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In the head. It was not even frontpage news. There was nobody demonstrating like this. Children in black six months killed on our streets. No one is demonstrating about that. No one is having discussions about what we can do to combat it. Officerwhite police shoots one black person and we know the name of that person, memorials are developed for them, and they become the cause of a movement to solve the problem. I am just asking for some proportionality. Lets put our time and energy focused on the largest problem we have, and that is those deaths internally. There is nothing white people can do externally to help us. It is a problem internal to us. We must address it. But in order to address that, we have to acknowledge the importance of it. Right now, it does not seem to be important. The only time we get upset is when a white person takes a black persons life. Host we will hear from doreen. Shes in massachusetts. Caller when i watched the video of george floyd, i was totally disgusted, could not believe Something Like that could happen, and thought she had have and thought he should have been arrested immediately. And did not understand why he , and why he was not charged with firstdegree murder. And that was with totally, completely Democrat Administration in that area. More so thats tensions could inflame, violence could iraq violence could erupt. My question is, on the black lives matter, when they first started, that group three or four years ago, back with Michael Brown and other cases that cops killed in unarmed black man, and that whole hands started alloot these protests. The mayor of baltimore i am not sure if it was the michael said case came out and for the police to stand back and let the citizens destroy, which caused all this chaos in that city. Burning cars, looting, and everything else. We watched it live on tv. Host what would you like our guest to address . These cases with black lives matter back then was investigated by the obama administration, by eric holder, a black attorney general, and found those officers were not guilty. Hands up, do not shoot did not happen. It was alive. A lie. Guest i think she is right. We need to be honest in these kinds of cases. I go back to my point why are we discussing it and making it a major cause for demonstrations and ignoring the more pers 8 the more pervasive problem of black on black violence . The Robert Woodson is at woodson center. Cspans washington journal, every day we are ,aking your calls on the air and we will discuss policy issues that impact you. This morning, we look at policing during the covid19 pandemic and nationwide civil the president of the International Association of chiefs of police. We will talk about Race Relations in america with naacp president derek johnson. Watch cspans washington journal, live at 7 00 a. M. Eastern this morning. And joined a discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, Text Messages and tweet. S. Coming up on tuesday, on cspan, politico with new jersey governor murphy. At noon we go to texas for the funeral of george floyd who died in Police Custody in minnesota. At 2 30 p. M. The Senate Finance committee on the cares act during the pandemic. The Senate Returns to resume consideration of legislation to Fund National parks. And on cspan3, the Senate Homeland Security Committee holds a hearing on federal government buying and distribution strategies in response to covid19. Is elie mystal of the nation, serves as their justice correspondent. You have probably seen many protests over the years on these related matters of violence by the police and what race relation issues, what makes this different than others, in your mind . Guest it is a good question. My first one of these is sean bell, cops emptied 19 bullets into a man the night before his wedding. That was my first kind of experience with this at the street level activity. A problem in america for a long time. The difference right now that i a, there is two, are objectively more white people involved in the protests. That is just an objective fact. I think that is objectively positive. Yesterday i saw mitt romney say black lives matter. Not black corporations matter, black lives matter, which made me clutch a pearl. I was like, whoa. I think the racial integration and racial harmony of these protests is something we have not really seen since mainline Civil Rights Era march on washington. I think that is great. The second thing that i would distinguish from other again, this happens a lot that is may different now is the kind of intensity of the specific harm, right . This is not like we need to hold hands and sing kumbaya. This is we need to get your foot off our next. There is focus and intensity there. I think it is one of the reasons it is making so much news and raising so much awareness. Host everybody involved in this, they want to see some type of end result. What is the end result . Guest i like to focus on the positive victories that have been achieved. Andk chauvin was arrested his three accomplices were arrested. I do not believe that these four cops would have been arrested without these protests. So the protesters have already achieved a victory. In terms of further victory, in terms of more action, i think we have seen already some of the city mayors start to make changes, start to reassess their relationship with the police. You were talking about this a little bit, these are local concerns. Policing is a local issue. So many of these cities, we have democratic mayors who, despite