Testify on capitol hill about the coronavirus outbreak and the federal response. The acting commissioner for customs and Border Protection mark morgan subcommittee. Questions commissioner morgan on building the wall on the southern border carrying from migrants in cbp custody and stopping Illegal Drugs coming over the border. We will come order. Today we welcome the acting commissioner of u. S. Cuss thomastom customs and Border Protection mark morgan. Thank you for being here today. We look forward to go etting your perspective on cbp priorities and requirements for fiscal year 2021. The fiscal year 2021 in discretionary funding for cbp. Above the current year level. Border barriers and an increase of 625 million, over the current year appropriation for nearly 88 of the total fy 2021 increase for cbp overall. I have obvious concerns about spending another 2 billion on Additional Border barriers. But aside from any debate we might have about them, this administration continues to circumvent the will of congress, by diverting billions of dollars above what congress specifically appropriates for this activity. The house bill was simply not, does simply not include this funding. Even more to the point however is that the funding cbp proposes for border barriers would crowd out other investments that we all agree are high priority. For instance, it is unclear how many cbp officers are funded or even sustained in the proposed budget. Congress has funded over 2,000 additional officers over the last two years, but your budget does not analyze any of the positions. At the same time, you propose funding to annualize support for Border Patrol agent, positions that were specifically not funded by congress. What explains this mismatch in budgeting . You and i have spoken about the specific challenges you and cbp face. I am committed to improving our security, at and between the ports of entry, at facilitating trade and travel. But we must do it in a way that is consistent with our national values, and commitment to those in need. We must get the balance right. And so far, that is not happening the way it should. Specifically, i remain concerned about the treatment of single adults, family, and unaccompanied children, who are apprehended at the border, by the Border Patrol. We must take every effort to ensure that all immigrants are treated with respect and processed in a timely and safe manner. And cbp must work more closely with nonprofit groups who are available to help immigrants both during and after their time in cbp custody. Failure to do so is not only a lost opportunity for migrants in desperate circumstances, it is also a lost opportunity for cbp. For migrants in the mirgs protection Protocol Program or mpp, and those in expedited removal programs who express a fear of return, cbp must ensure meaningful access to counsel. Something that is not happening today. Even though we have repeatedly tried to work with you, to address this issue. For programs that remove or return migrants to countries other than their own, such as mpp and the asylum cooperative agreements, how does dhs ensure they will be protected in the destination country . Cbp cannot simply wash its hands of responsibility for their safety. The u. S. Department has issued, or the u. S. State department has issued advisories, warning against travel to some of these countries. Cbps mission is not limited to detaining and removing migrants from the United States. It also includes ensuring due process for migrants, including the opportunity to seek asylum or other forms of relief. Cbp should be working harder to balance those priorities. So far, cbp and the department have repeatedly erred heavily on the side of expedited removal, making it harder for migrants to seek asylum and gain access to Legal Counsel in the United States. So far, efforts to address concerns about the safety and civil rights of migrants appear to be more of an afterthought, if even acknowledged and addressed at all, by dhs. Additionally, while the department has provided some information to us, on the mpp program, it has provided very little on the new expedited removal programs. We dont even have complete descriptions of how these programs work. Mr. Morgan, responses to our requests for information are not optional. The information we seek is necessary to carry out our constitutional responsibilities. If cbp continues to deny access to information, the committee will have no option but to legally compel compliance through the fiscal year 2021 funding bill. I hope it will not come to that. Before i turn to mr. Morgan for a summary of his written statement, the text of which will be included in the hearing record, let me first recognize our distinguished Ranking Member mr. Fleischmann, for any remarks he wishes to make. Thank you, madam chair woman. Good morning, commissioner morgan. We welcome you to the Sub Committee today sir to discuss the fiscal year 2021 budget request, for customs and Border Protection. Yesterday, sir, we had a productive hearing, with acting secretary wolf. You wont be surprised to hear that a lot of the hearing focused on many of your areas of responsibility and expertise, sir. And everyone was respectful, and i think we had some very productive conversations. We arent going to agree on everything but our nations security comes first, and we should all be very mindful of that mission. Commissioner, your people are literally on the front lines of protecting our borders. And it seems as if every year, it gets harder. I want to thank you, and the men and women who serve with you, for your dedication to this mission. Last year, nearly 900,000 people were apprehended at the southwest border for attempting to enter the country illegally. You had a Record Number of groups comprised of single adults, families, families that didnt fit the Legal Immigration definition of a family, and unaccompanied children. And to be candid, we werent prepared. There was nothing we had ever seen before. The facilities, staffing, and processes, in cbp, and really across the department, were not set up to operate at this capacity. And im sure you saw the ripple effects across your offices in trying to deal with this crisis. So as we embark on another spring season, the budget before us, in my view, includes a very reasonable 2 billion request for continued border wall system construction, significant funding for Technology Procurement and deployment, and ambitious plans for hiring. I am hopeful that we can come together and deliver the resources you have requested and need in order to continue to protect our nation. I know it is possible. Because we were able to come together, and provide 1. 1 billion to the 2019 summer supplemental to provide humanitarian aid, medical care, and relief at the southwest border operations. Further, we were able to come together on agreements on a fiscal year 2020 bill, to provide another 1. 375 billion for the border wall system, as well as funding for technology, processing coordinators, inspectors, trade and travel programs, and all personnel costs. Working together, sir, with my colleagues, i believe we can do it again with this 2021 budget. I look forward to your testimony today. I thank you again for your service. Madam chairman, i yield back. Ms. Granger. Thank you, madam chairwoman, acting commissioner marvin, thank you for coming for the subcommittee today to present the fiscal year 2021 budget. Earlier this week i traveled with deputy secretary of defense david narquist to see firsthand whether the dpigss Border Security has results. And the fourth trip since the crisis and the fourth trip since last year. And during the most recent travels, ive seen three of the four texas sectors, and i also want the president to see the first sections of the new fencing last spring. But no matter what sector station or port of entry visit, im always amazed by the dedication of the people working there, and the Cooperation Among, across duties and assignments. I want to thank you and the men and women of your agencies, who are working tirelessly around the clock every single day to keep our country safe under sometimes almost impossible circumstances. Their commitment is a testimony to how important this mission is. And the Cooperation Among agencies is the best i have ever seen. I would encourage all Committee Members to travel to the borders to see for themselves as i have, to see the great progress the administration has made, hundreds of miles of improved border fencing has been built or under construction, new are under construction, new technologies are being deployed to spot persons coming across our border in time to apprehend them. That was very impressive. And programs asylum claims quickly right at the border. Things that we said from the very beginning that is something that we should work for. Unfortunately, even with these improvements we continue to have a crisis, and youve heard, of course you know the stats, 400,000 people, apprehended at the border in 2018, last year still very high, the most important issue we have is the huge amount, this is in my opinion, the huge amount of Illegal Drugs being carried across our border, and the criminals who are bringing the drugs, and people as well as children across our border. And while the number of illegal crossings are down, were nowhere near the state of number and the monthly numbers are on the rise as we move into spring in good weather. As i was touring the processing facility earlier this year, i saw, this week, i saw for myself how important it is to have the infrastructure in place safely and effectively manage what the next year will bring. You know, my home state of texas has the largest stretch of border. Its always been my priority to make sure the department of Homeland Security has the resources it needs to secure our border, keep our community safe, and ensure the legal trade and travel, this is vital well continue fighting for those resources, we look to you to tell us what you need, and not just assume it is what you need last year or what were doing today. Thank you for your work. Please pass it on. Our good messages to those who work with you. I yield back. I do want to let members know that the orders in which members will be called for questioning will be based on seniority of those present, when the hearing was called to order, alternating between majority and minority members. Also to ensure that everyone has ample opportunity to ask questions. I would ask that each member, to try and stay within the allotted five minutes. Mr. Morgan please begin. Thank you for the opportunity im proud to be here. We work to protect American People to safeguard our borders and enhance the nations economic by facilitating awful trading and travel at and in between the ports of entry on land, the air and water. We will accomplish this through continued innovation enhanced intelligence collection and both in private and public realm. Fy 21 budget includes 15. 