Space is a top priority of this administration. Under the leadership of the president and Vice President we see remarkable progress in this google area. The United States was founded by brave pioneers and their spirit continues as america leads humanity to a new chapter of Space Exploration and scientific discovery. Behind the efforts of the United States government, the leaders of private industry, we will reach new heights that until recently we could have only dreamed of. As the chair of the National Space council the Vice President is leading policy development to sustain leadership in space and private sector growth. Before president ial space policy directives generated by the council are sparking Us Government efforts to put americans back on the moon, unleash commercial use of space, strengthen us space Traffic Management and stand up Us Space Force within the department of defense this administration is streamlining bigger story frameworks, policies and proxies to better leverage and support Us Commercial space industry and partnering with the commercial sector to ensure that American Companies remain world leaders. Of particular note is artemis achieving the horizon goal of sending humans to mars. Nasas progress in the moon to mars mission is both breathtaking and inspiring. The Space Council and nasa are working nonstop to develop technology that will turn humans to the moon by 2024, establish a sustainable lunar presence and return, continue the journey to mars and beyond. In addition to nasa all components of the Us Government are contributing to this and credible achievement with agencies such as the department of energy and commerce driving cuttingedge research and development in space, space power and space commercialization. Through the Artemis Mission the United States along with international and commercial partners will accomplish a historic achievement for all of humanity. Here to tell us more about the moon to mars mission is the deputy administrator of the National Aeronautics and space administration. Good afternoon. Im excited to be here, cant see one of you though. Neither am i. Really want to start with a story about myself. I was 6 years old and i might walk right off this stage. I was 6 years old and found myself in arlington if you are familiar with it and i remember getting outside my parents forward station wagon, it had a hinge on the back window. I remember my brother walking me up to this rambler. We knocked on the door and answered the door, what is going on . I looked at my parents in the car thinking it got past, and my brother got his autograph and that was the first time i met john glenn. And like glenns first orbit, if we are not exploring we are not finding new science and technology and if that is not the case then we are not leading. We have entered a transformation area in space. Our ancestors witnessed the industrial revolution. Many of you in this room have witnessed the digital and internet revolutions. We are in the space resolution and for Donald Trumps space policy direction, jim bryden stein, the nasa administrator has set broad goals. I am not doing this right so far, the first is a transition to commercial and International Operations in low earth orbit that will support nasa and the needs of an emerging commercial economy. The second is to put in place capabilities that facilitate lunar surface operations and Missions Beyond the moon. The scientific discovery, and pinpoint lunar resources through a series of robotic missions. We want to have astronauts go forward to the surface of the moon for a sustained presence and demonstrate the capabilities required for Human Missions to mars and beyond. The strategy now exists. It starts with the artemis program. Artemis was apollos twin sister in greek mythology and goddess of the moon. The last time we left the moon we left flags and footprints. This time we are going to prepare to explore other worlds. We intend to enable discovery, enable Economic Growth and continue American Global leadership. The primary goal of artemis is a mars concept of operations. Why mars . Within the last 16 months with the help of curiosity we found complex organic compounds on mars. These are the Building Blocks of life. Im not saying there is life on mars, all right but there are 12 kilometers underneath the surface. We know there is water and we have observed methane cycles. They could be geological but they could be biological. Curiosity is what we call a precursor mission. If you think of apollo there were 23 precursor missions before we landed on the moon. The results we are getting on mars today are determining the areas of the greatest potential for life and also planetary resources and i will get into why in a few minutes. Another mission we had was opportunity. It ended last year. It was supposed to be a 90 day mission. It lasted 15 years. We are working on a new mission called mars 2020. This mission will have its own helicopter deployed from the rover. When you think about the amount of distance a rover can do in a martian day this helicopter will be able to cover the same distance, it will do three times as much as the rover will as far as distance goes. No other country has ever successfully landed on mars. We have done it nine times. There are some expensive craters on mars. It took a while for us to figure it out. This is not easy. What i want to get around is our primary objective is a end to end demonstration of systems, technology, operations and Human Performance to get humans to mars and beyond. A major part of this will be to identify Natural Resources on the moon. This the picture of what we call the volatile investigating polar exploration rover. We call it viper. Those are substances that evaporate. We are having viper provide surface level detail on where and how much water ice there is on the moon. To harvest water ice, it is for life support, thinking about oxygen for breathing, we hope to find that on the moon and use it but we also want to prove it out on the moon because we expect to find it on mars like i said. We are looking for Breakthrough Technologies to do this. To tell you what we are trying to do regarding Breakthrough Technologies we are trying to mass produce retinal implants. We are trying to find a cure for pancreatic cancer and create human tissue and organs with 3d printing. If we succeed in those areas they can result in greater economic opportunities. We need to explore the utility and economics of using each lunar resource for deep Space Exploration. The reserves on the moon must be compared to those on earth which are really what we call underdeveloped hear any of the rocket equation. The rocket equation limits rocket payloads so as a payload weight increases so does the amount of propellant needed. It is the same on the moon. If we can mine water ice and Platinum Group metals we think are there it is possible with Artificial Intelligence, robotics and 3d printing we could manufacture hardware on the moon and launch from there where the gravity well is one sixth of that of earth. It is possible we could launch more payload or useless propellant or both on the moon. If we can prove it is economically viable we can do it again and again so we need to safely land humans on the moon, land hardware there, establish a presence and then keep going. It could be that the moon will be the jumping off point, this is one reason a longterm lunar presence is desired or we can use different ones similar to coal mining in West Virginia or harvesting timber in the Pacific Northwest and finding oil in texas. We have a program called the commercial winner Payload Services program and we are trying to use it as much as possible. It is a new way of exploring new science with private enterprise. The Program Allows numerous providers to compete on cost innovation. If so costs of deep space access will go down. The moon is our proving ground, mars is our destination. Weve got to were in learn to work and stay for long periods of time and we have to replicate these efforts on other planets so our systems architecture will continue to be adjusted as we learn more science. It is not surprising so many countries want to land on the moon. Im talking about the peoples republic of china, india and israel to name a few. The space economy right now is at 400,000,000, 000, Goldman Sachs said we could have 1,000,000,000, 000 space economy in the next two decades. This is a transformational arrow. This is the space launch system rocket and this will send our or ryan spacecraft with as many as four astronauts to what we call the gateway that will be in orbit at the moon. The core stage which is the yellow part is already built and we have attached the four engines. The solid rocket boosters alongside the core stage are already ready. This is the most powerful and largest rocket that has ever been built. This is what we call the superguppy. We transported this space capsule to ohio last week for thermal vacuum and electromagnetic testing due to its size and weight it is pretty difficult to transport it so we had to use a special aircraft. Heres another picture that got my attention. This is the or ryan capsule. The Service Module is below it. If you were around for apollo you know what that is and that was built by the European Space agency and that is what will go to the gateway. The gateway is a maneuverable command module providing power, communications, and lifesupport and the gateway will be the transfer that will descend to the moons surface. Let me show you a quick video that shows you what we are talking about. 