At cspan store. Org. The senate currently stands in recess will members work on agreement on public lands package. After individual amendments to the bill were blocked from consideration but without an agreement all debate time must expire before the senate can vote to advance the legislation. That means the next procedural vote might not happen until later this evening. While the senate live when it returns here on cspan2. counties on coastlines. outdoors where americans live, and tonight the problems from the coastal states like my state of louisiana. And i amendment, theth coastal amendment, addresses this disparity. Mr. President , these are in certain pretty coronavirus continues to kill. Nr can country struggles with the issues raised by the george floyd killing. Hindsight is 2020. So we wish that we had stockpiled more personal protective equipment. We wish minneapolis hadmi instituted research warrants. And addressed these issues before and these issues might be better now. And highlights the f need for wider Public Policy. Working beyond the immediate and thinking about that which may occur. On the other hand, there are somethings that occur that weth know are going to happen. Because it happened before. 2020 hindsight, is not needed. Hurricanes havent regularly. Sea levels are rising. Will be more coastal flooding. More families and navy installments doing rescues, the coast guard and helicopters hold americans up and harnesses. We know this will happen again. Weve actually had the opportunity to proactively address. Now the basis of the american im a Great American outdoors act, being considered in the committee. There is another bill passed to address coastal issues. None Great American outdoors, their states benefit greatly from the Great American outdoors pass legislation in the leaves the rest of us wondering is a right to care more about parks than about people. Because it seems to be the priority but the senate is going down. Lets establish contacts for to the senate the Great American outdoors act read the failed hundred bill decades billions of funding for the maintenance. Deferred maintenance pretty mostly in National Park for americans vacation. And predominantly in southern states. It also puts an additional 900 million in the Land Conservation fund. As used by more land to farm the federal government. Prince part presently in western states. National parks or national treasures, american tam and they learn about history and to experience the national majesty of our great country. I know some of the people showing grizzly bears and pine trees in such a god. Theyre beautiful. But i do take issue with how the belt ignores the Environmental Needs of coastal states in favor of fixing broken toilets. Because i can show you the names of environmentalists states, and coastal states. Not in terms of pine trees and mayors and just take allens but in terms of people being flooded out of their homes because of the lack of investment in the coastal communities. As a pictorial of where the money is spent. From land Water Conservation funds. The blue states, mostly in lent, West Virginia kind of coconut their. But it is not a coastal state. The coastal states actually do do very well and all today. Even though this is where a 5 percent of the market people live. The coastal states, we can see that the remaining 15 percent live in the states that get the bulk of the money. In the Land Conservation funds, 11. 53. But if you look at what others received, 17. 66. Theres a lot of benefits and living here. Youre putting more money into the land with the conservation fund. But if you live in a coastline, lesson by flooding, the monies out there. And that mr. President is my concern with his bill. Now weveat established these facts pretty 42 percent of the population lived in the counties directly on a coastline. Any 2 percent live in coastal states. These figures 70. 56 spent on the inland credit and 7. 53 spent on the coastal, they show a disconnect between protecting markets from flooding within the and others want to live in. And spending money to fix up the parks where they occasionally visit. More money is being speed spent people vacation, not protecting with 11. This land water aspect of it. Lets talk about the parks. With deferred maintenance release of the seven segment pretty well find they do fantastic. 60 percent roughly the money will go to these including washington dc, these states that are highlighted. Everyone else, not so much. Iin fact, if youre in kansas, nebraska, and iowa, only. 2 percent of the nations deferredde maintenance is in the states so out of the billions being spent in t this program, pointed to percent will go to those states collectively. Clearly, i spoke of nebraska and kansas another states also get formas. The coastal states of georgia, south carolina, connecticut, new hampshire, minnesota, delaware, maine. All of the coastal states do very poorly. Westernan states like nebraskas ive already and trent already, why is this important for i mentioned again in a little bit. Lets look at those coastlines. Were going way too. They have to be held see balls because of the waves. Beautiful homes are being threatened to wash away in the sea. We should spend money also where people b live. Thats would be wise Public Policy mr. President. Now they states that i just mentioned including those wish to receive this proportionate but americans act. But a also benefits as with the coastal states, if we invest collectively as a nation in the coastal resiliency. The reason is this so important, failure to invest in the coastal resiliency cost lives. And communities and cost taxpayers. And it costs us a lot. Land loss due to rising sea levels 42 percent of americans safety who live in a county or parish directly in it because hundred amino that if you invest in coastal resiliency and flood protection, you can save the millions on the backend protecting against a hurricane or flood events. We are spending billions of parks that we occasionally visit but nothing in this we left, raise families and make our livelihoods. That is the Great American outdoors act is funded. 