being allegedly liberal and allegedly progressive, have this very aggressive posture when it comes to policing. They are in the pocket, you could argue, of policing there they have not rogan free. I think one of the specific goals we are starting slowly to see is city mayors starting to think differently about controlling their Police Forces. I think that would be a great victory Going Forward from these protests. Host for the talk of this funding police, partial budget funding,ding dis dismantling the police, do you think partial results are possible . Guest it is interesting. Or,le talk about disfunding i use the word, disarming the police. It is hard to say we are not going to have any cops and that man will protect us. We are not talking about a lawless situation. What we are talking about is decreasing the budgets we talk about decreasing military spending in this country. [indiscernible] is the point of the defunding movement. Do i think it will have longterm effects . I will say this, nothing else has worked. This is not a new problem, not something people figure out two minutes ago, two weeks ago, two years ago. This has been a longterm, systemic problem in america for my entire life, and i am 42 years old, and much of my mothers entire life, and she is much older than me. So Community Policing has not worked. Electing democrats and electing progressive mayors has not worked. What is supposed to work, right . So you get the defunding from the position of nothing has worked so far. I dont know longterm if that is something that people are ready to really kind of walk into intellectually, but pushing towards taking away some of the polices voice the militarization toys would be helpful. Host elie mystal joining us for this conversation. Eastern and00 central time zones. Mountain and pacific time zones, 202 7488001. Law enforcement, 202 7488002. You can tweet us, cspanwj. And you can text us at 202 7488003. Talk about your point about appealing to white people. Guest i, like pretty much every black person i know, has spent a significant amount of time these past two weeks fielding calls and Text Messages and well wishes from white friends who want to help, who have seen how bad things are and are becoming aware and wanted to know how they can get involved or help my life. You know, i try to take it positively. In lowe once famously said west wing, ignore the fact but you are in a party ignore the fact that you showed up at all. It is difficult. This is not news. I have had white people said to me over the past few weeks, wow, elie, i used to think you were extreme, but now it seems you were kind of right about the cops. Yeah, yeah, i have been, and i have been for a long time. So my goal is to say, like, look, i am glad that now you are awakening to this problem, but what i need you to do, as opposed to reaching out to me, as opposed to trying to see if i need a cookie, if i need a fruit basket, right, i need to to go out there in your own networks where i am not invited, where my voice is not heard, where i am not allowed to speak to them, and you do that work. You sound like me when you are hanging out with your only white friends. You sound like me when youre hanging out with your family at thanksgiving. Because this has been a longterm problem and aggressively combating Police Brutality and the racism that leads to Police Brutality is a fulltime job that africanamerican people, that black people in this country, do everyday. And if you are white and you want to help, then you have to make that part of your fulltime job, to stamp out or at least challenge racism and oppression wherever you see it. Because as a white citizen, you are going to be allowed into rooms, lot into conversations where people of color simply are not going to be there, so you have to be the advocate. You have to be my ally in that moment, not just overtaxeds or twitter not just over texts or twitter. Host the idea of systematic racism within the department, you can look at specific instances like george floyd, but what other metrics do you look at if you make that case if, indeed, you do make that case . I do not want to speak for you. Stops here that they get all because back to stops. It is partially my Legal Training coming through. Once the state has you and puts their hands on you, and i mean cops, agents of the government, once they put their hands on you , then anything can happen. Anything can go wrong. Whether it is racism bias, just anything can go wrong. What we need to do is decrease the time and the ability of the state to put their hands on you. When you look at stops, stops have always been incredibly, overwhelmingly racially biased. Seems like it was like eight years ago like, three months ago, Mike Bloomberg was trying to run for president. Black people were like, i am not having that. Why . Because Mike Bloomberg was johnny on the spot when it came to he thought it was a good idea, and it is actually the worst possible idea. If police do not stop you, they cannot kill you. So when we talk about systemic bias in the system, the need to force police to show us they have probable cause for a stop that goes beyond he was black and looked like he was doing something, that has to be priority number one. Priority number two has to be of what ise veil called qualified immunity, which basically means if a cop was doing something in the line of duty, he cannot be sued, which gives the cops impunity to commit crimes while in the line of duty. We have to make cops pay and make them be held accountable for violations they commit while