Here on cspan2. The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Black, will lead us in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Eternal god, your truth endures forever. Make us conscious of our shortcomings, limitations, and liabilities. Lord, guide our lawmakers. Give them the humility to deped on your leading and to receive the gift of your grace for daiy living. Create in them joy in living, courage in danger, and an enthusiasm in glorifying you in our nation and world. Inspire them to be people who will stand for right though the heavens fall. We pray in your sovereign name. Amen. The president pro tempore will you please join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of americ, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. Grassley mr. President . The presiding officer the senator from iowa. Mr. Grassley id like to address the senate for one minute in morning business. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Grassley the minority leader is so committed to his campaign rhetoric, calling the senate a political graveyard, that hes killing the housepassed appropriations package that funds our national defense, pays our troops. Now, leader mcconnell has twice moved to take up the house bill that funds the pentagon as well as the department of state, health and human services, energy, education, and others. But the majority leader has been constantly blocked by the democrats. The minority leader claims to be shocked and outraged that the senate isnt taking up partisan messaging bills from the house when its very normal for both the house to not take up every bill passed by the other chamber. But that doesnt apply to appropriations, because one thing is very certain weve got to fund the government, and those bills absolutely have to come up and be passed by both houses. I yield the floor and suggest the absence of a quorum. The presiding officer the clerk will call the roll. Quorum call quorum call quorum call mr. Mcconnell mr. President. The presiding officer the majority leader. Mr. Mcconnell are we in a quorum call . The presiding officer we are. Mr. Mcconnell i ask consent that further proceedings under the quorum call be dispensed with. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Mcconnell for weeks now almost daily ive spoken about the need to get our appropriations process back on track. The need for a bipartisan agreement to fund the federal government and particularly to provide our military commanders with the resources and stability that they need. That kind of smooth process is exactly what congress was on track for just a few months ago. Leaders in both parties, in both houses, and on both ends of pennsylvania avenue signed on to a deal that set tough line funding levels and ruled out obstacles like poison pills. Alas, mr. President , as ive discussed at length policy riders crept back into the process and our discussion stalled. As a result, here we are again behind schedule. We need to get results on appropriations before the end of the year. So while the house and Senate Continue negotiations on setting the allocations, we need to buy more time. The house and senate need to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government through december 20 and allow these talks to continue. The senate cant originate the funding bill, but we will wait to receive legislation from the house and then vote on it before we head back to our home states. So this is what we need, a c. R. As clean as possible through december 20. To enable more progress on appropriations before the end of this year. A clean c. R. On december 20 would pass the senate and the white house has indicated President Trump would sign it. Let me say that again. The administration indicates that the president is willing and ready to sign a clean c. R. Through december 20 so that we can finish our work. This is our opportunity to get a bipartisan process back on track, first with bipartisan, bicameral cooperation we can safely fund the federal government through middecember so talks can continue. And then with more cooperation, we can Reach Agreement on allocations and pass as many of the 12 appropriations bill as possible before the end of the year. Now on another matter, while we wait on the house, the senate will take that opportunity to consider three more of President Trumps wellqualified nominees to the federal bench and the diplomatic corps. Later today well vote to advance the nomination of Justice Robert luck of florida, the president s impressive nominee to be u. S. Circuit judge for the 11th circuit. Then well consider Justice Barbara lagoa also nominated to the 11th circuit. Both of impressive nominees with sterling qualifications. Two more fine choices by President Trump. And finally the senate will turn its attention to the diplomatic corps and quirk Adrian Zuckerman of new jersey to serve as ambassador to romania. I hope each of my colleagues will join me in supporting all three confirmations as the Senate Continues to give the American People, the government for which they voted. On a final matter, in the last few days the reports and images coming out of hong kong have become even more disturbing. The Police Crackdown on hong kongers standing up for freedom in their regions autonomy intensified. University campuses literally look like war zones with Government Forces laying siege to groups of students and other protesters. Many observers feel the situation might be verging on something truly terrible. In the midst of this crackdown, just today Hong Kongs High Court ruled against the executive and actually in favor of the protesters rights. Yet another signal it is the government that is acting beyond the bounds of its authorities. And