. Minutes for your testimony. If you want to place your and just in the record read, that is up to you. But thank you for joining us today. Your microphone on. Good morning. Thank you for your invitation. My pleasure to testify. Bowen, and ichael am the executive phrase president executive Vice President of prestige ameritech in texas. I have been in the industry since 1986, with prestige ameritech since 2006. Was foundedritech reesesident and ceo dan in 2005. I will first give you something it mask industry history. Of all surgical masks worn, and i am including surgical respirators, until that sellingey switched from domestically made masks to selling imported masks. Prestige ameritech was founded in 2005 and recognized this as a security issue in 2006. We thought that once american hospitals found that there mask supplies were subject to foreign divergence during a pandemic, that they would switch back to americanmade tasks. Do thousand seven, we received a phone call from barda in 2007, we received a phone call from barda to tour our mask factory. With barda gave barda gave aiwith presentation. We were thrilled until brenda said that barda was only charged with studying the problem. We were disappointed, but we took consolation in the fact that the federal agency finally was inat the mask supply danger. Have an ally. To two years later, i got a call from Brenda Hayden. She asked if we could ramp up production. I said yes. Boughtht more machines, an abandoned mask factory, tripled our workforce. We told them about the high cost of ramping up at they said they would stay with us. The u. S. Mask supply, by taking pay cuts at taking on more investors. Of 20092010emic was not severe enough to cause the foreign Health Officials to cut off mask shipments to our predictions did not come true yet. 2004, to give my security story more issue, i formed the secure mask supply association. Franklin, i ben told three competing domestic mask makers that if we did not hang together, we would hang severally. China was placed to the company at greater risk. Other companies, all domestic mask making companies, all smsa. And joined the unfortunately, the warnings were also unheated. , i had the privilege of working with three directors. Hatchett, anddr. Dr. Rick bright. They encouraged me in warning people about the mask supply. After years of doing this, i quit many times. The only reason i did not stop doing it was the directors at barda, they encouraged me not to quit. Not allowed to talk to reporters, which was frustrating for me. We also were not allowed to they also were not allowed to endorse the secure mask supply association. Dr. Robinson was going to do so until attorneys told him it could cost him his job. I could confirm that the emails arer. Brights complaint mine. Latest in 13ly the years of emails i sent to get hhs to understand that the u. S. Mask supply was destined for failure. They all wanted to remedy the problem at in my opinion, they did not have enough authority. Their hearts were in the right places. Thatca was told after 9 11 governmental silos had been torn down so that different federal agencies could work for National Security. I did not see any of that. They could worked together to secure americas mask supply. I suggested that to barda and the cdc on multiple occasions. I would be happy to answer any questions you have about prestige ameritech, the mask supply, or any questions. Thank you very here andbeing testifying. We will move to questions and i will recognize myself for five minutes. You already touched on your acknowledgment of your emails or your description in dr. Brights complaint. To the best of your knowledge, is the section of dr. Brights complaint about the mask supply accurate . Mr. Bowen yes. Rep. Eshoo should hhs and the administration have been able to foresee the mask shortages caused by the board never caused by the pandemic . Mr. Bowen yes. Rep. Eshoo how many of your mask lines are not activated right now . Mr. Bowen four. Rep. Eshoo my goodness. Mr. Bowen as we have a run on supplies, you have four lines that could be working and manufacturing highgrade masks for those that need them . Mr. Bowen yes, but not like turning on a light switch. Rep. Eshoo tell us what this takes to bring it up. If you were to receive orders lines,activate those explain that to us. And how many more masks could . Ou be manufacturing right now mr. Bowen we could be making about 7 million n95 respirators month. But, again, it is not like turning on a switch. We did not know these particular machines. They were from china. And we got them in an acquisition years ago. In my emailed to rick bright, i said, we have these machines, it would be expensive and hard to get them going. If this is going to be bad, that could happen that was my offer. Very often, especially for lawyers in courtrooms