doing their work. ,f we start at those two things i think that is, honestly, a quicker way to get at the underlyings estimate bias in the system as opposed to focusing only on what is called post custodial treatment. What we saw with george floyd was post custodial treatment. What was with eric garner was post custodial treatment. I am trying to get to the point where cops are not putting people in custody in the first place. Host first call is from vicki in chicago. You are on with our guest elie mystal of the nation. Go ahead. Caller hi, yes, i just want to say that i think it is really sad that people do not trust the police. I love the Police Officers we have. I believe they have done a terrific job. I think it is just disgraceful the way these criminals have torn down our city. And i do not respect criminals would go and loot and tear down. And i cannot believe they have the out that they have the nerve to talk about defunding the police when the Police Protect us and save our lives. It is a disgrace. Thank you. Know. Yeah, well, i i do not trust police. I never have. I am always more worried and most situations, i am more worried about the cops than the alleged criminal activity. And the reason why that is, because we have laws against crime, right . We have a system of government that says certain things are bad. You cannot rob me. You cannot mug me. Right . We do not seem to have laws against police crime. Police are allowed to, as i was just talking about, stop me for no reason. Police are allowed to restrict my movement and restrict my access on trumped up charges. Police are allowed to beat me and shoot me. That is not ok. That is the fundamental kernel of why i do not trust my police, because my police operate above the law. Right . And i cannot begin to trust somebody who does not operate within the bounds of society and of the law. I am sure that is not going to be our first call suggesting that what is really happening right now is just a bunch of criminals looting, so i do not want to go too far down that rabbit hole. But i will simply say that the vast majority of protesters have been peaceful and respectful, and if you think about what they are protesting, if you think about the kind of, the pain and illegalities that they are protesting, the fact that 90 of them, that 95 of them, perhaps 98 of them have been completely lawabiding is a miracle. It is a miracle that so many people have been so respectful given what we are dealing with. Host from maryland, renee is next. Hi. I think that we are focusing all the attention of the police and what they need to do, but the black community has a lot of work to do, too. We all do. You know, the thing is, i do not believe this is a racist issue. We are making it one. There are 13 of our population that are black people. They commit 53 of violent of murders, and 60 of all the robberies. We have to focus on crime, too. Their side has to focus on crime. The police have to focus on, force. Cessive but nobody is talking about both sides having work to be done. And if black lives matters, it starts with black abortions and white abortions, all abortion. All killing. More blacks kill blacks. How can we make black lives matter when blacks do not make black lives matter . Host ok. Mr. Mystal . Elie mystal . The signal seems to be a bit frozen, so we will attempt to reconnect. Guest can you hear me . Host yes, go ahead. Sides,there are not two alright . There is one side, that is the american side. Well,ller tried to say, the black people have to work on their side no, no, no. The american citizens have a sidedness, right . The other side, the other people in this, are not two different groups of american citizens. They are american citizens who all should enjoy a certain level of respect and right and freedom, and the state, the state government, the armed agents of the state which have to follow a certain set of rules, and when those armed agents of the state follow those ands in a biased fashion beat out justice tearfully depending on the color of an american citizens skin, that becomes the problem. That becomes the only problem worth talking about. As i said earlier, we have laws against crime, laws against robbery, laws against property robbery. Oss against all right . What we need are to have those laws looked at fairly, and when the armed agents of the state refused to fairly meet out justice, then we have we, all, including renee, have a societal problem. It is a problem for black people, and it is a problem for americans. Host bob and marilyn, your next. In maryland, you are next. Caller i have two comments for the gentleman. First, my sense is that racism, as you are terming it, sort of looks like this for the police. They are trained down in inner cities. They have all kinds of experiences. And each time they are walking , lets black gentleman say 90 of the time there is a problem, lets say even 80 of the time there is a problem, what about 70 or 60 . Racism starts to become probability. And so they walk up to a gentleman, they are already on guard, because 60 of the time there has been a problem, as renee just said and you just much more percentage of Violent Crimes are accomplished by black people. So take some culpability with all this. Host ok, lets take that point and let our guest respond. Guest lets see, where do i start . Black people do not commit more crimes. If that is what you are arguing, black peoplearm are arrested more often for the crimes, which shows the bias. Arrestedut who gets for what, not who commits what that is number one. Number two, we