6 billion a knit discretionary with our parties focused on enhanced acknowledging infrastructure, both physical and i. T. , as well as personal. As our nation has witnessed, and the human humanitarian crisis the influx of migrant overwhelmed cbp and other Government Agencies and trained our resources. To put this in perspective fiscal year 2019 Enforcement Actions was mention almost 1 million, that is 88 higher than the Previous Fiscal Year. To make matters worse arrivals of families to the borders more than tripled any Previous Fiscal Year on record. This was an unprecedented shift in the democratics we are counting. Cbp facilities were not intended nor design for Holding Families and children in the face of these crisis this administration have made tremendous strides in reversing catch and release, which is a primary perfect enter for families and children who put their lives in the hands of smuggling organizations, who have shown a complete disregard for their safety. The loopholes which allow individuals to use a child as a means to be allowed into the United States has been closed. This administration that policies and International Agreements have enabled cbp to apply consequence or alternative pathway to almost 95 of those who we apprehend, rather than reducing them into the interior of the United States and it is working. In eight months we have seen more than us along the southwest border. Reductions of apprehensions as a welcome progress but the crisis has been noted earlier, is far from over. With the peak migration season upon us, the human smuggle organizations are continually changing their tactics. We must maintain this momentum. This includes continuing to build additional wall systems in strategical qishan. But cbp Border Security efforts extend well beyond ilLegal Immigration and well beyond just the southwest border. Fiscal year 2019 we apprehended almost 1000 gang members. Thousands of criminal aliens, weapons currency and seized more than 800,000 pounds of drugs. Our air and Marine Operations contributed to another 300,000 bounced pounds of trucks users would seizures with their partners. Cbp plays a Critical Role in ensuring the nations economic prosperity. All cargo legitimately passes through cbp ports of entry. Fiscal year 2019, cbp processed almost 29 million Cargo Containers. And an additional 600 million small packages mile and express consignment and that same collected 84 billion in duties taxes and fees from the previous year. Particularly in cbp is the trade and enforcement role. We continue to see significant levels of counterfeit merchandise at airports adventurous as were seeing the explosion in ecommerce. In fy 2018 ccpcs almost 28,000 shipments which would have a retail value of over 1. 5 billion. These products harm american consumers, threaten our Economic Security and damage the brand integrity of United States companies. The facilities budget contains funding for the design and construction to replace old and the law potato Border Patrol stations as well as the construction of humanitarian care center in the grand valley. The budget, also im very proud of this, a memo fair facility and texas. This is going to be an incredible milestone. Lastly tc owes, have not and will not stop looking for the next method or technique that will give them a strategic advantage for struggling illegal contraband and people. Narcotics, counterfeit goods, gang members, the list goes on what they smuggle in this country it has permeated into every town city and state in our nation. We must continue to be vigilant stay ahead of the threat and comprehensively, address these threats to our nation. Affect the members of the community or this opportunity for you today thank you for this opportunity today. Commissioner, last year dhs announced a pilot to use Border Patrol agents to conduct credible interviews. Something that bylaw has been the responsibility of uscis. After going down to the border last week, my staff were told that cbp officers are now a part of this effort we heard. That the pilot was intended to medicaid a shortage of uscis asylum officers. Is this accurate, and if so, is there an and point where cbp will no provide no longer provide agents for the set to be. Before you answer i just want to make a point that, we have repeatedly asked for this information, but nobody has responded to us. First of all on the issue of being responsive, we need to get better at that. If theres any information, specifically about this issue that has not been received by you, your staff or anybody in the committee, i will take that, you have my commitment that we will get you the information that you need to fulfill your congressional oversight responsibilities. I fully support, that recognize that in agree with that and we will try to get better at that. We will get better at that. To address the actual question of agents and officers. Yes we have about 75 Border Patrol agents that are part of that program, and 16 cbp owes right now in that program. It is designed specifically as you addressed. The challenge is, is that, we call it the front and back and, and stuff that happens on the back and a fix the front end. So, with the lack of asylum officers, it creates a backlog in the front for us for us. The more that we can rapidly apply the due process and the asylum process, the more it alleviates overcrowding and other issues for us on the front and. We do see this as a immigration continuum issue and we do see this is a dhs effort, and it has absolutely made a positive impact given and you see ices additional resources. Given cbps assertion that it has a significant shortage of Border Patrol agents and custom officers, how do you justify pulling cbp personnel off the line to conduct this final interviews . Why not get more asylum officers instead . I think that is absolutely correct. I absolutely support uscis getting more asylum officers. It is a must and it is needed. But as they are going through that process, again, it is a balancing act, because your are right. I am pulling Critical Resources from the lines to do this, but again as we do have balancing in the end, we see it is a positive net gain for us on the front and, because we are a leave alleviating backlog another conditions because of the lack of asylum officers. It is this continuum, and it creates this cascading negative effect, and at the end we did the cost benefit analysis and it is making a positive impact, temporarily, to give those resources, but it is not intended to be long term or forever. U. S. I see asked needs more salem officers. Stuck that is where was going. We require quantum viable metrics in the limited timeframe. Neither has binge shared with congress about this particular pilot. What metrics are you using to measure the effectiveness of this program . Its a good question that is key to some degree, as the commissioner. That really is uscis is responsibility to determine that matrix. For me, it is about helping with the resources, because there has been some questions about, well, is there a higher degree or positive or negative planes complaints. As a commissioner that is not my purview. Ive not given those agents and officers to help an increase of positive or negative. Its just to help resources. That falls completely under the purview of isis cias. Theyre trained their super event supervised by cia so any matrix with respect to that would really come from science. My time is up. Mr. Fleischer. Thank you madam chairwoman. And again commission, thank you for being forced today. In order to manage the migrant certain fiscal year 2019, the department implemented a number of new migrant pathways, to find the best way to efficiently evaluate asylum claims or adjudicate immigration status. There are a lot of migrant pathways currently in place migrant protection protocol electronic nationality verification, humanitarian asylum review process, and the prompt asylum kramer view program that it all come online in the past year ive got a three part question sir can you explain to the subcommittee would benefits these new pilot programs have had on the day today cbp operations . Can you provide numbers either now or for the record, of how many migrants are currently enrolled in each program . And lastly, are you tracking any metrics or seen any outcomes from these pilot programs that would lead you to consider making changes to these programs, sir . So the positive effect, i think the greatest positive effect as you can see in the last eight months. We have seen an over 70 reduction overflow. 144,000 in january in january was about 36,000 i think that is the best indicator that the programs are absolutely working. We have those numbers, and again any stuff number that wants those numbers we can give those to you. I have those. The migrant protection protocol for example, today 59,000 individuals have been enrolled in that. Programming mvp for example 17,000 have been enrolled in that program. Pacer little enter a little under 2500. Aca about 1000, and harp over 1200. We can get you all those numbers. To lastly, what was the third part . Are you tracking any metrics were seeing any outcomes from these pilots that would lead you to consider making changes to these programs . Yes actually to expand these programs. These programs mpp for example, it was extremely effective, and so we have expanded that program along southwest border. Hey so again its a program that has been effective so we are trying to expand that program as well as harp. Mpp for example, im sure it may come up in a question we are trying to expand that two additional demographics, for example, some extra continental countries for example brazil. I say thats what we are seeing. These programs are effective in the working and we need to continue to expand. Them really appreciate the thorn us of that answer and these are very difficult issue sir. After hundreds of thousands of people presented themselves that southwest borders, it was obviously obvious that we needed to make changes. Im pleased with the changes that have been made and i support the efforts to address these challenges head on. Sir the time i have remaining in fiscal 19 and 20, responding to multiple requests from you and many members of congress, for more customs officers and agricultural inspectors across our borders and ports of entry. Your fiscal 21 budget, not only are asking for more customs officers and agony specters, you are actually asking for a reduction in amount for people across a field operations. Do you believe that the current workforce of customs and ask expense or inspectors is more than sufficient to cover your needs and to protect this nation, thats allowing for such a significant production. My other question, is what is the basis for the reduction you have proposed . Thank you for that question. There is a little bit of a timing issue with