50 years ago we pioneered the path to the moon. We cut through the fictions of science and showed us all what was possible. Today it is even greater. To go farther we have to sustain missions of greater distance and duration. We must use the resources we find that our destination, overcome radiation, isolation, gravity and extreme environments like never before. These are the challenges we faced. We are going to the moon to stay by 2024 and this is how. A start to the abilities to get larger heavier payloads off planet and beyond earths gravity. An entirely new rocket. Sls will be the most powerful rocket of developed. More investing. This is the catalyst for deep Space Missions. We need a capsule that can support from launch and reserve returned safely to earth. The next generation human space capsule. Using data from lunar orbit, this reveals hazards and resources. We are developing an entirely new approach to landing and operating on the moon to deliver science instrument and robotics to the surface, paving the way to Human Missions by 2024. To go quickly and stay, collective efforts with a fervor that will see us return in a manner that is wholly different from 50 years ago. We want landers that are reusable to land anywhere on the lunar surface to give them a platform in orbit around the moon to which to transition. An orbiting platform for away point for human capsule, we call this lunar outpost gateway. The beauty of gateway as it can be moved between orbit. In a position that is ideal for launching Space Missions. In 2009 we learned that the moon contains millions of tons of water ice. Separating an option for briefing. The moon is uniquely suited to propel us to mars and beyond. This is what we are building. This is what we are training for. Replica we can replicate throughout the solar system. Human Space Exploration. Humans are the most fragile elements of this network and yet we go toward humanity. To go to the moon and beyond mars to seek understanding and share with all. We go knowing our efforts will create opportunities that cannot be foreseen as we go because we are destined to explore and see with our own eyes. Not as a contingent but preparation as a check point toward all the lies beyond. Our greatest furniture adventures remain ahead of us. We are going. We are going. We are going. We are going. To say the least it is a little exciting at nasa right now. With the president and Vice President s leadership we are going to land the first woman on the moon in the next man by the way. The ancient poet homer called artemis the torch brinker. These words remain true today. William shatner said the most fragile element is the human system and when he said that we are still dealing with issues like radiation. One of ken baowersox has been working in the Human Research division has done a tremendous job and i asked him what was it like to sleep in space and he said you want to have the pillow and the blanket tucked up next to you like we all do and you are kind of floating. I found some water satchels and tried to wedge myself in between a bulkhead and the water satchels just to feel that pressure we all enjoy when we are trying to sleep in bed but also wants to get the protection of the water from radiation. Theres also the psychosocial challenges of living in a confined space for long durations. I guess what im trying to say is we still have a few things to figure out. Were really in the early steps of a journey that leads american astronauts back into deep space. And at the same time were leaving the scientific and engineering communities to new discoveries. Today, science goes hand in hand with human exploration, and weve got new leadership in the human Exploration Mission directorate, and thats part of this is where going to be working much closer together with the Science Mission directorate. We go to the moon not as a destination, but as shatner said, as a preparation. At the same time, we are launching new missions to study our solar system. This is the james Webb Telescope which is really trying to peer beyond our solar system. Ive had the honor to work with Jim Bridenstine, the nasa administrator, to try to lead this agency for over a year now, and i continue to see the talents and the disciplines that represent americas capabilities. They are in this room today. Space exploration is no longer exclusive. This is a picture of the first female, off it will spacewalk. There were an estimated 5. 8 billion Media Connections around this event. Apollo, the astros are mostly test pilots. And today weve got a diverse astronaut corps. Christina koch was in this picture is an electrical engineer, and the other is jessica mayer. Shes got a doctorate in marine biology. If you have the time, look up jessica on youtube. Youre going to see her doing research under the ice in antarctica as well as doing research on geese that fly at high altitudes and how they can perform at such high levels without oxygen. What a courtesy is we want inclusion and we want at the industry and the international level, too. Who leads the space revolution is critical to who dominates the world in the future. And as beacons of light, like artemis, weve got to Work Together so that all free nations can follow that light and share in the benefits that will follow. Space compels us as a society to bring the United States and the world together. We join with other countries of the free world to go to the moon, this time its a proven track to prepare to go to mars and beyond. Not because we do what no one else can, not because we want to advantage ourselves over other countries. We do it to better the human condition of all people. We do it to build a better life for our children and our grandchildren. Not just for americans, but for all people on this earth who want to Work Together. We do it because exploration is a fundamental trait of our species. Its our shared destiny. This is why we go. Its the challenge we have again accepted, that we will accomplish, and we go together, and i hope you will come with us. Us. Thank you very much. [applause] and now caroline harris, Vice President , Economic Development of the u. S. Chamber of commerce. Good afternoon. As with her throughout the day, the anticipated growth of your space factor is in question we tied to the evolving Regulatory Regime which will either propel or inhibit investment and innovation. Fortunately, the department of commerce understands these intercut market forces. From the highest levels the department is leading the way to implement key initiatives, including a proven commercial access to space Traffic Management and ensuring the safety of operations in low earth orbit. As the Commerce Department explores new ways over the coming year to spur growth, the chamber is eager to continue our partnership with them. We are truly grateful for director conners leadership and his presence here today. I give youth director of the office of space commerce for the Years Department of commerce kevin oconnell. [applause] thank you, carolyn k, very much for the very nice welcome him and a short welcome which is always important. Also thanks to the chamber for making this space summit an annual event. Im delighted to be here with you today and as i i begin lete pass on warmest greetings from my boss secretary wilbur ross who is unable to join us to be. The secretary remains our top enthusiast at the department on space and space commerce issues. The secretary did ask me to mention of course that launching the space economy is one of the highest priorities of the department of commerce and as has been mentioned already, the top priority of the administration. The space economy continues to grow. In july the Space Foundation reported that the global space economy grew to 415 billion, exceeding 400, exceeding 400 billion for the very first time. Our major Financial Institutions project that the global space industry will be worth between one and 3 trillion by 2040. 2040. Part of that value will come from proving or creating new services to enhance our lives on earth while another part will come from the establishment of the lunar economy. Developments in areas like satellite servicing, resource mining and spacebased manufacturing could increase those numbers dramatically. My remarks today are about how to ensure that the u. S. Remains the center of the future space economy. Lets look at some of the factors that make us the senate of the space economy today. That will point as to key Building Blocks for the future. Today the United States has a bold and renewed vision for Space Exploration and space commerce, and efficient from to protect freedom of action in space for ourselves and our allies. We also have an extraordinary culture of innovation and Strong Capital markets to back that vision. We see examples of space entrepreneurship of all kinds in the office the space commerce. At a space start at meeting we held in commerce in october, chad anderson, ceo of space angels, reported that the amount of nongovernment Equity Investment in commercial Space Companies reached 5 billion during the first nine months of 2019. 2019. Thats an increase of 49 over the same time of 2018, and we are on track to surpass 2017 as the largest year on record for private sector investment. Even as private sector activities of grow, we are seeing an important shift in use government investments in the commercial space market. In other words, Government Agencies are becoming more sophisticated in harnessing commercial space activities. Nasa administrator Jim Bridenstine often talks about the agencies changing role as a customer of the commercial space sector and deputy minister to more hard just told us some examples of that directly. Last week in houston i had the pleasure of a lengthy discussion with the outreach directors of the National Centers about trends we are seeing in space commerce and the commercialization of space. The u. S. Air force awarded over 22 million to 30 companies during november pitch day in san francisco, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. These are just some examples of how the government is starting to play a different role in the commercial space markets. Today Government Agencies can invest relatively small amounts of money in Space Companies for capabilities that the government needs or potentially needs. That investment provide critical operating funds to the company but also allows firms to turn to the Capital Markets for additional investment based on the potential commercial value of a given service or capability. We see companies trying to innovate on existing commercial Space Business models or create an entirely new ones. The rate of innovation is blisteringly fast. And the future space economy, this is very important, future space economy will draw upon as wide a range of talent than ever. Teachers, applications developers, artists, Business Specialists and others to bolster the deep technical talent that will be required to get