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[laughter] tell them you were not protesting against israel, you are protesting in your Nations Capital for israel. [cheering and applause] good to be with so many friends. Speaking of friends, allow me to bring greetings from another friend of mine. [cheering and applause] that man i believe is the greatest friend of the jewish people and the state of israel ever. The oval office of white house. I bring greetings from the 45th president of the United States of america. President donald trump. [cheering and applause] we gather today from all across our nation to celebrate a relationship that has never been stronger. We also gather at a time of concern for millions of americans as our nation deals with the impact of the coronavirus. Allow me to address that for just a moment. First, to be clear, President Donald Trump has no higher priority than the health and safety of the American People. [cheering and applause] last month following word of the outbreak of the coronavirus in china, our president took unprecedented action to protect the health of americans. He declared a Public Health emergency. We suspended all travel to the United States from china and we initiated an unprecedented quarantine effort for americans returning even as the president established the White House Coronavirus task force which he has literally met every single day since. The president has directed me to lead a whole approach to address the coronavirus in this country. We are doing just that. [applause] while the risk to the American Public remains low, as the president said last week, you can be assured, we are ready for anything. As of today we have 43 cases detected in the United States and another 48 cases among americans who have been repatriated from china. The vast majority of americans who have contracted the virus, i am pleased to report, are recovering and doing well. Several patients [applause] dash several patients remain hospitalized. The American People have learned a man with Underlying Health conditions has passed away. We send our deepest condolences to his family. I would encourage all of you gathered here today to keep in your prayers all of those impacted by this disease across our country and around the world. Here at home, also keep in your hearts and prayers the extraordinary Healthcare Providers that serve this nation every day. At. [applause] we are all in this together. It is always a good idea to practice common sense. Especially so today. President trumps direction, we will continue to bring the full resources of the federal government to protect the American People and we will always put the health and safety of america first. [applause] thank you for that. As President Trump declared in his historic visit to jerusalem, as evidenced again here today, the bond between our two people is woven together in the fabric of our hearts. And so it shall always be. Under this president , if the world knows nothing else, the world knows this, america stands with israel. [cheering and applause] in january it was my great honor, on the behalf of the American People, to address a ceremony in jerusalem marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation. We paid tribute along with more than 50 countries to the 6 million jews who died in the holocaust and what President Trump rightly called the dark stain on human history. The greatest evil ever perpetrated by man against man in the long catalog of human crime. Just as we honor the dead, we also honor the faith and resilience of the jewish people. To just three years after walking in the valley of the shadow of death rows up from those ashes to reclaim a Jewish Future and rebuild a jewish state. [applause]. We stand with israel because of her cause is our cause. Her values are our values. Her fight is our fight. We stand with israel because we believe in right over wrong, and good over evil, and liberty over tyranny. And we stand with israel because we cherish that ancient promise that americans have always cherished throughout our history that those who bless her will be blessed. [applause] President Trump promised the United States would ensure that israel will always have the resources and tools she needed to defend herself by herself and today i am proud to report that american support for the security of the state of israel is greater than ever before and the state of israel is a stronger than ever before in its history. [applause] President Trump has also taken one action after another, evidence our support for israel paid this president promised to shut down the office in washington if the Palestinian Authority did not take immediate steps to stop funding terrorists who murder innocent israeli civilians and when the plo did not act President Trump shut it down. The plo office in washington is closed and today the Taylor Force Act is the law of the land. [applause] this president also promised that america would no longer allow the United Nations to be a forum for invective against israel. [applause] and this president delivered when he withdrew the United States from the socalled Human Rights Council at the un and ended all u. S. Contributions to andra. [cheering and applause] our administration will never tolerate the suppression, persecution or silencing of the jewish people. We have stood up to antisemitism on the world stage and we have stood up to it here at home as well. Last december President Trump signed the strongest executive order ever written to fight antisemitism when he banned taxpayer dollars from any institution of Higher Education that traffics in antisemitic hate. Our message to americas colleges and universities is clear if you want billions of dollars in taxpayers support reject antisemitism and reject it now. [cheering and applause] when President Trump has repeatedly done with no american president s before him had the courage to do when he reckon eyes israel sovereignty over the golan heights. Like when he rejected half a century of Peace Process dogma and proclaimed that israeli civilian settlements in the west banks are not illegal. [applause] and as i had the joy of seeing firsthand just a few short weeks ago when i visited israel in january and had the honor to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the new american a busy in jerusalem, the capital of the state of israel. [cheering and applause] and just five weeks ago President Trump also released his vision for peace, prosperity and a Brighter Future for israelis and palestinians. It is the most serious realistic and detailed plan ever presented and one that could make israelis, palestinians in the region safer and more prosperous. [applause] the American People have always prayed for the peace of jerusalem and so we will continue to