can go through a rabbit hole of longterm that manifestues in crime rates. That is a longer discussion that i do not want to have at this moment. Number two, to your point about how police are always on guard and that is racism. That is complete and utter nonsense. It is nonsense to argue that Police Walked to a black person and 90 of the time there is a problem, maybe 60 of the time there is a problem are you insane . Right . Tching mtv, stop watching violent movies that make you think that 60 of the like people you meet Walking Around a part of the problem here youre talking at best around 10 of the time there is a custodial problem that would lead to some kind of actionable crime. If youre telling me that police, because of their training and their experiences and whatever have gotten to the point where racism seems, as they caller said, like a probability situation to them, we have a solution to that. We use it in the army. We take people off the front lines after they have been there for too long because we know they basically lose their training. Right . We understand that we cannot have deployed troops for an indefinite amount of time because even the best trained soldier will crack. Best, what we are seeing with our police, and i think it is far worse, but at best what were seen with our police is an over deployment. We are seeing the Police Officers who have ignored their training, who have lost their training, who have lost the plot of the story because they have been deployed on the front lines for too long and they need to be rotated off, put off the horse force, or put behind a desk. That is, again, if you thought that anything that last caller said was in the realms of accuracy, then the solution is you pull Police Forces back and rotate in a fresh, new round of troops who have not been racially biased as our current police. Host earlier you talked about this idea of qualified immunity, and it was one of the topics of discussion that came up with the interview with the attorney general, bill barr, yesterday on cbs. I want to play a portion of what he said about it and get your response. [video clip] do you think there should be some tweaking of the rule of reduced immunity to go after some of the bad cops . I do not think you need to reduce immunity to go after bad cops, because that would result certainly a Police Pulling back. Policing is the toughest job in the country, and i, frankly, i that we have generally the vast overwhelming majority of police are good people. Civic minded people who believe in serving the public. They do so bravely and do so righteously. And bad cops . I think there are instances of bad cops. And i think we have to be careful about automatically assuming that the actions of an individual necessarily mean that the organization is rotten. All organizations have people engaging in misconduct, and you sometimes have to be careful as to when you ascribe that to the whole organization and when it really is some errant member who is not following the rules. [end of video clip] pedro, that argument makes me insane. In no other industries the argument consistently forwarded, that Holding People in that industry accountable will make the people who have not committed crimes in that industry bad. Right . That is essentially what vee barr is saying, that somehow because theyre so many good cops, the holding the bad cops accountable will make the good cops feel less like doing their job. That is an insane, illogical argument. If you are a good cop and you do not commit Police Brutality, do not commit racial bias, and do not go out there and being the long arm of racism in our society, if you are a good cop, then how can you be anything other than shocked and appalled and frustrated by the bad cops which solely your entire organization, make people not trust you, and literally make your job harder . How can you not be aboard ab hored by those people and not one those people to be held accountable, right . The fact that so many cops do not seem to want the socalled bad apples to be held accountable next may question this whole, how many good pot cops are there really, argument, right . Like what we saw in buffalo last week or two cups pushed an elderly man, cracked his school open on the sidewalk, all those other cops walked over him, we finally saw two of those officers face accountability, and we saw 57 other officers resign from the special unit in protest over those two officers facing charges. How many good cops do we got . In the theory that there are more good cops than bad, then the argument that the good cops will not stand for holding the bad cops accountable is ridiculous. Pr reports this morning that there are eight pending cases before the Supreme Court when it comes to the topic of qualified immunity. They also report that Justice Sonia sotomayor as well as Justice Clarence thomas commented on the fact about properly reexamining this issue. Guest it is an interesting thing when you get into the weeds of qualified immunity. One of the interesting things that i call a problem is that liberals, again, have been generally fans and defenders of qualified immunity, too. It is one of the problem that the Supreme Court wants to talk about sometimes, the problem or we put too many former prosecutors in the position to be judges and eventually appellate judges and eventually Supreme Court judges. That prosecutorial bench, justice sotomayor, a former prosecutor, it makes them pro cop, pro qualified immunity, makes them come from a tradition where these things were accepted instead of challenged, and