you in live sustainably in space. We often have folks come to us at the Commerce Department and say, we have a cadre of technical talent and my recommendation to them is, draw the circle larger because we will need many, many more skills to hit the trillion dollar space economy. America is a hub of technological and business innovation. This is one of our nations greatest strengths. Our challenge is to ensure the u. S. Companies remain on the cutting edge of the global space industry. It is crucial to our security, our prosperity, and our quality of life. To do this, the u. S. Government needs to provide the support and advocacy that the commercial space industry needs. Foreign commercial competition is increasing. Countries like china are working to gain a the political, econo, and security edge that space provides. And many other countries also see the extraordinary economic potential of space. Foreign governments are promising tax incentives and unlimited regulation to entice u. S. Space companies to establish headquarters overseas. They are also providing significant funding to the domestic commercial space industries. In the United States our strength lies in the ability of our independent commercial sector. However, we in government are responsible for fostering an economic environment that is conducive to innovation and expansion. As some of you have addressed earlier today, one of those ingredients is effective but light touch regulation. We are trying to make it easier for legitimate space activities to be conducted and for entrepreneurs to be given the best possible chance at creating new Space Capabilities without sacrificing safety or security. We should not forget that space policy directive two contains a presumption of of approval for commercial space activities. And where approval cannot be granted, the burden of proof is on u. S. Government agencies to explain why. Today im delighted to report that the departments route on commercial Remote Sensing has been sent to only for in agency consideration, and retracting the rule noaa took into account many, many industry comments. The rule recognizes the speed at which new technologies are entering the market, including overseas. It also recognizes the everchanging Business Models and where value is created in the volume of diverse imagery data being sent back to earth. Our goal of course is to ensure that the u. S. Industry continues to lead the global commercial Remote Sensing market. At the department of commerce we are Firm Believers that the rate of regulatory change must accelerate until they can match the rate of technological change. This is hard. Were working to identify other industries where regulation keeps pace with fast moving technologies and Business Models. Another way to ensure u. S. Leadership in the future space economy is through improving Space Situational Awareness and other efforts designed to ensure space safety and sustainability. The space debris challenge can seem daunting, even as our understanding of the space environment improves. But the whole of government approach and the ability to harness commercial innovation as in directive three offers the best chance to quickly mitigate the space debris challenge, even as new commercial Space Missions come to market. Already, the Strong Partnership between commerce and the Department Department of defense is paving the way to transition civil and commercial injunction notifications as well as other space safety data. We are already engaged within a ride range of activities within dod, nasa, and of the federal agencies as well as industry to explore how government and commercial assets can work synergistically to modernize and a rich the current ssa system. American leadership in this area is also strengthened by cooperation with our allies. In october secretary ross signed a memorandum of understanding with the French Space Agency to explore collaboration in the area of ssa. New commercial Remote Sensing regulations and improved commercial ss they are just the first steps toward ensuring u. S. Industry leadership. At commerce we see the future of space as overwhelmingly commercial so we have to enable that to happen. Brought authorities are needed for new and innovative Space Capabilities that do not fall into traditional Regulatory Regimes. Regulations must be kept light touch, of course. As a government we need to anticipate commercial space innovation to ensure companies to bring their services to market in a timely matter. We need to find ways to look deep into the market to see the kinds of entrepreneurship and the kinds of missions that entrepreneurs are working on as it tried to bring them closer to market and actually map them as they come forward. My office, the office of space commerce, helps leverage and shape the capabilities of the entire department of commerce on behalf of the space industry. Here are just a few examples of the departments activities. Since january 2017 commerce Economic Development administration has invested over 26 million in 21 projects across the United States that support space and aerospace industries, and promote regional growth and jobs. Our Minority Business Department agency has also worked diligently to expand minority participation in space commerce. Our International Trade administrations Advocacy Center currently has 33 cases covering the space industry sector, including launch services, satellites, ground stations, and support equipment. These cases have approximate value of 3. 85 billion, and 3. 2 billion and export content. Ensuring space Market Access abroad for u. S. Companies is one of the secretarys top space priorities. Finally, the bureau of Economic Analysis is working with us in the office of space commerce to define the size and the breadth of the commercial space industry, and then more accurately measure it. This is important. Recent analyses focused on the more complex issue of Economic Impact. As everyone in this room knows, space affects our daily lives in so many different ways, and we must continue to explain the importance of that impact as we talk to people that actually dont have a full appreciation of it. Bryce and s iea for example, assess 5 trillion source impact to space across a wide range of Services Including finance, the weather, and the internet. A nist study projected Economic Impact across ten economic sectors is over 1. 4 trillion since commercialization. These are real numbers. Our ability to measure these impacts more rigorously will provide important signals to investors and entrepreneurs alike. Every one of our 50 states can and should have a role in the trillion dollar space economy. America remains the Global Leader in commercial space technology. We are taking steps now to ensure our space industry continues to have the tools and the environment that it needs to succeed and grow. Theres a lot of work ahead for all of us. This is an exciting time for commercial space, and like all of you, as secretary ross and i look for to seeing how far and how fast the u. S. Industry can grow, but in the process change our life here on earth and further explore the heavens. On that note i will say thank you. Thanks very much. [applause] and now lisa callahan, Vice President and general manager, commercial civil space, lockheed martin. Dr. Mary lynne dittmar, president and ceo, coalition for deep Space Exploration. John shannon, Vice President and program manager, space launch system at the boeing company. Marshall smith, director, human lunar expression program, nasa. And doctor ellen stofan, director, national air and space museum. [inaudible] so to all of you, one of our decades of shuttle flights and living on the interNational Space station done to build our skills, our understanding and knowledge that will give us a leg up for what we need to do on artemis . So weve really been learning now to live in space. Weve been in space for obvious a quite a of years but the last 18 18 years weve been on the iss continuously assembling, learning how to build structures. But also importantly, dealing with medical issues and learning how to understand how the human body reacts to space, because were going to go on to mars and other deep space destinations so that set us apart. I would say deputy administrator morhard said it well, we have learned a lot but we still have a lot to learn. One of the most important things besides the medical, how to keep the crew state is give it how to develop systems that are going to last over a long time. If you think about the space station being continuously crewed for almost 20 years, weve made a lot of discoveries in how to keep the systems, to keep astronauts welcome working properly. The moon is three and a half days with your with a commissie three weeks along but a mission to mars, talking 3 three plus years, seven and a half months transit time, no ability to get additional systems or spare parts to that vehicle. You have to develop those systems and make sure that youre supporting the astronaut crews appropriate for those long period of time. Thats probably the best thing the shuttle and the Space Program has been giving us now. In addition to developing the system i think a culture of album solving has developed over the last many decades actually of human spaceflight. As an old person, john is, to ill take that. Old ops person, theres way to think through how to do problems, the kinds of things that are likely to create problems for you in space fall into several boxes, and overtime we have kind learned about those boxes what the parameters are, and once that is identified when a problem does emerge even at something youve never seen before, we have a real which culture to draw on at this point to think how we solve those problems, what are the questions we ask in what is a resource we need and thats going to be increasing import has to get into more and more distant locations where, frankly, reaching out to Mission Control is going to be isnt going to be a simple thing anymore. I would agree with everything the other panelists have said. The one area i would also add that interNational Space station has helped us with his international collaboration, and collaboration in general. The space station came together with multiple nations. This in 18 different