do. We believe our vision provides the very basis for historic progress toward true and lasting peace. Under president toms plan israel will not have to take any additional security risks, not a single israeli will be uprooted for his home in jerusalem will remain the united recognized capital of the state of israel. [applause] piece will require compromise. But i promise you america will never compromise the safety and security of the jewish state of israel. We have been standing with our most cherished ally and we have been standing up to our enemies. As the world and the region understands better every day israel isnt the problem in the middle east. We all know who is. [applause] seventyfive years ago america and britain defeated knotty germany before hitler could get Nuclear Weapons and yet five years ago under the Prior Administration misguided leaders of those very same nations signed a deal that would virtually ensure that iran would obtain the same weapon. Then something extraordinary happened. The megan people elected a leader, decisive and unafraid as their president and President Trump turned his word when he withdrew the United States from the disastrous iran nuclear de deal. [cheering and applause] like the hebrew prophet joel said, america said you shall come no further. Our president made the best decision in the interest of the United States and israel. He also believed it wasnt in the best interest of peace, as we believe lasting peace can only be built on a foundation of truth. With the support of our friend israel the United States is working to build as the president said, as we speak, a coalition of nations who share the aim of stamping out extremism in providing our children a hopeful future that does honor to god. [applause] and what followed the president s historic decision the United States implanted a maximum Pressure Campaign to change irans malign behavior and we will hold the regime accountable for its destructive actions. And the campaign is working. The iranian people are processing against the regime and the iranian economy is reeling under unprecedented u. S. Sanctions and now iran must choose between caring for his people or continuing to fund its proxies sowing violence across the region. The president has made it clear that the United States of america is ready to embrace peace with all who seek it. We truly hope for a better and more prosperous future for the people of iran. But mac. [applause] but i will make you this promise, we will continue to oppose irans malign influence, we will continue to bring pressure on their economy and under President Donald Trump america will never allow iran to obtain a nuclear weapon. [cheering and applause] by contrast from the recent past a last administration was sending pallets of cash to terrorists and iran in this president has taken the fight to radical islamic terrorists on our terms on their soil. [applause] last Year American forces captured the last inch of territory beneath the isis flags caliphate and last fall American Special forces took down their leader without one american casualty. [applause] and when militants stormed our embassy in baghdad on new years eve this president sent in the marines and said no more than ghazi. [applause] and one american lives were threatened by the most dangerous terrorist in the world President Donald Trump took action and general solo money is gone. [applause] you all deserve to know that every one of the leading democrats running for president criticized President Trumps decision to take out the general. Bernie sanders even called the president s decision to take out president general soleimani taking out that general soleimani was not a Government Official he was a terrorist and President Trump was right to take him down. [cheering and applause] that is what leadership looks like. That is the leadership of President Donald Trump. These days are over when the jewish people were powerless to face threats of annihilation and today the United States the stands shoulder to shoulder with israel in defense of our common civilization and against common threats. Rebuilding american deterrence to preserve peace through strength is the very centerpiece of President Trumps National Security strategy. In this administration we understand that weakness arouses evil and history shows the free world is safest when america is strongest. [applause]ou that we will never negotiate with those who seek the destruction of israel and we will never negotiate with those who commit terrorism against israel, not now, not ever. [applause] like all of you we have stood with our most cherished allies as never before and we have stood up to iran but now my friends weve reached a fateful moment in our history. All over the world antisemitism is on the rise. On college campuses, in the marketplace, even in the halls of congress. Antisemitism is a unique hatred, uniquely potent, uniquely responsible for unconscionable acts of violence which is why we must root antisemitism out from every part of our society. It is not just a threat to Jewish Americans and jews around the world but it is a threat to us all. [applause] but like a vile ideology it is antisemitism has changed forms in recent days. No longer doesnt give give vent to hatred to the jewish religion or jewish people on every occasion but now it is often propagates a simply hatred of the state of israel. Let me be clear about one point. It is the position of the United States government that anti zionism is antisemitism. [applause] our president , the proud grandfather of three beautiful jewish grandchildren [applause] made what may have been the strongest single statement against antisemitism ever uttered by an american president when moments after the horrific massacre at the tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh he said that america would seek the destruction of those who seek the destruction of the jews. [applause] never before has any american president spoken with such clarity and resolve to the wider world. [applause] we all know the ancient hatred they are stirring up. Antisemitism must be universally condemned, it must be fought and it requires more than watereddown resolutions. It requires action. Wild might does not make right in a world full of evil right without mike assures the triumph of evil and though israel is today a Global Economic power that has benefited humanity in untold ways, innovations in agriculture, medicine, information and nanotechnology all is not yet well, not even hear a tone. The bipartisan consensus that once supported our most cherished ally and has been so nobly and ably championed by you here at aipac is actually beginning to erode in one today the leading candidate for the president ial nomination of the party of harry truman openly