if that is on the liberal side, you can imagine what the conservatives do. Although, i will say, one of the interesting things about this qualified immunity debate is you get a little bit of play from some of your more hardcore, lets call them originalist conservatives, like neil gorsuch is kind of just as interested in changing the rules around qualified immunity as say sotomayor is now willing to consider. One of the issues here is that qualified immunity is entirely made up by judges. It is not a statute, not an act of congress. It is an entirely judgemade distinction. And of judges made it, judges can unmake it. A super conservative like neil gorsuch is really interested about unmaking judicial law generally, a liberal, i am not, but this is a law that should be undone. That is where the intellectual experiment is for qualified immunity. I do not know if these protests make it more likely for the Supreme Court to take up such a case. They could right now. I do not know if it makes it more likely. I do not know if it makes more likely for the liberals even. Will sotomayor reconsider . Rbg and rpg and others reconsider . We do not know if we have five yet, but it is interesting. Host members of Law Enforcement can call with questions. Jack from new jersey, you are on with our guest. Caller good morning, pedro. It has been a while. Just a possible solution, at least an attempt to have been reading Everything Possible on this tragic subject, and i do not hear any solutions anywhere. Fbidont we have the profile the Police Departments across the country . I mean, they have all these trained people, personnel. That if we have numerous complaints about a Police Officer doing wrong things to certain neighborhoods and people , this has to be corrected. They could probably identify, with 99 of the good Police Officers who go to work every day whose wives and children are scared to death if they are going to come home or not, it is a few bad apples on both sides, every side you can think of. If you can profile these people, identify them, bring them in, put them on desk duty, maybe they can do School Crossings ,omeplace or give an early out because it would relieve so much pain our country is going through. We were making great strides. I am in older dude, been around in the 1950s and 1960s and never had a problem with anybody. Host we will let our guest respond. Guest first of all, i appreciate the comment. Again, i will push back. There are not two sides there is an american citizen side and the armed agent of the state side. Theyre not bad apples on both sides. There armed agents of the state not doing the right thing in their attempt to catch criminals. With that said, yeah, look, independent commissions have been a thing people have suggested in terms of monitoring the police and holding the police accountable, there is local governments again, these are local issues, various local governments from time to time will set up independent commissions. The problem with that consistent his Police Unions. In this world where republicans have been so effective at neutering the strength of union after union after union for workers, the police Union Remains strong. The police union is probably one of our strongest unions left in the country. And they consistently frustrate any effort to hold cops accountable for their crimes. They frustrate efforts certainly for charges, but they frustrate efforts at suspensions, and firing people, and they parenting,fforts at which is such a key aspect of this entire situation we do not even get we, the public, do not even get to know the cops tonary history of identify which ones are the bad ones. It is policing Police Unions time and time again who are enemies of this kind of accountability that jack just talked about. So if we can get Police Unions ever on board, if we could get these allegedly 99 of the good cops, if we can ever get them on board to holding the few bad apples accountable for their badness, we could move forward. Host from jackson heights, new york. Dan, your next. Caller i would like to point out two things. Ae, coming from europe for number of years, i have never seen police as violent as i have here. I mean, violent with citizens, be they white, black. It is the most Violent Police i have ever seen. The second thing is, you know, there is a certain hook up to the brain, brain science, and one is through cognitive and one is through limbic reflex reactions. The first one takes a long time to develop. The second one is very quick. So if youre going to draw your gun and fire, like you see in the cowboy movies, it has to be on automatic and goes fast. But if policeman are not killers, policemen are supposed to be peacekeepers, anymore communities hire combat veterans because they say, ah, they have weapons training, so these guys are going to be cheaper to put out on the streets. They are getting people who are trained to use their weapons to assault an adversary. They are not people who are trained to keep the peace. I think that the main problem is as anolice trained adversary of the communities they serve in. Host ok, thank you. Admit,so i am going to limbic systems are beyond my field expertise. [laughs] i cannot speak to the brain chemistry of what is going on. I can say a few things from that call. Earlier, u. S. Me pedro, what is the difference between this and all the others . The police are really showing their contempt for american citizens in this moment, right . Of shootingp side teargas canisters at pointblank range at reporters and beating people with sticks, and