this latest escalation against hong kongers comes as beijing faces fallout from leaked gowment that delineate the governments chilling systemic campaign against minorities in another autonomous region. Hundreds of pages of internal documents from the Chinese Communist party government, a handbook for this orwellian campaign to effectively erase a religious and ethnic minority in a region that is supposed to be legally distinct from the rest of china. This effort is being conducted using, quote, organs of dictatorship and, quote, absolutely no mercy. The protesters are not the problem. It is beijing and the hong kong leadership who must deesque late. The communist deescalate. The United States would not forget it and neither would chinas other trading partners all across the world. So, mr. President , what can the United States do . In september i worked for language for the state foreign operations appropriations bill to modify requirements of the 1992 Hong Kong Policy act which, by the way, was my bill back in 1992. My additions would work to expose the current tools the Chinese Communist government is using to subvert the autonomy of hong kong and to allow the u. S. Government to pay for Legal Support for hong kong democracy activists. So one important step to help hong kong is for the house and Senate Democrats to finally get to yes on the appropriations process. Last week i had a productive meeting with the senior senator from florida on the subject of revising and extending the Hong Kong Policy act through new legislation. As i indicated, i authored the original bill back in 1992 and have been keenly interested in hong kong status for decades, so i appreciate the leadership senator rubio and others have shown and hope we can find a way to move this important bill. While i support additional legislation, the United States does not need to wait for new laws to act further. There are already significant tools that the administration at the administrations disposal and i would strongly encourage them to use them. Ive been encouraged to hear clear statements from china from key members of President Trumps team in recent months. I would encourage this president who has seen chinese behavior for what it is with a calculator that others have lacked with a clarity others have lacked not to shy away from speaking out on hong kong himself. The world should hear from him directly that the United States stands with these brave men and women. This administration has rightly understood what prior administrations have entirely missed. The old consensus was that economic modernization in china would automatically import our values of freedom and Human Dignity into their society. Now every day reminds us this simply has not happened. Instead beijing is using modern technology it has obtained through integration with the west to further its political and social control over its own population and expand chinas reach beyond its shores. So rather than focusing solely on trade, i encouraged the administration to make hong kongs autonomy a key topic within our blats bilateral diplomacy. The administration should take advantage of the tools congress has already provided in global magnitsky to target individuals responsible for egregious human rights abuses. In xi jang and hong kong the world is seeing the true face of the Chinese Communist party. The United States has a role to play in standing up for universal principles and human rights, and im confident we will fulfill it. But our allies and partners must also ask themselves whether they are prepared to live in a world increasingly shaped by those who absolutely no mercy to religious and ethnic minorities and who confront peaceful protests with violence. I suggest the absence of a quorum. The presiding officer the clerk will call the roll. Quorum call quorum call request. Quorum call the presiding officer the democratic leader. Mr. Schumer i ask unanimous consent the quorum call be dispensed with. Officer, would. Mr. Schumer our republican friends have spend the last couple of weeks accusing democrats for not working on issues to help the American People because of the impeachment issue into President Trump is such a distraction. The republican leader has repeated this absurd claim on the senate floor and the president s Reelection Campaign is now running ads saying democrats refuse to work on infrastructure or health care or drugs because of impeachment. These ads turn truth inside out. Simply put, these ads are a lie. Senate democrats put together a trilliondollar infrastructure plan that would create 15 million plans. Three years ago we did that. Instead of working with us on that goal, President Trump walked out of the meeting with Speaker Pelosi and me on infrastructure. We havent heard a peep out of the Administration Since then, long before impeachment began. We havent heard from the republicans on what they want to do on health care. We havent heard from the president any proposal that he sent us on drug prices. So whos Holding Things up . This has been a legislative graveyard, this senate, for months and months and months. And it just amazes me the gall, the temerity that the president and the republicans have to say democrats, because of impeachment, are not moving forward. We have 218 bills that the house sent us. We havent had one discussion here on impeachment. Its taken up no time. Leader mcconnell, you want to get things done, put one of those bills on the floor. Let us violence debate. Republican senators, go to mcconnell. Tell him he want to do some stuff on the floor. You want to legislate. No, no, no. We her silence, abject, shakyknee silence because our republican friends and i imagine the leader are just afraid of President Trump. And