Lockdown measures were in place. The Prime Minister talked about lands for reopening the uks economy at this hearing which was held by videoconference. Order, order. Welcome, Prime Minister to the first evidence session that appears on committee today. We are very grateful to you for responding so promptly to the imitation we sent at the end of last week i would like to thank the working group of members of the Committee Established by the whole committee that is helped set this up very quickly. Working group has agreed to the topics to be discussed and the chairs are here that are representing the committee today. Prime minister, last time we had a Prime Minister before this committee was 12 months ago and the committee agreed the session will focus on the Coronavirus Crisis but remain many other policy areas such as boxes, international areas, trade agreements, domestic qualities that require scrutiny. Prime minister, can i just ask you for housekeeping points can you commit to attending regularly this year and preferably before the house goes for the summer recess. Thank you very much to you and your committee for your invitation and i am delighted we are able to have this session. You are very kind to want to see me again more frequently. Can i even before we convened for this one but can i just possibly get back to you on that. Obviously, theres a lot at the moment and we have a big, National Campaign to defeat the coronavirus and get our country back on its feet and is a huge amount of work that we are involved in. Im sure your committee will appreciate that my time is but we will do every thing we can to oblige. I know that is not a commitment but i must insist that was a very strong message to the committee and they wanted me to convey that. I understand. The colleagues assured me the questions will be short and to the point. It would be greatly if you could confirm that you would give short and direct answers. I will do my utmost. Thank you. [inaudible] without time to scrutinize the money [inaudible], the committee is concerned that if your announcement is lengthy it will lengthen the proceedings. I just warn you and im sorry about that but if you can keep your questions short that will help or your answers short. Of course. Ill get straightened. The committee is obviously extremely concerned about the issue of your Senior Advisor and policy suggests large majority of the public believe that they did break vote lockdown rules but how much is this has undermined the moral authority of the government the public at a time when Public Confidence is so important . Thank you. I wasnt going to make a long announcement today about the test and trace scheme but i thought that your committee would like to interrogate me about it if they have a chance to to read what were doing but that particular matter i would say that this is really been going on for several days now and in the media at least. Of course, i am deeply sorry for all the hurts and pain and anxiety that people have gone through throughout this time. This country has gone through frankly, most difficult time. We are asking people to do quite exceptionally tough things, separating them from their boundaries but i must say that i feel that from my advisor that youve heard it referred we have quite a lot of biography recently and ive commented on it and i think my views and i really dont propose to add to it but i think the public do want us to focus on if i may as they want us to focus on politicians on uniting on that message to get to to your points and focusing on their needs and explaining what needs to be done to get our country through this epidemic. Per minister, he said on the 34th of may that dominic acted responsibly and with integrity and that [inaudible] why have you not invited the cabinet secretary to conduct his own independence inquiry. Thats a reasonable question to ask and weve had he [inaudible] quite frankly im not certain right now that an inquiry into that matter is a very good use of official time. We are working on coronavirus fulltime. What advice have you sought from the cabinet secretary about compliance with the code and that matter of integrity in the code . I have no reason to believe that there is any dissent from what i said a few days ago. Have you had an opportunity to ask his own questions of your advisor . I will not go into the discussions that have taken place but i have no reason to part from what i have already said. Its unprecedented for none on how to do consults with cabinet before agreeing to this . I thought that it would be a good thing if people could understand what i had understood myself previously and i think the previous day about what took place and there you go, we had a long go at it and yeah, look, its been a very frustrating episode and i understand why people are so or have been so concerned because this country is going through a horrendously difficult time but i really think that as far as what we need to do is to focus on getting the message right which is probably Common Ground with your committee and then i think what we need to do really is to move on and to get on to sorting out activities [inaudible] we have a plan and weve been going through it and it is working and we now are coming tomorrow the 28 of may and its a very important next stage. Thank you. Good afternoon, Prime Minister. [inaudible question] [inaudible question] [inaudible question] surely no man is more important than keeping this nation safe. With respectfully may i say in addition to what ive already said about that particular matter a lot was written and said over saturday and sunday was false in respect to my advisor. I think thats the opportunity to clear the matter up and notwithstanding the Party Political points