And so the House Judiciary Committee just wrapping up this hearing on u. S. Citizenship and immigration services. A house judiciary subcommittee will be moving into this same room for a hearing with the ceos from amazon, apple, google and facebook. Theyll be discussing antitrust law and Online Platform market power. The Company Heads expected to appear remotely. Again this hearing being held in the same room as the previous hearing we just showed you. So there will be a little bit of a break as they take time to clean the room. The hearing expected to begin shortly. As for the tech ceos, this will be amazon Ceo Jeff Bezos first appearance ever before congress. Well be watching the room before if gets underway here on cspan3. Once again we are live on capitol hill this afternoon as we await the start of a house subcommittee hearing with the ceos of amazon, apple, facebook and google. Theyre talk about unfair competition and market dominance. They are expected to appear remotely. It was scheduled to begin at noon eastern today but the roam is being cleaned from a previous hearing. While we wait for that to take place, we will show you a portion of todays washington journal that previews this hearing. Reporter with axios, this morning joining us on the phone to talk about this hearing. It will be taking place at noon eastern time by the way on cspan3 on our website cspan. Org and you could listen on the go with our free cspan radio app. Ashley gold, what committee is holding this hearing and why . Its the House Judiciary Committee antitrust subcommittee. Theyre holding this hearing because they have been having an investigation of the digital market and the Big Tech Companies for the past year. And this hearing is a culmination of sorts of that investigation. Why are they investigating these companies . Theyre investigating these Big Tech Companies, apple, amazon, google and facebook, because among the democrats and amongst some of the republicans as well there is a feeling that these companies are simply too big, they take up too much of the economy, and they gobble up the competition by acquiring Smaller Companies, in amazons case by both selling products and being a platform, and in apples case running the app store, and the lawmakers just feel that antitrust law has not kept up with what the Digital Economy looks like and they want to get to the bottom of that. Senator Elizabeth Warren has tweeted out recently, here is what you wont read in big techs bought and paid for research. Amazon, google, facebook and apple have too much power over our economy, society and democracy. They think theyre too big to be held accountable. We need to break up big tech and stop mergers that kill competition. What is she talking about when she said we need to break up big tech and stop mergers . So, take facebook, facebook is a very large company. They also own instagram and whats app, other Huge Companies that people everywhere across the world use. What shes saying is that Smaller Companies never have a chance to emerge into the market place and become successful if maybe, which has the means to buy up Smaller Companies, keeps doing that. She thinks that google is too big and should be separated from youtube. That amazon should not be able to be both the seller of products and the market place of products. She thinks that the federal agency, the federal trade commission and the department of justice should sue to have these companies spin off from each other and become Smaller Companies. So it is a role for regular lators, not a role for congress . Well, what congress can do is pass new antitrust laws that would make it easier for federal regulators to do so. Currently some of the lawmakers feel that our antitrust laws that are on the books simply arent Strong Enough to do that and they want to give regulators a different road map to be able to do so. Senator john thune, a republican member of the Senate Leadership for their party, tweets out, sweeping protections for large Tech Companies under section 230 have meant that with very few exceptions, internet platforms are not held responsible for the comments, pictures and videos that their users post, no matter how harmful, its time to reexamine these protections. Could this issue come up as well today . Definitely this issue could come up. Section 230, the law that senator thune is talking about is also something that has been a huge issue for Tech Companies over the past couple of years. And in addition to antitrust action, taking away or limiting section 230 is something that lawmakers have also been discussing. Now, this law is kind of obscure. It is part of a 1996 Communications Decency about but essentially it makes it so tech platforms are largely not liable for what other people post on their platforms. The Tech Companies say that it allows them to moderate and keep bad things off their platforms but there are many people on both sides of the aisle that think that the immunity has gone too far and that Tech Companies should be able to be sued for what is on their platforms. Where is there bipartisan agreement about what needs to be done with these Big Tech Companies . There is not much. We talked to a couple of members of congress, Representative Ken Buck who is a republican, he told me the other day that he, after a year of investigating Tech Companies, he does feel the antitrust laws could use some changing. That strayed