the 20 and the 21. Were actually not looking for a reduction at cbp owes. What we are hoping to do, and i think this will be worked out through Technical Assistance as we are finishing 21 budget is, through appropriations and through current user fees, we hope to be able to fund the current plus up i believe 600 officers that we received. As were seeing the volume increase in unprecedented levels this past year, obviously the user visas are increasing to and we think that will be enough to annualized of cbp ohs. In addition to that, once again, and i know there are some disagreements on this, we have asked for a legislative proposal to increase other user feeds modest fees, for example, in the immigration fees, they have not been increased since 2001. We are asking for a modest two dollar increase. That will get us a couple hundred million and we think that will support additional, i think it will be around 1400 additional cbp host. We are committed, we need more cbp is at the ports for all the reasons i think that this community understands. Were committed to working towards. That thank you mr. Commissioner madam chairman i yield back. Mr. Price. Thank you madam chairman. Welcome to the committee. I want to ask you about the practice meter, in socalled. Cbp has been engaged and the practice of regulating or meet earring at ports of entry that is not receiving their applications immediately require them to wait on the other side of the border for a limited number of slots, that may or may not open up each day or each week. That obviously severely limits the number of individuals who are able to take advantage of what we are supposedly providing them in an ability to enter our country and seek asylum and seek asylum. And that, it appears to me, thats in direct competition, or at least intention with the governments zero tolerance policy, which compels all Asylum Seekers to come to the ports of entry to claim asylum. Thats what we tell them to do. But as a result of metering, you have this huge backlog of Asylum Seekers, denied entry, and they havent been able to even file their claims, theyre stuck on the other side of the border, they may feel they have no choice but to attempt to cross over illegally. So i think one could argue and i want to ask you about the empirical evidence on this one, could argue that metering is prompting ilLegal Immigration. I headed to the border last summer and saw firsthand the effect of this policy and we spoke with migrants waiting outside on the bridge, 102 degree heat. And some had waited three or four months. For their names to be called from a list. For the few Slots Available for entry each day. And they know that once they turn themselves in, of course, they will need to spend time in crowded cbp facilities. Holding facilities. But what list you ask . Theres no cbp waiting list. Theres no official process that allows migrants to wait in line. That list is run by someone different at every Mexican Border town. Theres no transparency on how names get on that list. And what order they list. The lists are, you know, where we saw, was taped to the window of the building in metamora that had 2,000 names on it. 2,000 names on. For days. Congress has been increasing funding for your agency for the past several years a lack of resources doesnt seem to me to be an adequate excuse for this kind of chaos, for a, for having 2000 names on it. So you can see that the questions that swirl around the situation, giving the numbers of Asylum Seekers seeking ports of entries internal process sees expand resources to handle these larger numbers. People do after all have a legal right to claim asylum or to ask for asylum in our country so it is the legal justification for denying them the ability to do so for me during those pursuing asylum claims and what about the practical effects what are the constant clinical effects metering at the ports of entry for the people who may cross at illegal in places that apart from the ports of entries. It is a complicated process no doubt sir. There is multiple things we have to balance there is a capacity issue it is very real i think it goes to the previous question about cbp owes, and we are committed, we agree that we need more cbp owes, and all the ports of entries. Not only to fulfill our complex fastball, the to include this as well. Because you are right, we want individuals to come legally to the ports of entry. I absolutely agree that is what we want. We do need to improve our capacity. We need to improve our infrastructure are a physical infrastructure for additional capacity. We need additional cbp oh so that we can balance our wide and very deep mission. Its a balancing act every single day for cbp is that every single ports balance their counterterrorism mission, their counter narcotics mission, the trading travel, the revenue collection as well as the immigration issue. That is a tough balance every single day and so there has to be decisions that are made every single day to balance. We do not always have the resources to be able to accept everybody that comes. I would say we do not deny anyone but there is a process, and we do not have the capacity to accept everyone that comes in immediately. What are your ideas for improving this . The capacity is one thing, so a few slots that you open up for people to come and make this legal claim, those slots, i would think, could be much more accessible. There could be more such slots and facilities with personal for handling these applications. In the meantime, thousands of people waiting across the border with no sense in many cases of how these lists were put together. Should cbp not have an official list . That is transparent, where people know where they stand . How long approximately they have to wait . Im not saying that is the permanent solution, but it just seems intolerable for this to be, this degree of arbitrariness, and a lack of transparency to the system. People in this group, we visited we have they had no idea if they would ever be called. No idea where they stood on this list. Asha the conditions are terrible, but if we could have an answer i would appreciate that. So again, i would not say it is arbitrary. I think im also committed to making sure, and it goes back to the chairwoman to opening comments about sharing information. I am absolutely committed to work and get you the information and exactly how the process is done working with you to see how we can improve the process, but again it does come down to a balancing at every single day as i described. To balance the mass mission for counterterrorism, counter narcotics, unlawful trading and travel. It goes down comes down to physical physical capabilities and personnel. These are Asylum Seekers who are turning themselves in. This is not, in the first instance instance a security issue. It is an issue as to how you accommodate these illegal applications. Thank you madam chairman. Thank you. Just for my clarification. Tell me the difference and asylums officers processing coordinators and processing agents. So madame, this is the asylum officers and agents, i think processing is the same thing. Asylum officers uscis has that, they are the ones that conduct all the screenings. They on that. The processing agents is a new concept that were to come up with to really get batches back to the border and they have special non Law Enforcement personnel that are designed to go to the processing centers, to help facilitate the processing a families and children. They will receive some specialized training in that but again Law Enforcement officers who do. That thank you on this last trip i took i was very aware of trying to get the Border Patrol agents back to doing what they have been trying to do. One of the things i want to ask you about the new fencing that is installed, can you tell me what effect that has had on the unauthorized crossings and smuggling on your agents Response Time and generally the workload and staffing in the area where the new fencing is existing . Thank you for that question is showing improving what it has for the 30 years that we have used and multi layer strategies Infrastructure Technology and personnel. I think its important when we talk about the wall, its not just about the wall. The wall is not certain answer but integral part of that strategy and technology personnel. Where we see the new while being built in el paso we have 20 miles built, and weve seen apprehensions, and illegal entries and got a ways all been reduced by 80 in that 20 mile stretch. If you look historically, and other places where that multi layer strategy of infrastructure, technology personnel, we have seen the same stuff and it is absolutely effective, one of the key is it is about impede instant denial. It is not that is impenetrable but it does deny and impede the long enough for Border Patrol agents to actually get there to do the apprehension and inner dick diction. I think what were doing now is very different its not just a wallet is a wall system. It has access road, it has Technology Integrated lighting in cameras. It is a very different methodology very different system and it is. Working thank you very much. Thank you chairwoman and commissioner. My first question. You talked in response to the chairwomans questions and pulling Critical Resources so i wanted to stick to that theme. Wanted to talk a little bit about the financial side with respect to the border wall. As an appropriator i think all of us share concern about cbp spending on physical border wall especially when it is the number that is not what we have validated. According to the geos Border Security Improvement Plan does not include life cycle costs estimates. Between the years 2019 and 2027, as you know life cycle cost estimates would be how much money spent on an asset like the wall, as long as it can be used. This typically includes from the start of a project through the future repairs. A budget requests this year is two billion for the physical law. Yet cbp does not have a life life cycle cost estimates available. This is in addition to the ten billion dollars in Construction Funds that the president has transferred or reprogram from other counts and just as a refresher that 600 million from treasury, 2. 5 billion from duties, counter drug activities, 3. 6 billion for military construction products, 3. 