1. 9 billion a year, and revenue generated from Energy Production visibly from the government or gulf of mexico just been in a deferred maintenance principally in seven states that it recently pointedse out. 90 percent of that revenue is from the gulf of mexico. So my say for example, the produces energy, with the resources and disproportionately funded programs and parts for people who occasionally visit. It is one that has its means unaddressed. His needs. Now my louisiana, is particularly troublesome. We are the hardest hit nation and hardest hit state in the nation. If nothing is done, the Energy Infrastructure was comes off of the coast of louisiana, to support they Gas Development that defies the revenue for the Great American outdoors act pretty that Energy Infrastructure will be threatened which means that the use laying the golden egg dies. Along with my working coast. And the communities of the people live there. And it seems like confession about this, by golly, i am. Why the people care more about parks, and they do about people. That just disturbs me. It isnt just the infrastructure loss, could be livesty and livelihoods and communities. And again by the way, costing taxpayers a lot of money. Thats an example of the wrist. Hurricane katrina, several taxpayers had a bank 125 billion in louisiana and mississippi and other parts of the gulf coast or recovery. Hurricane harvey, 125 million in texas and louisiana. Hurricane maria, 90 billion in puertoil rico and the u. S. Virgn islands. Hurricane sandy, 65 million in the midatlantic. New york new jersey. Hurricane irma, million in florida. Hurricane ike, 7 million in louisiana and in texas, i can mention many others. The cost the federal taxpayers billions in order to help states recover. The cost is nearly 685 billion in the combined cost. Not all of this damage couldve been been avoided print is clear that it could not have been. But a lot could have been. If the largest part of new orleans is not been allowed to wthe roadway, they wouldve instead eroded the power of katrina. Decreasing his force when hit new orleans, perhaps with those levees. If we put money up before forehand, it saves us so much on backend. The coastal them and it does not ask for billions. I think it should but i know it couldnt get it. Im only asking that some money be included for the coastal resiliency. E we are spending billions on vacation,et shouldnt we sing something on the resiliency for the parish of the counties were 42 percent of the americans live. Surely we care more about people than the parks. Theyre not just numbers, the represent people. I see the pictures. I see the lives lost britta i see the communities completely upended it. Taking to come recover. And by the way, communities that are vitally important not just to themselves but to the entire view of the United States britta ocean communities including the great lakes, 82 percent of the operation and economy. And reports of the Ocean Economy contributes to 2. 3 percent of the nations employment. 1. 6 percent of the gdp. 3m jobs, 154th cousin to businesses and hundred and 20 million in wages and 304 million in goods and services. These jobs ared threatened, and erosion and flooding a car. Their contribution to our economy is threatened. And by the way i mentioned that Energy Production is threatened energy, there is no mechanism for the Great American authors act. By spending money and where people vacation, not where they live and work. Ill use my own state as a case in point of the need for coastal resiliency. Well look at thatap map. This is a reasonable scenario of what will happen to louisiana if there is no investment in coastal resiliency rated the red is the land that is lost. This is new orleans. It effectively becomes an island. Protected by levees. And all of this is lost. May not matter because louisiana. The second most productive fisheries in fact the most important fisheries in the lower 48. The most productive fisheries. Court systems there throughout here the support the economy. The inland waterway some of these commodities, the flow around the world and the competitive prices advantages because of our fishing forces some there threatened because of the absence of the sustainability. I could go on. We are losing roughly by the time i finished talking, we louisiana will lose a football field worth of land. A Google Google mapl cannot evn keep up. It will show you land and its open water. So if you ever gone fishing in the gulf, youre watching your radar rightar there. They think youre about to hit something, and it just opened up. Te