and elsewhere, when you are going to ask a question, they say you should know the answer. I think i know the answer to this but i want to hear your view. Allowed this very important supply of protective. Rticles to other countries do you leave it is because of saving nickels, dimes, and quarters . Mr. Bowen i call it chasing pennies to china. Rep. Eshoo and look what it has cost us. Mr. Bowen it has cost us lives. Rep. Eshoo it has cost us lives. If there is someone that would like to yield the rest of my time, i would be glad to. If not, we can go to the Ranking Member of the full committee, mr. Walton. You, mr. Bowen. Rep. Walden mr. Bowen, thank you for being here. I appreciate your testimony, which i read last night. Toward the end of the last panel, i received a copy of an email that you sent to dr. Bright this year. This email appears to be the one included in dr. Brights complaint. It was one of the exhibits that was not publicly posted by the Washington Post. Here is what it says. Sentays later, mr. Bowen yet another emailed, once again issuing a dire warning about the imminent mass shortage. Among other things, he advised, this week we sent a thousand masks to china and hong kong. I believe your email actually says a million masks. All my years in of predicting that the u. S. Mask supply would collapse, i never picked it never predicted selling masks to china. I think china will cut off masks to the usa. If so, i think u. S. Hospitals will have a tough time because the majority of masks are made in china. A horrible situation will become unbearable. Mr. Bowen that is my emailed. Rep. Walden in the complaint, this is cited as an email from tf to l. To r. Wold bright. That is my emailed. I dont know what emailed chain you are looking at that is my emailed. Reading fromi was mr. Brights complaint. I just received what i think appears to be a copy of this email. I think it is cited wrong in the complaint. The email i received is dated january 31, 2020. It includes all of the language i just read to you. This is why the committee needs all the exhibits and the full emailed chain. Saysse, this document also , and i will quote, this is your email from dr. Bright and to laura wolf. Strategymy government is to help the u. S. Government and dodnly if the v. A. Become my customers after this is over. Madam chairman, i would like to submit the email for the record electronicd you an copy for the record. , you say you want to americans get the mask, yet it appears that there seems to be a condition here. I assume that is because in the past, you wrapped up, things went away, people bought from other manufacturers. , my strategying is helping existing customers and only bring on new customers who are willing to sign a longterm contract. Longterm contract. And here we were in a crisis, masks going overseas. The u. S. Government is not your only purchaser, right . The u. S. Government has never fought for me except during a pandemic. That statement was basically saying that i dont want the government to only call me during a pandemic. Give me business during peacetime so that i can survive. Uring a pandemic dod nvaid on the business, and i continually lose to masks made in mexico because the bearingnot obey amendment. They buy foreign masks, made in mexico, because mexico is a friend of ours, based on price, not National Security. You said you could not turn on these lines of manufacturing very quickly. If you got a big order from the government today, how long would it take you to produce masks . Mr. Bowen three or four months, and they want to do that right now. I told him it would take three or four months, they only one masks through the end of the year, so i would have to hire 100 people, train 100 people, then fire them at the end. The gentleman yields back. It is a pleasure to recognize the gentleman from new york, mr. Ingle mr. Engel. Rep. Engel thank you. Thank you, mr. Bowen. Thank you, madam chair. This is an excellent hearing. It is an issue that we need to focus on. Because it has repercussions that just continue and continue. From myy, i hear constituents, including doctors and nurses serving on the front lines of this pandemic about the dire shortage of personal protective equipment, therapeutics, ppe. Recently, i helped author the drug shortages act by several of members of the committee. This all ties together. I have used my role as chairman of the Foreign Affairs committee to cut through red tape and bring muchneeded supplies like 100,000 Antibody Tests to new york city from china. All of these actions you point out are symptoms of a larger problem. Medical equipment is manufactured abroad. This leaves the United States vulnerable to Public Health crises. And obviously it poses a National Security threat, the way i look at it. Afternoon,ell this reading all about you, things you have said