College detail of two chambers over here in the u. S. Senate the lights are on, the doors are open and we are working for the american people. All month we have been in session with National Security rigislation and confirming the key nominees including hearings on the Coronavirus Crisis and the effectiveness of the historic rescue package the senate wrotee and passed. We are heeding medical guidance and taking no precautions, but they are showing up and getting things done. And across the house, crickets. The lights are off, the doors were locked. Theyve shown up for two legislative days since march. Last week they flew into town to pass the latest 1800 page liberal wish list and the inclusion in the Marijuana Industry wasnt going to study it soju comfortable. That had to be a priority. Its been so far left that couldnt even unite the conference. The House Democrats couldnt contribute to anything serious. But they did find time to keep pushing for another impeachment. More than a year after the report thoroughly debunked the conspiracy theory, democrats were still pursuing the administration over the document. In a new Supreme Court brief, the day before yesterday, the houses democrats said they have the right to continue because, now listen to this, the president s impeachment didnt end with his acquittal. The House Democrats are now claiming thats ended in febru february. The brief says they are waiting out whether to recommend new articles of impeachment and referring to the term and knowledge of the Judiciary Committee the committees investigation didnt cease with the conclusion of the impeachment trial. In the perpetual impeachment if only someone could haveic predicted this. This would affect our country into the future. Of course, senate and House Republicans warned precisely that. And here we are. These are fascinating legal standards and they no longer and when the jury prosecution is no longer in when the charges were dropped. They have a fourth Consecutive Year to cram their politics into the legal system that governs the country during a pandemic. So fortunately coming as likely outcome of the senate is up to the job every single day the act that we wrote and passed continues to come online. Direct payments toun family accounts for the majordu industries and resources for doctors, nurses, hospitals and Healthcare Providers help save the lives from coast to coast. From the big cities and small towns to the suburbs in farm Country Senate republicans have the potential pink slips into paychecks every single day. To be sure the program is imperfect, that was guaranteed when the bank sent to cram a couple years with a plunging into a few weeks. Yesterday we saw the example of that imperfection. The legislation we passed contains specific eligibility requirements. He was and is of the essence of legislation set up in the process of the initial self o certification with the review to follow. The nations largest Abortion Provider planned parenthood abuse to this emergency process and grabbed tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money for which they were completely in which both. Disrespecting human life is better mission and they took advantage of a National Crisis and helped themselves to tens of millions of taxpayers dollars that were clearly forbidden from taking. It goes without saying it must be sent back immediately. To jeopardize this Important Program for the tens of millions of americans who are benefiting from it. Into the economy across moreiz than 4 million loans the average loan size is just 118,000. Paychecks instead of pink slips for tens of millions of americans. My town of louisville kentucky is home to the world famous louisville slugger. This month the manufacturers secured a loan 171 employees were pulled off of for a while and put right back on the payroll. 171 families stories and from pain and chaos back to stability because of this program. And that is just one business in one city in onene state. Theres also an Automotive Parts supplier in michigan. A fresh flower shop in arizona and a burger joint and notforprofit and North Carolina and on and on. 4 million loans across all 50 states and they are still being issued as we speak. This is what the cbs legislation looks like. This is what Serious Solutions can accomplish. Every day the senates work is paying dividends to the families all across the country. Now the pandemic is not while we areki working on. They are on top of the foreign relations, National Security and personal business. Yesterday the Committee Report about the nomination of the next nrector of national intelligence. And the Armed Service Committee Reported the nomination for the secretary of navy and the deputy under secretary of defense for policy. In the key National Security vacancies before we adjourn later this week. On a completely different subject. Our attending physician with the same ability and professionalism that benefited congress and the Supreme Court for more than a decade. The continued guidance makes it possible for the senate to smartly and safely fulfill the constitutional duty to the american people. We face dependent on the scale in the 1918 spanish flu. It was more than a decade away from existing. Doctor had to break unprecedented grounds in the crucial role with multiple levels. But true to form he is to serve this country

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