that land is melted away. The maps cannot keep up. What is at risk. Horn Gas Production. I mentioned that. But ill just production does not do it justice. All of this reminds an Energy Infrastructure that benefits not just louisiana, benefits the entire country. This the way a look at it im a physician. If your body needs energy, so does our modern economy. To the degree that we have oil and gas, jet fuel, plastics, resins, natural gas, coming of the country, is principally comes from here. To the degree that we support jobs rated by exporting burning natural gas around the world. To replace coal and say, china. So hopefully they have fewer emissions blowing over into the United States. It disproportionately comes from this gulf coast. This is what is sustained and this is what is at risk if we dont invest in coastal resiliency. Pipelines, refineries, oil export sites, natural gas considers. Processing abilities and liquefied natural gas exportation. The Strategic Petroleum reserve and enforce like or push on that keep the gulf r economy running. Now again the infrastructure is based off of the coast of louisiana. Without flood protection rebuilding, this critical part of the American Economy is not to mention the funding stream for the right american outdoors act. It remains exposed and at risk. Again these arent just number some of these are people. There is 375,000 jobs directly ttied to oil and gas industry across the gulf states. Does not include this jobs are secondary there just because of the oil and gas energy stimulating demands on the goods and services. It does not stop. There. The structure being threatened. Somebody from kansas, iowa and missouri and nebraska might be saying i dont do well at all in the Great American outdoors act rated but is it and tried huds to help with what senator grassley is talking about. But your commodities around the world and the port system is based on the gulf coast. And this shows that. After hurricane katrina, and apart system in louisiana was so damaged. This is whatom happened to the export of commodities from the heartland. There down 23 percent. Week 54 percent, sewing 25 percent. An expert down 24 percent. Those are just numbers. Those are families who suddenly are struggling because they thought they had the budget worked out. And now their exports are down 100 percent. That lower louisiana and mississippi port system, is the reason that we can shift our brains around the world at competitive prices relative to other countries. And without that system, our farmers are disadvantaged. It isnt just advocating for coastal resiliency for my state because some of those communities to be reserved. For the Energy Infrastructure which we arrived from among other things. And theyre also vital a to the livelihoods of these farmers and their families and their economies in these and states and if we dont protect that system by investing coastal resiliency, dave lives will be affected. Investing in coastal resiliency protects those. And with severe claimants and hurricanes. And can be done. I mentioned earlier about how invest a littleli bit on the frt coming is a billions of the backend. Recently put up a new hud system. And they putted up after a flood which a major portion of their area. Then they subsequently had another high water events pretty 10000 homes that wouldve flooded, did not flood. Because of that new floodwall read when vested in costa rica resiliency, federal taxpayers to the National Flood Insurance Program saved millions nearly hundreds of millions. More importantly, lives were saved and communities were saved. And of vibrant Community Workers go offshore to fund the Great Americans act were able to pick upio and continue with the lives without distraction. Im speaking of louisiana. Think of the in coastal areas across the United States. So investing in coastal resiliency protects all of these endeavors. Im not saying to take any money away from the Great American outdoors act rated the coastal amendment does not touch a time of the billions going to the parks. I am asking is some revenue scope to save the lives and livelihoods of hall of these people, 42 percent of americans who live in the coastal communities. Instead, spend it all in parks. Potholes, broken toilets pretty ive heard the arguments. If you fix that, youre wasting time. And you save more money down the road. And i test that argument. If we do something for the coastal resiliency number most if not just a leaky roof we say budgets aluminum money, we save a community, we save lives. We save lots of money. I recently spoke to some, we have parishes. On another call with a hundred different business leaders. In the coastal parishes and counties, and whats unfair. Again if you live in a coastal area, and generates the billions being spent in the right american outdoors act. The senate is passing a bill saving more money on vacation spots than protecting your home jobs and environments. It is not just the louisiana coast. Im a friend who lives in california. He told me i visited him a couple of years tony said water is coming up, flooding buildings that never had before. Its showing you the coastal resiliency investment can work. Apparentlyn the smell the millin year building firms to provide from these events. First coastal resiliency can work. Eain the beach and requiring moe of the beach to build those berms. To protect those buildings. That is just seal the end of each. Should you than he can be effective but also that itls is needed. I walked along those islands of georgia. Im struck. I couldnt afford them. Because high tides are higher now. Threatening this foundation of buildings. This bill will invest nothing to protect the beaches, the outdoors or people live. I am told that the army corps of engineers, this is hearsay. True but is a reliable source. 