nations been on board station working, and together. And i think as we look to what we want to go into future, whether thats around the moon or onto mars, not any one company, not anyone mission will do it by themselves. It will take collaboration and we learned a lot from how to Work Together on station at her continued to do that in other parts. I think cant underestimate the things you guys about it because sometimes theres a Public Perception of we went to the moon in 1969. What have we done since then . To all of us who are deeply enmeshed in industry, we have seen the progress of getting ready really for artemis and going onto mars. Thats what weve been doing. Adding to what we just covered, we now have another factor thats advancing our capabilities that will open opportunities with artemis. Im talking about the boom in commercial space, and launch, and crew, cargo transport. What benefits does that bring to the human expiration ecosystem . And what are the challenges in integrating that into artemis and other programs . I think if you look at apollo we had to start from scratch. It was nothing in terms of technology and infrastructure that we had. We are so much for a long today in terms of look at artemis that what we have for capabilities that already existed and we just talk to station and all the work weve been doing there and how that is a leg for the future. Since the polyp weve been exploring the solar system. We understand what the ramifications are of going deeper into space and what is going to take from the technology perspective. John talked about how far away it is and what, the impact on humans. We have all of that of which we learn from that we can spring forward Going Forward into the future. But having said that, right, there would be some challenges as we move forward in terms of just the coordination and collaboration across that. We are going to be moving into an area where we are looking to move the economic boundary into space, and some of the same issues that we have here on this planet when we Start Talking about economies and conflicts and things, we are likely to see a sister to push farther into the space frontier. One of the things that change since apollo and its a huge opportunity for artemis and everything after that is the transactional costs associate with developing systems and operating the systems are significantly lower than the used to be largely because of the advent of the i. T. Revolution. Not just that but thats had huge effect. When it affects its head is its enable the transfer technology into businesses. That was one of the original goals of the program which some people lose track of but that idea was to establish those technologies, and then essentially enable the transfer into the private sector and we were seeing that now in full flower. Its interesting because in those days, the apollo days with these Huge National labs, and we dont have with National Labs but we dont have the philips and westinghouse in the same since we used to have those kinds of labs. What we have now is a thriving sector made up of established and emerging companies that have been able to take that technology and begin to do their own risk on it. Its going to be interesting to see how that emerges but if were serious about going out there to stay we will need every bit of it. Thats true. I see it as it adds a level of sustainability. That was the problem after apollo is you could continue doing what you were doing but you were not really going to branch out a lot from that. Now you have a lot of Different Companies that are trying different ways of doing it, trying different Business Models, different approaches. When shuttle retired in 11, we had the commercial cargo which i thought was really successful program. We are right on the cusp of commercial crewing. You see theres different ways of doing those things but what it does really, it takes the burden of resupply, of crew transport all the governments back and allows private industry to bring their own solutions, on ways to make it an affordable, sustainable program, to allow those companies to branch out into different areas, and allows the government to concentrate not on what i would call milk runs to the station, it allows us to concentrate on the important things like developing the deep space expiration architecture that would be difficult for a private company to do on its own. But the government is willing to do that while the private industry is supporting that lowearth orbit ecostructure. Thats the message we need to get at workload because its one of the common questions i get asked, a lot of confusion between whats the role of government and i think he can for those of us who are, have our noses to this problem, we sort of our totally where you are and so one of the challenges for all of us is to how do we get, its not or, its and. Its stators. The government led the spirit of leo and now its going to commercialization private industries taken it over. The get bigger, lets get the sizzler space. Government lead the way but we see what the resources all the other applications cislunar space. That will become commercialized and we will sphere out. I would agree. I think its that almost anything i i wouldve said, particularly we started apollo, we start from scratch. We didnt have an industry that we have now. Now we have Space Companies that know how to do this, capabili, standards, very successful. Were not starting from that cinelli can start thinking but really the heart of things, going to mars would be very hard. Going to the moon is going to be very hard. Going back to the moon and the sustainable fashion instead of apollo which is a point solution, like we got to get there, get the first. That was it. As soon as it was done, the program was basically canceled. Thats not what were about here. We are about this fear as you know we are converting leo to more commercial industry. We want to go to the moon and create a commercial industry there. Wouldnt going to abandon the room to go to mars. Upon that to be a thriving industry as well and have a Global Impact at the u. S. As well as a Global Impact on our economy. As far as is then go to the moon, go to mars and go to asteroids. I look at where are we 300 years from now . Looking back when sellers were coming over to america from europe, and other locations. 300 years from then what they imagine where we are now . I cant imagine where we will be. I think its worth giving into the why artemis question. Back during apollo as were talking about, as again lisa said way to create everything from scratch, and build all of the infrastructures here. We all know, its still amazes me when you go down to Kennedy Space center or Johnson Space and how much infrastructure was actually build in order to allow apollo to happen. So we did all those hard things, i will imitate the boston accent. We did all the hard things that president kennedy had instructed but theres still hard things left, and for artemis what do you think those hard things are, those real challenges . Yeah, so going to the moon and mars, i look at them as an analog going to mars. Theres a lot of hard things, precision lens. We cant land on mars and have to walk five miles in a spacey to get to our components that we had to put together. We had to land them right next to each other. We have to deal with food management where were trying to harvest fuel from either the moon or from the mars, those types of things. Theres a number of areas that we sold a lot of people to go and, of course, just in human systems, for example, living in closed loop systems going on a mission for three years, dealing with reliability and had issues, system that will work for three years if harsh environment, radiation. Theres a whole lot of hard ths that we havent even touched. We look at apologist as i went to the moon. We believe an outside the earths atmosphere as humans a few times in reality. And for short duration would talk about living in that the private so theres a lot of hard stuff still to come. I would say to make things. Me being a bit of a worry wart, we tend to talk about the moon like its not going to be, like a be fairly easy like we did before. That last kalama to the service is really would hard. Its a really difficult thing to get a landing on the moon, much less mars. We have to make sure were doing all the things that we have learned over the last really 50 plus years of spaceflight to ensure that we have a robust system thats redundant, they can keep the crusade that can get to the surface. We cant really look past that. We have to make sure we get that step exactly right and it is done well. The other thing, i think the why the moon, we are spoiled. I was raised in the Shuttle Program, did iss. Although that spoiled because when we were on the space station we really desperate if we had a medical emergency, some of the big issue, it was really an hours. You might get a landing site, two or three hours which were really close and you could get the crew back if you needed to. The moon is a different level of risk acceptance. We saw apollo 13, its a long time to come back from the moon if you have a major problem. Mars is a completely different kettle of fish. It is, once you are you are trans mars injection your committed to almost three and a half years. Theres a level of risk acceptance we had during the Shuttle Program because we had that easy return capability. The moon is going to raise upperlevel of risk acceptance because its a four they return trip a double help prepare us to go to mars because we will have that better understanding of risk acceptance and what types of things we can and cannot do in order to commit those crews to those kinds of missions. A couple of answers and ill try to be as short. One thing, when were faced with obstacles we tend to innovate, its one of the things thats really incredible about this species of hours. So the idea of going back to the moon but now just taken what does that mean . Were still having discussions about where to live, how do we live, to great habitats on the surface. Do we forget figure whats goin with the latitude . There is going to be at time of innovation just in the simple steps, simple steps, going back to the moon and then sustain