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Chad williams is the author of torchbearers of democracy, African American soldiers in the world war i era. Next, he talks about the postwar activism of the soldiers, explaining how after fighting with the idea of democracy abroad, many return to join movements to secure more rights and better social standing for African American here at home. National world War One Museum, in kansas missouri of 2019. Now id like to introduce our first speaker for this morning. Doctor chad williams, he is a agus this professor and history at african and African American studies at brandon university. He specializes in African American and modern United States history, world war i and African American intellectual history. He is the author of torchbearers of democracy, African American soldiers in the world war i era, which received the 2011 liberty, legacy, Foundation Awards from the organization of american historian and the 2011 distinguish book of war society of military history. He is also a part of so many projects, that i continue to be talking about around the nation as we are giving this Teacher Professional Development workshops. One of those is called world war i in america, you can find a video with him as well as some questions. Things that he hopes curate to really change how our students think about world war i. So, it is a true pleasure to have dr. Williams back. He is currently completing a book on wta be devoid, and world war i just completing a ratcliffe fellowship with harvard university. This morning doctor williams will discuss African American soldiers in the rise of an integral, please help me in welcoming back dr. Chad williams. applause good morning everyone. Hope everyone is doing well, hope were all awake. We have coffee we good . Thank you for waking up, for being with me this morning. Thank you all for your introduction, you are so good at what you do. A remarkable host, so gracious and i want to thank you and the entire leadership of the National World War One Museum. I want to thank camille for all your help assistance for the support and getting me here. And getting all of us here, certainly would not have been possible without you. World war i centennial fatigue, i realize is a real thing. Its been kind of along for years, maybe even longer. But im glad that we are spending some extra time, thinking about some history of the war, its a legacy, going into the post war period. Because its critical as we learned yesterday, to really think about what the war but are global scale, its legacy but also what it meant for certain groups of people. Certain groups who the very meaning of war is very complicated. Very vexed, the meaning of peace and war is sometimes a blur when thinking about their lives and their experiences. That is certainly the case for African Americans and other people more largely throughout. So id like to start in 1919. Specifically in june of 1919, the issue of the crisis. June 1919, the crisis, the news magazine out double acp edited by wta bead boys. Arguably the black scholar, activist of his day. In this issue he published an article titled an essay toward a history of the black man in the great war. The boys are returning United States after spending three months in france he was in paris during that moment. He described to us vividly last night, when du bois described in a destinies a mankind hauer centered to try and make sense of the peace. Try and come to terms with the war. And du bois needed to be there. Insisted that he needed to be there, representing black people throughout the world. He Panafrican Congress which was intended to bring attention to concerns at the peace conference. But during his time in france, he also met with an interviewed African American troops in order to get firsthand testimonies about their experiences. This is du bois right there. Actually on the front, in the moms france. He came away stunned, by the systematic prejudice that black soldiers and officers had endured. And his crisis article, du bois who you may know famously and is 1903 book, souls of black folk, wrote about double consciousness. African americans caught wrestling with being both black and being american. Du bois suggested that African American soldiers in france had experience their own unique form of double conscious. Their double experience as he wrote, is what shaped my deliberate and devilish persecution. From their own countrymen, coupled with a taste of real democracy and world old culture. The racism of white americans in du bois is eyes stood in stark contrast to the french who treated African American soldiers with respect. To effect, the du bois what is revolutionizing black shoes began to hate prejudice and discrimination as they never hated before. They have been transformed by their overseas experience, and become new far from filling them with the desire to escape from their race and country, he wrote, they weres filled with a bitter dog determination never to give up the fight for the grow equality in america. Make no mistake, du bois suggested, a new radical spirit has been born in france. Which leaves us all the radicals far behind. Du bois spoke of emergence of what would come to be known as, the new knee grow. The new Niagara Movement rooted in political consciousness and collective racial identity of black people and communities throughout the United States and the was a product of domestic and global upheaval that world war i and its aftermath. Ideologically diverse, the new Niagara Movement was characterized by the heighten racial pride and embrace meant of blackness, international collective organization and it renewed commitment to selfdefense against white racial violence. The new knee grow, im like