and written, you have certainly been a leading advocate for this issue, especially when it comes to face masks, which have never been in demand as much as now. In your written testimony, you know that in 2004, major domestic surgical bestsellers switched to making surgical masks domestically to importing them. Could you go into more detail and explain what prompted this change . Mask companies wanting to make more profit. Well, it is not just mask companies. Companies in the hospital industry who are competing for supplies. It is a bidtype situation most of the time. The way that you make products cheaply is to make them in china, mexico, and other places. It was not a coordinated effort. It was a bunch of companies coincidentally deciding to save money at the same time and destroying maybe 4000 jobs in america and putting the u. S. Mask supply under foreign control. Sinceas been my message 2006. Engel is not just foreign control, it is very large degree to china control. At geopolitical parts of the world, china is probably the biggest adversary to the United States. Not only are we leaving it in their hands, we are leaving it in the hands of an adversary. We are sort of beholden to that country and i cannot think of much that is more dangerous than that. China controls most of the worlds mask supply. For asells a box of masks dollar. I dont think anyone is making any profit doing that. Because i sell them for about five dollars. Their prices are so cheap that they have captured most of the worlds mask market. Are theyngel governmentsubsidized . Mr. Bowen i dont know that. All i know is, if i take my labor costs completely out, i am still nowhere near the price of the product. Rep. Engel two chinese masks meet our standards . Mr. Bowen some do, some dont. Rep. Engel what steps can Congress Take to incentivize more manufacturing of materials like face masks in the United States . Sent ton in a letter i president obama, i dont think it requires money. I think it requires the government saying it is a security problem. I thicket requires them telling the cds i think that requires telling the cdc that they are too reliant on foreign suppliers. If you say, this is a National Security issue, then those hospital attorneys will probably get on the ball and tell their hospitals to buy americanmade products. They do not cost that much. A couplemarket is hundred million dollars. This is a 30 million problem, people trying to save pennies across the United States. It is not some multibilliondollar problem. Rep. Eshoo can you repeat that again . A 30wen i said, this is million problem is not aliens 30 million this is a 30 million problem. Dollars. A billion i told president obama, hospitals will be in a position to not be able to protect their staff, their patients, and hospital attorneys will tell them to buy americanmade masks. I dont need your money, your subsidies. Just tell people about the problem barda wanted to do it, they were not allowed to do it. To try to get them to talk to the Infection Control prevention magazine, Infection Control today. Every time we had a flu bump, i wanted to get them to talk and they could not do it. Rep. Engel thank you very much. Your testimony has been enlightening. The chairwoman and i were looking at each other sort of in disbelief. This is Something Congress has to get involved in sooner than later. Mr. Bowen can i point out something . I watched this a little while ago. Everyone beating up on dr. Bryant was a republican and everyone who defended him was a democrat. I am a republican. I voted for President Trump. And i admire dr. Bryant. I dont know what he did in all of the other activities but everything i heard, every time i have talked to him, and everything he said here today has made a lot of sense, and i believe him. Rep. Eshoo thank you, mr. Bowen. I have the pleasure of recognizing the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Guthrie. Rep. Guthrie appreciate you coming today. During a pandemic, there is an upload and as every businessperson says, we are not going to adjust our lines during a pandemic. Ford and gm have different access to capital than others. Pandemic, you do have increased orders. You may want longterm guarantees as well. But there are a lot of people making decisions, a lot of people have their businesses shut down. I am just trying to understand the mask manufacturing process. What type of masks do you manufacture it to they represent solved by the strategic stockpile . And do you make all masks that are in demand that other producers make . Mr. Bowen the only mask that i dont make is the cohen style mask, the hard cone style mask. All the masks you are wearing, we make those and n95 are estimated n95 respirators. Rep. Guthrie the strategic National Stockpile procedure procures other supplies to be deployed in a Public Health