when he makes up these lies, they just go right along. Many republicans even have complained that leader mcconnell has turned the senate into a legislative graveyard. So the idea that the impeachment inquiry is preventing congress from debating legislation on infrastructure or prescription drugs or health care or any other matter is completely absurd. Democrats are happy and eager to work on those issues. Senate democrats are awaiting with bated breath for the republican leader to put any of these bills on the the floor. For any republican to speak out and demand they go on the floor. The silence of our republican colleagues indicates that they are going along with this strategy as well. So we meet this week in the senate and the majority leader has once again scheduled no legislative business on the floor, none. Were not debating impeachment. Were not discussing impeachment. And for three weeks in a row, not one legislative piece not one legislative bill. Thats all the evidence one needs to know which party is blocking progress in the chamber. And the American People know it. When theyre asked what they think of the republicans in the senate and the republicans in congress, the remarks are very the marks are very low and i imagine thats because theyre getting nothing done. Now, concerning the impeachment inquiry itself, the republican hearings last week have brought up many troubling allegations. The public hearings last week have brought up many troubling allegations, including the startling revelation that Ambassador Gordon Sondland told another state Department Official that the president had made clear that he cares more about ukraine investigating the bidens than about helping ukraine itself. The revelation added to listen already substantial body of evidence that the president may may have abused powers of his Public Office for personal political gain. I say may because we havent had the trial yet here in the senate, should the house vote articles of impeachment. But the president is now saying all this stuff is false, that all these witnesses are not telling the truth. If the president believes that these witnesses are false, that the facts that are coming out of the Senate Impeachment hearings are false, he should testify under oath in the house. If he wishes to present evidence to the contrary, he should do it. Not by tweet but by testimony under oath. I wholeheartedly agree with Speaker Pelosis invitation to President Trump yesterday to testify in the house impeachment inquiry. Not by tweeting, not by sending a note, but by coming forward in person under oath, and lets see what the president rejects. If the president doesnt agree with what hes heard in public hearings and he has evidence heed like to present, he can come to the committee and testify and answer questions under oath. He should follow his advisors. He should allow his advisors who were, in fact, witnesses in these matters to testify under oath as well. The president shouldnt spread falsehoods about the witnesses on twitter. He should come to congress and make his case. He should free up pompeo and mulvaney and all the others who might have real knowledge and let them testify. The president and his allies in congress criticized the testimony for being secondhand in nature, while at the same time blocking those individuals with firsthand knowledge from testifying. Lets end that particular hypocrisy. President trump, come testify, allow your advisors to testify. If you refuse to come before the committee after Speaker Pelosis invitation and if you dont let the people around you come before the committee, one question looms before the American People what is President Trump hiding and why is he personally afraid to confront the facts . Now, before i yield the floor, i want to address a tragic pattern that has emerged in this Trump Presidency different than the previous one. But very troubling. Too often, it seems almost weekly, President Trump announces that he is considering or even supporting a policy where there is some bipartisan agreement and then backs off that position. A few days, a few weeks, a few months later. Theres an immediate issue. President trump seems almost afraid not to go along with what the public wants, but because his integrity is so minimal, he must not really mean it because he just reverses himself. After the Mass Shootings in el paso and dayton this summer, President Trump said he was considering, quote, very strong background checks as a response to the violence. Leader mcconnell echoed him. He said a debate on gun violence would be front and center in the senate in september. Now, three months later, after another High School Shooting in santa clarita, california, another mass shooting at a Neighborhood Party in fresno, another shooting at a walmart in oklahoma as recently as this morning, it has become painfully clear that President Trump and leader mcconnell have caved to the corrupt leadership of the n. R. A. Once again and will not move legislation to address gun violence. President trump would rather protect his political interests than protect american lives. Gun violence isnt the only issue where President Trump has promised bold action, only to back off, and weve heard a new one this morning. Recent reports suggest the president s now wavering on his promise to ban flavored ecigarettes which are marketed toward our children. Once again, the reporting says that the president backed off after hearing from industry lobbyists that the ban might hurt the president politically. Again, the same pattern. The president promises to do something about a serious issue. In some cases, an issue that threatens the life of our children, then backs off and reverses himself once the special