ourselves there for some period of time and we are not fully aware yet even though this is relatively nearterm of what those innovations will be, but we know from history that delete to leadership. They lead to new technical developments. They generate new sequin for business. They do all kinds of things. They certainly contribute to the United States leadership which is something we dare not give up. So thats one answer. The other answer is really big existential. Humans migrate. I dont know if youve noticed, we have sort of made it all the run the plant over about 200,000 years depending on whos number to look at and where we start, and the way we had done it is by building technology. We always built technology to enable us to migrate and to enable us to live in different places. So in this group in aerospace and defense we can to focus on the technology, but the other thing is weve changed ourselves. Ourselves. When we encounter new environments, human beings change. Language development some point. Art diva at some point. We dont know who were going to be yet. Its going to be fascinating to start watching this, the outside my lifetime and it but in the room here. But why . Because in part because its what we do. I guess the thing that a think is really interesting is were really going to go to the moon and then on to mars and we are going to do it and assist them away and john mention how hard it is to mars and we have been planning for 3 years to be there, i think about it as how spoiled we are here on earth, and theres certainly, here on earth, but with technology, the capabilities of all of that infrastructure, we need to duplicate whether its in cislunar are particularly if were going to going to mars. Because you are going to take a person from here on earth and put them in a place that is so archaic that there would never be able to survive. We talked about your so far away that youve got to have infrastructure around medical facilities and you have to have supplies, logistics. You have to build all of that in those areas that were going to be exploring and we will remain that. Because if its not there then you can send humans. You can send them there for long times. I think as Technology Advances here, we have to migrate all of that technology as well as the humans to those deep space locations or people just wont go and it wont be sustainable. In terms of the human health, which you both have what you think we stand in terms that people out and the radiation environment for long. To time . Are we ready for that . Are we learning . What phase would you say we are in . Ill take a little shot editor are certainly learning. One of the reasons were going to go forward and were going to be taking measurements on the radiation environment and looking at how do we protect humans, theres an active methodologies were looking at within nasa for example, where you can create electronic shield, very power intensive but there are other innovations that might come around how do we do with power and everything. Theres a lot of things we can go to. Also our latest information, its not quite as bad as we thought it was, but it still something we need to protect against especially if were going to be their years at a time as before. Weve got more work to do. Its interesting, nasa has done a pretty good job. Station. Its not quite the same environment, put a radiation monitor on top of the mars lander. Most important thing you do is get to the surface. Get to the service and build habitat i can protect you from the galactic cosmic radiation, those kinds of things. Theres some people who think medically you will get has to come through dna repair and stuff. Thats a long we offer your best edge of what is shielding at making sure your moderate what kind of dosage youre getting. That something we can be doing research on because i think theres a lot of fascinating movement in that area. Because youre in that environment. You touched on innovation practice of where humans, we are very innovative. We are solving the palm for this but he gets translated by other people into medical solutions, the benefit, same thing happened in a pollock of tremendous numbers, when you go for it and try to solve the hard problems. This is a hard thing. We find stuff even now about, people are different. When all the the same. With different genetics and different tendencies towards different types of diseases. You learn that, the bigger he build a group of people that event in space and you are doing the medical Research Required to understand how to adapting scott kelly, you have scott and markham and scott flew for fora year and thats pretty cool. But its not quite a third but longer and longer duration, larger numbers of people getting more people up in space, understanding how the average person would adapt to space if thats the key defining the counter that you talk about. The of the park is thats why you incrementally get there. Thats part of my going back to the moon is important is that we will learn a lot more about the environment, what it takes, the effects its having an humans before we try to take a threeyear journey to mars. The other thing i will point out is the robotic work weve been doing inside an expiration of our solar system has been would critical to us understand what this environment unlike. I think about juno that orbiting and were rewriting the signed books but without jupiter was like. It will be a while before humans are going after jupiter but all wide use in the robotics first and you learn about that environment. You put the right senses and instruments on board so you can understand what its going to be like, then you can do the medical research and understand what its going to be like juice sustain life there as well. Thats a great point it to think about Something Like our other studies of the sun can understand more about solar flares. We need to know that to protect humans in space. Absolutely. And it will help us on earth it the more we learn about speed and thats why wouldnt be so quick to dismiss while technology. We are really, really uncomfortable talking about it. Were much more accountable talk about how it is we evolve our physical technology to deal with it. Acknowledging that are huge medical ethics issues, potential associate with this, in some ways the genie is out of the bottle and i think thats one that a believe that issue would get surfaced again and again. There are potentially pretty significant benefits to things week spencer on earth. We learned a lot about in space. It the way we are doing biotechnology based on something equivalent in space and for example, about aging and bone loss, et cetera. There. Its just a little bit below the surface. That issue of gravity is something we dont think about, the lack, with microgravity and we have one she you can reallyd understand, is a linear . Whats relationship between mars gravity, mode gravity, human health. We have no idea. The other thing i dont think we think enough, lisa touched on, was really about understand about our universe and how we learn things from going to the moon that we would never have learned on the surface of the earth and about our solar system, wed never wouldve done if we stated that happen again. I have no idea, will learn about phases, our solar system, have systems performing what that means for particles and that will cause transformations and basic science here on earth which will again spin off tremendous number of things. Theres a huge number of reasons for doing this. Earlier today they talked about the gap. You dont want to have a gap in people being its for that very reason. Bone studies, exercise does ce all the types of things. Its basic Research Entity in order to have an expiration program. Thats were i think it goes back to we all talk about these issues but some i dont think we have communicated those outward enough for people to understand how critical the last 20 years, 30 years of research weve done all the isds, that we did on the shuttle have gotten us to where we are ready again. Apollo put 400,000 americans to work, but also, this is something many of us in some experience personally, it inspired a generation of engineers and scientists. For artemis and what follows we know that our workforce challenges in our field. What kind of challenges, and how do we start changing the face of aerospace to look more like the face of this country . Okay, so ill start. Im a product of the apollo generation or i was five. I really dont remember the landing but i remember going, i remember watching these guys hopping around and a moon buggy. Going outside looking up at the moon and going, holy cow, there are people of that. That change me. I didnt grow up saying im going to work for nasa. I grew up interest in science and technology, and one of the things we hear quoted, i think its true is number of phds without by a factor of three on and around the apollo. That has a transformation. Its actually doing something i think is the biggest thing that really inspires people and inspired me. Theres other things that happened. The United States poured a ton of money into education in the late 50s and early 60s. That will have a dramatic effect, in fact, israel and, of course, nasa is in the process of the sporting, with lots of programs where were bringing young engineers in and folks in bacon, and is a very tip of those and technologies. I i think those are all really important. Kids love space and time source and when the building dinosaurs. Hopefully we are not. Not yet. So we ran the workforce problem down the chute where we are building it was trying to rebuild that team of expert Skilled Labor that can come in and do the things you need for, especially for human space light program. Its special skills. We partnered with nunes Unity College down there to set up a program, a college, to train technicians that would specifically be used by our team down there to build. The response was overwhelming. Everybody wanted to come in and do that and work and i called kids because i feel like there my kids they come in and they do a fantastic job for us. Thats just one small you can see that all over the country though. I know other countries are doing the same kind of thing over having to rebuild that team