agency. I understand you worked with dr. Bright at barda to get federal funding. Did you have any conversations with stephen adams, the National Director of the stockpile . I met with greg burrell facetoface, five or six years ago. Greg burrell had no problem playing chinese masks. I said, dont you find this a problem that people are that america is dependent on chinese made masks . Know. D, i dont i have sparred with mr. Adams. I believe i emailed him. I dont know, i have talked to so many people. So you thought it was necessary to go through dr. Bright . Mr. Bowen no, you got it all wrong. Rep. Guthrie i am just looking for the information. Mr. Bowen i was not looking for business. I dont need your business. Phones are ringing off the wall. I thought of barda, dr. Robinson, dr. Hatchett, and dr. Bright as brothers in arms. I knew they could not buy my product, but they were the only ones who believed it. I want people to go to youtube and put in Michael Burgess prestige ameritech. You will see mr. Burgess talking our factory 10 years ago. Saying that only 10 of the mask supply is made in the United States. I talked to Michael Burgess, martin, patrick leahy, chuck schumer. I wrote barack obama 20 letters. I wrote that the trump and everybody in his early administration. Defense secretary mattis, general Jeff Flake Clark general jeffrey clark, anita burrell,h cdc, greg hundreds of hospitals, the hospital risk managers association. The hospital risk managers association, i told them the mask supply was going to collapse, this was a risk. Nobody listened. Texas governor rick perry. State texas rep bills adler. By the way, bill zedler got it. Dozens of reporters. I have done this for 13 years. Nobody listened. My conscience is clean. Amnave been working on this d issue for 13 years, nobody listened. I am not going to take any of this what you are trying to do. Rep. Guthrie i dont know what i am trying to do, i am just trying to figure out who you talked with. We do need to figure out the strategic move forward. A lot of stuff comes from china, a lot of pharmaceuticals. This is something the committee needs to dig in moving forward. I am not sure what you are accusing me of trying to do. I apologize if i offended you. Rep. Eshoo the gentleman yields back. My colleagues would agree that the description of mr. Bowen, he is a force of nature. He hasnt refused to he has refused to give up since, what year, 2006 . It is a pleasure to recognize the gentleman from california, ms. Matsui. Thank you for being here today. Having been in the ppe industry for over a decade, i understand you have worked with several administrations and barda directors. Where you utilize informal formals utilizing channels with barda, including dr. Bright . Were you going towards not only dr. Bright but people above him . Mr. Bowen i never spoke with anybody above the director. Actually, that is not true. I did correspond with nicole leury one time. Rep. Matsui there is indication that there might have been favoritism among Administration Officials. I understand your company was awarded a fema contract for the production of masks on april 7. It was reported in the Washington Post that a senior u. S. Official did not have the money to take you up on your offer to help secure masks when butinitially reached out, the government ultimately awarded contracts to manufacturers who charged as for masks,0 a piece nearly seven times what you offered. Fair to sayy it is that the government ultimately lost money by not partnering with prestige earlier . Mr. Bowen yeah, my masks would have cost . 79. Rep. Matsui yes. And i think even more important is we would have had more masks earlier. Mr. Bowen in their defense, again, it was not just like turning on a switch. This was a difficult process. I think they looked at it like, is it worth it, it is an evolving situation. What i was talking to mr. Navarro, he was acting in good faith, i was acting in good faith. I would not beat anybody up about that. I do still have serious concerns with the way this administration assessed the risk at need for supplies. Is a need to evaluate the processes so we are procuring it in the most efficient way possible we are preparing for second wave of covid19 outbreaks that could coincide with the fall flu season. Mr. Bowen, what gaps remain in the supply chain and where should we be focusing efforts now to ensure that we are. Public health we are prepared to protect Public Health for the remainder of 2020 . Mr. Bowen there is no way anybody could have made enough all americanect citizens. But we could have protected americas Health Care Workers and patients. That is more of what my world is. That is the products we make, we have tried to do. Pandemic, we were making 75,000 respirators a month. That is not a lot. Now we are making 2 million. Million. 