the old knee grow at the past, had no fear. Many factors i gave rise to the newly grows as, the great migration, International Revolutionary movement and russia, ireland, and other locations. The growth of a radical black press, the merchants new militants, black political organizations. But i argue, that the most crucial ingredient to the emergence of evolution of the new Niagara Movement, was the spirit of the stemming from the decision loosening experience of black support for military personnel cetacean in the world war. What makes du bois june crisis so significant is that he explicitly links the arrival of the new knee grow with the experiences of the some 380,000 black soldiers who had fought and labored for the United States, in america, and in particularly in france during the war. The black veteran emerging from the crucible of war, with an vowed determination to fight for racial thus justice and democracy, symbolized the development and the spirit of militancy that would be the hallmark of the new knee grow. If you recall the moment, when i became fascinated in this relationship between black soldiers and the new knee grow, i was in graduate school and, i encountered a book by Richard Powell on African American art. Fascinating book. And as i was reading, i came across a picture that he included in the book. Here it is. I wish i could have a better image of it, but, this picture was simply titled the soldier. It was painted by ed win harlan. Hostin was born in charleston south carolina. Graduate of, we actually studied and took classes with w. Devoid he passed the opportunity to instead pursue a passion for art he received formal training, at Boston Museum of fine arts and would become into voices word, the leading portrait painter of the race. Edwin a. Harleson return to charleston to help support his formally, and became a leader of a black community. As many other African Americans that were immortalize publicized, he became involved in civil rights activities serving as president of charlestons and aa see peach after established not coincidentally in 1917. He continued to paint, and in 1919, as black soldiers returned home to charleston and other communities throughout the country, he produced the soldier. It was a powerful visual representation of the new knee grow. Hes been decorated, the medals on his arm, officer stripes, serving his country with pride. But hes also been pardoned, both both by war and by racism as well. Arms crossed, his face conveying grim determination, is now ready to fight for his rights and the rights of his people and whoa. Or i like the picture so much, it became the cover of my book. Harleson reflects how the image of the black soldier operated as a powerful artistic and cultural symbol for the arrival of the new knee grow. In the context of the, and the trope of the new knee grow as the returning black soldier this idea, the symbol this trove occupy center stage. But its also important, in my opinion, to move beyond the trope. Beyond discourse, beyond to understand the ways in which black veterans were selfconscious historical actors. And quite literally, embodied the new negro. Im interested in real people, real lives, real experiences. Theyre proud of their service, many black soldiers return home following the war deeply disillusioned with american democracy due to their battles with racism in the military. They translated the heighten racial political gender and into a commitment. To challenging White Supremacy, and uplifting the during the post war period. This was expressed in multiple ways. From the subtle, to the spectacular. So, what i hope to explore with you this morning is how the postwar experiences of my veterans, reflects the multidimensional nature of the new Niagara Movement, its ideological diversity, and need to Center Black People and our understanding of the 1919. Moment but first we have to start with the war itself, and the context. The African Americans were facing, on the american entry into the war. At this war, African Americans were in effect citizens in name only. Jim crow segregation. Hispanic political disenfranchise. Convict leasing. Horrific racial violence. This was the lowest point in history of modern black civil rights and citizenship according to the historian and world war i veteran logan. But African Americans had not surrender the fight for full citizenship inequality. Indeed when we talk about the new negro movement, its Important Technology that it did not emerge out of a vacuum. Even the midst of an idea, of African Americans fought that. And laid the groundwork to what would become the modern civil rights movement. So we can point to a vigils like and her antilynching activism. Organizations like afro american league, established by ida the Niagara Movement. Established by w. Be edwin a. Harleson du bois. Which was founded in 1909. Humid harrison, associated with the socialist party. William myself and his protest against that spectacularly racist in 1915 blockbuster film, that Woodrow Wilson allowed to be screen and the white house. Speaking of will joe wilson. laughs perhaps he should the thought more carefully about his words on the evening of april the 2nd 1917. As he spoke before the United States congress, an issue declaration a war against germany. And we all know the words, and is 36minute speech, while some proclaim the world must be made safe for democracy. We are about one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied windows rights have been made as secure as the face and freedom of the nations can make them. Perhaps more than any other group, African American seized upon the blatant prophesy, of waltons pledge and appropriated democracy as a rhetorical and ideological weapon. In the cause of racial