that can go build spaceflight i can learn it from the old people like, mary lynne called me and we can teach them before we exit the workforce and we can help give them that information. The getting up in the coach with Industry Partners of you, getting out to the universities and just talking to people and getting them excited about space, but also building the programs where they can learn the skills i i come to work fos and help us in the mission. Mary lynne, i know this is an issue you care quite a bit about. And im going to be debbie downer, so forgive me. But the alarm bell is been ring in the United States since apollo publication of rising above the gathering storm which is not investment in r d which by the way was three decades ago, and it was about investment in r d and also investment in education. If you look at whats happening in education, s. T. E. M. Education in the United States, americans are model improving over the last 20 years. Meanwhile, the rest, not the rest of the globe and others are shooting ahead. So, for example, in 2016 u. S. Graduated 10 of the global total and back lawrence in the stem. Between india and china they graduated 50 baccalaureate. Those people in the United States who are going into stem careers make more money if those people in the United States who have s. T. E. M. Education spake, even if theyre not in stem careers and yet 15yearold in s are below the international average in math. So if this trend continues, okay, i mean, we heard the warnings for years and years and years and i was telling before i really do want to be sitting on another panel in another ten years having this same conversation. American businesses are in tremendous competition for workforce i dont need to kill anybody in this room that this is an issue, and its not just in testing some the same skills are in the i. T. Area, they are in other areas like technology. Thats, this is a problem and i would love it, okay, i think this is both a challenge to artemis and also, its an opportunity afforded by artemis. Really getting people out back in space and seeing them live and work in space and understand what it takes to get there and the kinds of skills required to go to do that and on the grant in the space contributed to certain helping that happens if we play our cards right, okay, and use this as an inspiration, not just looking back but forward, i think this is something we need to become more serious about. How are we going to address those . What can we do in aerospace and defense . What can business do . What can government do . Haiku Work Together to do . Thats a challenge all issued to the rim. I agree, and i would put a stop mary lynne said its not just aerospace that needs this talent in more and that was one of the case back in the polities. If youre in aerospace thats what engineers went to. Every industry that i know of has Technical Skills and uses s. T. E. M. Not only are the graduating class those people that are graduating are going split across the multiple disciplines now in multiple areas than ever have before. Ill try to pick everybody back again. The opportunity i think is artemis. Having a National Mandate to go back to the moon and to get folks, the first woman to land on the moon by 2024, i think thats huge, right . When you think about the apollo days, and i wasnt here when kennedy said we want to go to the moon in the next decade, but think about what that did for the country and get everybody up and focus on that big goal, to build to do that again i think it inspires the next generation and the generation beyond that to want to go into math and science can want to a part of where were going with that. We have more new entrants in the space industry than ever before. Theres trillions of dollars projected in the future for space. The amount of investment thats going into space right now is really exciting, so i think its the right time and its the right opportunity to put at that big hairy audacious goal and to pull all of our resources and all of our Energy Together in trying to achieve that. I think it really will inspire the next generation, and were fortunate in human exploration signs that that is an inspiration for the next generation. When i think about the younger generations that are coming into our workforce, the think i think thats important is to tell the story of why were doing that and how it helps us here on earth as well. Because thats what those generations really care about. They want to make sure theyre leaving a sustainable Sustainable Planet behind. To be able to tell the stories of what were going to learn, innovations that were going to make in space and how that will benefit us back on earth is critically important to be sharing. Another thing we need to work on is diversity and inclusion thats another one thats like politically correct. If your Business People you know a diverse work team has a business advantage because it brings a different point of view. It brings a different way of problem solving in some cases. That the more diverse, the better, some people are well trained and well educated. We also know we dont have equal access to that education, that capability yet. We are better than we were. Thats another area we need to work on. And again theres a huge opportunity to bring people along especially if we can use artemis in this way. I think thats right anything the interesting thing is the research used to show kids turned away from s. T. E. M. In middle school. Thats been pushed back earlier in elementary school. This issue of the pipeline and attacking it as the pipeline problem all the way through to how you keep people in the workforce who are leaving it, i think is really critical. Acta stage where talk about how to recreate an aerospace s. T. E. M. Ecosystem that i think is critical to making this work . I think you hit the key point. Point. I was walking carrying my apollo rocket with me. It may sound silly but that is the kind of thing that gets into our childrens minds and with what to do, and i think the successes and the awesome things we can go do have an impact on a generation. While we have learned a lot on the ice as, its not the moon, and the moon isnt mars. How do we learn enough on artemis to feel comfortable about making that next giant leap to mars, knowing that we cant know everything . Me again . You again, sorry. Well, like us it earlier, mars is very hard. Its the things i pull on earlier that we have to go deal with, dealing with now to live long term. Its also pulling on international cooperation. Were not going to go to mars, for example, just by ourselves. Sorry, i dont believe thats going to be the case. Its so hard. Its going to take a lot of folks involved in this. Build upon what weve what we n the iss, but we doing on the moon using gateway and our lander systems as well as surface habitats, surface mobility, all the system we want to go build and design and test and use so that they are, interesting how to operate in those runners. I think those are all key points that we have got to keep hammering home. Those are key things we have got to do. I would say that your selling point for gateway. Thats why you really need gateway. We could go to apollo or go do some lunar sorties, but gateway, its not an ice as, its a spaceship that is in deep space, and is, is, youre able to prove technology that would you need in order to keep crews alive and thriving for a trip to mars, or whatever. One of the early thoughts on gateway was you can take it any of the garage point spirit you can remotely operated vehicles on the surface of the moon. Thats great and look for what you might do at mars. You may go visit with the spacecraft the looks a lot like gateway. And you may remotely operated vehicles on the surface of mars before you are sending crews that enter into really difficult edl, entry descent landing these four mars mission. So gateway, its a great concept and you can put crews for however long journey. You can move that vehicle about different places to do different operations but it gives you that experience with how you work with crews, when the communication is a little slower, how crews remotely operate systems on their own. So youre building up that ability, that risk acceptance, the systems required to really happen Exploration Program and then you just add the lander onto it so you can go to surface whenever you need to add your got a multi functional vehicle that works around the surface of the moon. Works around the surface of mars. Really anywhere you want to go. I would put some people to think about gateway like, thats what we test the mars vehicle. That was its original intent. If you go back and look at the studies, nasa was studying how to go to mars as long as nasa has been around. Almost half of the studies if not more all showed Something Like a gateway. Called gateway but a Something Like gateway in around the lunar syndicate its difficult to take all the systems you need to take straight from earth, straight to mars. We want to aggregate, we want to do it well outside the earths gravity and then use that as a place, as a jumping off point and we can then take off and go to mars. These are all the first steps of getting this to the next phase. One of the things that is really different in terms of how we think about designing systems and architectures, it goes back to the sustained build question, the idea youre going to go out there to stay. So gateway affords flexibility. You can use it in a number of ways. Its not a single point solution built for a single point mission. Its not closed ended it has the potential to evolve both in function and an actual physical characteristics. And its kind of hard to get our heads around this a little bit because the station has done the same thing. People use things on board station for things that were never designed for. I can tell you, i helped assemble the thing. There are things going on on station now that i just go thats a different between im going to go dig a hole. I build a shovel that allows me to go dig a hole and then throw the shovel away because all i need to do was dig a hole. But if im going to be building a settlement and a know im going to be using this shovel for years, in the way im going to be think about how i