00 to 2 i have seen a lot of people kind of like what he is saying, you have four machines, why are you not running those machines . We are not sitting on our hands. We have gone from one shift took 3, 80 people to 200 we been working our tails off. We are a small business. Again, i am not 3m. I we do this, my partner and euphemistically call it a suicide mission. Lets hire a hundred people, order truckloads of material, someone says the pandemic is over and we are stuck with it again. We are not mercenary. My conscience could not be any cleaner. Talking about this forever. I am not saying that at all. You have brought a lot of things to our attention, so thank you so much. Mr. Bowen it was my pleasure to be here. Rep. Eshoo pleasure to fromnize the gentleman virginia, mr. Griffith. Griffith i represent that line of virginia on the south side right near north carolina, and a lot of our folks had experience in the textile industry before both mexico and china did the same thing they have done to you. They have ran up and they are making all kinds of masks and so forth. Our concern is, if we ramp up, will there be something down the road where we buy made in america. We need to do that not only on , drug supply. That being said, phone is ringing off the hook. If your phone is ringing off the hook, why do you need to have a guarantee on the other end, knowing that the policy will shift and we may not be able to give you a contract in advance . Mr. Bowen for me to hire the people to build the machines, i cant do that for a temporary need. You do not have the machines built . Mr. Bowen for what we rep. Griffith i thought you said you had four lines sitting empty. Mr. Bowen yes. Rep. Griffith we cant carriage reyour contract but i think everyone understands we have to have more made in america. Why not ramp up with the understanding that the policy may change. And it will change. Whether with masks, other ppe, we will need to have a significant portion made in the United States going forward. Knowing that, why not ramp up those lines . Day, the pandemic will end, usage will go to the basement again, they will be 10 times less usage, and i will have all of these machines, materials, people, and nothing to do with them. It is a very difficult thing to wrap up. We have ramped up. 75,000 gone from making respirators to soon we will be making 4 million respirators per month. Do not concentrate on these four chinese machines that we do not know much about and would be a total pain to get going. On top of, i am trying not to kill my Business Partner trying to get all this done. He is working 20 hours per day now with all the projects we have done. Now to dump all this on top for some business that they are may not c may may or may not come, absolutely not. Rep. Griffith business in my district have ramped up mr. Bowen they are making things that look like masks, not rep. Griffith that being said, i think americans will be Wearing Masks a lot more and i dont think the numbers will go back down. You testified that in 2009, you are instructed by then barda director Brenda Hayden to ramp up production. Did you have a contract with hhs at that time . If not, why not . Mr. Bowen we did not. After h1n1, did you continue to produce masks for the purposes of restocking the strategic National Stockpile . Mr. Bowen i cant do that without the strategic National Stockpile wanting to buy them. Rep. Griffith did you have conversations with barda, hhs at that time about supplying masks for the National Stockpile National Stockpile . Mr. Bowen i have talked to greg burrell on multiple occasions. I have also offered those machines to him. Rep. Griffith are you just going to give him the machines are production . Doj,owen i wanted cdc, dod to get together. I had four machines. I have 13 years of emails, i can document a lot of this stuff. Fix to the cdc, we can i have got these four machines here doing nothing. Rep. Griffith you are willing to give them the production but not the machines . Mr. Bowen let me finish. Lets use one machine, it will make your whole annual usage, and we will have three of them sit there in our factory ready to go. When you need them, we can turn those on. Rep. Griffith were you going to give them to them or lease that . Mr. Bowen did not matter. I did not have any money in this. Peacetimeve me your Hospital Business and i will give you this machines, they will just sit there. I was basically saying, if we have a warm base operation, it will not cost you anything. I see that my time is up. Mr. Bowen by the way, forgive me for being angry. I am angry because i have done this for so long. And i have been ignored for so long. And i apologize. Bowen, io well, mr. Dont think you need to apologize. At least that is my view. I think, shame on us, shame on all of us that we have allowed this to happen. This is powerful testimony. It