you may seek to make and i think the best in your points about the message i respectfully disagree. I think the best way to clarify the message and the best way for people to understand what we need to do next is for us all to move on and focus on what we are doing so. Have you had a look at your inbox . [inaudible] people have not been able to visit giant relatives so [inaudible] theres a rule for government and another role for everyone else [inaudible] of course, i am sorry for the pain, the english and the heartbreak of seeing people in this country and by the way, their people across governments at every level who have been going through exactly the same privations and difficulties. We all understand that. All im saying to you is that i think that we need to do now is as politicians and leaders if we possibly can is to set aside this row because im afraid the allegations turned out to be the patriot and to move on. From said what ive had to say about that matter and i think as far as it is correct to say that it is a distraction then by that very argument putting that aside and moving on. This is going and going. The anger is reaching a fever pitch. It seems like petulant and [inaudible] thank you so much for your point and i consider that to b be its a valuable piece of your making a political point and of piece of political advice. [inaudible] you are muted. You talk about the enormous national and the nation but how frustration is it that you as the uk Prime Minister during enormous peace time crisis that would not been able to act as one United Kingdom but one single strategy you think that the variable geometry of our foreign nation approach reflects the strength of the union at this time . Steven, good question and actually one of the interesting things which you would not possibly get through my Exchange Just now with pete was its fantastic collaboration between all of the uk and the difference is between our approach as they are marginal and to get to your point, its important that when there is a slight difference between one part of the uk or another or one at one us has a slightly different problem or is seen in scotland or wales, it is entirely sensible that there should be slightly different approaches and that is indeed what we are seeing. And you see that with many european countries. On that point about collaboration how influential are the welsh and scottish about easing of lockdown rules ahead of your statement on may 10 . [inaudible] is that the reason why you are more cautious . We all Work Together and i listened carefully to what mark says and to what our leader michelle says and what niclas says and we all think about it together. Actually what we said on may 10 was a pretty cautious message which we decided to have a relaxation that encourages people who must go to work for their job and its still a case that if you can work from home you should work from home but we are also brought in relaxations on exercise and people related to travel to take exercise. When the union is being much more prestigious than you might believe. Thank you. Prime minister, given the huge amount of traffic between republic and northern ireland, we need to ensure we are close as possible with the republic to ensure as we take baby steps to release lockdown that the people are divided are as safe as possible. Yes. Thank you for your work there. Just to say i have a Good Relationship when we talk about what we are trying to do together as much as possible. One interesting thing is the republic of the changes we bring and on quarantine to keep the common travel areas and operations working together as close as we can. Thank you. If the rate starts to creep up and lockdown needs to be replaced or full and repressed, they tell me, the last few days, the response of the british people is going to be far less energetic than it was and thats a direct result of the activities of your Senior Advisor. To say no, beginning to understand why. What we say to our constituents . I would like you to say you can keep your lockdown it has to come back. Other people abide by it, why should we . Thats true about how the british people will respond to the next basis, theyve responded was fantastic responsibility and collectively weve got this. You are right, which i accept, all the more reason for us to be consistent, clear in our message. The key message is particularly washing your hands, maintaining social distance, isolating if you have symptoms, all those things will continue to be vital as we move into the next phase. There coming down from level four to level three, we hope to see a decision tomorrow but all that depends, you know what we are doing with schools, from june 1, all that depends on our ability to continue to get it and that means we have to be ruthless in our message. Okay. He said is another one. Did you see the evidence i dont want to yes or no . Simple question. I dont want to go into much more. Its a simple question. I would say yes, i did but i dont want to okay, would you agree its a good idea to be published and the problem might be off your table . I think it would not be doing my job i were to put the problem into the hands of officials who believe me, making the public due to the coronavirus. Im not certain i understand that could be and i understand public indignation. But i do think as i understand, the whole, i think it would be much better if we could not move to the next steps. Its surprising you will provide evidence to the cabinet secretary or have independent but let me ask you about your instructions now to either has covid19 or has symptoms of covid19 wont know how seriously they are going to get it and you have no childcare available. The message to those parents n not, staying home but if