attacks israel as a racist state and defames aipac as of all things, as he said, a quote, platform for bigotry. Even more troubling when Bernie Sanders smeared israel at last weeks debate not a single candidate on that stage stood up to challenge him. But i promise you, we will always call out those who try to quote their animus towards israel inside the phony mantle of friendship. This 18000 friends of israel [applause] gathered here with each one of you, friends of israel from all over this country, republicans, democrats, independents, jews and christians, liberals and conservatives, if we can agree on one thing it should be this. Those who side with israels enemies must never be allowed to call themselves friends of israel. [applause] it is wrong to boycott and slander israel. It is wrong to boycott and slander aipac. [applause] i say from my heart in the days ahead we must ensure the most proisrael president in history must not be replaced by one who would be the most anti israel president in the history of this nation. [cheering and applause] that is why we need four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. [cheering and applause] i am honored to be with all of you today as your Vice President to assure you that President Trump and our administration and this country will stand with you today, tomorrow and always. For we are, as you are, aipac proud. [cheering and applause] the bond between our two people is woven in the hearts, people of our countries, unbreakable and so it shall always be. Seventy years on from that day of liberation of auschwitz we remember not simply the tragedy but also the triumph of freedom. Its a promise fulfilled, a people restored to their rightful place among the nations of europe. As we remember the long night of that past and the survivors and faces of those who were lost, the heroes who stood against the evil times, we do well. In january 50 nations and israel gathered a strong to say just as we all say here today from across this nation with one voice, never again. [cheering and applause] through programs, persecutions and expulsions in the ghettos and finally even through the death camps, the jewish people clung to that ancient promise that he will never leave you or forsake you. That he would leave his people to inherit the land that he swore your ancestors were given. He has. The jewish people in turn have turned the desert into a garden. Scarcity into plenty, sickness into health. They have turned hope into a future of security and prosperity and a tiny land, a land with no Natural Resources and no rushing rivers or burgeoning valley and a nation that despite not knowing a single day of true peace has into short generations become one of the worlds most vibrant and successful countries. Israel is an inspiration to the world. [applause] today as we bear witness to the strength and resilience of the face of the jewish people, so too we bear witness to gods faithfulness. It is an honor to be with you today. The United States of america is proud to stand with israel and her people as a cherished allies and friends. Providence entrusted the United States to be the guardian of liberty and that is the trust we will never forsake. Ladies and gentlemen, israel and the United States will always stand together because america and israel are more than friends. We are more than partners or allies. My friends the United States and israel are family. [applause] we are a family descended from a common tradition, we are a family that upholds common values and together our family show shares a common destiny. The American People Alliance Stronger than ever before in our friendship is greater than ever before. And our future is brighter than ever before. And so we say to all those gathered here and to all who cherish israel and to the people of israel, the famous words of that priestly blessing, may the lord bless you and keep you. May his countenance shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May all your ways be paths of peace. With the unwavering support of all of you and all who call these two great nations home with the leadership of President Donald Trump and with gods he help, i know the best days for israel and the United States of america are yet to come. Thank you. God bless you. God bless israel and god bless the United States of america. [cheering and applause] democratic president ial candidate Amy Klobuchar is ending her president ial campai campaign. She will endorse joe biden at a Campaign Event later today. She is the third democrat to drop out since the South Carolina primaries three days ago. The other two are Pete Buttigieg and tom stier been super tuesday is tomorrow, more than a thousand delegates at the state including senator klobuchars home state of minnesota with 91 delegates. You can watch super tuesday by mary results on cspan. The democratic primary calendar continues next week with idaho, mississippi, missouri, north dakota and washington state. A week from tomorrow with 416 delegates then primaries in arizona, florida, illinois and ohio on arch 17. There are a lot of ways to follow this highly competitive election season on the cspan network but probably the fastest and easiest is on the web at cspan. Org. We have among other things our campaign 2020 interactive calendar with the result maps of all the upcoming primaries and caucuses including super tuesd tuesday. There is the event tracker. This is a tool for quick and easy search of the 2020 candidates. Our coverage based on the candidate, topics, events and locations on the campaign trail. Of course, the statebystate results broken down by the candidate, the county in the district, not only for the president ial candidates but also the upcoming senate, house and governors races and our scheduling information is free and its easily accessible and all their at cspan. Org. During this election season the candidates beyond the talking points are only revealed over time. Since you cant be everywhere there is cspan. Our campaign 2020 programming differs from all other political coverage for one simple reason, it is cspan. We brought you your unfiltered view of government every day since 1979 and this year we are bringing you and unfiltered view of those seeking events this november, in other words, your future. Go deep this election season see the biggest picture for yourself and make up your own mind. With cspan campaign 2020 brought to you as a Public Service by your television provider. The senate meets at 3 00 p. M. Eastern and begin work on the bill with their energy and environmental provisions and many dealing with Climate Change issues but they include building codes, Battery Storage and Carbon Capture and electric grid security. Off the floor and

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