a bit from the republicans historically who want to leave big businesses alone. I think that our antitrust laws are fine and they are not so much worried about the competition aspect, theyre worried about the idea that the Big Tech Companies are biased against conservatives. So i think what youre going to see today is there is not a whole lot of agreement when you come across partisan lines. Everybody is mad at the tech for some reason. But it is hard to know how theyre going to go forward when they cant agree on what exactly the problem is. Ashley gold, Technology Reporter with axios. You could follow her reporting if you go to axios. Com and on twitter at ashley gold. We appreciate your time this morning. Thank you. Live pictures from the Rayburn House Office building on capitol hill this afternoon. As we await the of a house judiciary subcommittee hearing with the ceos from amazon, apple, google and facebook. Theyll be testifying remotely, answering questions regarding concerns of unfair competition and market dominance. Amazon Ceo Jeff Bezos will be making his first appearance ever before congress this afternoon. Just a few more minutes before it gets underway here. Live coverage on cspan3. So were hearing it is a few nor minutes and possibly up to 15 minutes before this house judiciary subcommittee hearing on online competition gets underway. We will have it from the start here on cspan when it begins. While we wait, remarks from colorado Congressman Ken Buck who joins us this morning to talk about his new book. Ken buck, republican of colorado, with us this morning. And congressman, we were just getting our viewers opinion of the Big Tech Companies, the ceos are testifying on capitol hill today. You are on the antitrust subcommittee that will get the opportunity to ask those ceos questions. What questions do you have for them. I think it is important that we delve into antitrust in having huge platforms in the hightech area. So i think a lot of the members will talk about the competitiveness of the market place, i think some of the members will talk about privacy and some will talk about the bias that some of the these platforms have demonstrated. Where do you think there could be bipartisan agreement on capitol hill to enact legislation that would impact these companies and how would it what would be the impact . I think everyone realizes that the antitrust laws need to be updated. We have started with laws really that were intended to break up trusts involving the rockefelle rockefellers and the carnegies an the turn of the last century. Congress has updated those laws to apply to telecommunications and mob bell and i think we need to take a serious look at the law based on the results of our investigation and update that law so that the regulators have the opportunity to apply the law, make sure that we are continuing to have a competitive market place that is innovating and staying ahead of the rest of the world. Tell our viewers about the investigation that the subcommittee did, why did you do it and what did you find . Well, for over a year now, we have looked at and listened to a number of companies that have been discriminated against by these highTech Companies. And frankly, the type of discrimination that were seeing indicates that there is a monopoly impact of these platforms in the market place. And i think that is what really concerns most of us, is it is not in a there is bias, but it is that there is bias and there is no opportunity to redress that bias because there is no place to else go. And there are privacy concerns, but the privacy concerns, again, cant be addressed because you dont have four or five different platforms to choose from. So what were looking at is how do we make sure that the law that we have is applicable to the new technology that were dealing with in our current world. Senator john thune, republican, has tweeted out that sweeping protections for large Tech Companies under section 230 have meant that with very few exceptions internet platforms have not held responsible for the comments, pictures and videos that the users post, no matter how harmful. It is time to reexamine the protections. Do you agree and would you explain section 230. Section 230 protects the large company. If they are Bulletin Boards and once they start getting into the area of being publishers and changing content or removing content, got a whole new issue and that is really, i think, section 230 will be examined. It is not the examination that were going to be doing today, with these Tech Companies. Although some members may get into that. But the antitrust subcommittee is most concerned about the anticompetitive nature of these platforms. So i think that when we look at section 230, it is going to be a separate examination than the meat of the subject that were dealing with today. Our viewers could hear lawmaker questions including those of Representative Ken Buck and the answers from these tech ceos when you tune in at noon eastern time to cspan3 or watch on our website, cspan. Org and also listen on the go with the free cspan radio app. Congressman, you have a book, capital of freedom restoring american greatness. Why did you write the book . I give tours in the evening of the United States capitol and we have all of the great features and stories that occurred in the capitol and i wanted the American People to get an opportunity to see really i