the flip side of all of that is that so many more people who think that people like me are lying when we talk about Police Brutality, who think that people like me are hyperbolic when we talk about the contempt that police show for people in my community, they are seeing that all on the nightly news these past weeks. So that also gives me hope that we might have some Better Futures as more people see what the police can really be like. Callerpoint that the inspired me again, i know nothing about the brain chemistry of all this but when you talk about putting former soldiers in the line of fire like this, it is an important point that the police have entered into an adversarial relationship with the communities they police, as opposed to a communal relationship. It is why twice now on this program i have pushed back on callers who have said there is a black side and a white side to this or there is a black side and a police side to this. That is the fundamental wrong way of looking at it. There are american citizens who are deserving of respect and restraint, and then there are the armed agents of the state who work for us, whose only job is to protect us from specified crimes. And that is the fisher, fissure, the correct one, not this kind of internesting war between all police and all black people because all black people might one day be criminals. That is the wrong frame of this entirely. Host today in washington, we are going to see members of congress, led by the congressional black caucus, unveiled their own package of legislation to put Police Reform on a congressional effort, considering that the republicans hold the senate and the white house, as well, what do you think about these efforts politically here in washington to change these things . Guest welcome to the party, democrats. Look, i am a literal liberal peer usually when you have me on, i am on the liberal side of things. I have been unimpressed with the Democratic Party on this issue my whole life. The democrats, in general, have not shown up Strong Enough on this issue. I think the new crop of progressives are. I think aoc and ayana pressley, you know, there are people that are on the younger side of progressives that have been laser focused on this issue. I will say generally people of color, generally women of color, have been laser focused on this issue. But with large, the Democratic Party establishment has dropped the ball time and time again, not just at the National Federal congressional level but, again, the local level, at the local level were these cities, these majority liberal cities are overwhelmingly electing democrats, and democrats in charge of the mayors and Prosecutors Office in the country have generally failed. So welcome to the party, congress. I would love to know what democrats in Congress Actually think they can do now because it has been a long time coming, and the important thing is that they need to be doing that whatever they do today, that has to be part of every campaign they make Going Forward, has to be part of every local election argument they make Going Forward. Because we need at least one party concerned about Police Reform. So far, for most of our lifetime, we have had zero parties concerned about that. Host what does it mean for joe biden Going Forward as he addresses these issues . Guest [laughs] im not here to talk about my flair. This is the moment that we need leadership. I think biden has made a great argument that of all possible president s to be leading us in this moment, donald trump is the worst, right . He is not the unifier, he is the inflame her in chief. He does not bring people together, he looks for division and ways to keep us apart. So trump is the worst possible person to be in charge of this moment. Biden is making a very good argument that he is not the worst possible person to be in charge of this moment. I think that generally helps him. Generally, a feeling that we need to return to normalcy also helps biden. So i think that is probably part of the political experiment. Again, i come back to just the cold fact that these issues are not federal issues for the most part. A is a limited amount limited role for the federal government here. Even when you say we have to get the federal government more involved in local policing, remember how quickly that can go bad. Liberals, remember Jeff Sessions and his ridiculous attempt to stop sanctuary cities and deputize local police enter his deportation force. Federal controlled policing is not always a good thing, right . So while this is a moment for biden to talk about his general unifying ability, in terms of policy, policing changing Police Policy has to start on the local level, which is why i use most of my time and most of my voice not criticizing trump on this issue, not criticizing Mitch Mcconnell on this issue, but criticizing bill de blasio on this issue, because he is my mayor in my town. He is the one that makes things better tomorrow. Host this is elie mystal joining us from the nation. You can find his writing at website thenation. Com. Jay in maryland, go ahead. Caller yes, normally i would tell elie not to be loud, but on this, definitely be loud. There was a caller that talked about the fbi looking into Police Departments. Nation, you go to the can you downs reported on the exact thing done by the fbi down intercept, also there was an article on it. , different sense communities are treated differently. I had an officer tell me that when they were in new york busting people in the black community for possession of marijuana, that they