8 billion appropriated for ships, fighter jets and drums. This is a pattern of requesting more money for the border wall and avoiding funds from other counts. All with the promise that this barrier will make our country safe. But as weve seen, trucks can be smuggled over ladders, using drums, and through tunnels. Even though with basic power tools. While the wall can be effective at times in the layer, that you have indicated, the true cost of this border wall are not known. Without this life cycle cost estimate, wont it be likely that we are going to have to divert future funds from other accounts to address repairs and efficiencies that in our ears . F im familiar with the report. That was based on the halfway 17 be seven that we had we have a new fy 19 be seven it is actually in the process review and were hoping to have that review completed and provided to everybody. And i have cycle life estimates cost estimates . That i dont know will have to get back to that and get you that information. Im not specifically sure about that element of the bc aisle will get back to you on that. Again what i would say is when we talk about the wall i think its important that its not in place in lieu of other stuff. Just like when were talking about technology. Technology should not be utilized just like the wall should not be utilized in lieu of technology. We need it all including the law. You mentioned to, that multi layered strategy of the Wall Technology and personnel. It is an integral part of that multi layer strategy Going Forward. It works we have that data, and if we have not planned that data thoroughly, we cannot provide that data that shows that multi layer strategy that it works. I think many would many of us would love to see that data. I dont think youve been responsive enough to give us that data. I dont know what used 2019 be sip would be without life cycle cost estimates if the 2017 be sipped did not have like cycle costs. Im a little frustrated about that. I get the multi lawyer peace and i think thats fine. I think that all of us would love to have that policy discussion, but this is the body, this is the group that the site how we fund those layers. I understand the suggestions that you are making. The demonstration doesnt understand because we are diverting funds without calculating future out your costs and you are doing it as a result of funding that we havent allocated. That is the concern that a lot of us have. Let us stick with the basic then, the gao specifically found that the bc if and i can only use the 2017 bc as you mentioned. It does not include a methodology to analyzing the cost associated by segment by location, as well, cost associated with the terrain as my colleague mr. Cuellar has mention in the past, Land Ownership and terrain. There are cost estimates as well that would have to do with those line cost for private Property Owners so without a thorough analysis for specific locations, how do we ensure that we are not overspending into the years. . Do it should be in its final stage i think the secretary said yesterday secretary said yesterday, hes looking at the june time frame that we should be able to have that, the new updated bcip ready for your review and approval. That will have by segment and sector, it will give us different types of denls that can be used in those areas and include life cycle cost estimates and include these types of things that we are asking . The one thing that i said before, i need to go back specifically the life cycle issue so well get that. Thank you, madam chair. I yield back. These drugs are literally killing our sons and daughters and the bulk of these drugs are coming across our borders. We are taking a lot of our agents off the front line to deal with the flood of migrants concerns me may have negative effects on the drug interjection erie. We have witnessed chairman myself fleischmann representative choir witnessed the drugs easier at a point of actually venturing at about seven or eight kilos of cocaine when we were there last february. You concerned about having to pull your agents out of the field during the primary missions to become basically caretakers were the search of the migrants and how are you trying to balance the need for apprehension, interdiction and other things when di you have limited resources . At the height of the 144,000 in one month, we were taking about 40 to 60 of Border Patrol agents frontline agents and officers of the wine to do the humanitarian work. We knew that they organizations were on purpose, with intent using the large groups to then divert the resources so they could smuggle drugs into. In. We have that on video and it was happening every single day. It was a significant issue. Thats why when we talk about this is it is a Significant National security threats to the country. 60,000 people died of drug overdoses and the narcotics that i called increasing. We have seen around a 50 increase just the First Quarter of fy 20 so it is a real problem. We cant reciprocate the immigration problem from the drug problem. They are interconnected so the higher the numbers are, the more resources portal to deal with that. And thats why its so important when we talk about the holistic threat by reducing into being able to put more Border Patrol agents and officers on the line to do the mission and all the other stuff we all are responsible for. Some people have said that they cartels and transnational organized crime is growing the drugs and trying to smuggle it in the south this is causing the stabilization of the region which is also causing a surge in migrants leaving their hometown so the base which he said is probably the cocaine trade and the drugs. Ive been an advocate for utilizing the National Guard on the border for over ten years. I know theyve had some very Successful Missions but right now i believe we have about 5,000 National Guard. Serving on the southern border. Can you tell me how they are able to help you do your daytoday mission . I know the militar military d i can tell you they are providing an absolute tremendous support monitoring detection, surveillance, the list goes on about what they are doing and how they are assisting us and it goes back to the resource. Those are the Critical Role they are providing so it allows us back on the line to go after and seized the drugs and criminal aliens coming into the country theyve been invaluable in their support. One team and one fight and i know the National Guard is honored to be a part of the commissiothatmission so with thl yield back. I also want to point out we have been told as they are tightening up the border by drug cartels are now using the waterways so we are seeing more coming in which is going to have to play an even bigger role than what they are doing. Im impressed with your resume and acting commissioner but its good to see somebody that has experience and is a political and so im looking forward to good things from you in this position. Im going to try to get to the three programs if i can. Im going to get here pretty quick and defend you can get back to me. First is Border Patrol Tactical Unit understand is on loan for the time being. I recognize the capabilities they do bring to the table. Im trying to get a sense of priorities. Can you tell me what their role will be and who they will be targeting and how does pulling away this unit over the capabilities to respond to higherlevel threats at the border will they be conducting operations on their own or will they always been supportive i. C. E. Operations. The message they send to the cities like baltimore which the administration has deemed a sanctuary city. Can you explain how they will be conducting business beyond for example how many agents can we expect to see and the unit is deployed to you give me your word or will not have the appearance of occupying number one . This Program Offers our men and women on the front line the ability to adapt to dynamic nature of protecting the border. This Technology Becomes the eyes and ears of the agents in the field and its a verified force multiplier. It included 55 million and the belt to procure these assets. However ive heard they are considering the funding amidst anonymous surveillance towers. While they are ineffective technologies its no substitute and the intent of congress. Are they currently still planning to follow the intent and the president s budget into the systems in the fy 200. While they understand theres a lonthere is along period of avaw many units do you anticipate rolling out this year and what is your plan phasing them in to use iuse and do you ensure the committee will receive the prior notification as required by law if they decide to reprogram the fun is. For the multirule aircraft for the last few cycles congress appropriated if we do this because the members appear into the agents appear to recognize the Aviation Assets are a critical component of Border Security and furthermore the cost savings associated in the Rolling Assembly line. My question for you is if the committee complied with the request to not provide funding for the production, how would it impact the future and in your opinion the integral part of the Planning Capabilities moving forward do you intend to procure the amount with the record in baseball has changed are you concerned with how much it will cost to taxpayers to deliver these if it drives up to the continued support of . I cant stay for another round so answer as best you can. Theres been a lot of misinformation. We are not deploying so that is not there is no element being deployed. Theres individuals are all volunteers some of them happenen to be agents but there is no element. I saw some reports coming up with elements that isnt happening. Its going to be a handful that fall under the auspices as we do this every single day we had our agents on the border task forces and we helped i. C. E. With over 70 obligations. We are going to look like them and dress like them. I agree with everything you said on how important that Surveillance Technology is. It makes it tough in the budget. It is an integral need as well so we went back to the Border Patrol and said if you have to prioritize right now, what would you prioritize and they said we need some timeless powers and its key because they used to wel them innovative towers but now its important because they are infused with ai meaning it isnt going to take an operator anymore to run that tower and they are also semiimmobile as well Going Forward so we are still committed to the mobile surveillance. As we work through the transition we will work to make sure. I know we are running out of time again 100 agree it is a tradeoff to go back to and they said we have to prioritize and theres a couple of things we need to prioritize. One is the incredible amount of funding in the budget to sustain what we already have an upgrade technology and aircraft we already have. Some of it is outdated. We need sustained aircraft. That was the tradeoff from fy 21. The last part i will make and i appreciate the committee for the budget you gave us another one so i appreciate that. We are committed to the program. I appreciate all of these issues and will take them back to my staff. Thank you madam chair. I want to get back to something the chairwoman said earlier because it is one of my main concerns being from florida as we continue to tighten up on our southern border we are going to see a shift around to the water. One of my concerns that changed a little bit i mentioned that the 29 million Cargo Containers and i know the goal is the 100 screening. Can you tell me where that number is out now on the 29 million, how many are actually being screened . To me that is 29 million trojan horses that we are inviting into the ports every year and they are potential see burn events and every one of them, so whats number is being checked right now . 