think the greatest museum we have in our country, Living Museum that we have in our country. And we also are now talking about canceling our culure and moving away from our history and denying our history as opposed to explaining our history. And i think it is really important that people see what is in the capitol and understand the meaning of it and then make sure that we are moving, we are progressing in a way that makes sense. And so i wrote this book, it is a political book, it is a historical book and hopefully a book relevant to the issues that were talking about today. We want to encourage our viewers to call in, join the conversation, republicans 2027488001. Democrats 207488 thousand and before we get to calls, congressman, what do you think about the proposal introduced by Senate Republicans for more economic aid due to the coronavirus pandemic around a trillion dollars, what do you like, what do you dislike. I havent read it yet. It has been going through negotiations for a while now. I am anxious to read it. I think that obviously we need to help Small Business people that had been shut down by the governors their businesses have been shut down by the governors in this country. Many appropriately, im not suggesting that the governors have acted inappropriately, but i think that we have to make sure at the same time that we recognize that we have a huge budget deficit this year. A Huge National debt. And we have to take all of thoses into account and not overspend and not spend on pork projects and unfortunately many of the past bills have been stuffed with pork. Theyre necessary and any time you have a necessary bill, it attracts the kind of wasteful spending that im opposed to. Congressman, could you support the following from the heals act, reduce unemployment increases to 200 weekly and direct payments of 1,200 per individual and 2,400 per couple. A new round of loans under the paycheck protection program, Liability Protection from covid19 related lawsuits anz money for Virus Testing as well as 105 billion for schools an colleges . Yeah, im not going to get into those kind of details until i have a chance to look at the overall bill. But i could tell you, when we talk about unemployment, people should not make more money on unemployment than they do in their jobs. Have other constituents in my district that talked to me about how theyre having getting trouble back to work now they are reopening. We have to incentivize work as much as possible and recognize this is been a very difficult burden on americans and american businesses. But many of the things that you talked about, i support. I need to look at the details of the bill to make sure that im in favor of the bill overall. Congressman, yesterday before the House Judiciary Committee the attorney general testified for hours. What did you learn from him . Well, what i learned is that there are many good explanations for very difficult situations. And unfortunately during this president ial Election Year and in at a time of great stress in our country as a result of the pandemic and other issues, the attorney generals very good faith actions have been taken out of context. I am proud of this attorney general and im proud of the way he is conducted himself at the department of justice and the way he conducted himself yesterday in a hearing was just more evidence of that. What about the protests that have been happening across the United States and the descending of Homeland Security, Law Enforcement into cities like portland. Michael chertoff, a republican who was the Homeland Security security under george w. Bush writes an opinion piece today in the new york times, the hijacking of Homeland Security and he said the trump administrations deliberate decisions to intervene in the protests in portland with a heavy hand unconventional means and inflammatory political rhetoric was cnn has written that it endangers or democracy and undermines the safety by hurting the Development Ability to carry out the core mission of protecting americans from genuine threats to our security. I dont think that this administration has acted inappropriately. I think theyve acted in a way that gives Many Americans comfort that this president recognizes that when you have loots and arson and other crimes being committed, this president needs to protect federal property and if he sends the department of Homeland Security personnel to a city to protect federal property, that is absolutely appropriate. The mayors of these large cities are allowing these destruction of property and it is absolutely inappropriate and illegal. Now there are Peaceful Protesters and we should recognize that this is a country built on peaceful protest and encourage both sides of debate or many sides of the debate engage in that kind of peaceful protests. But when it turns violent, the police absolutely should intervene and the federal police are in a position that they need to protect federal property and federal personnel. Lets get to calls for you, congressman. Deborah, west chester, ohio, republican. Thank you for taking my call. Im interested in the privacy status on individuals counts, something that i didnt realize is that i have to tell anyone i deal with, like macys or visa that i want a privacy status. I was widowed several years ago and when i moved to try to get control of that, i moved all of my mail to a post office box and calmed all of