underscores what we need to do, the position we are in, our crippling dependence on Foreign Companies for what is, we all realize now with this pandemic, what has been laid bare. Think,r testimony is, i some of the most important testimony that congress could be hearing. I now have the pleasure of recognizing the gentleman from. Lorida, ms. Castor rep. Castor thank you, mr. Bowen. I think you heard mr. Bright this morning saying that an action cost lives. You are first contracted by the department of Homeland Security in january because they wanted masks for airport screeners. Is that correct . Mr. Bowen yes. Let me clarify. That was probably a low level person. Ng i said, i cant help you. I said, tell me, are you worried about this . He said, i am really worried about it. Rep. Castor so that is when a light switch flipped for you in january . Mr. Bowen and a lot of other things. At the end of january, my phone started started exploding. It was weird, it was chineseamericans calling to buy masks and sending them home. Sending that i was masks to china is inaccurate. I was sending masks to americans who were sending them to china. Rep. Castor you began emailing january bright, was it 26, you emailed dr. Bright and said, here in america come our mask supply is in imminent risk . Yes, but again, those emails are just the latest in years of emails to barda. I considered them my only allies. Anytime something would happen, we would get the flu, the mers comes out in the middle east, i would send them an email, is this the big one, should i ramp up . Rep. Castor dr. Bright elevated your concern and send it to the hhs assistant secretary for preparedness and emergency response. Fromou hear at that point dr. Kadlec . Mr. Bowen no. I have never heard from them before. Rep. Castor you did not hear back until a month later when you received a form letter from the fda . Mr. Bowen i do not relate those two events. And the timing, i would have to look back at emails. Rep. Castor heres the frustration i have. His continues to be a problem after you sent the email and dr. Bright elevated it at the end of , april, february, march my, what i heard from hospital just yesterday, and 95s are still very difficult to procure. They are still in dire need for n95s. My community hospital, we still struggle to get n95s. The supply chain remains inconsistent and irregular. Theyremain concerned that will be squeezed because of flu season and the coronavirus. Why havent we been able to get a handle on this . I know they have issued contracts. There was a contract apparently issued for 55 million to a company with no history of procuring medical equipment for a cost of 5. 50 apiece. What do you know about that . Mr. Bowen just what i read in the paper. Nothing more than you do. Rep. Castor rep. Castor what do we say to my hospitals, nurses, doctors, emts on the front line, that it is month later that it is months later and they are still struggling with the supply line . Dying goave nurses into safe covid patients. In the detroit area, they have 700 members and one Health System and dozens of died. Mr. Bowen i say that we, as a country, and the people who are supposed to be on top of this stuff, messed up. It is what has happened since 2007. Actually, since 2004. President ial directive 21 by george bush identified this as a problem in 2007. Dobbs, neil caputo, for all this time. Rep. Castor is there not something more insidious here when you had an administration that downplayed it, said it would disappear, did not follow the scientists, told dr. Bright, we will can you, reassign you, because you are speaking truth to power . Isnt that a little different right now . Mr. Bowen now that you ask. Again, i am a republican. I have been a lifelong republican. And i am embarrassed by how that has been handled. Like rick bright said, it is the scientists we need to be listening to. And we are not. That has got to change or more lives will be lost. Rep. Castor thank you. Gentlewomans time has expired. It is a pleasure to recognize the gentleman from florida, mr. Bilirakis. Rep. Bilirakis can you describe how china is working to corner the personal protective equipment, ppe market . Mr. Bowen america has a weakness for low prices. And i think chinese prices are so low. Goew years ago, i decided to home2 things from lowes improvement center. I decided i would pay whatever it took to buy american. I could not make that decision. A toilet plunger was the only thing i could find that was made in america. It is people like the lowes, home depot, walmart, medical companies, the way they want to make one is lower the cost. The way they lower their cost is going to china. That is why we are dependent on them for everything. Go in your closet, look at your tools, look at everything. It is all from china. And the stuff that is in mexico half of