interests weigh in. President trump, its not too late. Do what you said you were going to do. Its not that hard. Ban these flavored ecigarettes. When these cigarettes are marketed as gummy bear or captain crunch, they are not aimed at adults. They are aimed at getting kids in high school, junior high school, maybe even younger, to start vaping, which will ultimately harm them. Another example occurred yesterday and again today. The Trump Administration announced that it would extend the temporary license granted to huawei, a Chinese Telecom giant that our intelligence and defense agencies have deemed a National Security threat. Once again, President Trump failed to match his tough talk with appropriate action. If President Trump and his Commerce Department agree that huawei is a National Security threat, they ought to start acting like it. Every time President Trump goes easy on huawei, the Chinese Communist party takes that as a signal that they can hurt american jobs, threaten our security without repercussion. I would urge the president to read an editorial. I believe it is the secretary of the air force. In todays wall street journal, i read it this afternoon, that says what a Security Threat allowing huawei into this country would be to our armed forces, to our military men and women, and to our country as a whole. Now, i had publicly praised the president and his administration when its done the right thing. I praised the Trump Administration when it announced it was going to ban flavored ecigarettes. I praised the Trump Administration when it announced it was going to be tough on huawei, but announcements dont make the grade. When you back off, when you waiver, when you stammer, all these announcements mean nothing, and the American People do remember it. There is an accounting. Like on the issue of background checks and gun safety, you just cant believe the president and his administration when they say they are going to do something. So many times when the president says hes considering some strong bipartisan action, he backs off. Usually at the behest of lobbyists or some special interest. On these issues and several others, the president has shown a profound lack of political courage. Its one of the many reasons why the president and this Republican Senate which shivers in obeisance to him have accomplished so little for the American People. I yield the floor and note the absence of a quorum. The presiding officer the clerk will call the roll. Quorum call quorum call quorum call ms. Murkowski mr. President. The presiding officer the senator from alaska is recognized. Ms. Murkowski mr. President , request that proceedings under the quorum call be suspended. The presiding officer without objection. Under the previous order, the leadership time is reserved. Morning business is closed. Under the previous order, the senate will proceed to executive session to resume consideration of the following nomination, which the clerk will report. The clerk nomination, the judiciary, robert j. Luck, of florida, to be United States circuit judge for the 11th circuit. The presiding officer the senator from alaska is recognized. Ms. Murkowski thank you, mr. President. It was just several weeks ago now. It was actually october 23, that here in the senate we had the opportunity to recognize a friend so many of us, a mentor certainly to me, a leader in alaska, and this was the life and contributions of senator ted stevens. The alaska congressional delegation was able to join with members of the stevens family, many, many of his friends, his congressional colleagues, a lot of formal staff, but we were able to unveil a portrait of senator stevens that had been commissioned for him as the president pro tem of the senate. It was a it was a lovely ceremony, a great occasion, and now his portrait hangs back behind where the presiding officer is sitting, back in the hall there. But it was it was a great occasion to be remembering the contributions of ted stevens. He represented my state from 1968 to 2009. He was the longestserving republican u. S. Senator in in the Senate History at the time that he left office, and he left office with considerable policy legacies. For those in the fishing industry, the work that he did with senator magnsoen, that is the magg theysonstevens act is something that we continue to look to. His work in sports with the creation of the of the u. S. Para olympics, his encouragement, all that he did with women and girls in sports regarding title 9. We know his background, his history, he was a pilot in world war ii and here in the senate was a staunch, staunch advocate for our veterans and for all of our military. He work hand in glove with his senate brother friend, senator inouye, chairing not only the Appropriations Committee itself but the subcommittee on defense appropriations and in that role helped to advance so many of our national priorities. Well, mr. President , today is is the is ted stevens birthday. If if he were alive today, he would be 96 years old, and later this evening theres going to be a gathering. Its an annual gathering on november 18, friends of ted gather to just raise a glass to a wonderful man, strong leader, a great alaskan, and truly a friend of mine. I think today ted stevens would be smiling at what what senator sullivan, congressman young, and i were able to observe this morning. The three of us, the full alaska delegation were in fort worth, texas, at the lockheedmartin plant, and we were able to participate in the signing as we seek to roll off the line the first f35 that will be based there in the air force base. It will be the first of two squadrons, a total complement of 54f35s, but it it was a reminder to us all of all weve done in alaska, focusing