the suppliers and said i would like to have the privacy status on my account, otherwise they have the option of selling my information, even macys can sell your information to a third party. To me, the law should be that i would have to opt that i would have to select a nonprivate status in order to keep my privacy. The other thing is i would be willing to pay for a subscription like to facebook in order to maintain private status. But i was actually shocked that i had to that i had to be the person to initiate a privacy status on information when i was doing business with somebody like a macys or a visa or someone else out there. I agree, absolutely. I think that the privacy issue is a huge issue and these companies, google, facebook, twitter, others, make money off of selling our personal data. And data that often times people dont want to share with businesses or government or anyone else. And so i think it is one of the issues that is going to come up today and it is one of the issues that we need to address with legislation. And youre absolutely right, the burden should be on the business to get a waiver from the individual allowing the business to use the information from that individual, that private information. And i think if we had more platforms, if we had five googles out there, they would actually pay you to sign that waiver or give you some benefit to sign that waiver so that you would deal with that platform and they could sell your information. I dont think selling information is necessarily bad. Having an informed Business Community that knows what youre buying habits are could be a good thing. If you consent to allow that information to be shared. So i think youre absolutely right. A lot of people dont even know that they have the ability to make their information nonpublic and i appreciate you asking that question because i think it is a concern to americans of frankly all political stripes. We dont want government and businesses knowing everything about us. And right now, because of our reliance on the internet, we oftentimes end up distributing that information without our consent. Congressman, what is the value of someones personal data and how can you figure that out . That is exactly what we need the market place to do. If we had a competitive market place, we could be able to value that data. And these competing platforms would be able to actually go to individuals and say, i think your data is worth, you know, a 10 coupon for that fast food restaurant, i think or a gift card for this fast food restaurant. I think your data is worth 20. And let the platforms compete for the individuals business as opposed to just assuming that they have a right to use that. Well go to keith, fargo, north dakota, democratic caller. Caller yes, the question i have is how come it is that you guys can get away with your spending, were trillions of dollars in debt, if we were in debt with our house, our boss would be in big trouble. And why cant the democrats and republicans Work Together and get this spending debt way down. That is what i want to know. I absolutely agree. And i have not voted for an appropriations bill for years because of our debt. An i have to tell you, i believe it is the greatest threat to our country that we have right now. Years ago, admiral mullen, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, said just that. It is not russia, china, iran or north korea, it is our National Debt that will take us down and i believe that congress should take it more seriously. As a member of congress i am known as a fiscal conservative because i continually talk about spending. When we have to deal with a pandemic like this, the first question we should ask is how doo we pay this back. What is the payment schedule. If you bought a home and got a mortgage, would you get a payment schedule. When we are spending trillions of dollars on a pandemic, we should have a strategy, a plan to make sure that we are paying back this debt. We would be a trillion dollars in debt without the pandemic. Just regular spending puts us a trillion dollars in debt. The real challenge that we have as a country and as a congress, because Congress Just reflects the values of the country, but the problem we have right now is that every Time Congress moves to cut a program, there is an outcry and there is, frankly, political pain to pay for that. I dont have a problem doing that. Im frankly happy to go home to colorado and find other work to do if we could ever solve this problem. But as soon as you talk about cutting medicare, cutting medicaid, and not even necessarily cutting in terms of reduction of the actual dollar value but just cutting the rate of increase, it becomes a huge political football. Same thing with cutting military spending or cutting social programs. We have to look at how what is the core function of the federal government and are we doing things that go beyond that function. Should we be involved in the issue of education to the extent that we are right now or is that something that should be handled at the loke am level or the state level. Those are fundamental issues, excuse me, that we are not addressing that we need to address. Hanover, pennsylvania, wayne is next, a democratic caller, youre on the air with Congressman Ken Buck. Caller greta. Yes. Caller i have a question for you. You have [ inaudible ]. You talk about how nice the bar is and all. Im a