you do it, contact the community or is it a message from the transport secretary and Community Secretary to travel to wherever you have a support network . This morning, if you dont already have access to childcare then you can come and. Im not certain as much of a discrepancy between those two bids as you suggest. I think what jenny was trying to say is that if youve got childcare, you should take that. Its not exceptional difficulties of childcare, normal difficulties with childcare. Our survey from moms that today, parents said they didnt have access to childcare they had covid19. None of them said they would be more likely to break the rules now so if you are trying to tackle and prevent them from spreading, you need to get clear advice to them. Its not clear to me what that advice is in that situation. The clear advice is to stay at home if you absolutely have to go to work to do your job, you have exceptional problems with childcare and because you to bear your arrangements, thats clear but also from tomorrow, and this is an important development, operation which will change peoples lives and require a great deal of thought and compliance which i think will be worth it for the whole nation and fundamental advice remains absolutely unchanged, which is wash your hands, observe social distancing and get a test. Im asking specifically about your advice to parents who have covid19. The reason you are not giving i i just give it to you. Across the country, even though it may mean them having to go into a hospital somewhere else or they may be exposed to further infection. You want them to do that or stay put . When they dont have local childcare. I think you have to look at each individual case. There are particularly incidences from advisory was trying to say that other exceptional difficulties and people need to take account of them and spend but other than that, i dont know what to add. Heres the problem. The reason youre not giving a straight answer is because youre trying to protect unclear think the comments and you dont want to apologize for him. The problem is, that means youre putting their political concerns ahead of clear Public Health messages to parents who have coronavirus. Because of that, putting your political concerns about the National Interest, your i am not cashed. Underway to the crisis pumped criticized for getting a series of messages and decisions wrong and shaking hands business as usual. 40000 people are dead. We need you to get this right now. Can you tell us, you have a choice between protecting Dominic Cummings and putting the National Interest first, which would it be . My choice is the choice of the british people. That is what we can, with the National Interest first. To be fair clear about what we want to do and how we take the country forward. We come now to an important juncture for two of our roadmaps and i think this conversation is eliminated. Why its so important for us to move on and be clear with the public about how we want to deal with that and how we want to make progress. When i hear nothing but politicians swallowing and figuring, it no wonder they feel confused. Its much more important that we stress the vital messages, stay at home, if you can, go to work if you must, that will change obviously for some sectors june 1, june 15 when essential retail comes on. Social distancing, it is vital those messages need to be pumped up the whole time just as much as we. I need you weve had a long time. Lets move on. Other questions on the committee, you want to ask about the Prime Ministers advice, otherwise we move on. And q. The seriousness of the situation but i dont think anybody can understand why mr. Cummings is so pivotal moving this country forward dealing with coronavirus. Is that on your radar . I think youve made several times now. Yes, i do peoples feelings and why people feel the way business i also think what they want now is for us to focus on them and their needs rather than a political dingdong about what one advisor may or may not have done. The allegations made about the advisor were simply not correct. Moving on to science and health. All right, we are moving on to science and health. Scientific advice, you see yourself . Thank you. I think the exceptional institute but what i do get is the direct digest from them. They give me that advice. Can you explain why we have in this country, a policy of social distancing, the World Health Organization recommends in countries that have a good track record, places like hong kong, singapore, australia and germany . Acts, i have made this several times over the course of the debate. The advice from sage remains at the moment, a very considerable reduction in risk. My only hope is that as we make progress in getting the virus down and reducing it, we will be able to reduce that if distance, which would be particularly valuable on transport and hospitality have you asked your advisors why are specifications should be the highest in the world. I have. Their answer is that something you is the right interval or business. And thats what they think is appropriate at the moment. Sage has changed his advice for instance on patient governance. Youve been asked to review, and quicktimes workshops and other places to consider their practice on the 15th of june. Published what they say, a massive impact on product many workplaces can. I can tell you, ive already done that. We will make progress. Contact tracing is underway. If they stay at home, you come in contact with the infected person, is staying home compulsory broken people use their judgment . We want people to understand that this is something for them but its spreading the disease, to those they might love. But also good for to make it absolutely clear to people that