100 manifest information is the key because enough volume its not 100 or even close. We are able to apply a network of Intelligence Driven operations to target specific containers and there will be a bunch of information how they select certain containers but right now its about 3 . I really look forward to speaking on this because i think that theres some technology out there but ive been made aware of that can really help us enhance the number quite significantly. It is a concern to me what is going on in the ports. We are working with companies out there to advance the technology. Second question, on the training facilities, i have one of my district and i know we are looking at a 50 increase in hires of air and marine operators, so are we going to have a throughput at the academy for that . And doing an amazing job there is some expensive travel and expensive with time. I look forward to following up on that. Another concern is the reports and the number of officers that we have sharing them like in jacksonville looking at the delays created, that is an economic hit to our report. Can you talk about in trees for the ports and tree the marine corps in particular that are struggling quick. Thats a great question. We need more resources and thats why through those technical systems to make sure appropriations are increased to make sure we dont only annualize but then try to work and show why we really think the fees should be increased another dollar or two dollars because we think that could get an initial 3000. And are looking at 750 this year. Aq madam chairwoman and commissioner for being here today i want to ask a question how was 16 180 was directed to obtain services of Child Welfare professional cracks further directing cbp to provide the execution plan no longer than 60 days after it happened. The deadline passed last week. Screenings and expertise will help prevent a return to hard man need the separation from family members while a while waiting in cbp custody. When i went to this atomic island they also mention they did not feel properly quipped and trained to handle so many issues, sensitive and shoot issues in regards to children. Have you submitted the Child Welfare professionals execution plan yet as directed by congress . I have to come back and get some more information as where that is in the process. I can tell you that since ivan nine months ago, a transition that we have made on all things like medical care has really been transformational. At the height when we saw unprecedented crisis of and children and families. We have like 20 medical professionals that were available. Fast forward today we have 700 over 300 medical professionals are on duty 24 7 365, at 45 locations. Since then weve conducted 65,000 screenings juveniles weve averaged 80 hospital visits juveniles today but hopefully it does show that, i think somebody said earlier this started we were prepared we did not have the resources but i think that weve showed that we can get the facts. We are absolutely committed to continue to increase our care for especially children and families. Thank you. I just would love to see the plan a few of your team could get back to the committee. I also want to make sure that the medical professionals and contract or the increased number of folks that you are working with which is great but i want to make sure its, not at a lesser percentage because of all the additional children that have been separated or harmed thus far. I want to ask another question ive been working with the colleague from New Hampshire amy cluster, cbps fiscal year 18 annual reports. Assessing cbp efforts to prevent detect and respond to sexual abuse and Holding Facilities. The report said that there were only eight allegations of sexual abuse. Later we saw that Inspector General had received 23 reports of sexual abuse at the Holding Facilities. I just wanted to see what the reason was for the and accurate or inconsistent reporting. I cannot address inaccurate reporting, but for us than my perspective does not really matter in the sense that we are taking both reports and we are going to consume both those reports. Youre right in the 2018 the report that was a total seven abstentionist it and what was found substantiated detainee on detainees. Were reading will reviewing both reports and looking for areas where we can improve on areas like that. We will look at the recommendations and look into that. And you are working with the Inspector General as well . Okay and what actions will you take at the fiscal year 19 report has accurate data on detainees who experience sexual of abuse that Holding Facilities . What we can do is, obviously we have multiple entities that provide oversight and thats just tough. We suggest and we do we have all these different entities that are doing their or audience which we support. We do try to influence that they work with each other so that we dont have and consistent reporting. At the bottom line, we really cannot control a different independent audits. All i can say is we fully support any oversight, any audit any review the cbp will fully support. Given that officers are now working with increased, dramatically increased number of people in vulnerable populations with, type of training have cbp officers had and have they had increased training . Every officer, every agent gets basic training in the academy. Tvpra, and prima, and Training Like that. It goes forward. Weve heard its one hour of the video, is that true . That i dont know. I dont have the level of detail of how long the training is but they do receive specific training, but i think this goes to the point, thats another reason why was mentioning earlier why we are asking for the 300 processing coordinators, because they are going to take over a large portion of that role in the designers that theyre Academy Training theyre going to go get additional training specifically to the care of children and families. Thank you i yield back. Thank you madam chair as Ranking Member. Commissioner morgan thank you for being with us this morning, and i want to thank you for your leadership as well as for the hard work that the men and women that work with sea bp i appreciate being a partner with you. Youve brought up, and several people have brought up Border Technology has been an integral part of the defenses that we have. My state of washington, my district, they have about 100 miles of border with canada. Certainly, its something that we have seen, and even though the focus a lot of the time is on the southern border, we see a tremendous increase in the amount of illicit drug traffic, not only coming in from the northern border, but also through the maritime areas. I have been very happy to see the administration continuing to deploy, youve mentioned this, the ac, the Cost Effective system of the autonomous surveillance towers. I think that is exactly the direction that we need to go, and i appreciate the speed that has gone from a pilot to actually, the process that we use. Simple technology in some respects, and something that is off the shelf, and as costeffective so, one of my questions is, given the success of that system, could you tell us youre deployment plans on how we could move faster, and how much it would cost to do so, and on top of that too, also being a northern state, im also interested in if you could give us information on how that kind of technology, how it will be used on the Northern Borders as well. Many people have been asking about our waterways, Maritime Security issues and how it could be utilized there as well. I completely agree, i thought it was important including my Opening Statement that it is not just about south border or Legal Immigration. It is about a white swath of death and complexity issues to include the northern border. Drugs are clearly one of the issues. When we talk about what were doing, there is a list of things besides just the technology, which alleges in a second, but again go back to the cbp owes, our designers to put cbp was on the northern border as well as we increased those numbers. The towers and technology, again with fy 19 flooding that was provided by the committee, again greatly appreciated. I know we were are going to work through the fy 20 enacted and how much money is going to go to the towers. We are hoping to get money for 200 towers of which some towers are going to be deployed to the northern border as well. That is part of our overall plan. Our priority obviously is the south by southwest border but in addition to that our last july, we published a northern Border Security Strategic Plan which includes not just land but see issues as well. Last thing is were putting a considerable amount of money in infrastructures and facilities into the Northern Borders as well. And washington but a couple facilities in new york. Just to reemphasize, we are having issues there to, certainly not to the extent of the southern and border but the border is and explain to me that was shorthanded as shorthanded there as well and equally as vulnerable, so i just want to make sure that we have emphasis in those areas. I appreciate your input here today, and look forward to continue to be a partner with you i appreciate that i yield back madam chairman. I think commissioner, it is nice to have you with us. I want to step lee up stipulate from the outset that i assume you dont do not agree with a federal judge that justin joint cbp last week from holding adults and children in an unconstitutional condition. He can answer the question i will ask you specifically and we could just agree that you think that they are wrong so we can get the answer to these questions. Lawsuit arose from the condition in Tucson Center and that reveal that cpp frequently detain migrants for more than 48 hours without beds, showers, or adequate food, water or medical assessments,. It is unacceptable when migrants have been subject to sepsis inhumane conditions and cbp detentions centers. We do have to remember that people who are detained are just, that people like you and i and all of us. Differences, by the whims of faith, they were born into more unfortunate circumstances than those of us who have the privilege of living in the United States. My question is, are you currently aware of other cbp detention facilities that near the conditions and the facility that was declared unconstitutional, and given the outcome of this lawsuit, will you commit to reexamining the conditions of all cbp Detention Centers in the treatment of the