3. 5 million floodgates to protect the miami harbor. Ive also read that Property Values are declining on miami beach because of sea levels rise of the people who are insuring them may be purchasing, pray that they will be inundated by rising sea levels. They have homes elevated 12 1o the threat their new environment to date desires to those who live in the beach. And it reminds me, a picture that i saw in venice italy. When i used to have shops on the ground floor but now the ground floors are empty because sea levels has risen flooding has extended and now theres such regularity of flooding, the venice no longer uses the ground floor. Were not medicine were not built in the middle of the marsh we are built 42 percent of us limit coastal parish. This is a threat. It does not take 2020 hindsight we can see this will happen. They already hear the army corp. Of engineers coming to this pretty we seek Property Values declining. Floodwalls bengals. The senate good be investing in the coastal resiliency. Rashly generating the funds in louisiana the Great American outdoor act. Where fixing potholes in parks instead. We will visit not investing in coastal resiliency where they live. What is a coastal amendment to do. Nationwide benefits. Let me repeat it, and does not take a sign away from the Great American outdoors act rated there was busy billions going for the parks pretty but what this does do is a sense money to spend on coastal resiliency where people live pretty and ensures the stability of the sym and the role of mississippi. And the texas because. We relate disproportionately do not benefit. Everybody wins. Your statewide california and North Carolina than is really well under the Great American tloutdoors act may get money to your coastlines. Rubbing president ial point were just trying to use something to help create coastal resiliency on the parishes and counties of 42 of the American People leave as opposed not spending a dime to help protect them. Mr. President , at the beginning of this beat speech, but the coastal amendment, hundreds of functionally work. Thises amendment removes the gap the amount of money that states received from Energy Production on the outer continental shelf. This for the gulf of Mexico Energy security act. Thereby generates more money for states like louisiana. By raising this gap, and puts more money into the current fund for thent lead water conservatin fund. But under the Great American outdoors act, the land and Water Conservation fund getting an additional 900 million p a year in perpetuity, automatically congress has no role over that. Any dollars and when additionally go to them, above the hundred 25 million they currently receive, what it said go to a coastal fund. And it would help resiliency in all of our coastal states. I cant cite other states would spit it but in louisiana, our state constitution requires that we get money from the revenuesharing way in louisiana dedicate these funds turning the tide against land loss to preserve our wonderful and ecologically diverse wetlands, which also on the effects of hurricanes. So my sake will why should anybody get this right is federal land. Theres actually a cap on the amount of revenue in the gulf states received from oil and gas revenues from oil and Gas Production and federal land off the coast. Limits the amount we can receive. There is no such limit in any other state. Be on federal land in new mexico, he is a 50 percent of the total generated. I think a red lester that new mexico got 1. 5 billion from a shared resources within mexico. I think louisiana got 95 million. 1. 5 million, but if. They got because we dont pretty where funding 90 percent on the outdoors act in their funding function. Now you know why might parish presence feel the anger that the needs of her managing coastlines are totally ignored. Not just ours. Those of every coastal parish. 42 percent of americans live, and are wondering do we care more about parks than people. We can care about parks, should we also care about people. This is not into the base bill, the past with bipartisan support. Does not make any money or take any money away from the billions going to public parks in the Great American outdoors act. It is make any money away from buying more land of the western states. Im trying to do is to bring equity into this equation. By directing dollars to all coastal states including the great lakes states. Senators from both sides now represent states, doesnt matter whether you are from a coastal state. You are recognizes wise Public Policy. Also minute, i suggest inserting the coastal amendment into the Great American outdoors act and into the base bill. In the coastal act was originally written the senator from alabama had bipartisan support in the Energy Committee from senator angus of maine. Since the coastal amendment has been modified in democratic colleagues from rhode island, a state