they must state home but let me be clear is it the law . We will be asking people to stay at home. If they dont follow that advice, what we will cite as we will consider what sanctions may be necessary but financial or whatever but whatever is right. What i will say to begin with, we are asking people to do it as a matter of course. Write an address tracker tracer than nhs tracer and you are told the 15 minute, its a way for somebody whos tested positive for coronavirus than you should self isolate. Thats what we are saying. People dont do what i say, we will consider bringing in sanctions. You have to talked to the contact tracer . You have an obligation to do that . Would be good thing to be able to offer anyone that is contacted an immediate test with rapid results for best practice . Rather than self isolating 14 days . Thank you. If you are asked to self isolate and you develop coronavirus symptoms, you of course have a test. If you are testing people are asymptomatic, they may very well have the disease but not test for a long time positive. That is the difficulty, we have that, just too many false negatives. Scientific advice, not capacity. Thats completely right. A lot of people will say this is a big change. People need to listen to this, youre telling me if somebody from nhs to trace test and contacted me and said im contact with somebody who has coronavirus, i have to self isolate 14 days, im afraid the opposite of that is yes. If they test positive, that it ends after seven days but im afraid if you are asymptomatic, you dont have symptoms, people will say there in a grave situation. Get back to the conversation throughout this, it is huge but it would be a small minority of the population. I would say to everybody, it duty, thats the way other countries have used to unlock to make sure we can go forward so that captivity, a short time but allow us gradually to release 66 Million People in the Current Situation so i do think it is the right way forward. Thank you. Thank you. Todays announcement track and trace, its a game changer but its only possible because we have massively ramped up testing. I like to start by asking why it took until april to introduce the 100,000 target our first confirmed case wasnt january. As you know, when this virus several things. First of all, this is a new virus and everyone recognizes it is possible to transmit coronavirus when you are presymptomatic, when you dont have symptoms and i dont think people understood that to begin with. Testing operations, as you know, it began much earlier, we did have a test tracking operation but unfortunately, we did not have the capacity Public Health, we didnt have the enzymes, the test kits, we didnt have the volume nor did we have enough experience to mount the operation they did in eastern Asian Countries for instance. If this country did not learn the lessons of sars armors and we didnt have a test operation on the scale that we needed. We now have that. As you will appreciate, during the peak, when none of the cases were running very high test tracking trace would not have been appropriate. Its not the appropriate solution. My question was why we waited from january to april before expending that capacity we couldnt test everyone being discharged from hospitals. Did you get any advice during that we could risk spreading the virus . No. A huge effort was made to try to protect them. The providers said every discharged from nhs made and when people were suspected of being coronavirus victims, the number of discharges from nhs were done by 40 from january 3 until march. Its not true there were concerted efforts to move people out of the beds into care homes. Thats not right. But there is obviously risk when you cant test people. Just like germany insisted care homes quarantine people arriving from hospitals and we didnt you said you want a world system and most people think most would have done this but in those countries, the test results return within 24 hours. Its twice as long and that means the people were contacted because theyve been someone with coronavirus have longer to spread the virus so why dont we get our test results back within 24 hours . Thats a very good question and we are reducing the time, the day delay in getting the results back. Testing people in other countries in europe she has 3000 people, several and a half thousand, 35000 tractors and all. They are rapidly trying to accelerate the turnaround time. I will send you the latest figures after this meeting we are reducing delay the whole time. The trunk already within 24 hours. I understand but just in my constituency, theyve had to wait more than a week to get results back. The turnaround time is just as important as the volume of tests so why dont you, as Prime Minister, just think this is a Public Health emergency, all test results within 24 hours . I would galvanize the system and make system much more effective. We have done that. Thats exactly cmo an officer, they would agree strongly with you the quicker turnaround time the pastor you can check and make it more effective for operations. You told them they have to make that target by . Im not going to give you a deadline right now because ive been forbidden from enacting any more isnt in the next week or month, or be talking weeks or months . As soon as possible. We should understand where we are with tests and tracing. Tomorrow, to be clear, im not going to pretend that this, what we have tomorrow will be valuable, useful, very important tool in our fight against christ but it will be better. As we go through june. This is gone from a complete to a huge operation so i dont want to give you exact deadline for when we get to the 24 hours but that is the impression we will do. Final question. Israel and