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Macbook tv continues now on cspan2. Television for serious readers. This week center for Public Affairs Virtual Event we bring to florida congressman matt gaetz for it is currently seing his second term in the u. S. House speaker of representatives. Hes mayor of the Armed Services committee and House Speaker judiciary committee. His work in cgress focuses on social security, Veterans Affairs and adherence to constitutional principles. During todays conversation congressman gates discusses his new book, firebrand a book is quoted as saying is your invitation for the frontlines of our fights. Join me with ideas, energy, images and stories. This is not my chronicle logical die watch on television for that. This is how you prevail with joy and now enjoy and chant invite you to enjoy our Virtual Program from the air force one pavilion oval office. With congressman matt gaetz and executive director john heubusceubusch. Student congressman matt gaetz, welcome too the reagan library. I wish we had you here and not socially distance as you are on a different coast. But what a terrific book. Congratulations. Think of so much as a joy writing it. It was particularly joy to participate in a vibrant movement in our politics today. Whether what is on the political right or the political left we see is life energy, passion and enthusiasm. Ask ledgers flecked on my perspective. I think i read in the book you love sports, you like baseball. When i was a kid i was into baseball a lot. There is a book that cannot be read it or know it. The book was called ball four. I dont know if you are familiar with it. I dont a few can redo the excerpt. Remind me so much of him in the bookou have written. E good look inside the professional spos tm covering the off the field sidef baseball life cluding obscene jokes, drunken tom cutting o the players, routine drug use, provide boutin himself un its publication baseball commissioner calledall for detrimental to baseball and tried to force boutin to sn the statement saying everything was fictional. Boutin refused. This is so were flushing heres a person of congress who puts himself out there and writes the truth of what is actually seen. Rather than the usual stuff we see. The fearlessness especially with younger members like yourself. Thank you for that. I laid there the experiences i have had in congress. Frankly, washington remains a deeply corrupt place where people have to pla a jump pay for committee assignments, leadership opportunities to have an upward mobility within the institution. While i have great reverence for Public Service as a profession, my father was a public servant. My grandfather was a public servant. I believe its noble to choose to serve your neighbors in your community. I view the noblest profession is bearing a striking to the oldest profession the way more and more politicians are exchanging money for favors. Its why i am the only republican in the congress now have sworn off donations for all Political Action committees. I dont how a member of congress could take money from pacs and then tell their constituents they are not strings attached. Of course there are. Far too many in Congress Hand of their calendar off to the lobbyists on k street. And they hand their voting card to the leadership. Theyre kind of along for the ride. I believe President Trump is so different in his approach to washington that he create some oxygen create some space for nontraditional members like myself to choose a different way to serve. For me that is lotta commentary in the media. As in the digital space. Theres the normal gladhanding and elbow rubbing that you see with a different generation and washington. Have you ever had any comparisons made to you, congressman, kind of the weight Newt Gingrich was in his backbencher days. I think Leonardo Dicaprio more than Newt Gingrich. No, i think that a certain effort to reform. Some of the practices that really lit into the play for washer to. When you write a tell all about congress usually not still in congress. Thats a little dferent about my book. I am still there these people are still my cleagues. Think to address the generational challenges that we face, when the on the right, the left, i do think issues like immigration, how we deal digal platforms, the environment and Climate Change. These are generational challenges. They will require aittle bit of the political realignment. I dont think retreating to our corners for republican versus democrat is all that productive. Thats why writing the book about some of my friendships like alexandria cossey of cortez, katie hill i think sometimes you do need to listen to one another. There coul be many things you can agree on i want to ask you in the minute about aoc, katie hill, you cover them bh in your book very well. Are you a natural born politician . I know your dad was a politician are you a natural born politician who has figured out h to achieve celebrity status in the socl media age . Or maybe its the converse. Natural born like ronald reag youre like a great acr whose figured out how to make it wk in politics. I started in the state legislature for it i write about being idealistic 26yearold who thought i could contribute to a new generation of Republican Leadership i got a chance to serve an amended number of capacities there. I think my first passion is policy. Ensuring that we actually put the policies in place that can lift up all americans. I do believe that you have to animate those policies with a certain showmanship. They convinced members of congress to, and the middle of the night go to the floor and give the roaring ovations to empty rooms. Normal people think that be a sign of mental illness. Thats how we move people up in congress. Got to be on television on the radio sharing a passion thats why think i dont firebrand when i try to do wh my service bird you think there is a mt gates formula for how much a minute of media equates to in terms of value. It seems like he wouldve figured that out. There are a number of those algorithms. We try to break it down for me the objective. I want to trip into the discussion or the debate look at people served in t military theres a certain fighting spirit with the military