democrat, i dont believe anything that youre saying and im going to be polite, im going to be real pligolite, but your ideas and mine are far off. I get tired of you republicans cry, moan and grown, oh, and that great leader, mcconnell, that is a joke. Wayne, what is your question for the congressman. Caller my question is he sits up there, Small Business, yes, they need help, yes indeedy, im with that part. But oh, the people that are losing their home and all this and that, bus them under the curve. That is all i got to say. It is all business, business. And im sick of it. Im awell to do man. Wayne, are you advocating for Unemployment Benefits. What are you advocating for. Caller yes. People need help. Congressman. I agree people need help. And much of the reason why they need help is beyond our control. This pandemic is not something that government was created or crete a created by the people and it is something needed to be solved at state and local level and we cant give people more unemployment than they would make when they would work and were not going to get our economy back and running. Understand that the only way we can pay for the various programs that were talking about is with revenue generated by businesses and by individuals being employed and that revenue comes in the form of taxes and we have to spend that money responsibly. So, yes, thepeople are hurting. This is a difficult time in our countrys history. The federal government has a role in making sure that we get our economy back up and running by helping individuals and we cant spend too much money in the process because at some point in time we have to pay that money back and we dont want to be creating a National Security issue here as a result of our debt. David in los angeles, independent, go ahead. Caller well, im more inclined with the gentleman that just got off the phone. That these republicans, they are totally corporate and totally antiamerican. Dealing with the needs with the American People versus their pay masters. Now id like to point out something to the Good Congress person about a little history about protests. As he said our country is founded on protests. Hes absolutely correct on that note. And trust me, im sure hes not as stupid as he appears to be as to what kind of protests george and the boys were engaged in. So this stuff that is going on on the a. B. Barr, as trumps personal ship man and mouth piece, it is a disgrace, right. And if you were principled, right, you would be able to distinguish between the partisan actions that are being taken by this insane president that whatever he is, hes not a president. Okay, david, lets stay with the name calling, congressman, if you want to take his point about protesting. Sure. I said it earlier and ill say it again. This is a country that is built on protests. We are a country that believes in free speech and a country that believes in having access to government, influencing government decisions, creating government. Im elected by the people every two years. Senators every six years. President s every four years. So absolutely, we have Public Opinion and the reason that we dont have a revolution in this country is we are allowed to express our opinion and that dissent doesnt grow. But when we are burning businesses, burning cars, attacking individuals and police, that is wrong. And it has to stop. And what im saying is, peaceful protests can actually move the political agenda of both parties. And should move the political agenda of both parties. But when you turn to violence, there is a reaction to that. And it is a reaction that is detrimental to the conversation that were having that really caused the initial peaceful protest. We have racism in this country. We need to deal with racism in this country. And i believe that there are ways that we can constructively move forward. If we focus on the arson and the looting and the violence that we see in the streets of portland and other cities, we are going to be distracted from some of the very important issues that we need to address. Frank is next in grayson, georgia, republican. Caller hi. Good morning. Yeah, protesting is fine, freedom of speech, that is great. But there comes a certain amount of responsibility with that. You have to think about the country first. And you cant tear the country apart just for, i mean trump was elected president , you know, deal with it. And we havent dealt with it for three years. Now enough of that. Im 62 years old. The world is changing rapidly right now. Mainly because of the internet. And im not really that crazy about the internet. It is great for research and development and great for commerce. The social platforms are a danger. And the fact that something needs to be done and our in vision of privacy, being invaded every day with data bases. Back when i was in the 80s it was a hand shake and whether could you start work and have you ever been convicted of a felony. Now it is like let us check all of these data bases and let us find, our you have a misdemeanor 40 years ago, uhhuh, yes, that is the way youre being discriminated against every day base on the information in the data bases and it seems to be it is being ignored. Okay, frank. Congressman. Im not sure what the question was. I absolutely agree that the internet can be a benefit or a detrime detriment and i think it is up to the people to decide how they want the internet to be