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Welcome to the state of American Energy at the anthem, this is quite a different venue from the reagan building downtown where weve done previous state of American Energy events. Being here on stage on the very spot where bob dylan has played gives a whole different field. Americans embrace independence, you see it when we visit polling places and now when we get our energy right here at home. Reducing our nations dependence on Foreign Energy was the stated goal of every one of our last 7 president s. Democrats and republican. These leaders all understood that clean affordable and reliable American Energy serves both as the basis of Economic Growth here at home and security abroad. Now, finally, the United States has achieved this bipartisan goal, the state of American Energy in 2020 is one of leadership, america is the Global Leader and Energy Development, Carbon Emissions reductions and environmental performance. So today im here to talk about 3 things, one, how Americas Energy revolution has benefited americans and the communities that we live in. 2, the risks of Climate Change and how our industry of problem solvers are meeting the challenge and, 3, the choice that is ahead of us and the repercussions that will come if we choose the wrong path. U. S. Energy leadership offers stability in chaotic times and insulates americans from hostile and unreliable suppliers of energy, the Global Benefits of American Natural Gas and oil in International Stage are compelling but if you want to know the true value of Energy Leadership in 2020 you must also zoom in to see benefits here at home. American energy is powering the lives of people across our nation. Today, we are introducing you to men and women from 7 american communities, you learned about some of the leaders during lunch and youll hear more about them later today. Their stories are different but their experiences are similar, American Energy is helping revive the communities, from colorado and new mexico to ohio and pennsylvania, natural gas and Oil Development is energizing economies and improving millions of lives. In new mexico, natural gas fuels the states economy and future generations to the tune of 1 billion every year for state schools. Natural gas and oil help explain why in parts of america that havent seen job growth for decades, you will now see vibrant manufacturing, people moving in, main street is busy again, businesses opening and hiring and more tax revenue for school, police, public work and conservation and so much more that powers modern life. Ive had a chance to visit communities in new mexico, in michigan, in pennsylvania and when people in those areas think of natural gas and oil, they think of real and ongoing changes for the better, goodpaying jobs, lower costs, workers and Reliable Energy, they told us that Energy Infrastructure brought growth and helps convince u. S. Automakers, but these remarkable achievements were no accident, unlock the vast Energy Resources but their as important, in u. S. Today is a net for the first time in 70 years. Capacity and desire and the American People from this industry, we have to serve the facts and growing demand for Affordable Energy and we have to accelerate progress on challenge of Climate Change. Any report of the state of industry should begin with the fact that we accept that calling and that we are meeting it. Every day our industry is focused on lowering emissions on increasing efficiency and our environmental. Bold and obtainable is achievable and Americas Oil Gas and oil industry is committed to innovation and leadership to make those ambitions more than just hopes and dreams, we support legislation to encourage wider use of carbon tax or utilization and storage technology. A breakthrough based on american ingenuity. Whenever we advance new technologies, recuse carbon omissions we take a step forward with other industries to do the same. They are not done yet, our industry now supports million jobs and we are charging ahead. We are fighting for the longterm success, so many more like them. No one should take away what theyve gained. No one can close them off for even more opportunities ahead, whats happening with American Energy today is one of the greatest economic Success Stories of our time and its in americas interest to keep it going. To do that, we must continually develop new and affordable Reliable Energy, that power is americas Economic Growth and we need new infrastructure over the next 15 years, America Needs an estimated 1 trillion in private Infrastructure Development to bring energy from where it is to where it isnt, to help unlock our critical funding, our lawmakers need to adopt new compliance to environment, cut red tape and avoid unnecessary delays, all this only helps strengthen our economy on both ends of the value chain. It ensures our Abundant Energy powers households and trading partners and communities like those i just mentioned. We need lawmakers to end mandates on ethanol that were put in place long ago when our Energy Picture was much different, we also need to ensure ongoing access for safe and responsible Energy Development on land and offshore. We strongly support the usmca trade deal that was approved by the house last