rarely threatened by rising to see levels, they suggested that we create revenuesharing from an endure jeep. We see the offshore window would be a significant source of electricity for states like rhode island and massachusetts, and other states. We went to use revenuesharing from offshore wind energy to also contribute to customer resiliency. Additional dollars coming from the gulf coast, butat ultimately will be the north and south combined with the benefits from all of the coastal states whether they were in the north ,or south. Where ever you live in the coastline, including great lakes, you would benefit from the coastal act into the Great American outdoors act. All i can say is i would like to think that the senators, republicans and democrats alike, lives in jobs and productions, Great American outdoors act if you dont give a 20 about the coastal area. At least youd be concerned about the funding. If we only investment people vacation, instead of investing in coastal resiliency, we do a disservice to the states this coastal states were 80 percent of americans live. By the way, make enough Common Ground on issues of the environment. Earlier today Great American outdoors act, from from colorado, said that they want conservation. And were on opposite sides of this issue but if youre from their stay, you better get into a real shut up because they do a good job your state. I feel good about the my stated louisiana but that you can feel good about the job they did for your state. Then i would add that i think that senator cartersville my amendment Work Together on important issues of conservation and environment. I am told that 800 Environmental Groups support analysis pretty dont want any changes. I find that hard to believe. Is there really an Environmental Group out there who o doesnt wt coastal resiliency. They havent looked at the devastation of these different hurricanes print and doesnt recognize that taking care of the environment is essential. Rsam sure that if you full as 800 grams and sent additional dollars on this coastal parishes were americans live, they would stand up. If you put in that they will support this bill. The odds of these Environmental Groups because they claim that they incentivize the drilling printer that were spending money and revenuesharing program funded by oil and gas. But neither can say that their arguments and sound of the window. The Great American outdoors act as exact same funding towards the mesa. And it is in support of all of the antelope by a mental Environmental Groups because they want to take care ofe parks pretty well i want to take care of people. Site also want to take care of your parks but my First Priority is that the working families, they would wake up everyday and struggles to make ends meet, and also child have a Better Future than they, that they learn this type water is coming and they going to be flooded. And that their future is flooded away. I care about that family. When the senate should care about that family. We should not care for f parks, when we care for people. The coastal amendment supports the environment. It goes directly toiv coastal resiliency initiatives. They include recovery, supporting the westland dispirited and not at odds with environmentalists. As i say, every environmentalist is going to support these wet linerestoring the wetlands of louisiana. That we are allowed it to support that coastal environment. But people who live along the coast, and the coastal systems and the ecosystems would make our homes special. His wife i look at the martians in louisiana and to be there just this beautiful grizzly bear in the pine tree in the majestic mountain. That is all part of gods creation. If we dont let it wash away. This is more than potholes. And more than that they keep toilets and roots. Let it being here in 50 years if we do not act now. We spend billions on the environment for people vacation. But not anything on the environment where they live. Heres where we are in this debate. We have established the number 80 percent of all americans live in coastal states. This tends to benefit very little from the Great American outdoors act. If you live in the beach of North Carolina, he went around the people in the rocky or National Park so they have a little bit more courage but your home is the one that is being washed away. Your taxes are going up because they have to be bigger garment every year. Im glad you 70 is getting money by the way. I love it. But on the other hand, that does not happy with the taxes re the value getting. Youre beginning to wonder, you see a picture of venice, your home will like that in 25 years. The major investment of your life. And guess what its a regularly thin it uses all of its value. Weve established that most of the company lives in coastal stasis and benefit very little from the Great American out our act. Coastal resiliency, needs to death. In hurricane katrina. Billions of Economic Activity relief establish the both the coastal amendment in the Great American outdoors act helped the environment. They really do. In the coastal amendment to the graded market outdoors i can address equity. He will be the billions of the Great American outdoors act. Somewhat a quality that im proposing for the customer resiliency of 42 percent of the americans and british and the billions going to the parks where people