used and, frankly, there is a lot of false information on the internet. So ive never looked at the internet and said youve been convicted of a misdemeanor because there is so much false information out there that really it is incumbent on the individual to verify what we read on the internet and what we learn on social media. Margie in newark, delaware, democratic caller. Caller yes, good morning. Representative ken buck was talking about people wanting to stay home because they are getting a big unemployment check and there probably is a small percentage. However, i feel more people are afraid of going back because they dont want to catch the coronavirus and expose their families or their families going to work and bringing it back to them. He didnt bring that up. Well lets have the congressman talk about it now. Absolutely good point. I think there are a number of people that are concerned about getting back into public interaction because of the medical concerns, the Health Concerns of coronavirus. Its a very valid point. My point is simply that when you look at the longterm impact of Unemployment Benefits that exceed employment benefits, there is a negative impact on getting people back to work. But you raise a very valid point and that is that there are people that have public Health Concerns about going back to retail jobs and other jobs and we need to take those into account. Congressman ken buck, republican of colorado. We thank you for your time this morning. And in talking to our viewers. Thank you. Joining us now is james clyburn, republican of South Carolina and the majority whip for the democrats until the house. Congressman, i want to begin with your thoughts on late representative john lewis. And as you bid farewell to him at the Memorial Service in the rotunda of the capitol week, what was going through your head, share your thoughts with us. Well, i was thinking thank you very much for having me. I was thinking about earlier days, when john and i first started out in 1960, helping to organize what was the student nonviolent committee. You may recall from your studies im sure that the sitins started in february of 1960, february 1 in greensboro, north carolina. Two weeks later, i joined with a group in orangeberg, South Carolina and then we organized sitins starting that month and a big march, on march 15th. And then it was so spontaneous all across country until we pead the decision to come together and try to be more effective by coordinating our activities. And so in april of this year we met up if raleigh, north carolina, at the university, and decided to meet again in october, to really organize ourselves and trying to be more effective. And that is when i met john. I met him on october 15th, Martin Luther king jr. That same evening. And i tell everybody, it was that night with king, from 10 00 in the evening until become 4 00 in the next morning when i had my transformation. And john and i have been in and out with each other ever since. When he was ousted as chair in 1966, i think it was the year, john and i got active with the Southern Regional council and with the Voter Education project. I was in charleston, South Carolina, he was in atlanta, georgia, and we interacted throughout all of those year and finally he came to congress i think in 1986. I got here in 1992. And we spent 27 years together here in the congress. And so all of that stuff was flowing there my mind and i thought about the last conversation i had with him on the floor. When he was lamenting as to how he was fearful that the black lives Matter Movement that was being to effective, that he was so proud of, and we were just happy to see that breakthrough. And then all of a sudden we saw these headings, defund the police, and john felt like i felt, that this kind of headline could ruin this effort. Just like burn, baby, burn. Everybody knows about history knows that in the 1960s it was insurgents that took over and started yelling burn, baby, burn. It is what undercut that effort. And then none of it was effective. So john and i spoke out against such slogans. And i said at the time that this kind of slogan could give you a good headline but it would not make much headway. And so i always think about all of that sitting there in the rotunda as we talked about how much we loved john. Of course both you of have serviced in the Democratic Party for many years. Mr. Clyburn, over those years in the house, as you seen each other in hallways or talked to each other in rooms across the capitol, what have you two discussed about the movement that started so many decades ago . Well, as you know, john was an ordained minister. I grew up in apostate and my father and i talked about the ministry which i decided not to do and john and i talked scripture a lot. We were active in faith and politics. After the [ inaudible ] five years ago, john and i hosted along with senator tim scott a group of faith and politics people in charleston, orangeberg and columbia and i went with john often down to selma to march across that bridge with him. And at his invitation, several years ago, i key noted the session in selma at brown chapel ame church. And john and i talked scripture a lot. I told some people that i thought that john, more than anybody ive ever met, had internalized not just nonviolence but that my favorite Old Testament scripture is found in michael 6 8. For hes shown the man which is