detainees . And how do you intend to ensure full compliance with the terms of this injunction, and how will it affect operations and treatments of migrants and other sectors . First of all, i think it is very important. I appreciate your upfront, you are right we are not always in agreement on everything. Im not saying i dont agree. Correct but i appreciate that you brought up that because, that really isnt irrelevant with respect to the issue, because here is the commitment any answers and easy of course. We will continue to work with this committee, every committee member, and every staff here to collectively talk, have meaningful discussions on where we think and how we can improve conditions. But you have had such a great situation in the tucson section, that a federal judge enjoying you from those conditions, and those conditions included leaving people for more than 48 hours without beds, showers adequate foods or medical assessments. Are there other facilities in which those conditions are the same and are you immediately going to address ensuring that those conditions dont exist in any cbp Detention Center . Yes obviously we have to abide by the court order and we are taking steps to do that, but i go back to i respectfully disagree with the courts decision that these are unconstitutional and great conditions. So you think its okay to leave people without food, water medical assessments, beds showers, for 48 hours . I think it depends on the circumstances of the totality of the circumstances. It depends on the capacity that we have, but we are making efforts to improve that across the board. Im sorry, i dont think that anyone in a position of Authority Like yours, like ours, should think that leaving people for more than 48 hours without beds, showers, adequate food, or water or medical assessments is acceptable in any circumstance. What i also want to know is are you equipped to house migrants including children, in the first place, if you cant even offer adequate food water beds showers or medical assistance. Again with all due respect we can go back and forth. You are saying, what you are saying, you have just said, that you think in circumscription certain circumstances that those conditions are not unconstitutional. Is that what you are saying . What im saying, and i can give you an example. A single adult that comes into her custody. A single adult male mexican comes into custody, i dont think its to say that it is unconstitutional that we dont give them a bed to sleep in. Its not just a bed. It is a bed, shower adequate food or, medical assessments. Those were all conditions that existed in that facility, and a federal judge and joined you from continuing those conditions, and therefore those that situation needs to be corrected in all your. Facilities facilities. Do you have excuse me, reclaiming my time. Are you equipped to house migrants no matter who they are, but including children in the first place if you cant even offer adequate food, water, beds, showers or medical assessments. Maam, we are offering adequate food. We are providing adequate food, shelter, and medical care. We are. But you believe in certain circumstances that you dont have to . Thats not what i said. Two separate things. You believe in certain circumstances its not unconstitutional. Sleeping conditions are separate from food, water and medical care. We have been providing adequate food, water and medical care. The injunction covers all of those conditions. You didnt just get enjoined on those conditions based on not providing someone with a bed. Thats correct. And thats why were going to appeal some of the conditions. And youre going to make sure those conditions dont exist in any other facility or fight to maintain conditions like those that have been enjoined. Were not going fight to keep unconstitutional conditions. There is a fundamental disagreement on what those unconstitutional grave conditions are, and thats where which condition do you think is unconstitutional and which one isnt . Do you think all of the conditions all of those categories are okay that you can just deprive a single male adult of a shower and medical assistance. I just said that new york city a second ago. We need to provide adequate food, water, medical attention. I think we are doing all of those things. A judge disagreed. Thank you, i yield back. inaudible at that time. We understand the recommendations regarding meaningful access. We understand recommendations regarding meaningful access to Legal Counsel for migrants placed at mpp were made following a red team review of this fall. What has cbp done specifically in response to the red Team Recommendations to address access to counsel . Some of the things, maam, we were already developing but through the red team, and quite frankly, engagements with which committee. Engagements with the Staff Members of the committee. Engagements with ngos. Its not just a red team, specifically a red team, some of the recommendations are, for example, to provide counsel not just prior to the hearing but after the hearing, providing Additional Information such as know your rights videos. Were actually expanded those to provide them in more than one time during the process Going Forward. And so there are also we have expanded Interpreter Services as well across the border. There are concrete actions we have taken to improve the process. In the know your rights videos my staff observed last week how the noise seen us in the interim hearing facility makes it almost impossible for migrants to hear or understand what is being said. I believe the chair was also on that trip it seems like a situation where little additional effort could go a long way to mitigate the impact of the mpp program on migrants. Such as a person know your rights presentation instead of a video. I hope we can work to address that particular issue. Weve talked about this before and i still dont understand why cant cpp provide access to pro bono, an emphasizing pro bono, why cant they provide access to pro bono cancel at the interim mpp hearing facilities. They provide the list for attorneys that are available which are good portion are pro bono services. It. There is a call no answer, the person at the other ands even if they get the message they dont know where to return the call to. So my question is why cant there be a Pro Bono Council there. So that the person can actually go to them and ask for their help. Y if something is done in person, a presentation, a new year writes in person. There are legal pro bowler council there than that migrant has the option of talking to them. My understanding is if there is a attorney talking to a migrant, who has representation, that if someone else is in that room, another migrant i would like to also speak to that person that they are prohibited from doing so. My question is why cant there be access to proposal council at the offset, talking about what their rights are and then being available for anyone who wants to take advantage. I guess im not fully understanding, i mean, are you suggesting that we just, like, have a building where attorneys are just sitting there and then as a migrant comes, they just cross the street. For example, when youre having the video of know your rights, at that point, you could have, you know, a person a pro bono attorney talking about those rights and having other pro bono attorneys present so following that presentation if a migrant wants to take advantage of that, they have access rather than a list of attorneys where most of the time they dont get to talk to anybody, and thats what we have been told. I think with all due respect, i think what youre talking about would be just a logistical almost impossibility, and i think also goes into some ethical issues on, you know, how do we, attorneys almost like ambulance chaser issues. I understand the concern there. Were talking about pro bono. Were not talking about a attorney trying to get business. Were talking about pro bono. I dont know what the problem would be to have them do a presentation at these different locations. And there are a lot of attorneys and nonprofits who said they would be willing to participate and do this but they are constantly denied access. Lets talk a little bit more about that because maybe there is a way that we can address this in a way that would be beneficial if the migrant and address concerns the migrant has. And were open to the continued dialogue, and hopefully we have shown we have made changes to the process, and continue that dialogue. We will. Mr. Fleishman. I want to thank the commissioner for his thoughtful and thorough answers. This is a process the country is going through it is very unprecedented situation as it has gone through that, i am very empathetic and sympathetic and lava tory of your efforts to address the situations and i thank you. This leads me to my next question last year we saw significant surge in migrants trying to enter the country this years budget requests asked for Additional Support along for 750 new patrol agents and an additional 326 new Missions Support personnel. We face a matter of hiring challenges. What changes has you made for the hiring process to achieve onboarding 750 new agents this year . I appreciate that question. It is something we have been working on for quite some time if you look back the last two years in the first time in a long time are hiring has outpaced attrition. That shows a tremendous progress that they have made on the overall process. Some of it has been on the technological side, to improve our Data Collection and our analysis of where we should go. It is really made a significant difference. We are very confident that we will be able to continue that progress and be able to hire those additional agents. Thank you, sir. Recent audit reports indicate that flctb or cpb have the capacity to train a number of agents a year. We have increased our academy capacity, but were, i mean, were already booked up through fy 20, and all our academies are at capacity, so were looking for additional opportunities to build out that capacity, but thats definitely a challenge. I share Ranking Member grangers enthusiasm for the new process and coordinator positions we funded last year. How is that hiring effort progressing this year, and are you optimistic that you can add another 300 processing coordinators positions in fiscal21. We are. The processing applications for those are astronomical. I dont have the exact number of applicants tgs applicants applicants. Its exceeded those position sgls your agency found hard drugs and contraband smuggled into the United States come through our ports of entry. Congress has invested heavily. I appreciate the department is working to deploy these resources at critical ports of entry. Ive become aware of a new assive cargo Inspection Technology relying on natural occurring particles, from my understanding cpbs pilot showed