on the geo strategic position, not owe prepared and with that preparation able tore protect. To protect. Today as we think about owe eas we think about that role that senator stevens envisioned for alaska in terms of our role in protecting and defending the country but also our broader, more global role and responsibility. I come today to talk about legislation that will i have introduced along with senator sullivan to authorize the department of defense to create a sixth regional senator for Security Studies focused on the arctic. I think it is very, very clear to us that the department of defense particularly is keying in on the challenges that we face in the arctic and with the growing prominence of the arctic and global geo political and strategic affairs, now is the time to give the department of defense the tools as well as the abilities that it needs to foster the research and the dialogue that we think will be critical to our nations security. So let me give a little bit of background in terms of these Regional Centers. The department of defense currently has five academic Regional Centers for Security Studies. They cover the regions of europe, asiapacific, africa, near east asia, and the northern hemisphere. What these centers aim to do is support Defense Strategy objectives and policy priorities through pretty unique Academic Forum as well as to foster Strong International networks of international of security leaders. Just to give you kind of a basic comparison what were talking about here in specifics, the asiapacific center for Security Studies is actually fully entitled the daniel k. Inouye asiapacific center for Security Studies. It was established in hawaii back in 1995, but its a d. O. D. Institution that provides a forum where current and future military and civilian leaders from the endo pacific gather to address regional and Global Security issues and enhance Security Cooperation through programs of executive education, professional exchange, and building relationships of trust and confidence. Currently over 30 countries send participants to engage, learn, and really build those relationships. So the tidd stevens Ted Stevens Arctic securities study center which we seek to name this Arctic Center will be modeled after the daniel k. Inouye asiapacific center. So the fact that the two of them worked hand in glove for so many years, for decades really, on these issues of National Security, national defense, from both the perspective of the far north as well as the asiapacific, its only fitting that we would model an Arctic Center, the Ted Stevens Arctic Security Studies center after the asiapacific center named after daniel inouye. Senator schatz clearly understands the value of the asiapacific center, and hes joined senator sullivan and i as a cosponsor of this legislation. But what were really seeking to do here, the overaveraging overarching goals of this study center is to find solutions for the greatest security challenges of the circa polar arctic region to help promote greater understanding of the arctic. We know weve got to do more there as well as facilitate greater engagement and potential solutions for the many challenges we know lie ahead. Its an evolving world out there, let me tell you, mr. President. It is an evolving world as were seeing the impact from climate change, as were seeing ice recede, as we see waterways open up, as were seeing greater access, as were seeing greater threats. What are we doing to prepare . I think its important to recognize that the proposed center would be additive in nature. Its not looking to take away from any of the other very excellent efforts that support the d. O. D. s mission in the arctic. What were seeking to do is provide additional value while creating new partnerships and supporting critical research. We hope certainly the intent here is to complement current structures like the multinational securities forces, round table, this is led by the Norwegian Defense staff, the center will build on the Arctic Coast Guard Forum where effectively Senior Leaders from the coast guards from all over the arctic nations to gather, to discuss defense and security concerns. It was just this last thursday i had an opportunity to be part by videoconference to speak at the importance of this Strategic Dialogue at the arctic symposiums and actic Senior Leaders summit which was held by north com and alcom. What were seeking here to do is facilitate the Senior Leaders and experts to come together for these substantive dialogues on the arctic. The arctic presents an opportunity to expand the d. O. D. Regional center model, to study the rapid changes in communications, technology, environment, and societies in remote, sparsely Populated Areas with underdeveloped infrastructure. I mentioned that this would be additive in nature, that we seek to collaborate with other other current structures that are doing good work. But we seek to have close partnerships with Research Centers like we have at the Wilson Center polar institute, at the university of alaska fair banks Arctic Domain Awareness Center as well as the Coast Guard Academy center no arctic study and policy. But were also we also need to have strong involvement from native leaders and indigenous peoples. How we incorporate, how we elevate the native expertise in the arctic that has been informed by centuries of experience living in the region must also be a priority. The center should also be used as a joint commanded venue with canada and other arctic partners. This would be effectively replicating the success of the model that we have with the george w. Marshall center with germany. So since Center Sullivan and i introduced this bill to establish this new d. O. D. Arctic