singapore have a lot of Agency Workers working in their care homes and faye fan them from working more than one because they dont empty spread the virus from care home to care home. We see the same thing here. Done that already. If you look at our care plan, we said was we will stop the migration of workers from one cap place to another. Thats whats happening, youre seeing outbreak after outbreak, they stop moving from one to the next. Thats why a number of outbreaks care homes is going down from in the hundreds a few weeks ago seven or eight a day today. Thats why the number care homes has come down so dramatically. Not going to pretend this is being anything other than the tragedy what happened in care homes but care home plan completed the major you just described, its already had a very powerful and what is causing them to test, argue resolving the problem starts is in charge of that resolution . The testing are caused largely by difficulties in the labs with producing results in a speedy and effective way. Weve had problems with some flaps, i will mention them by name operations, getting the results back fast enough. Also testing and other plaster methods of testing im sure the committee already tests and so on in order to speed up. Theres been a host of problems. The uk is now Testing Capacity from thank you. Good afternoon. You mentioned system of testing, tracking and tracing, already we have a lot of highly qualified professionals who direct the Public Health experts in the field of contacting people and tracking and tracing. Why is there involving in the system has been minimal . One of the issues im repeating the phrasing from a strong desire to have much more expertise and local acknowledge and its one of the reasons we decided to do the operations, counsel, im sure you know whos helping make sure, we are using mental experts, people understand communities as well as recruiting more crackers from around the country. Involvement was before. We are not going to have this national system, Public Health aide involved, theyve got banks and how well the local arrangements, get into who will be accountable not system. I will be accountable for everything but its very hard to avoid that but they are doing a very good job and i think her on that. Will be outbreak control plan and Committee Response to that plan but precisely, if there are going to be local lockdown measures, they decide on those. We will be working with local outbreak communities and those responsible with whatever happens. Local there will be strong direction and control and bio security. We are moving we will have much more observation. The biodiversity and securities will be looking at this. The other day, he saw an outbreak there and they move quickly to try to sort it out. Keeping reducing the incidences, its very important we have a sensitive test track and trace operation in order for the outbreaks. I understand sanctions dont isolate the disease which is not viable Public Health risk to understand that. Its so affected understand there are no sanctions to provide that. This is something we are relying on the people under defeating the disease. Other areas where people need details, hiv transmission, it does work. I am confident it will work in this case if it doesnt, you look at sanctions, this is something we need to do. We are relying very much on the commonplace, the public to recognize the extreme seriousness. This is our way out, feeding the virus, getting our country back on its feet and people want to Work Together. Thats why i said what i said earlier, that we would keep sanctions on the table to develop a system, we will review constantly and cooperation compliance we are getting. Thank you. Can you explain what her role is . Shes a Senior Executive in the nhs whos crept over to work on bringing together across the apartment from all the institutions involved test and trace operation. Shes responsible for nhs test and trace and thats what goes by that. Schools,. Thank you, Prime Minister. Can you assure all the parents after watching today is safe, minimal risk and acquiring testing, tracking and tracing will give to the people and they will require pp where its needed still the plan for the school year to go back a month before the holidays . Thats in very important questions. I will remind of her body, but we want is for schools to begin gradually go back earlier, we know we can do safe socially distancing from in a way but it wont be affected. Not everybody will go back on day one but we do expect people to return to school and across groups. We do think its safe, provided everybody remembers the guidelines we set out. And everybody understands the crucial thing to do, particularly maintain social distance and wash your hands. Those of the absolutely due course, self isolation if you have symptoms. Those are the crucial things youve got to do. They cant be stressed often enough. Another thing about primary school, want to keep that under review. If we can, it depends on National Success in keeping the disease under control and driving back down and we will consider to review and take scientific advice. Thank you. Lastly, 86 Vulnerable People at school and burning and surveyed 900 in england, suggested around 7000 are not doing any work. They have a potential educational poverty this is possibly safeguarding crisis. You support catch up premium for retired teachers alongside opening summer schools to help those catch up with the extrication and get much needed welding support . Yes. Short answer is, i will ask for any measures we can. Theyve got huge social justice taking place, some children will have access to screens at home and get nearly as much. Thats not fair. Thats one reason we need to get scores back. People in this