the system as safe, effective, efficient, durable and successfully detected illicit drugs shielded in routine goods that are moved legally across the border as part of routine commerce. According to cpps own report, this new and emerging technology can immediately offer a sought after and much needed scanning solution. What is the departments plan to deploy this and other technologies at key points of entry sir . Its a gamechanger. In 2019 this committee and thank you for 560 million for and i a technology. It really is a gamechanger. Its gonna be important for the technology and what you just represented is this is off the shelf type stuff it is ever changing ever evolving. We are working with companies to actually develop new Technology Like you just described that will enhance our capabilities. It is not just about this serena acquiring technology but acquiring the right technology. Something that will be effective in years from now. Really what we want to do is provides preprimary. We want to be able to do it so people dont have to get out of their vehicles. Thats Technology Used to be large and cumbersome. They shrunk that company where people can actually stay in their vehicles and its unbelievable. We are looking at ellis they are looking at every aspect of it and how we can improve the technology and improve it. Thank you, sir, and madame chair, i yield back. Thank you madame chair and mr. Morgan, thank you for being here. I appreciate the work you do and the men and women, the work they do. One of the biggest issues that we need to address on the border has to do with guns going south. As you know, after the trade agreement for mexico, that was their number one priority, the second priority was how do we stop guns. Going north from mexico in, weve got very good technology, personnel, k9s but if we can do something, and i know you all have been meeting with the mexicans, and i have seen some of your folks do more of that work. If you have a government approach that we can work on, let me know. I know we had chairwoman nita laurie, and the mexicans told her the same thing, the mexican ambassador said this is a problem. We have to work with atf, dea, the mexican side because we got to stop this guns. If you all can come up with a plan, well be happy to work with a committee, and if we can get the support to, you know, get you k9s or technology, personnel, even if we look at personnel like we did the Border Patrol processing, folks that we did for those, where theyre not Law Enforcement but they can provide assistance. You know, just think outside the box, and see if we can do that. We know the great violence, 80 of the guns the drug cartels use are from america and 40 come from the state of texas. Im a big believer in the Second Amendment but we have to stop the illegal guns. I have seen the guns, theyre not little guns. Theyre like huge guns, weapons going used. Your thoughts. I couldnt agree with everything you said. We are looking at this as a whole government approach. Everybody knows here, hey, we can do a weapons op at a certain poe within a couple years theyre just shifting so it has to be a whole government approach with the investigators, Intelligence Driven approaches. We want to go to the interior, the shops and location in texas thats actually shipping these and actually go to the head of the snake instead of just getting the weapons but make no mistake, weapons are like currency to the cartels, its a huge problem. We are working with the government of mexico. The attorney general has gone there, too and developing a plan that is the whole government approach. We have identified certain strategic cases, we want to do these operations, yes, one thing that could support and it will be interesting to have these ongoing discussions about intelligence analysts. Right . Its not that we always need gun toters, but to focus on southbound operations would be a key part of this. Also continue to put pressure on mexico to continue their use of e trace. Yes. Its wholefully lacking in the government of mexico, and youre also right, its not just small weapons that are going there. Its pieces and parts and they have gun smiths in mexico, getting these pieces and parts and building large weapons. Its a problem. Exactly. We appreciate it. If you can put something together and make it whole. We dont want to just talk about the department of homeland, atf, Dp Department of justice. And i couldnt agree more. We are working with atf, dea, i think with e neede feed to come together, and look at this from an intelligence, not operations. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Get us a plan if you dont mind. Thank you again madame chair. The chairwoman mentioned that of the Transnational Criminal Organizations are going to be increasing and moving more of their operations to our coastlines and you know, i will never miss the opportunity to kind of talk up our coast guard who has an awesome National Security mission as does your agency falling under the Homeland Security umbrella. Can you speak about your observation and inner cooperation with the coast guard and it might also be a good time to actually just throw out the joint Interagency Task force south. In key west because that is a perfect example of multiple agencies, coming together with multiple nation, working together to rad kate the drug smuggling because those nations south of the american border know how disruptive and damaging this smuggling operation is to not just their country but to the region, so i give you an opportunity to speak to that. I completely agree 100 , and i think yesterday it was talked a little bit about in some depth and defense, i think thats correct. We want to stop the drugs before they get to our border. Coast guard is tremendous in that effort, and im proud to say our amo operation will provide more flight hours and support of the coast guard operations than any other agency, the last ten years, 63,000 flight hours. Last year alone on our side, 300,000 pounds of narcotics were recovered with respect to amo, and it is the model. We use that in other regions as well, and thats why theres a robust amount of funding requested to upgrade our surveillance equipment and upgrade the outdated systems and a lot of that is going to support the coast guard and Maritime Operations. I had the pleasure of having a classified briefing last week, and two chairs away from me was the cbp officer, one of your guys. You could tell they worked closely because the mission that they have is extremely important, and the coast guard will probably also tell you and you may as well is that the National Security cutter has been a game changer in this. Theyre able to go down there and sometimes the only u. S. Form of naval presence in south and Central America is the United States coast guard and theyre able to stay on position longer and costco probably also tell you when you may as well, is that the National Security qatar has been a gamechanger. Theyre able to go down there and sometimes the only u. S. Form of naval presence in south and Central America is the United States coast guard and theyre able to stay on position longer and interdict more illicit drugs coming into our nation. And what i would is one and what i would say is one of the reasons theyre so effective and productive, its a whole government approach. Its the cvp aircraft, the p 3sand other aircraft thats there. Using the sam concept, working with other host countries as well. Mexico, and countries in Central America and the Maritime Operations as well to help them providing that capability. They can interdict in the sea as well. Very proud what theyre doing. We appreciate everything your agency is doing, and one last remark, 2 Million Pounds has been seized by the United States coast guard. Thats a street value of 26 billion and those nscs that are partaking in this are a lot cheaper. Wing need more nscs, not less, but the polar security cutter and offshore cutter. We need all the above approach to fighting this. And airplanes and a lot of things, cvp needs as well. Thank you mr. Morgan. Mr. Aguilar. Im going to come to back to that, remaining in mexico, mr. Commissioner in a press conference in november you shared that in september 2019 there were 42,000 individuals that had been sent back to mexico, you gave a larger number i think in your testimony, what was that number . 59,000. And i appreciate your willingness you mentioned and i just wrote down get us all the numbers in quotes in response to the chairwomans comments. How many of these individuals are children of the 59,000 . I dont have that number in front of me. Do we have a tracking system that says to what happens to individuals when they are returned back into mexico. Thats a complicated process. Id be more than happy to get more detail on that. Multiple things can happen, when they are returned. We have a 50 no show rate. We have individuals that just voluntarily return to their country of origin. We have individuals who just drop out of the program and remain in mexico. We dont have the ability to collect that data. Do we acknowledge that individuals are approaching cvp officers saying they have been assaulted or attacked. What happens if someone does say that to a cvp fear being assault, kidnapping, police officers. Whatever the migrant brings forward, if theyre claiming fear, that will be adjudicated, absolutely. I would take issue with that. Im not certain that that lines up with the data and the information that were hearing. But thats fine. I dont think were going to agree on that today. You mentioned numbers for nii, and this is what i wanted to build off of. 264 million, you mentioned in fy 19. 60, 59 million in fy 20. And this is in addition to the 182 in fy 18. Of the 705 provided by you mention numbers for and i i, and this is what i wanted to build off of. 264 million you mentioned an ex fy 1860 59 and fy 20 and this is an addition to 182 and fyi 18 to the 182 in fy 18. Of the 705 provided by the committee how much has been spent. Were trying to be thoughtful man thought a goal. We want to make sure we have the right technology and again we are working with Companies Working with Manufacturing Companies to provide the right kind of technology we need and if its working. I believe we have allocated most of the 18 money and we will probably go through 20 to fy 21 on final execution of the 19. So youre seeing roughly 180 million of fy 18 money has been allocated roughly 180 million, the fy18 money has been allocated and you think the fy19 and 20 can be al late instead this fiscal year. Allocated in this fiscal year . Not this fiscal year. What is fair to say. 2021, well have 2 million to be executed. Its multiple year none. I can get you the numbers on that. We have a plan to execute this. Yes. Do we have a plan to get to 100 percent, 80 inspections on cargoes as mr. Rutherford mentioned or trucks . Yes, we do. With the funding that we have, were pretty confident. In vehicles, for example, were at 2 . We think that once you said 2 for cargo as well. 3 for cargo. 