Security Strategy center, we have weve gotten great input. Im pleased that weve seen a lot of interest from within our state and outside as well. Several have reached out to our offices to express their interest and support in developing the concept of this center. I think we see arctic security emerging as an area of threat as well as interest as it certainly remains the likely spillover conflict area should confrontations occur within europe or asia. So great scholarships plus international and interdisciplinary engagement from an Arctic Center would help advance defense readiness, develop arctic awareness, and improve allies and partner capabilities to support multiNational Security cops across the circum polar arctic. Its something im excited to be working on and i know senator sullivan is as well. I would invite other colleagues to join us in this effort. Mr. President , i think that our friend ted stevens would approve of this as well. And with that, mr. President , i yield the floor and would suggest the absence of a quorum. The presiding officer the clerk will call the roll. Quorum call the presiding officer the senator from massachusetts. Without objection, the clerk will report the motion to invoke cloture. The clerk cloture motion we, the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate, do hereby move to bring to a close debate on on the nomination of robert j. Luck of florida to be United States circuit judge for the 11th circuit, signed by 17 senators. The presiding officer by unanimous consent, the mandatory quorum call has been waived. The question is, is it the sense of the senate that debate on the nomination of robert j. Luck of florida to be United States circuit judge for the 11th circuit shall be brought to a close. The yeas and nays are mandatory under the rule. The clerk will call the roll. Vote vote vote 123450 vote vote vote the presiding officer is nip senator has not voted . Does any senator wish to change their vote . If not, on this vote the yeas are 60, the nays are 31. The motion is agreed to. Mr. Mcconnell mr. President. The presiding officer the majority leader is recognized. Mr. Mcconnell i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to legislative session and be in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to ten minutes each. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Mcconnell i have two requests for committees to meet during todays session of the senate. They have the approval of the majority and minority leaders. I ask that the senate proceed to s. 252, s. 2071. Colombia a bill to peel certainty repeal obsolete laws relating to indians. The presiding officer without objection, the senate will proceed to the measure. Mr. Mcconnell i ask unanimous consent that the the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Mcconnell i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to s. Res. 428. The presiding officer the clerk will report. The clerk Senate Resolution 428, authorizing use of photographs. Mr. Mcconnell i ask unanimous consent that the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Mcconnell i ask unanimous consent that when the senate completes its business today, it adjourn until 10 00 a. M. , tuesday, november 19. Further, following the prayer and pledge, the morning hour be deemed expired, the journal of proceedings be approved to date, the time for the two leaders reserve for use later in the day and the senate proceed to executive session and resume consideration of the luck nomination with postcloture expiring at 2 15 and that the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table and the president be immediately notified of the senates action. Finally that the Senate Recess from 12 30 p. M. Until 2 15 p. M. To allow for the conference meetings. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Mcconnell if theres no further business to come before the senate, i ask that it stand the senate, i ask that it stand the Senate Gambling out today after lawmakers voted to limit for the u. S. Appeals george for the 11th circuit which clippers alabama and georgia. This week lawmakers plan to work on more judicial and executive combinations. When the senate returns, watch live coverage right here on cspan. This week the House Intelligence Committee and chair adam ship continue public impeachment inquiry hearing. Beginning Tuesday Morning at 90s or on cspan three. Watch live testimony from Jennifer Williams and mike pence and director for European Affairs National Security Council Lieutenant colonel Alexander Penman in a 230 and faster over the former u. S. Envoy to ukraine. The National Security Council White house to morrison. On wednesday at 9 00 a. M. Eastern, testimony continues with u. S. Ambassador to European Union cortisol in. And then at 230, Deputy Assistant secretary of defense for russian ukrainian and eurasian of terrace lara uber and david help. On secretary of state for political affairs. An on thursday 9 00 a. M. Eastern, the committee will your testimony from fiona hill, former National Security Council Senior director for youre up and russia. Watch the first two public hearings in their entirety and website at cspan. Org impeachment. We also find transcriptions of women witnesses testimonies. Plus a feature for key moments during hearing indicated by a start and timeline. This week watch live coverage of the house impeachment inquiry carries on cspan three cspan. Org, artist life wherever you are with every cspan radio app. Usbased can enter talking about building the u. S. Space of course. He speaking at the center for strategic and International Studies in washington dc. This is an hour. Good morning everyone. I direc

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