wanted to go to shea stadium during the tailgating parties because there were white people out there openly smoking marijuana, possessing marijuana. When dylan roof killed nine people in a black church, the police apprehended him and took him to burger king. So do not tell me there is not a difference on how blacks and whites are treated by the police. Because it is evident. If you open your eyes, you will see. Host and you identified yourself as a member of Law Enforcement. What do you do . Caller i am on the federal side. I do not want to go into details about it. But as was mentioned before, the good officers know who the bad apples are. Host thank you for the call. Told us, hey would have to kill us, right . [laughter] one of the things i have been trying to point out is to write that to remind people black people got televisions, too. Africanamerican people, black people, in this country last month spent a whole month watching predominantly white people, many of them armed, some of them draped in the confederate flag, span out across this country and get in the face of Police Officers with guns and spittle over not being able to go get a haircut come over not being able to go to david busters. Busters. To dave we did not see cops out there with violence or pepper spray or riot gear. I saw one protester push a cop into a lake because he did not like the social distancing rules. Cop did not start beating the man on the back of the head with a billy club. We all saw that a month ago. Now when we come to our protests when now we are not protesting about whether or not we can get a haircut, we are protesting about whether or not we can get justice in the streets, and the police show up before a megaphone shows up, the police show up in riot gear and with armed vehicles, willing to pepper spray us and shoot rubber bullets at us and tear gas our protests, we notice the difference in treatment. Yall can pretend like you dont, but we do. We notice how differently the police treat our protests then the white confederate protests that happen just a month ago. For god sakes, saw the Michigan State government close down to avoid a confrontation with protesters who happened to be white. But now black people go out there and protest and cops are in full riot gear and using counterinsurgency tactics and lowflying helicopters like they are in a war zone. That is a difference in treatment that people notice. Host New Hampshire is next. This is suzanne. Caller i am a public defender in my 60s, so i have a lot of firsthand experience with police issues. Have have to say, what i noticed the most is that police in my lifetime have become very militarized. It is much different than when we were younger and the police were on the beat in the community. The police today are like soldiers, and that is a problem. Because when you are a soldier, you look at the population differently than you would as a Police Officer who is supposed to serve and protect a community. In New Hampshire, black and brown people are disproportionately, i believe, stopped, and they are treated differently. You have a lot of sudanese and a lot of people of color from different countries, and they are treated differently. It is pretty appalling. So that is what i have to say. I would reform the police by, as i think you said earlier, take away the toys. Not need all of that to go to an apartment for drug bust in New Hampshire. It is the feeling that they want to get soldiers out there, and that is the wrong mentality for a Police Officer. And i think there are a lot of good Police Officers i know a lot of them but for some reason, they do not want to step up and call the bad ones. Maybe it is fear or something. Guest look, i totally agree. The point of a lot of the defunding i use the word disarming the Police Movement is to take away the toys, make them less militarized, make them who like a regular citizen has authority, as opposed to an y boy who is suppressing suppressed evildoers. I am going to wild out a little bit. One way to think about the government, if we want to play both sides, is to also think police one of the ways have called for needing to have these kind of militarized arms is because they claim that the criminals are being wellarmed with assault rifles and what have you. So if we took the toys away on both sides, get the guns away, we would have less violence. That is me liberaling out. Host elie mystals with the nation, their everyday, we are taking your calls live on the air on the news of the day and we will discuss policy issues that impact you. Coming up this morning, we will look at policing during the covid19 pandemic and nationwide with the president of the International Association of chiefs of police. And we will talk about Race Relations in america with the naacp president and ceo. At 7 00 eastern this morning. Be sure to join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, Text Messages, and tweets. Tuesday, on live cspan, politico playbook hosts a conversation with new jersey governor phil murphy. At noon, we go to Houston Texas for the funeral of george floyd. Committee finance examines Unemployment Insurance and the role of the cares act. The Senate Returns at 10 00 a. M. To resume consideration to annually Fund National parks and public land. The, holds a hearing andhe federal government its response to covid19. Washington, d. C. Mayor Muriel Bowser spoke about the protests in her city following the death of dortch floyd. Floyd. Ge she said the weekend protests were peaceful

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