And we will ensure the safety and security of all communities and uphold the constitutional liberties of every single american. Willans were rebuild the greatest economy in history. Add 10cally, we will million good paying jobs with investments in distressed communities and support for american small businesses. While democrats choose to ignore the threat from china, we will increase American Manufacturing and supply Chain Resilience by ending americas dependence on china. And across capitol hill, here is where democrats were focused yesterday. The headline from the wall street journey. Nancy pelosi saying the chamber should remain in session until lawmakers can strike an agreement on new coronavirus relief. She indicated she was not willing to scale back democrat offer. T a many anxious democrats have been pressuring Party Leaders to break the logjam, eager to pass the bill helping struggling americans even if it gives concessions to republicans. That is the story from the wall street journal. We will talk more about it as we hear from you throughout this first hour of the washington journal. Will you reelect your member of congress . Let us know who your member is and why or why not. Phone lines if you do, 202 7488000. If you dont intend to reelect your member of congress, 202 7488001. If you are unsure, 202 7488002. Starting in charlotte, North Carolina. John, good morning. You plan to reelect your member . Before i say anything, thanks for cspan and for everything yall do. I was listening to Kevin Mccarthy in the introduction. Program compared to the underfunding of police and the destruction of american cities, intimidation of lawabiding citizens, and also the destruction of the rule of law and what they are doing to the citizens in the cities after they burn them to the ground, i think there is no choice for me but to vote for the republican in our race. Apparent,ome unfortunately, the socialists, communists, whoever you want to call them in the country feel that they will be able to win america through intimidation and violence, etc. , instead of using the system we have had set up for all these years. I believe lawenforcement officers, black or white, should be held to a standard that is basically fair and they should be prosecuted to the extent of the law if they break the law themselves. However, i dont believe in correcting our society by burning it to the ground. All the hard work and personal property people have worked so hard for their life. Host do you think republicans can pick up 17 seats in this election cycle in the house . Caller i think they can do better than that. I will tell you what. Im an american citizen, born and raised in this country. I grew up. I was born in 1960. Race relations in this country got better and they were healing. Sure there were things that needed to be taken care of. The heart has to heal in different ways other than by making a law. This country was accepting people as americans until the long march of the radical left brought in their identity politics to create the chaos and the angst and the confrontation between the two. Starting with barack obama and his crowd of identity politics. Say thest wanted to Democratic Congress woman is your congresswoman in charlotte . Caller yeah. Unfortunately. Host the republican running, phil brewster. Elect he will ru taking your calls from around the country and having this theersation the day after last state primary of this election cycle. Delaware was the last eight to hold its primary yesterday. No surprises out of delaware coming out of yesterdays vote. Senator Christopher Kunz fended off a leftwing challenge, defeating jessica saccharin. Former e held by a by former Vice President joe biden. Cutting a moderate profile in washington. Be opponent in the fall will lauren witzkey, who has tweeted about qanon conspiracies. The senateed in rate yesterday the senate race yesterday in delaware. Now focusing towards the general election and asking if you will reelect your member of congress. Michelle is next out of new york. Good morning. No hello . From North Carolina ms. Foxx. On which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will designate the motion. The clerk motion to recommit on h. R. 2574 offered by ms. Foxx of North Carolina. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the motion to recommit. Members will record their votes by electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is exply

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