district, why i never went downrange to hear any shots fired in anger with the uniform on. I do belve that same sense of patriotism or even with possible television at times, i write about the decision i have made not just to appear with friendly interviewers but to go on t the view, csn or nbc to the way that pulled my politics near andear to heart. I think its the sign of a healthy democracy to show that we have those disagreements. And they can be interesting and can tell a lot about were trying to bring the country. Weve got to an all of your home games and go 5050 on the road. That acknowledges you do put yourself out there you can sometimes come away from some thosehetorical battles. But i think americas all the better for it. Got it. Would you go so far as to say that congress today, its not the currency of power. It could be, in some parts famous what drives pow in the modern age. Would you agree . Say that i would agree. I think that creates opportunit opportunity. When you say that the people who get to run the place are simply those who have been around the longest, then it creates a hazard. A lot of the ambitious people who want to do something else, leave. So the ones have been around 20, 25, 30 years of the ones congress who is the best they will ever do. I think our country needs to meet these big new challenges. I write that only a full would expect an institution full of octogenarians to go and shave the major challenges that will impact the new generation of americans. I am encouraged by young people wanting to serve whether they are on the right or the left. I think we have the most socially interconnected generation and all of Human History in millennials, coming into more political power. We should do that is a great opportunity to Work Together. We have an environment that will affect us all equally. If we have a country that is forever engaged in unfocused in wars that drains a soul of the nation across any ideological or political spectrum. I think that sense of common destiny creates unity even in a dynamic like you described were at times confrontation can lead too that type of a relative. Thatype o online attention and fame. How has your book gone over with your colleagues in congress . Or do you not really care . It seems like the frankness, you have had the courage to show, it might spell trouble. But i get the sense its not the case anymore. I did not really start with many friends in congress. So i havent missed many that i have lost. When you write a book about congress in cpter one is called and money, you get the attention a few of your colleagues a some challenges with both. Not that eitherhould be in any way discriminated against. Think a plethora of vote should be enjoyed. No one should sell their country out. I dont mind checking republicans when they do the wrong thing. I write in the book about senator richard verso i think you made a really bad mistake when choosing his own pernal benefit and his own stock portfolio. And well over candor the truth of the American People. I will defend democts like katie hill in alexaria cossey or taz. If theyre being unfairl i will attack republicans by believe they are in misleads or what they ought to do for america. I think we need me of that in politics. More of the ability to realize were not two separate teams were indifferent jerseys. We are all wearing the american jersey. We can have different ideas about what plays are but the end of the day with got to get the ball the end zone. Youre in opposite ends of the political spectrum from aoc which you write about. You care to say that you both read the same playbook. Got similar operating styles. She is just as effective on the left and her stylish y are on the right. Be to not do i not only reckon is aop star per i write about how the president does as well. Member donald trump was a guy who quite literally judges o talent competitions. He kno astarte sees what any nosy as a star which is sort of why engages with her at times. I know that shes a socialist but also shes not a sellout. Then theres far too much washington and both parties that believe nothing. They are just vessels which speciainterest operate. If someone is sapir and the beliefs, even if theyre not my beliefs i can find a way to work with someone on a policy issue that will help people. Ioc and i worked together on veteran administration. We searched out veters. Im a very hard time supporting because they are more interested for special interest or an indtry group than they are representing the values they campaign on. I worked on capitol hill the entire years. Want to read it for you. You say i hope to represent them, meeting your constituents, at their desk. But it also represent them at their worst. It reminded me up accomplishment came jeff years on the hill if it is actually a perfect refltion of american society, there are crook drug addicts, brilliant leaders, humanitarian humanitarians. Do you agree with that . I dont hold myself out before my constituentsr the country as aerfect man. I am a flawed man. I think we all recognize that we become a little more excepting. We are able to listen to each other little bit more. We used to believe that politicians had have the perfect family, the perfect background, no scars or scrubs on the recor record. Now we have donald trump as president of the United States. Someone who i think would acknowledge that throughout his life there are times when he is probably fallen short of his own standardbred we all do, right . I think we get rid of that pretense it allows us to be more real, more representative , more connected to our constituents. So yes, there people in florida who at times are interesting and strange and weird stuff. A similar line of the book acknowledge that George Herbert walker bush that he has a quiet man, heres the quiet voices in the country. There strange voices of the country. Thats okay they can do exceptional things. We can be gracious with one another we can contribute to americans destiny. Well put, well put. Back to katie hill extent on the book of interested in the whole story. She was her congresswoman, she represented see valley were the Ronald Reagan library is. She seemed to me a talented and tough operator. I wonder in your