build that shovel is different. Its got to handle different stresses, got to last longer, maybe people of different matures but it might be shaped different. Thats how were going to be learning to think about this. We already know these things. We know the intellectually and we have different examples but if were serious about going there and going from there to there and going from there to there, we are going to have to get away from the close and solutions as much as we possibly can and get our heads to think about flexibility. From an engineering point of view its harder to do that. But thats one we would have to i think we learn at a summit of that. You on the pathways report. Do you feel like we are speeders on the pathway . Yes, 246 pages of how hard it is to go to mars. I think that now we are. I do believe, i mean, one of the things we did in the pathways report, if you havent read it, we were not allowed to lay out the pathway. So what we did was we build essentially rules that had to do with how you would make selections about pathways and what sorts of choices, but i must say i was on the committee and i dont think im letting the cat out of the beckham leaned heavily towards the idea that you would use this space and the moon as a learning opportunity. To teach you now to live in sustained manner and indigo foreword there to mars. Lisa, you guys have thought so much about going to mars. You have been to mars many times robotically. Yes. Thats impossible, i remember sitting at jpl and we landed in site and when we started we were on the ground successfully or not and so you dont have the luxury when youre around mars or beyond and so i think we need to think really hard around operation that is we do at the moon and the technology that we put at the moon and use it as proving ground and testing ground when its only 3 days back home so that we are testing out the systems and we are testing out how we are going to operate when we have humans in space where there isnt Realtime Communications where they have to solve their own problems and they need their own digital assistance to help with the issues that they are having, they need to manufacture in Space Capabilities because they couldnt take enough spare parts, we need to be doing that around the moon, that should be our challenge so that we can feel comfortable that we are ready to send humans further into space. I think others have talked about the gateway, orbiting platform around mars and before you put humans on the surface, i think the infrastructure is similar infrastructure to whats going to be required and if we are building those technologies to be able to take them further into the future, almost what we are doing is transportable onto mars, its not only going to help build the infrastructure for the moon but help us with the infrastructure we need from mars as well. So we have a little less than 5 minutes left and i want to wrap up on an optimistic note because i am actually incredible by optimistic of where we are and where we are going. Everything that weve done today that created surprise opportunities and benefits that increased knowledge and made our lives better, so asking you predict the unpredictable, everybody on the kinds of benefits air space and all of us will reach and beyond, lisa, i will put you on the spot . I think i dont know what it is, i think theyll be several medical breakthroughs that will be required to send humans into deep space that will turn out to be something that extend our lives on earth. I think thats probably the least of the unpredictable predictions. We are seeing that in terms of what we are learning and i can only imagine as we go further, the other area im hopeful that we will find is in the area of energy, when i think about the challenges that we have here on earth, im hopeful that when we look at those challenges are going to exist on other planets as well and so if we can solve some of those Energy Challenges on other planets and be able to bring that back to earth, i think it can, you know, help to keep complex down on what we might see in the future in terms of water or energy. Im just going second that, ive already mentioned biotech, i dont think we have begun to see what we may see. I think its going raise a lot of real interesting issues that we will have to deal with from a medical ethics point of view and im not sure we are all prepared to deal with these things yet but i do think that we will see that and just to echo what lisa said, you know, historically bottlenecks in human has been energy and power, theres nothing in space that doesnt touch power, about collecting, storing it, channeling it, its everything touches power and those have been bottled necks in Human History and by the way the technologies that are developed bottlenecks have been pretty lucrative over the years, the same thing also with water, availability of water and making the water clean, recycling water, being able to sort of create efficient, pretty efficient actually for the amount of time that its used, same for space habitats, we will learn a lot about how we can sort of affect our own habitation here on earth, i think. I do think its in medical and stories of bottleneck that is we face throughout Human History. You know, the clean water air technology that you get out of having to recycle consumables its clearly applicable to medical piece, how we learn how human body response. They all expect that we are doing Space Exploration in their lifetimes. You see it with the generation that theres an expectation, this is what we do, right, we will go do this. You know, in my mind, we put up the gateway, thats just the beginning point of we put up one around mars or we are doing mars and we can talk about taking that same vehicle, interesting asteroids for resource, prospects and things like that, i just think its, jim said it earlier, we are on the front end of something really cool, right, and we are blessed to see this kind of in our lifetimes, the start of kind of how we will go do this. We did, they are at least that high, finally, we have a plan and through most of the hard development of the initial pieces of it to actually go execute this mission and have real sustainable exploration going on. If we logo to mars we need to shorten the time for 3 years and we need to get that down. You know, we are talking about Nuclear System there too, small compact sustainable systems, what would that do to 50 years down the road. Those are huge changes and our entire economy and culture as to how we move forward. Those are big things, medical is another big area that i cant tell you today where that will be, where that will take us but it will change moving forward. Im still going vote for future restaurant and discovers evidence and past life on mars. Thank you all so much, we are out of time, thank you for participating today. Thank you. [applause] Space Operations for all participants, back in 2017 Major General thompson addressed chamber on acquisition requirements. Im honor today present Lieutenant General lieutenant thompson, Vice Commander of u. S. Air force space command. [applause] okay, i think always the first thing we need to do is move orbital altitude. Its great to be back addressing all of you, and in fact, i do remember a few elements of the remarks i gave her back 2 years ago now talking about the space acquisition. I dont plan on revisiting many of those today. In fact, the initial invitation went to my boss general ray raymond who he now has more than two fulltime jobs and more than double the number of boxes he had a few months ago. Im going to try a little differently here today first of all because my expectation is that a lot of you really do understand but i want to give you some examples what it means directly and what it could mean based on examples from the past and examples from the future. I would like to do by 3 in the afternoon. The first i like to talk about is story of two air raids. I grew up dreaming of what it meant to be in the United States air force, what i had dreams and aspirations of being a pilot. The first air raid i would like to talk about is any air raid that occurred over the continent of europe 75 years ago. Could put a thousand bombers over any target in northern and western europe. The eighth air force did it mostly with b17 bomb and as i said most of their raids consisted about a thousand bombers depending on the range, the missions last anywhere from 6 to 8 hours, range up to a thousand perhaps 1200 miles, by then they are fortunate, 6 to 12 bombs of any type n a raid youre talking about 6 to 12,000 bombs, every single one of those bombs or bombers were focused on a single end point. They check their course and what they are doing and many times it was simply done by reckoning and at various points in the year most of the continent was covered in clouds and therefore the crowed was not always visible. Communicate by line by site. Operation security. As i said, ability to forecast the weather, their navigation was done in a fashion and at the end of the war the United States commission to serve effectiveness of Bombing Campaign of europe, while that campaign had tremendous strategic effect on the outcome of the war they also found that on average 1,000 airplanes, about 6 to 12,000 bombs on average less than 30 of all the bombs dropped fell within one thousand years. Fastforward to january 2019 and lets talk about air raid 92, 2b two b2s take off, 108 bombs, those b2s navigate from space using gps, they are on their way to libya to strike targets that are terrorist Training Camps in libya. They have the ability to navigate around any weather that they might see in rout because the weather is observed or cast predicted and reported from space. They communicate with tankers and home base by satellite and for more more than half of the targets theyve identified on that particular mission the target parameters or the target itself is completely changed or updated in the course of the 20 plus hours they ingressed to the target. Its a story of technology development, its a story of many things but most of all thats a story of the impact of space on air power. If you find it hard to believe, if we didnt have air space, air power would look like plane raid in 1945 than today, if you dont believe me, halfway between desert storm 1991, even as late as 1991, 90 of the ammunitions dropped from aircraft were unguided and missions looked like the thousand planes of world war ii. Thats the impact, yet number one of what it means to lose capabilities from National Security and air power perspective. They had a Wireless Network to provide and information on various points on status of traffic. Gps had roll other event. Some of you remember the rollover event of 2,000, we called y2k, gps has counts up weeks, 1,024 weeks and once every 2 years or so, 1,024 back to zero. It fail today make the the roll over connection appropriately and took the network down. I will let you go back to find out who is to blame, i will say its clearly that those responsible for operating that network failed to understand understand capabilities. There are thousands across communications network, emergency Transportation Networks that we rely on every day for civil society, Public Safety that rely on space. Third is about the future, i hope not, perhaps you heard about it today, in june of 2019 Rti International reported out in study they did for department of commerce and they said a couple of things, the first thing was good news, they studied gps and effects on ten sectors of the economy and they determined that from the time gps became operational in late 1980s, it has contributed 1. 