country to understand basic social injustice. Youve got lots of good i guess. Making a particular effort to tackle these. We are already making sure children cap laptops tablets but i agree with you, that needs to be done. On friendship seven present on my skin, we know significant amount is remote. We are now officially partnership or you consider an awfully young people 6590 obligation degree of a . I will say is a huge part in getting people back to the jobs market and getting them into work look at other things to help people. Its going to be a difficult time but there are great opportunities to get people skills theyve asked, need and havent been getting over the last years. Not give them an apprenticeship guaranteed . There will be lots of young people meeting skills and jobs in the aftermath of the coronavirus. We will be doing absolutely everything we can to get people in jobs. But something would have to work with employers to deliver, we would have to think about the funding but this is a government thats done pretty Creative Things with helping business in the last few months and thats the kind of thing we can welcome. We are going to need to take exceptional subs. Got a question. Cambridge university, the First University show its moving online until 2021. Yet, an Award Winning university will have a mix of online and in class learning. And i finally asked, those working in the nhs during the coronavirus, have reimbursed this Academic Year the very least . On the essence of some questions here from the final one, i will come back to you on nhs, students working in the nhs, im sorry, we will give you an answer as soon as we can. Then about cambridge, obviously i think its a matter of universities but merely a question of facetoface is preferable. Also important for social justice. Thank you. May ask about a couple in my constituency they both were, they have two children. Her employer didnt put protections, so if there was zero income. They still working . They need to remain in uk but no public fund so they cant get any help at all is not wrong our hardworking, lawabiding families are being forced by the current arrangements into destitution . Universal credit and that is the condition. It needs to remain. For years, theyve been born in the uk but because for a ten year period, they have this, at the moment, they can get no help adopt. Where they actually . From pakistan but is surprise to anyone im going to have to come back to you on that because people who worked hard for this country should have a support of one kind or another you raise an important thing, the condition, i will find out how many there are in that position and we will see what we can do to help. I think two weeks ago, there at least one 100 in families they need to remain many of them can get help at all. Thinking about a proposed guarantee, supporting young people, i wonder we are going to need radical measures to tackle unemployment after the crisis, particularly to support young people, suggesting they are going to find it particularly hard to get into work thats why i think the idea of apprenticeship because what we have done, put every worker and help them keep a job businesses may need support in the coming months to get back on their feet. We need to think about how to help them. The same time, this country does have skills deficit. We do have a productivity star. This might be the moment where they try to talk about and address crisis to address these issues. We are looking at this very closely and we will want to come forward in june, july with much more we get the economy restarted but for now, starting to focus on this. After 2010, large scale employment support program, employment support and much more. I wonder if you we are going to need what you are suggesting, a much bigger support program. I think its very likely. I think right and up to 30 of the market, i think it is the right thing to do. That helps a lot of people. What weve done with the universal credit is important but this is when three, the challenge now is going to be about getting the economy moving again and creating highclass jobs for the whole country. My mantra remains. The way to do that is a fantastic infrastructure, Education Skills and technology. Physically to that and, i said this before we are here to double down on that program. We will intensify cap. Inc. Support for people, it takes a good here to get Unemployment Support Program but its urgent to get the program claims and underway. Incredible speed in getting the program going. They did it very effectively so this country is getting easier, we are to help, you do have so much more data. We understand the problems tackling this epidemic so i will be able to go fast in dealing with the economic issues. Those trying to deal with medical issues right now. Thank you. We heard about the phase two payments going to happen of the moment time. This is the Prime Minister on the availability of child care. Womens ability to get back to work. As i say, i am pleased, i think your question is directed at whether or not we have a sufficient female representation of the top making these decisions. Successfully written by two women and the most important part weve made in the last couple of weeks of whether it running a vaccine operation i will interrupt you there. Theyve been ignored, not listening to any other advice on the effects of covid19. What experts are you listening to on the impacts particularly on female employment . A general study being conducted about the inequalities of covid19, the study of the medical inequalities that professor is producing, that should report by the end of this month. The Institute Women more likely to be furloughed or infected with a friend shut down. Do they worry