mind, shes not the kind of mind mine could folded her tent when things got tough. He happed at the red because the leadership in speaker pelosis were concerned, that she came to that conclusion. As an individual to head home. Of course, cadiz hill circumstance, her husband released private photos theyd taken their deeply embarrassing. She did resign from congress. I eourage her not to i said katie, acknowledge the fact you took some photos that maybe shouldnt have. But you are there to put the people first. And do that. What she said that each and every day she was riddled with anxiety about what next photo or next admission might come out of that form a relationship what surprised me so much, john, of all of the women in the United States congress, there is not one who stepped up to defend her initially. The sisterhood of the translink gent traveling pantsu was not there for one of their own. Even though they wer quite willing toemonize the president for his own misdeeds that then proceed. I just thought it was a human thing t do, to be there for my coworker who was being attacked. Close up writing at the katie hill endvor was not her actions as clutches it w the unwillingness, particularly of her female colleagues to have her back. With her on t leading edge of millennials that entered congress, using the attitude on capitol hill that time goes by with what you just described . I would definitely say the younger members of congress are more connected to one another than the older members of congress are. I think that at times environment that is not embraced term limits allows these longstanding grudges to paralyze our country. Somebody said something to somebody 12 years ago another wont Work Together on legislation or budgeting or appropriations. We grew up sharing every weird hallowing costume therein, every instant hot cake we had on someone elses social media posts. Then theres kind of inability to come back together, reformulate the human bonds that are important to all of us. I think we can tackle some of those challenges. I think the challenges we have to face are very different for my generation. I dont think the baby boomer has quite the tackle, the omnipresence of digital platforms that we will have to tackle them. And how that affects peoples lives. The debate about Climate Change in my mind should be over. My generation is dealing with the reality of a changing climate. And how that impacts people. I think we can get past some of the old dogmas move forward in progress it is very utilitarian. Sure. You have a chapter thats called to parties one scam. You cover a lot of issues in there. But im wondering from the republicans perspective, are there any replicans left in the house or senate that give a damn about the federal deficit . It just seems like the republicansave lost their way on spending. Im stunned having served in the ragged Administration Like that to see no one really focusi on that. Theres no disnguishing between the two parties anymore. It seems great and i wrong . Guest our friend rand paul has a great sync it with the democrats are part of the republicans are conservative party and when the republicans there is no conservative party. Oftentimes the things we campaign on become inconvenient when people are trying to govern. I think that frankly is because of the central interest. Theres not a strong peschel intrinsic presence in washington d. C. To reduce spending. All of us can agree to increase spend because in the pie is bigger to all get their snouts down into. Also theres not really big special interests effort forever wars. These create Fund Opportunities for little accountability. Theres not a big special interests push to them legal immigration. Democrats see illegal immigration as political power for them. A lot of big businesses who support republicans through illegal immigration is an opportunity to keep wages down for americans. A number of these issues is not really republicans against democrats. Its the unipart its the establishment thathose republicans and democrats are wiing to adhere to. So the worst elements of washgton going to impoverish our towns wit trade deals that spilled thelood of our patriots without a clear understanding of what victory looks like an establishment that would fundamentally change america with uncheed illegal immigration. Thats a lot to play against is the populace fight in washington. You just mentioned the endless wars. I have to say congressman of all the chapters in the book, man that would put of the heartstrings. Fill in your gut theres nothing more important than that. I remember matt gates rules and when you should go t war versus when you shouldn. I think we have been trading the same villages backandforth in afghanistan for 19 years at great cost to our country, to our people. And i would say to they are absolutely times and we need to go fight when its just as necessary. One of the reasons im so grateful president rgan enshrined in republican ideology the notion of having a big, strong, Capable Military ready to vanquish any foe when necessary. I worry about sort ofhe Permanent Police state that is become far too acceptable to the establishment of washington. Im President Trumps had built the board pretty trump in the post and took out soleimani would take a albaghdadi venting at the leader of al qaeda on the arabian peninsula. You dont try to move into their home for 20 years with the hopes of realigning their world. And i think that is what the obama, bush failed doctrines. Made a few more minutes i went to turn to the elections for they are everyones mind and yours as well n doubt. In some respects congressman, do y see this upcoming, President Trump social media capability and strength, the ability to reach out and touch individual americans vers the mainstream media. I see polder potable realignment because initially united by president reagan. When president reagan ran, he believed that the Republican Party could get bigger by attracting democrats, independents andhere would be a new coalition in america will be a deeply patotic one. And when that would assuredly win against the soviet threat. In america now, i think President Trump is leading the next great realignment. We would not invade everywhere, invite across