8 billion in economic benefit. They also assess that should some sort of largescale outage and gps services occur it would cost the u. S. Economy 1 billion a day in lost revenue and adverse Economic Impact in the first 30 days, for years as we talk about gps we have been using weve been using the statistics that say direct benefit of gps annually worldwide is about 85 billion and indirect benefit is about triple that and so if you take that and then you look at the analysis from rti its absolutely reasonable to believe that a huge, that a huge outage impacted gps services would result in that kind of loss and economic benefit every single day. So those are 3 vignettes that tell you about the value of space from a a National Security perspective, perhaps an economic benefit, so obviously today and if you think about it, those are based on the past especially from Economic Perspective or National Securitys perspective as well, if you think about the things coming online and if you think about things like automation, commercial sector and military sector, if you think about Artificial Intelligence and impact, you think about autonomy in the Transportation System whether its selfdriving cars or trucks or drones delivering packages to houses and other things and the rest of the economic sector if you think about how deeply embedded the capabilities are today it is only going to grow in the future and so while i would argue today gps is already about, has Economic Impact on the order of a third of a trillion dollars in Economic Impact every single year, it is very easy to see how quickly that number is going to grow and certainly grow to the level that you are talking as part of this. So it would not be appropriate for me to talk about all the implications of losing Space Capabilities and then to describe what i could describe which is the threats that are posed to those capabilities, threats in in National Security sentence when you think of capabilities that russia and china are employing today, threats of bad actors, whether individuals or terrorist networks or other nations that are looking to threaten capabilities economically from a supply chain standpoint, from intellectual property perspective and perhaps even to the cyberattack. It wouldnt be appropriate to talk about all of that, talk about the implications and then say thank you very much, ive covered the topic and walk off the stage, wouldnt be appropriate to speaker and certainly as one of your military professionals would be inappropriate for me then not to turn around and say now let me talk a little bit about what we are doing to protect those capabilities and ensure that we dont realize the implications of losing space. They talked about Public Safety and economic benefit as well. The first thing that we are doing about Space Capabilities and ensuring that theyre available to soldier, marines, as they conduct their duties to our national leaders, as they make Strategic Decisions is recognizing the threats, the direct threats posed by potential adversaries today. A large majority of them have not been designed to operate in conflict, operate under threat, but we are very quickly adapting them and to develop Tactics Techniques and procedures. In fact, i would argue that in the last 3 budget cycles weve done a tremendous amount to invest in the domain awareness we need to understand what is happening in space domain as well as capabilities and training and other things to be able to adapt and defend and protect when they are under threat. Second thing we are doing is we are designing and to fill robust architectures. Systems and thinking carefully about alternative methods of providing capabilities and backups. In some cases provided to other domains and by other means and finally systems that by their nature and clearly show to any potential adversary any individual, anyone who would attempt to attack that its not going to be worth the effort because they are not going succeed, first of all, in attacking the domain, attacking the architecture and the system successfully and if they succeed in a limited fence. All the things we have done for decades, millennials for century, to ensure that our soldiers sailors and airmen are prepared to defend the nation, to fight the fight, meet the objectives they are intended to meet, we are building those exact same things into the training program, the exercise programs, the operational programs for our space operators. And the fourth thing we are doing is strengthening partnerships and coalitions in the space domain. We built culture its the United States, its the United States business and we will take care of our own business, we are rapidly moving to a new approach and landed at sea and thats a coalition of the like minded, a coalition that brings the capabilities that they need and we need for scenarios, the partnerships arent just with allies and other nations, they are also with civil society, we share a Great Partnership with nasa for decades, thats strengthening as well as strengthening our connections to commercial industry and i will talk about this just a little bit in the last few minutes. The final thing that we are doing and probably most important to all of you is we are now more seriously looking to leverage gamechanging technologies, gamechanging operational concepts and innovative ideas, that might be 21st century manufacturing techniques, that might be reusability in space system, that might be proliferated, it could be a whole host and is, in fact, a whole host of technologies and ideas, but first and foremost its a matter of understanding whats happening in the commercial sector today, understanding the investments that are made, understanding the capabilities they intend to provide in determining how we can adapt and apply in partner with parts of the commercial sector to, for the support of civil society, Public Safety, the commercial sector but in our case National Security. Most of the technology provided from in this device for purposes over decade and took creativity drive and market to put the other in package like this. I firmly believe we are and we in the department of space and we in the department of defense need to leverage and partner with commercial sector. In fact, our brandnew sector is already saying and if it doesnt wait and if we dont figure out how to get on the train in maintaining relationships with longstanding Industry Partners, then we will be left behind. I think dr. Griffin earlier today told you already that he feels we are behind, i think hes right, but theres good news on two fronts, the first is we continue to be the best in the world at space, the second part of the good news is, National Leadership inside the government, inside the defense sector, inside the commercial sector and inside the civil sector recognized that we need to address the challenges and the threats we face in space. We have actually through the last 4 years made a series of investments that mean we are serious about the issues and we are on the path that we need to be onto ensure we dont realize the implications of losing space for National Security purposes for civil purposes or for economic purposes, thanks all for your time again today,i appreciate having the opportunity to speak to you. [applause] please welcome christian of the u. S. Chamber of commerce. Thank you, general thompson, before we adjourn i would like to offer a quick lookahead to chamber initiative, early in the new year we are going initiate working groups, 3 discreet areas, space launch integration in National Space system and two, advocating for robust Lunar Exploration and analytical tools for the commercial space sector and we will welcome your involvement along the way, keep an eye on the inboxes, once again, i would like to thank sponsors, boeing, hawkeye 360 and before you leave feel free to fill out the surveys on your table as they help us in future programming, with that the Second Annual space summit has come to a close, thank you for coming. [applause] our campaign 2020 live coverage continues thursday at 7 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan2 with President Donald Trump in toledo, ohio, how to keep America Great rally and on sunday on cspan; senator Michael Bennett in bedford, new hampshire, watch live on cspan and cspan2 on demand at cspan. Org or listen on the go with cspan radio app. American Petroleum Institute president mike summers discuss natural gas and Oil Industry Outlook for 2020, speaking here in washington, d. C. , he also talked about the position of the largest u. S. Industry energy group will take in upcoming elections. Good afternoon, everyone, welcome to the state of American Energy at the anthem, this is quite a different venue from the reagan building downtown where weve done previous state of American Energy events

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