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Cspan, created as a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. Now secretary of state mark plan pao mike pompeo testifies before congress and answers questions about china, taiwan, and steve linick. Sec. Pompep good morning, everyone. This morning, i had the chance to drive through arlington cemetery. As we approach memorial day weekend, i want to reflect on the sacrifices of our military who have given their lives for the cause of freedom. As a veteran, i spend all my days working to use diplomatic power to secure freedom without putting Service Members in harms way. I want to thank the family members who have lost loved ones in their service to our country. Forgeexington to valley to all the other fields of al fields of bowel fields of battle, i would like to thank them. I want to begin with a few observations on china. The medias focus on the current pandemic risks missing the Bigger Picture of the challenges presented by the Chinese Communist party. China has been ruled by a brutal authoritarian regime, a communist regime, since 1949. For several decades, we thought the regime would become more like us through trade, scientific exchange, diplomatic outreach. It did not happen. We greatly underestimated the degree to which beijing is ideologically hostile to free nations. The whole world is waking up to that fact. A few reported this past week that 66 of americans have an unfavorable view of china. That is a direct result of the Chinese Communist partys choices, which are influenced by the nature of the regime. The nature of that regime is not new. Second point. The Chinese Communist partys response to the covid19 outbreak in rouhani have wuhan have our in accelerated our understanding of communist china. Army hases liberation claimed more features in the south china sea. Energyned malaysian prospector, and declared a unilateral fishing ban. The United States condemns these unlawful acts. The Chinese Communist party chose to threaten us with economic retribution for a simple act of asking for an independent inquiry into the origins of the virus. That is not right. We stand with australia and the more than 120 nations who have taken up the call for an inquiry into the origins of the virus. Party also communist chose to pressure the who Inspector General and excluded taiwan. The who has had ties to beijing long before this pandemic. That is a problem. President xi says china has acted with responsibility. I wish that were so. Yet, today, as we all sit here this morning, beijing continues to deny investigators access to relevant facilities, to withhold samples, to censor discussion of the pandemic within china, and more. If the Chinese Communist party was to demonstrate real openness, it could he be as he hold press conferences, like this very press conference, and allow reporters to ask anything they would like. Third, trying his contributions to fighting the pandemic are paltry compared to the costs they have imposed on the world. This has cost roughly 90,000 american lives. More than 36 million americans have lost their jobs since march. Lives, as much00 as 9 trillion around the world. The United States has responded with about 10 million to benefit the international response, everything from Vaccine Research to humanitarian aid. That is compared to a promise of 2 billion from the chinese. Would fulfillthey that commitment. , charities,nesses citizens have provided an additional amount of money. There is nowhere in the world that rivals what the United States has done to combat the virus. I am proud to announce more assistance, bringing our operatents since the began outbreak began. Funding, theo that u. S. Id the usaid and the state department are providing assistance as well. That is what we do all around the world. Saying to taiwan, i want to congratulations to the president. The process has matured into a model for the world despite great pressure from outside. Taiwan has demonstrated the wisdom of giving people a voice and a choice. In hong kong, our dennis our decision on whether or not to identify hong kong as having a high degree of autonomy from china is still pending this week,. Week, demonstrators were manhandled. Actions like these make it more difficult to assess whether hong kong remains highly autonomous from mainland china. We are also keeping an eye on human rights. I was pleased that france alleged a person who is to have played a key role in the rwandan genocide. We are monitoring Grundy Grundy burundi. Nicaragua too. We are concerned about reports of hospitals filling up antibodies being buried under cover of night, pointing to a more severe situation then the regime is acknowledging. We are concerned that individuals around the world, including journalists, have been publicd because of their statements or activities regarding covid19. Uses. S. Condemns all such of the pandemic as a pretext for repression. On to better news. Last week, we saw three huge diplomatic wins. United states sifted shifted his first over crude oil through a commitment we will work on this project so we would be lest dependent on crude royal crude oil from those who see the world differently. Reducer oflargest oil and gas in the world. Energy want enhanced security. Come talk to us. In afghanistan, the United States welcomed the political settlement by the president. We urged the leaders channeled the momentum to channel the momentum to speed the governments entry into negotiations. We need all factions to get into talks. We need violence reduced. We are working hard to meet the critical objective of getting peace and reconciliation in afghanistan. The state of department and commerce department, who worked hard to Semiconductor Manufacturing corporatizations manufacturing corporations to arizona. Deal was an integral part of a string of accomplishments we call the 5g National Security trifecta, something we have been working on. The ended states closed a loophole last week huawei used to circumvent export controls by designing semiconductors abroad. The third part of the trifecta is something ive mentioned before. 5g data must only transit through trusted equipment. Ahad a good conversation with secretary on making sure our allies participate in the 5g packed initiative our military bases participate in the 5g initiative as well. Today marks two years since i began a campaign to make iran behave like a normal nation. We continue to follow through on that commitment. The United States government provided the Maritime Energy to preventw guidance exposure to activities related to her on. The Maritime Community is warned that doing business with these vessels risks severe consequences. It also tells the regime in tehran to respect its own people. The United States announces it is opposing sanctions on 12 and rainy and individual 12 iranian individuals and entities. Thatve reason to believe the individual who gave orders authorizing irani rainy and Police Forces to use lethal force on Peaceful Protesters inside of it iran. His evil commands killed iranian citizens. We are proud to meet out what justice we can on behalf of the slain and silenced in a ron. In iran. We mark the anniversary of the depressed parents of the disappearance of a person in afghanistan. My