vacation. Police there us some money going for coastal resiliency where most americans live. From where i am standing including the coastal amendment in the Great American outdoors act as a winwin. The Great American outdoors act, passes the funding and address the needs of the National Parks. In the funding for coastal resiliency. Has bipartisan support. Democrats and republicans come together on this. The cause is just pretty if you think about that family. It causes is just. The support is there. But the ability is to vote on it is not. It would not allow this to come to the floor and included in the package. This is a disservice to the 82 percent of this country that lives in coastal states. And faced the threats of hurricanes and flooding. Im asking the senate do with founders envisioned us doing. Consider ideas pretty vote on this. Try and expand ourselves upon our narrow interests. And think about all americans. Not just those mercks live in your state. Put people before parks. Lets nott say, 2020 hindsight, we really should have invested this coastal resiliency. The price tag not to doing s so. Instead,st we going to make E Investments now. Because we see it can save millions if not billions of dollars. I only speak of dollars, sometimes i just think we take lives for granted. We should invest in coastal resiliency muscle to protect our lives in this families in those features. I hope we will include this burden i hope the idea will be considered. Its bipartisan and it will pass. I appreciate the opportunity to speak about something thats very important to me. Many of the gulf coast is paying for the bill. And its not getting a fair shake. All msps of the underlying this bill spend money on this on resiliency products and we dont spend billions later on florida and recovery. And perhaps thousands of funerals. It deserves a vote. It protects so manyct and takes nothing away from the Great Americans outdoors act. We care about people and parks. We dont care about just where we vacation. We wish toag protect thats whee we live. Contact your senators. Ask them what they think. Is it appropriate for our country spend billions on rfvacation spots. Sharp wonderful vacation spots suspended nothing to prevent flood and devastation. Scripture says to build your home when shifting sand, the house will collapse. It is better to build on a firm foundation. I would also add much more we have built this funding on the shifting sand. The literals shifting sand by the louisiana coastlines with a smaller since i began to speak. By the about the size of a football field. That shifting sand supporting that infrastructure wishes shifting out into the gulf, not just like this line, but also the ability to pay for the Great American outdoors act pretty soon a month 42 percent of the americans who live in the coastal parishes and counties, they should care about that. I hope others join my coalition. I call this to be included in the underlying amendment. Allamerican should consider this a call the coast home. I think it needs to be considered for the good of america. Thank you mr. President. [silence]. [silence]. On it congratulate my colleague, he complemented the chair. This occurred in the 1930s. During the Great Depression read when everyone was worried about a job. Everyone is worried about our country. And the of North Carolina and in tennessee appropriately to their state 2 legislatures, 2 million each. And then John Rockefeller junior, heard about the effort and he said i will get 5 million if the states will matches. So we had for, two from North Carolina and two from tennessee. And then they set out to raise another Million Dollars in the race that from schoolchildren. The collected pennies and dimes and quarters. And in the depression to create the right Smoky Mountain National Park. At this time, what did the people tennessee and North Carolina do. And given to the of United States of to everybody enjoying it. I believe i voted every single time that the coastal states have been decimated by a hurricane. The senator from louisiana talked about 685 billion. I didnt say, as the senator from tennessee, you know, we dont have a coast. We dont have an ocean. Wasnt us. Hurricanes dont come here. Dont charge me. We gladly paid our share of the bill because were part of one country. Were part of one country. That was for people, right . 685 for people who were hurt, not just paid for by people who live on the coast, but by people who live in colorado, and iowa and places where there is not a coast, because were one country. So the idea that we should only favor those items that come just from our state is not a very good argument for coastal resiliency. Because if the senator from louisiana wants to bring that bill up based on the argument he made, why should anybody who doesnt live 0 on a confident vote for it. I voted for it in the committee because i thought it was an important issue even though we dont have a coast. So while hes a very skillful senator, hes doing a good job of talking for his state, but he is a missing the point. And his other point is, lets add it to this bill. Well, the senate floor is littered with bills that never made it through here because they got loaded down with too many good ideas. Theres a train thats likely to get to the station. Lets load it up. And what happens . It just cellulose down and after