about the availability of childcare and employees making decisions for the teacher based on which employees might have it. He said he hoped they would be considered. Do you think optimism is good enough . No, i think its very important more people are given the protections they need. Its true that more women are being furloughed but its also true for getting more generous part around the world. People have their wages up in the way that uk has done. Will continue to look after people and put them back into work. What you said about the particular vulnerability of females, workers, they have been hard hit. They will have jobs that make it more difficult for them to work from home and thats why we need to get these if we possibly can, keep fighting the virus, keep defeating it until people get back to work. We went into this with female employment, a fantastic achievement. Women being able to go back to work. We are going to need childcare thats functioning. What additional assistance would you say . Weve already invested supporting childcare, as you know, it was in will do whatever it takes to help women get back into work. It is critical for the success of our economy. Specifically, how do they contribute to the decisions about which parts of the economy should open up first . We take every decision with full consideration for the inequalities impact any Government Department says. Thank you for that. I just wanted to know, he commented earlier that he thought there were enough female voices in the decisionmaking process. Why are they not more visible . I think i said, i just had a lot it certainly true that i would like to have had representation weve had jenny, who will do our best what can i say . I just ask you, how much do you think having women in the room went decisions are being made my changes the nature of the decisions . I think it is a huge difference. That may sound like a baby step but it is important. You make the distinction between there being a lot of women and enough women. How many is enough . A. Im not comfortable answering that. It is incredibly important to ask conservatives and we have 50 would be great, we have large numbers of females, now moving far more. Producing to female Prime Ministers. You would be the third. Thank you very much, caroline. Let me ask the final question, the most important issue, thats whats going to make the different between living in misery or prosperity as we come out of this. I very much hope you will afford us a few extra minutes so we can get these important questions and. Thank you. In terms of the dressing, the importance of getting unemployment as we come out of this crisis, you refer to mentoring, doubling down. Basically training and apprenticeship an infrastructure which i think are important. He also said in the past that his party is not something we will get. What we do know is the structural deficit will have increased very significantly as we come to the other side of the crisis. I will be predicated on a clear and credible plan the markets believe in. In stepping and supporting the economy through this very difficult period with the furlough, etc. In moving at such scale and such pace, there has been gaps. One of those leads to the selfemploy who had have worked through their own company and take selfemployment income by way of a dividend, and that currently is not being allowed to contribute in the furlough they should qualify for. Some say its a bit complicated to do that. I suspect it is one of those areas it is someone reaching down from the top such as yours Prime Minister could help that. Are you prepared to look at this and help hundreds and hundreds of thousands of hardworking selfemployed people . Yes, thanks, look, i really do understand the needs of the semiemployed at this time. It is tough. You are making a very good point about those who get income by way of a dividend. We will look at that, whether that can be set against the furloughs which i think is what youre proposing. Again, i think we need to look when you look at what the u. K. Is doing, to look at our employees and selfemployed, its a pretty awesome package. And we mean it. But this particular this particular extra cash, i will have to discuss with my friend next door. Im grateful. Thank you, Prime Minister. Moving on, darren jones . Thank you, chair. Prime minister how much of the british economy do you expect to end up in some form of state ownership as a consequence . I cant give you a figure on that, darren, but suffice it to say, getting back to what were going through quite extraordinary economic times, and i understand. I dont want you to repeat the answers you have given to my colleague because of the time. To extend the question for you, could you give us an idea of how the government will prioritize support across different sectors . Will others get different support than say the hospitality, Tourism Sector . Will they get that the support they need . We will do whatever is appropriate to each sector. [talking over each other] thats not my question. I cant give you a hierarchy. My second question, Prime Minister, at what level of unemployment do you think it is for the government to intervene to provide pay or secure work for people after the furloughed payments have come to an end . Were going to do everything we can to get everybody, darren, back to work. Thank you for the answer. To build on the question, the selfemployment income support scheme comes to an end this weekend, while furloughed for employed workers continues until october. Whey is that . Well, we will as we said, as the chancellor said, when the scheme for selfemployed people, we will keep it under review and we will do what we can its this weekend that it gets cut off. People will have a lack of