the u. S. Mask supply is in mexico. It has got reservations to go to china. Mexico is not cheap enough. Hospitals are cashstrapped. If this hadnt have happened, and five years, china would have masks and respirators, like they did, the gowns. Rep. Castor rep. Bilirakis ppe, in Industries Like the medical industry, what safeguards do we have in protecting our constituents . Mr. Bowen that is not a question i can answer. That is up to the fda. Rep. Bilirakis in addition to inorts of substandard masks markets like canada, and the best gadget in the United States, i have also seen discontinued masks here in the , along with fake email addresses. Prestige america tech working to crackdown on counterfeiting of their products , of your products, and other words. Mr. Bowen we are a small company, a family company. Never had to worry about that before. Nobody cared about our products. My phone never rang. Now i am working with the fda the fbi on a daily basis because myself and my Business Partner our website has been copied, our images have been copied. Here is how it goes. I will get an email from someone. I got an email from the ceo of a company in dallas, saying, i am about to wire you 1. 6 million. I said, that is not me. Copied ourindia entire website. Want to use our reputation and Worldwide Press coverage. You hundreds of millions of masks. They even have texas phone numbers. Anybody watching this being offered a lot of prestige america masks, dont do it. Rep. Bilirakis give us some advice, how might congress further support efforts to prevent price gouging and counterfeit goods . What do you recommend . Mr. Bowen that is something i have not thought about. If you gave me a couple of days, i could think about it. Rep. Bilirakis if you could get that information to us, we would thank you very much. Mr. Bowen i probably water member after this. If somebody could send me a letter, that would be great. Rep. Eshoo the gentleman yields back every member will have an opportunity to submit questions to our witnesses. So you will have those , and ass, mr. Bowen timely as possible you can respond to the gentlemans question. Now, i would like to recognize mr. Gentleman from maryland, sarbanes. Rep. Sarbanes thank you, at impairment. You dont know me but thank you, madam chairman. You dont know me but i feel like i know you because you remind me of people in my district to say, why cant we get this fixed, why cant we do simple stuff, get from point a to point b. I just want to say that i think your composure today has been remarkable. In ancient mythology, there is a character called cassandra. Cassandra had the ability to see into the future, but was cursed by apollo that no one would ever believe her prophecy. Sitting here listening to you today, that is immediately what i thought of. Thank you for maintaining composure at a time when you could literally, without apology , stand on that desk and scream at the top of your lungs, i told you over and over again. 2007, aa report from discussion with respirator protection Device Manufacturers on. This and Surge Capacity. First page is the bottom line. 2007. They will be a significant increase in the need for respiratory devices during an influenza pandemic. They will be a significant need across all sectors. Health care, business, government, public. Industrial Surge Capacity will not be able to meet needs and supplies will be short during a pandemic. Optionse several rpd that can be employed to provide the projected need to. To work aroundys limited supplies during a pandemic. This is 2007. This is when you were started on your crusade, wellfounded, obviously, given what the department was identifying as needs during that time. And here we are 13 years later, in the midst of a pandemic, that you and others cautioned us about, and we are not ready. I have to say that i am embarrassed on behalf of the governments failure to respond to these warnings are so many years. I was elected in 2006 and came here in 2007. So my time here kind of tracks your journey to try to get us to , to getto this pandemic things to be made again here in america. Advocate forn those things but not enough of an advocate, i confess. I apologize on behalf of the u. S. Government that we have not responded that her to the ward extent you have given us for so many years. It and thepaying for cost is lives, unfortunately. Shame on us. Know, 10 years from now, they will play back a video and will we mark this at the beginning of we will have to leave this to fulfill our 41 year commitment to coverage of live house coverage. Now, to the house. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore the in order. Be the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers room, 2020, ton, d. C. , may 14, i hereby appoint the honorable scanlon

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