a while it just slows down and after a while nothing happens. People have said, if i dont get what i want, im not for anything. Thats why the land and Water Conservation fund has never been permanently funded. This is an idea that Congress Passed in 19 he 1964. In 1985 and 1986 i was chairman of the commission on americans outdoors and it looked at what should we do in the Great American outdoors. We didnt say the great tennessee outdoors, the great louisiana outdoors, the great Colorado Outdoors the Great American outdoors. We said, what is can we do so our children and grandchildren can enjoy what weve enjoyed . The people of wyoming arent the only ones who enjoy yellowstone or the people of montana. Three million or four Million People a year go to a western park like that. They travel from all over the country to look at that. When i look at the great smokies in football season, when we play l. S. U. , those tigers arrive on tuesday. The game is not until saturday. Why do they come . Because they want to go to the great smoky National Park. They like it and we like to have them we like to have them there. So the point, though, was that sometimes you have a good idea and if you add one more good tied a piece of legislation, it sinks the whole ship. That would be the case here. The senator from louisiana is talking about a very big idea. What do we do about revenue sharing from oil and gas revenues and coastal resiliency and Climate Change we didnt say too much about Climate Change, but if its sea levels rising, its probably because of Climate Change. So maybe we ought to think about that, too. My guess is that some senators will say, all right, lets talk about a moratorium on oil and gas drilling. Lets talk about a favorer share a fairer share. 90 of the drilling in alaska goes to alaska. 50 of the drilling in wyoming goes to wyoming. 27 of the drilling three miles off the coast of louisiana goes to louisiana. If its in the federal lands beyond three miles, 37. 5 is split up among four states. Well, that is the area where the oil comes from, but that land belongs to all 46 states. So we could have a pretty good debate about that, about the moratorium. Then somebody will say, what about the oceans . The oceans deserve some of the care that comes from drilling from the oceans, drilling in the water. If we got into a moratorium on oil and gas drilling, adding the oceans, changing revenue sharing, theres no more difficult issue in the United States senate than to adjust and say, well, louisiana get 2 , maybe it ought to go to 40 . Alaska gets 90, maybe wyoming should go up to 90 . No more difficult than that to deal with. It sunk a lot of bills to bring that up. I remember the member of the congregation that was disappointed becausest preacher only preached a verse from luke, the gospel of luke. You cant preach the whole bible in one sermon. We cant pass every good idea in one bill. In fact, we got two bills together here that are by themselves about enough to stop the train before it get to the station. Everybody here knows that its been since 1964 that people have tried to pass the land and Water Conservation fund funding, even though the idea money from an environmental burden, thats drilling offshore, for an environmental benefit, thats to let states and the federal government by land thats treasured, as senator daines from montana says, 80 of the access, good fishing from montana, comes with land and Water Conservation fund money. So that bill has been a long time. And then how long have we tried to fix the National Parks and the boat ramps in the wildlife refuges and the roads in the National Forests and the indian schools, which are in shambles in many cases . Decades. Weve been going and using up our parks and our public lands, and we havent been maintaining it. Now you again, you dont just go to get to go to the public land in kansas if youre from kansas or to the great smokies if youre from tennessee or North Carolina or to yellowstone if youre from wyoming or montana. All of gus to that. And weve all of us go to that. And weve let them run down. Thats about people. Here we are in this big covid19 crisis. What does everybody want to do more than anything else . Get outdoors, get out of the house. Here you are all cooped up with grandma and other people. The people who go to the open spaces are the people that live on the coast. Were glad for them to have it. When they go, they dont want a bathroom that doesnt work, a Visitor Center thats in shambles, they dont want a pothole in the road or trail thats worn down. Theyd like to have place they could enjoy and is it good shape and go home. I think about the campground in the chilhowee mountains. Its been close to three years because the sewage system doesnt thats at least 500 families that dont get to take the opportunity do that. Im sympathetic to the senator from louisiana. He is one of our most able senators and hes making a very forceful argument for a real problem coastal resiliency. But i dont buy this idea that just because this bill doesnt fix that problem we should jeopardize this bill. Think about it. Weve got the president of the United States, who personally it interested in this bill. His secretary of interior came down to tennessee to see me two and a half years ago. Its the First Administration that said, were going to look at the money we get from