month, holds immense possible for our country and our neighbors, tariffs against china and other nations take our country in the wrong direction, while unfair trade practices must be addressed, trade wars block american progress, deescalation is welcome news, american policymakers must get us over the finish line, lets remove trade barriers on both sides and restore Critical Energy expert growth. applause when we speak up on issues like this, we are taking the side of the workers in these communities and we are taking the side of all sectors of the economy that depend on the breath, progress and strength of u. S. Oil and natural gas. Somehow at this very moment of progress, some have made it their cause to stop American Energy development at the extreme we hear promises on the 2020 campaign trail to ban fracking nationwide and forever. Here is a glimpse of that vision, millions of jobs lost, a spike in Household Energy costs, manufacturing downturn, less Energy Security and in the short run a fracking ban would quickly invite a global recession. You dont abolish the most dynamic asset of the worldleading Energy Producer without severe consequences. Its no mystery, foreign leaders hostile to American Interest dont like Americas Energy progress and the advantage it has given to our country. Other countries now have the choice of Reliable Energy from the u. S. Thanks in part to sound policy and the American Innovation of fracking. Banning a face and successful method is part of agenda no matter where it is produced. Nobody wants unhindered development or drilling on all federal land, thats extreme view that exist as caricature, in this Campaign Year n bids to capture leading political momentum we will hear pledges to ban development on all federal land on shore and offshore, i dont for one moment believe that theres a majority in either party for that position, but i dont believe in taking things for granted either. So we must all strongly oppose these proposals. Whether the issue is offshore, fracking or Energy Infrastructure, the false choices will prevail by default unless we answer directly with evidence sharing our stories and those from communities across our country to drive the conversations, the American People make their own choices and we should all remember after all that theres another word for choice when it comes to energy, its called demand. The nation with the largest and most innovative economy in the world runs on affordable, Reliable Energy, the majority of which comes from natural gas and oil. Our mission as an industry start with meeting that rise in demand and doing it responsibly, we are relentless in finding and producing Affordable Energy and just as persistent in reducing our environmental footprint and improving Safety Technology and decreasing emission rates, but we are not finished, api and this industry will continue to lead far and wide. Today u. S. Energy development is safer than its ever been in part thanks to apis worldclass standards from foundational offshore safety to pipeline detection, api standards drive safety, Environmental Protection and sustainability, not only here in the United States but across the world, in fact, setting standards for the natural gas and Oil Operations have been the core program of a api in first 100 years we adopted more than 100 standards. Just how far our efforts reach even though in regions that dont produce natural gas or oil. Its a reminder that our impact extends far beyond that of any single industry or group, every citizen stands to gain when energy is more affordable and produce cleaner here in the United States. Our Energy Future can unite democrats, republicans and independents alike and that is the spirit of everything we do at api, its clear that these issues wont be solved on social media in floor speeches or with political pledges, they deliver very little. It takes hard work to develop Affordable Solutions to meet demand for cleaner energy while addressing the risks of Climate Change but together we can do it. Wherever the future of energy is at stake, whenever, people doubt the value of natural gas and oil, wherever our commitment to worker safety and environmental safety is questioned, youre going see api making our case. We are ready to work together, we may not agree on every detail but on the big issues, we are far more in common than you think, like our nation it defines in moment and focus on cleaner planet has never been greater. We are eager to accelerate and to spend next 100 years to innovate and create Better Future for all of us. Our industrys mission is societys mission, thats energy for progress. Thank you very much. music music music applause the u. S. Commission on International Religious freedom holds a hearing to discuss u. S. Foreign policy and antisemitism. Watch live today. Online on cspan. Org or listen live on the free radio app. Natural gas and oil Industry Experts along with Discovery Channel series dirty jobs host mike row he participated on a discussion in the 2020 outlook at a conference in washington, d. C. This is 45 minutes. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our future of energy panelists, general president of Labors International union of north

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