16 for commercial. Thats exactly right. You got trucks. Appreciate all the money for the nii this committee has supported. For example, were expecting to go from 2 to 40 . On the trucks, were going from 16 to 72 . So we do think this investment is going to pay off substantially. Were going to need to see plans on how you get there, how you get there faster and how you get beyond the 60 , 70 , ij think thats what this committee would like to see. Building off my colleagues, i want to make sure youre hearing the same thing, mr. New house, mr. Plaza, the chairwoman, mr. Rutherford, and fleishman mention nii in all mention other ways to interdict drugs, not nii, other ways to interdict drugs whether it be nii or coast guard investments or new technologies at the ports of entry. Its our responsibility to prioritize the maritime coast guard assets and investments, technology and drones, port technologies of screeners and container trucks. Thats where were interdicting the most drugs. Backpacks full of drugs arent getting us there. Weve got to take these larger swaths and make these bigger investments, most of that illegal activity and tonnage. When we dont prioritize a border what will i would say is a vanity project and a campaign promise. It isnt because we arent focused on protecting our country its because there are finite resources and we think other ways are better investments for our dollars. The constitution empowers us to make that decision and that determine foundation. I know you want fee increases, changes, you want more money for different things. That happens when you have trust. You get the flexibility when we trust youre allocating the dollars effectively, and listening to the appropriators tor all of these things are important. We cant get there if we toent trust your dont trust your numbers. They like the counter drug money they receive from the interagencies. That was stolen from the border wall. Thank you mr. Chair. Thank you, madame chair. Returning to the border as you very well know this plan has been looked at by the tahoe ono since before recorded history. A sacred burial sites in the region. I would just like to know, what gives us the right to blow up their lands that are so rich and indigenous Cultural Resources and moreover, building more wall and is protected national monument, will isolate and reduce rare while life species like the jaguar and worsen flooding where rivers overflow and some of the cactuses were destroyed here that were around before the border existed. I would like you to ask you to explain why the elimination was not consulted before you decided to blow up their sacred lands. They have expressed their total oppositions to what you were doing just the unesco biosphere reserve. First of all i would first of all i would respectfully object to the category were blowing anything up. My position, maam, i dont believe that that is what i consider that were doing. Youre not doing blasting of mountains or destroying cigaro . I think that we are constructing a border wall system that is desperately needed as part of a multilayer strategy for our National Security. I do not believe what were doing is blowing things up. Im trying to answer your no youre not, youre trying to defend the border wall. I will defend the border wall. Youre here to answer our and im trying to. No, youre not. What youre trying to do is defend the border wall, and theres a process that you go through in order to be able to construct a wall. I understand that. And in that process you are destroying mountains, through explosives and you are also destroying sigaro, that are ancient and sacred, please explain to me why the tahona tahona odem were not properly consulted before youp or eliminr decided to blow up, eliminate, destroy, whatever term you want to use, theyre gone, their sacred lands. I think words matter. Thats why i take exception please. Im trying maam. What i would say is from our perspective, we have you are still consulted with the nation. In in what way . Again, we have followed the procedure and followed law. Im more than happy to provide you and this committee and other staffers exactly all of the meetings okay. Okay we document those meetings and id be more than happy to prvr provide of the 21 times that the real lady acts has been invoked the way federalists since it was an active, 16 of those waivers have been invoked by the trump administration. And you claim that youve respect the travel sovereignty as you just on here, that bones have already been found by border wall construction constructors. In september of last year, a significant Cultural Resources quote, will be destroyed over the course of and sooner or to walk consumption. This land was protected for a reason, so id like to, you know, go beyond your words and ask you how it is you think youve actually consulted the tahona odem before you have enacted these waivers because talk is cheep. Ap. Im sure you wouldnt like it if the federal government is blowing up your grandmothers graver, which is essentially what you have been doing. You are blowing up sacred lands. How have you complied with the consultation requirements that you have with the tribal government of the tahona odem. There are consultation requirements and process, and we followed the processes. We cant just go on a land. There is a process. We have to go there im asking you specifically what you have done. And im trying to answer the youre just telling me you consulted, how in what way . We have had meetings, we go into these individuals like we would any landowner, and we first start off with asking for voluntary permission to go to the land, right, and we tell them, and we show them what we want to do, how we want to do it, where we want to do it. We have come across issues and we consult with them, and we have, and i can provide that documentation. Have you given them any cooperation or mitigation or just spoken words to them, and then done what you wanted anyway, waived the real id act, and we are working with them. Day strenuously disagree that you are working with them, so my strong suggestion is that you communicate with them so that you are maybe more on the same page because right now youre just blowing up their sacred lands. Im exitcommitted to work with them. They disagree. Were follow up. Actions speak louder than words. Thank you, madame chair, i yield back. Mr. Morgan, i want to say thank you so much for working with us on the humanitarian care center for the rio grande valley, the 40 million we appreciate. You understand why its so important to do that, so thank you for doing that, and also thank you for the marine, you know exactly whats happening there in laredo. Significant. Appreciate that. I just have to ask you, of course, about the wall. Real quickly, all i ask is to make sure you look at the language that the Appropriations Committee had about taking into consideration community and Environmental Concerns at the border. Appreciate what youre doing working with the bulkhead in laredo. I want to say thank you because yall have been outstanding on that part. I appreciate it. The other one around my area is san ignacio. San ignacio is the oldest zapata, and they have a u. S. National register of historic its part of the u. S. Register of historic places. U. S. National historic landmarks, recorded texas landmark also. At the laredo college, i think today, theres a Board Meeting where the army corps is going to ask, of course, the request for access, and i think your folks have sent that also. And there is a Historic Board there that was established many years to protect the area there. So again, i know yall have something there about historic places. I would ask you to just be very sensitive to those areas, as you know in the past, we have added language, the committee has added language to protect the chapel, the butterfly center, a couple other places. In san ignacio and the laredo area, we ask you to take a look at that. Take the Community Folks into consideration. And hopefully, on the bulkhead, hopefully those will be an example, you and i have had conversations of our commitment to coordinating and trying to come up with meaningful, you know, reasonable compromises. And im committed to doing that. I appreciate it. We spoke to governor, hes willing to do the same thing. It would be an International River walk like they have in san antonio, if it gets to that point. Thank you so much. Thank you to your men and women also. Before we end the hearing, i want to strongly emphasize the importance of an open and transparent relationship between this subcommittee and each consultant within the department of Homeland Security. You made a commitment to provide information to the committee on the following issues. Pep many of which this committee has been requesting repeatedly for months. Im just going to outline them, i know you have staff here to take quick notes. First, detailed descriptions for each of the new pathways for removal programs. Second, the number of migrants in each program. A requirement that we also included in the 2020 appropriation that has not yet been filled. And third, the information that mr. Price requested on metering and i note that our fy 2020 bill also had a requirement for a report on metering that has not been provided to date. This information really does impact how we make resource allocations decisions. So we look forward to getting meaningful, accurate, and complete information from you. I look forward to continuing to work with you on some of the issues that i still believe that basically there are areas of disagreement, but our Main Objective of protecting our country, theres no difference in that, nor is there any difference in terms of the willingness of this subcommittee, including myself, to do everything we can to make sure you have the resources to do what needs to be done to fulfill your mission. So i thank you for being here, i look forward to working with you. Yes, maam. If you dont mind, i would like to comment on the open and transparent. I completely agree. I think thats one thing that cbp, ill speak for cbp, that we need to get better at. We need to get better at being more responsive, timely, and make sure were giving you information you need in your requests. We need to get better on that. I promise you, im committed to doing that for all those reasons. Appreciate that. Thank you. Hearing is adjourned. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] then in the evening our campaign 2020 coverage includes the super tuesday results for good morning, thank you so much for joining us minus chris glor joy develop the practices and it should have here at the elite school of international affairs, and on behalf of debris

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