our border. Wed impoverish every town or country with trade deals. I thinkn a way this election represents how the political geographic map is changing. How the ideogical spectrum is changing. And how some of the Core Principles of the party are different now than in that neil libertarian ds of the Republican Party that followed after president reagan. Sue and i bet you believe President Trump to when this upcoming election. Even if he wins, four years from now hell be off on his way to do somethi else, will matt gates be a different kind of congressman without a President Trump . I cannot imagine serving in a world where President Trump was not there to greet the new pack for the firebrands. To bring ideas forward. The number country men and wome women. I do view my service with his. The movement has to live beyond the presidency of donald trump. Whether thats now, or whether i believe the case after he is reelected. Serves the official for years but in doing so nasty more about the manner President Trumps charisma. It has to be about these ideas and how we will taken America First ideology and apply that to fix our environment, to confront china. To have the right sized Foreign Policy that ensure we rescue the American Economy with rising wages for generations to come. It would be a failure that i there are people who are in politics see him as deeply enduring with respect to Hunter Bidens laptop and the rest of that you get the sense the mainstream media. Digital platforms did not want to prevent acts that allow the country to analyze and come up with their own conclusions. They want to be the judge, jury and executioner of arbitrating the truth. And that is problematic for us. I do believe the media should focus more on these International Corruption issues. But at the end ofhe day i think voting is a bit of a selfish act. They look at the candidates and they say who is going to fight for me . What will make my life better . I think at the present and the closing days of the election focuses on way in which americans sought rising wages of Capital Investment the business where they worked or expansion of world an opportunity he will win over those undecided who disproportionally vote for him the 2016 election. I think the 2016 folks saw Hillary Clinton as a defender of a corrupt datas quote. Donald trump whether they like to merge difrent likes and they saw something different, disruptive to the status quo. I think is this place that you see a similar dynamic. Joe biden who someone whos been in the washington scene for 47 years. Donald trump is still somebody working to change the way that town works. I hope President Trump is reelectede wont spend three years trying to delegitimize his victory. Instead will work on issues or if common cause of people across the political spectrum on confronting china, realigning trade, looking at infrastructure for our people and for our country. Those things could unite even a divided government. If we get rid of the canceled culture on this desire to delegitimize our president , just maybe beget animate some policies for the better of our country. When speaking of china predi covered in your book if china re not a chance trump is not reelected will china crush us because we will go back to the way of brief donald trump . Sweet to both parties and sold the American People of about a shy American Dream. In re have drawn china closer to us tt not become more like us. We have become more vulnerable. And they have preyed on us more. They preyed on us by stealing her intellectual property. By i think the lying to the world about their intentions and the South China Sea with shipping lanes. On the way they try to dominate the region in a really repressive way. And so i think we have to see china with clear eyes. And we stopped trying to build democracy in the middle east we would see china is building skyscrapers and cities and aircraft carriers and again a very reagan approach here is needed. If the see china as a type of threat they could try to reple america in a world that they control, reagan saw how damaging that would be to our country that the soviet union prevailed with that competing worldview. I think the way toompete is to stand up and see him not as a Friendly Workplace challenger they are, but as truly an entity that would makehe wld a left safe and less hospitable place. I hope toake it 258. Im 38 now. I think it is an exciting time in our country with a president who challenges us and wants to do things different. The sentiment donald trump in the white house we have a media towards the interesting preyed them a bias or the political left. The focus on investigations that bring people in detail the story effectively in my four years in congress that is what i have tried to do. Tell the American People what happening. The determination of robert raulerson how that turned out. As were the first to defend the president in the ukraine impeachment. I think i got a prig in record time truth and calling these scandals are what they are in defending a president who is both innocent very helpful to the American People in terms of the policies is implemented. She would let me stand closing congressman this is such a refreshingly honest straightforward tail. President trump is reelected or not you are right, the next book someone can continue to file the journey of ago thought of courage and hearts. Until help succeeds in the future. Guest thank you for doing this in four years let it not be over resume call. Let us enjoy the great beauty of the american library. Thank you for what you do to preserve, what i think was the last great transformation of presidency. One that i think inspired so Many Americans that continue to inspire so Many Americans. I think the more we sort of learn about the connectivity between this reagan movement and the trump movement, i think the more we may learn about how politics on the right could be at its most successful self. Simon look for to seeing you and your congressmen are welcome anytime. Take care. s we have this conversation has in part inspire you to talk with your family and friends. Her some the current nonfiction books according to the bookstore in portland, oregon. 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