required to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. Nobody that ive ever met fulfilled that scripture the way john lewis did. And we talked about those kinds of things a lot. He was faithbased in everything that he did. He internalized it, he lived it. Im pretty faith based but im a little more tactical. I have not lived it the way john lewis has. He continues to lie in state this morning up on capitol hill. Yes. The Departure Time in moments from now that he will be returning to georgia where he will lie in state there as well. What do you think of President Trumps skipping the celebrations in washington this week . Well, i wasnt all that concerned about that. The fact of the matter is, President Trump is shown us time and time again what he thinks about people of color, people like john lewis. Look, john lewis, and those freedom, i call them foot soldiers in the movement, were marching across the Edmund Pettus bridge peacefully after a Church Service on a sunday afternoon, about 600 of them were met by Law Enforcement officers and they were beaten. They were brutalized. John, within an inch of his death, or life. And what we see today, at the behest of this president , or people being brutalized in portland, they are not doing anything except peacefully demonstrating. A navy veteran standing there asking a question and had his arm broken by batons the way johns head was beaten in. All by this president. And so to me it would have been very, very hypocritical for the president to even come and to honor john. Just be what you are. And hes being who and what he is. Lets get to calls. Nick in spring valley, new york, a republican. Nick, good morning. Caller yeah, i want to confront mr. Clyburn on two things nobody has confronted him on. He said the federal agents are gestapo but they put people in gas chamber so i wont be quick to compare them to that. Second thing when the congress is passing the [ inaudible ] and he said why do you complain about the holocaust and this guy gets away with everything because he is black. Got to confront him on this. This guy is an antisemite. I have no idea what hes talking about. He must be listening to other some program. Hes using wordsdy not use. Not that i disagree with his summations. I have no idea what hes talking about. Lets move on. Gary, connorsville, indiana, democratic caller. Morning greta and good morning to you, representative clyburn. I consider it a distinguished honor to speak it you and im always sorry i cant be there to shake your hand and get an autograph. But any way, a couple of points id like to make, sir. Number one, it is all about character not color. A kind of person that your perceived to be should not be contingent on your outward appearance, it is that simple. Look at Charles Mannon and and good examples. So that being said, i point this out, too, sir, this government should be run under one mantra, people first not how much money you could make, how much profit you could garner from sending jobs overseas and disregarding other people. I mean, if these people are so worried about working, like the previous guest talked about lets let these people keep their jobs, what do you think about that . Thank you. Well, thank you very much. I do agree with you, that is the first order of business. For families, to be secure, for communities to really have hope. That is what it is all about. You know, im a south carolinian through and through and i wrote my memoirs, i called it restive experiences and i said that all of my experiences have not been pleasant. But ive considered all of them to be blessings. And i talked about my experiences in South Carolina where our motto is, while i breathe, i hope. And i just believe very strongly in holding on to hope and you give hope to families. And we when you do not propose Government Programs and priorities that provide help for people, you are destroying the fabric of what this society all about. And so, rather than worry about whether were building a new fbi building, whats the emergency in that . Lets give people some hope. By extending Unemployment Insurance. We are cutting Unemployment Insurance, the supplement to Unemployment Insurance about 400, while a at the same time, asking for 2 billion to put a new headquarters for the fbi. That doesnt make sense. We wouldnt extend food stamps for people who are unemployed. Yet, were talking about building more aircraft carriers. Thats what theyve put into this bill. I agree with you, sir. The first order of business ought to be secure families by giving them hope. Maggie in georgia. Republican. Yes. I wanted you to know that donald trump is like a superhero. Hes the only one fighting for the people. The demonc rrrats are doing notg but sitting there running their mouths trying to destroy him and its sauch shame. Im voting republican all the way down and hopefully, theyre born in the usa no matter what color they are. Thank you. That wasnt question there. So i dont know what to say. Do you have a reaction about what she said and voting for the president and republicans . Shes free to vote for whomever she please. My mother and father are both republicans. They didnt see that as being all that one needed to do to have somebody vote for. Im sure that in 1964, when the republicans or soon to be republican Strom Thurmond came out and left the Democratic Party because of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, my