Team Continues to press toward that goal through diplomatic channels. The wellbeing of american citizens comes first. With that, i am happy to take questions. Taiwan, you mentioned the president was inaugurated to continue her second term. We saw a message from the assistant secretary. Your statement to congratulate taiwan. My question is how does the United States envision its relationship with taiwan and taiwans global participation in the coming years. A trump mentioned last week that the u. S. May cut off all relations with china. Would you like to weigh in your thoughts. Ad the United States shared relationship with taiwan . Ased on shared values sec. Pompep we congratulated the winter. Mygressional irons congratulations were in english, not mattern. Mandarin. We understand the importance of the work we have done their. There. The president talked about how we are going to respond, how he is beginning to think about thatnding to the calamity has befallen the world as a result of the actions of the Chinese Communist party. I do not want to get ahead of him and talk in terms of talking about how the ministry shall respond, but you can already see the outline. You can already see how we are beginning to work to make sure we get america first, that we get this Foreign Policy right, and that we respond to these risks that china presents to the United States in an appropriate way. You saw yesterday that the department of defense made an announcement about rare earth minimals minerals. Week so that we would not be dependent on a nation that has demonstrated its unreliability. All the things that, frankly, for decades, and this is not remotely positive partisan. Democrat president s, republican president s, turn the other way. This hope that engagement would lead to a change in the behavior of the Chinese Communist party. It did not happen. Trumps been serious about making sure we did the right things for the american people. A know he will. Mr. Secretary, Gladys Knight a countryght abrogated all agreements with the United States and israel. Do you have any comment on the annexation prior to the announcement by mr. Netanyahu . We note the boss. Cement by the in negotiation with our teams there. We hope our work on the ground will continue to keep palestinians safe. I am not sure what to make of his statement, but i am regretful that he has decided to abrogate those agreements. We ask the israelis and the palestinians to agreed that that would be the basis for negotiations between them. The israelis have accepted that. The palestinians have continued to refuse to simply sit down and enter into negotiation based on trumps vision for peace there. We know that vision for peace will lead to better lives for the palestinian people. It acknowledges in an ambiguous way in an unambiguous way. We hope the Palestinian Authority will see that is in their peoples best interest and we can move out in that way. To say is ist thing was in israel last week. We had conversations about how we can move this forward. We will continue to work with all the parties involved to try to get that outcome. You can see how the middle east has changed. You can see how you now have the most antisemitic country in the world, the Islamic Republic ever on it, pitted against narrative pitted against arab nations and israel. The threat now emanates from a ron. Nationssee these other working together. Several Senate Republicans say they want a specific explanation as to why the president fired the Inspector General. Senator grassley says an expression of lost confidence is not sufficient. Will you provide congress a more detailed explanation on why you recommended the firing to the president and will the state department make that Foreign Affairs Committee Deadline for documents . Sec. Pompeo there has been discussion. A number of reports. Let me say three things. Unilateralnt has the right to choose who he wants to be has Inspector General at every agency and the federal government. In the federal government. They are confirmed positions and like all of us they serve at the pleasure of the president. In this case, i represent i recommended to the president that steve linick should be terminated. We should have done it some time ago. I am happy to take one more. Mr. Linick said that was undermining the departments mission. What does that mean . Can you give us examples . Even the president does not know what that means, so what, specifically, has mr. Linick done . Sec. Pompeo i dont talk about personnel matters. I cannot give you specificity. We will share with the appropriate people the rationale, but there should be no mistake. Is there a secret . Sec. Pompeo i appreciate the question. Lets be clear. There were claims that this was for retaliation for some investigation that the Inspector Generals office was engaged in. Patently false. I have no sense of what investigations were taking place. I cannot possibly be retaliating. I heard the various stories that someone was walking my dog. Its crazy. Crazy stuff. I did not have access to that information, so i could not possibly have retaliated. There is one exception. I was asked a series of questions in writing. I responded to those questions with respect to a particular investigation that was sometime earlier this year. I responded to that. I do not know the scope, the nature of that investigation other than what i have seen from the questions. I did what was right. I do not know if that investigation is continuing. I do not have any sense of that. It is not possible for there to have been retaliation. Heres the last thing to think about as you see the stories that have been leaked to the press. This is all coming through the office of senator menendez. I do not get my ethics guidance from a man who is criminally 155. Ecuted, case number 15 a man whose Senate Colleagues said that he was taking bribes. That is not someone who i look to for ethics guidance. So i will continue to do the right thing. I will continue to make sure the state department is served by every employee and that it continues to deliver on behalf of the american people. What about the house Foreign Affairs committee . Sec. Pompeo thank you. Trumps nominee to serve as the Energy Departments deputy secretary testifies today before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee. Watch live on cspan, online at cspan. Org, or listen live on the free cspan radio app. Government federal at work in d. C. And throughout the country, use the congressional directory for Contact Information for members of congress, governors, and federal agencies. Order your copy today at cspan store. Org. From publicdents affairs. Available now in paperback and biographiesenting of every president organized by ranking by historians. Website, cspan. Org the president s to learn about each president and his story. Order your copy today wherever books and ebooks are sold. Joining us from joining us from michigan is congressman dan killed the. Us. Hank you for being with flint making headlines because of the situation with the water. What is the situation today as you you with so many Economic Issues and now this threat with coronavirus . Rep. Kildee it is a tough situation because it is a crisis on top of a

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