income next week dont forget that selfemployed people already have the access to bounceback loans and i think the last i saw was 15 billion has been on the bounceback loans, income tax payments can be deferred till next year, and people of course are eligible for all sorts including the more genuine very more general universal credit. Universal credit is not generous. The question is trying to get an idea of the scope of the ambitions in supporting businesses in the economic recovery. Im afraid your answers havent been particularly in giving confidence. Business workers and consumers will need to see that from you in order to return comfortably to work, school, or the high street. Will you bringing a full economic recovery package . Im respectfully disagreeing with what you said about this governments economic package for this country. I dont think theres any other country thats done anything like. I think the colleagues on the benches would accept it is generous and it is right, and yes, in answer the short answer to your question is yes we will be bringing a full coronavirus economic post corona economic recovery package to you and to everybody else in parliament. We look forward to that, Prime Minister. Just to clarify, i wasnt criticizing the economic package. I was highlighting the lack of confidence in the public in the government in lifting the lockdown restrictions. My last question very briefly, chair, earlier in the session you said to my colleague that the allegations against mr. Cummings were untrue. Could you set out specifically which allegations specifically were untrue . Well, ive gone into that before. I have really nothing to add to what i previously said. You didnt answer the question today, though, Prime Minister about which allegations were untrue. Would you like to take the opportunity to do that . I tell you why i dont want to go back into that, as i said, i think repeatedly to other distinguished members of this committee, it is my strong belief that although i understand peoples frustrations, peoples indignation with the whole business, believe me, i do, i think what the country wants is for us to be focusing on how to go forward on the test and tracing that were announcing today on how were going to protect their jobs, their livelihoods and defeat the virus. That i think is where the energies of all politicians of all parties should now be directed. Thank you, Prime Minister. Im grateful to your commitment today to bring that post covid economic package to this committee before the summer recess. We look forward to seeing it. Thank you, chair. You will get it exclusively, darren. What you said Prime Minister is on the record. We look forward to it. As members of the houses of commons, you will get it, but im not promising a world scoop to the liaison committee. Well done, darren. Thank you for your question. No, no, no darren. Thank you, chair. Good afternoon, Prime Minister. Good afternoon. With regards to quarantine for those coming into the u. K. , can i ask you, why now, when were easing the lockdown and other countries are ending quarantine, why not when we entered into lockdown . First of all, the reason we didnt do it then was because the scientific advice was very clear that it would make no difference to the arrival of the little difference to the arrival of the epidemic, might delay it by a bit, but it would still come. The reason for doing it now is because across the world, were seeing the infections come down. Theyre coming down here in this country. What we dont want to see is reinfection from abroad, and we think a sensible quarantine scheme can help to prevent that. Thats what were going to do from june the 8th. Many have commented a sensible regime would look at their countries and their rate, and if its below ours, then there should be no need for quarantine. While that may not be possible for the 8th of june, will it be possible for the next three week period which is the 29th of june, which allows those buyer cheaper flights for their Summer Holidays to be removed from the threat of quarantine . Yes, absolutely. We want to make sure that we use the threeweek reviews to be sensible to to drive it down as fast as we can in this country and have a sensible quarantine scheme as possible to be as generous as we can. What will have to change between now and the 29th of june for these to be accepted . Will have to agree with the other countries concerned, but also need to make progress on the attacking of the disease and also have to have evidence that the other countries are in at least as good a position as we are. The workers in the aviation sector, i know British Airways many of whom will be in your constituency, who are under threat of not only losing their jobs, if they retain or having it slashed. When Companies Like ba can put their employees on furlough and put them under redundancy at the same time. Can this be changed . Look, to be perfectly frank, im concerned i wont go into individual companies, but im concerned about the way some companies are treating their workforce. Youre raising a very important point. This country is nothing without its workforce, its labor. Weve got to look after people properly. Im well aware of some of the issues that are starting to arrive. People should not be using furlough to, you know, just were going to break away from this and go live now to the white house for remarks from president trump. As well as anybody, it is not good, a small handful of powerful social media monopolies controls a vast portion of all public and private communications in the united states. We know what they are. We dont have to name them. Were going to give you a complete listing. Were going to give you a

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