parents, both republicans, did not vote for goldwater that year. They voted for the democrat, lyndon johnson, and i suspected they voted that way because they believe in their own civil rights. They believe in voting rights. They believe in fair housing. They believe in taking care of people in the golden years with mediciare, which democrats propose. They believe in taking care of low income people with medicaid. They believe in educating Young Children with the Elementary Education act. They believe in the Higher Education act. They believe in protecting this environment, all of which were a part of Lyndon Johnsons program and by the way, they all still exist today. So these people who said democrats are sitting here doing nothing, i ask her to review that for me and i hope that shes of income high enough that her children and grandchildren would not need the elementary and secondary education act or the Higher Education act. These are all programs proposed by democrats. I dont call thatting nothing. Congressman james clyburn, democrat of South Carolina, he serves in the leadership of the house as majority whip. Also the chair of the select subcommittee on coronavirus crisis. Our guest here this morning until the top of the hour. Well go to joe, democrat calling. If were looking at the life of john lewis then i have to think about the people that start off really wonderful, fighting good fight and they kind of morph because they get involved in the political system. For example, if a candidate has been arrested for trying to stop black housing discrimination marched with Martin Luther king and campaigned for Jesse Jackson and another candidate wrote the crime bill, attacked anita hill and embraced racists, so you have Bernie Sanders who did these things and joe biden who did these things. How can you in good conscious endorse joe biden and thats what i think happens. You guys start a brave fight. Once you get involved with the dnc and corporate money and wall street, suddenly, you have no conscious. So i think the first 30 years of john lewis was wonderful. And then i think he sold his soul just like you did because you endorsed joe biden, who isnt even fit to to walk in Bernie Sanders shadow for his fighting for equality and rights. Thank you. Congressman. Gentlemen is pretty selective. Yeah, i supported joe biden. The 1994 bill, i voted for that crime bill and so did joe biden. Joe biden wrote it and Bernie Sanders voted for it as well. I would ask you, whens the last time you seen a vote to ban assault weapons . That was the crime bureau. Also in the crime bill was a violence against womens act was in that bill. We had drug courts. Community policing. All that was in the bill. I said to the gentleman, we voted for the crime bill in the early part of 1994 and i would ask him to remember what happened in november 1994, thats when we lost the majority. The crime bill, took it out. With mandatory minimums. Are we responsible for that change . No. We lost the election in 94. The republicans controlled the house in 94 and call it anything they want to call it. Sign of the program and changing. Its a public picture. Unless you change the name you are u getting in the program. And you put in this bad stuff. Thats what happened to the crime bill. The alternative today is donald trump. Independent in california. Hello. Tom, good morning. Looting stores, burning them down, acting like savages. I got to pay my crap up to be black lives matter. Little difficult to understand him. The people who are doing the looting. Like i see happening today, i saw a former congressman now the attorney general there in minnesota, keith ellison. I saw him on tv last night. Keith ellison was talking about white supremacist who are just up the block who had camouflaged themselves to look like somebody black and going around knocking out windows. They showed him. Theyre now investigating and i will tell him, because it helps. The black lives Matter Movement put these environmentally challenges industries in my district. I shouldnt have to suffer as a black person. Thats what its all about. The russians are doing things to spread disinformation throughout. So i want to say to that gentleman you are the subject and you are the victim of a lot of disinformation ive got a protest im leading. Thats what happens with the movement. And i did just turn to embezzle. And number two, 1,000 for a twostory house. Thats where. If you could take it to a broader scope. We should most poor people the question is shes the one mayor bouser and some of the people and that housing is accessible and affordable. If. What is the found so well, we are working to make sure and to before it and looking in the heroes act, 3 trillion we have no idea what the total is. Corporations will be. My job is to make sure all the federal resources are utilized efficiently, effectively. We may be on the verge of get ing a vaccine and talking about jobs, need to make sure that, im sending out a letter today on that subject, its made available effectively. I remember the polio vaccine. I remember the vaccine was shot in the arm the saline vaccine was a drop of serum. But my my job is to make sure is that its efficient and effective. The recess at any time. Examining the amazon, facebook and google. Before we begin, id like to remind members, motions and written materials. 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