Energy Exploration and after we give some to louisiana and after we give some to wyoming and after we give them to alaska and the other coastal states, were going to take half of whats left for five years and use it to fix all those things that need to be fixed in our national treasures. I said, okay, if the president is going to support it and his office of management and budget is is going to be the first office of management and budgettoa how money to be spent in that way, im going to get behind it. And then i came up here appeared fell into some pretty good company. The senator from colorado, the senator from montana, senator warner from virginia and senator portman from ohio were already working on the subject, senator king of maine, senator heinrich, senator cantwell washings involved in and water. It became clear if we didnt put these two bills together, neither of them would pass. They if they didnt go together, neither of them would pass. So we consulted with all of the people in the senate who were working on this, and there wasnt complete agreement. There are a umin of senators who have other amendments there are a number of senators who have other amendments they would like to have, senators whom i greatly respect and whose amendments i would probably support by the one. As we consulted with more than 800 groups, the sportsmen, anglers, the Environmental Groups, we all agreed that our only chance to get both bills was to put them together, say to the senate, lets vote on it, lets send it to the house and see if theyll vote on it and after 60 years of trying maybe we can get a good result. I think thats why we got 80 votes the first time this came up on a procedural vote. 79 the second time is came up. A number of senators have gone home tonight because this is a latenight vote and the reason were having a latenight vote is because those who agree with senator cassidy have insisted on taking the maximum amount of time. That is their right to do. So were here. And if we succeed tonight, then well have three votes on monday. All of which are very important votes. So were close toest going this train to the station. Senator cassidy has made an eloquent appeal to add an idea that is good but an item that is big and complex and deserves its own day in the senate, just as it came through our Energy Committee on which i sit and he sits and i voted for it at that time. But we just cant add it to this bill and get this train to the station. Now, thats thats the fact of the matter. So as much as i respect him and his ideas, i would hope that he and others who agree with him would say, look, this is our one chance to get this kind of funding to make our National Parks and all the rest of our public lands the boat ramps, the trails, the roads, the sewage our one chance to begin to fix the maintenance over a fiveyear period of time instead of 10, 15, 25 years or never. Its our one chance to do that. And im sure its our one chance to get the land and Water Conservation fund permanently funded, as congress agreed to do in 1964 and as president reagans commission on americans outdoors, which i chaired in 1985 and 1996, recommended as its numberone priority. So lets not try to preach the whole bible in one sermon. Weve got two good big ideas. Together they make the most important piece of conservation legislation in a halfcentury. You say, well, senators are always exaggerating. I dont try to exaggerate too much and i defy anyone to point to a bill that does more. Weve been working on land and water since 1964. I know this deferred maintenance has been building up for a long, long time. It is the single biggest problem that our National Parks have. I would think that 95 of the American People would wonder why we cant pass it in five minutes. There are a lot of good ideas here. If you led to them all up on one wheelbarrow, the wheelbarrow collapses and the train doesnt get to the station. I snow the senator from keep at it. I am on the same committee he is. I voted for his idea before. I think it deserves its day in the sun, and i will help him do that, but i would like to ask him to help us finish the job here on the most important piece of conservation legislation, and i would want him to know that those l. S. U. Tigers are always welcome in the great Smoky Mountains even if we bought it and paid for it and gave it to the whole country p. I thank the president and i yield the floor. The presiding officer the clerk will call the roll. Quorum call mr. Alexander mr. President , i ask unanimous consent that the quorum call be vitiated. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Alexander i ask consent that when the senate completes its business today, it adjourn until 12 01 a. M. , friday, june 12. Further, following the prayer and pledge, the morning business be deemed expired, the journal of proceedings be approved to date, the time for the two leaders be reserved for their use later in the day, and that morning business be closed. Finally, upon the conclusion of morning business, the senate resume consideration of calendar number 75, h. R. 1957. The presiding officer is there objection . Without objection. Mr. Alexander if there is no further business to come before the senate, i ask that it stand adjourned under the previous order. The presiding officer the te

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