equality. Ironically, by framing the war as a struggle over the future of global democracy, wilson created the ideological terrain for the emergence of the new knee grow, both in the United States, and beyond. Offense in the summer of 1917, painfully revealed that black people, would face a war for the democratic rights and very humanity on american soil. Before the first troops even set foot on french soil, july 2nd 1917, massacre in east st. Louis. Hundreds of African Americans, men women and children, brutally slaughtered. The naacp organized, and start of the protest parade. From 10,000 African Americans, dead women and children, marching avenue and win protesting wilson. Asking why not make america safe for democracy . Then there was, houston texas. On the night of august 24th, 1917 after injuring weeks of racial abuse, from a racist white citizens and police officers, a battalion of black soldiers of the 24th infantry, station at camp logan on the outskirts of the city, struck back. Over 100 soldiers, grab their guns, deserted camp, marched into downtown houston. For three hours, soldiers ignited the streets of houston and a series of gunfire. When the smoke cleared, to black soldiers and 15 white men lay dead, including for a Law Enforcement officials. After the first of three Court Marshals in which a total of 110 men were found guilty of mutiny, officials swiftly executed 13 soldiers, denied an opportunity to appeal the judgment. A total of 19 black serviceman were ultimately hung, with 63 receiving life sentences in federal prison. African americans, including the naacp and ida b. Wells, vigorously protested this injustice. And kimberly see here, she waged a one Woman Campaign to recognize the injustice done to the houston soldiers. With buttons that she distributed paid for out of her own pocket in memory of the murdered needed soldiers. Houston was a critical moment. And on the one hand, represented the worst fears of white settlers come true. On the other hand, it revealed the capability of black soldiers to strike back against White Supremacy. This is a United States mobilize the war, respect or a potential violence, and haunted debates about what capacity to use African American soldiers. Question swirl, if African Americans would be able to serve in the war, and if so, in what capacity. The War Department realize that they did not have the luxury of simply excluding African Americans from service, or severely complicating trading procedures by restricting black soldiers from southern camps. They also realize that they would face fierce protests, from African American civil rights groups. So to the despite opposition in the mobilization some black soldiers, with the passage of the french servants in may of 1917. This did not mean the black serviceman would be treated equally. From the onset of implementation of a draft military officials and local administrators of the Selective Service envision African Americans in an almost serving almost exclusively as laborers. In fact 80 of all black men in the wartime oddly served as the labour troops. One official bluntly described them as laborers in uniform. Up to some 200,000 African American soldiers who served overseas, and plans of 140,000 labored in the services of supply. Loading and unloading ships, laying railroad tracks, burying that bodies all the unglamorous work of the war. But, not all black soldiers served in the capacity. The army established to black combat divisions, the 92nd division, and the 93rd division. The 93rd division was composed mostly of national guardsmen, from new york, chicago, washington d. C. , and other areas. The 93rd combat duty in france, and this is primarily due to the fact that actually served with the french army. The only American Division to actually be embedded with french army as a result of the regime and the u. S. Military, not knowing what capacity to use this particular inaudible as a result, soldiers of another american soldiers. Both white and black. Despite being essentially discarded by the u. S. Military and the 93rd division was highly decorated, and garnered widespread praise from their french the most well known regiment was the 300, later known famously as the harlem held fighters. Famous for its release slamming jazz ban, led by james and also the heroics of two soldiers Henry Johnston and roberts, who on the nights made the 14th 1918, rated some repelled a german rating party from two dozen soldiers. Henry johnston, it didnt look like that it was a little more gruesome as you can probably imagine. He actually had a balloon i, feel a little pin knife. But his heroics would become legendary, as battles Henry Johnston would be collective memory of African Americans. Belatedly receive the medal of honor, in 2015. The second black combat division in the 92nd division, was composed of draftys, borne out of political pressure. From black press, and the black civil rights organization. And it also contained black officers. The War Department established in Officers Training camp, in des moines iowa which opens on june of 15 1917, over 600 cadets received officer commission, there be up approximately black officers would ultimately commission throughout the duration of the war. The 92nd division what du bois later characterizes his words was the storm center. Troops had a trying experience. The regiments of the division trained at facilities United States, preventing cohesiveness and a sense of collective identities. In france, white soldiers and officers spread rumors that the men of the division were habitual rapists. And threats to white fringe women. Black officers were particularly attacked as postpone representatives of black manhood and authority they were constantly demeaned by their superiors and disrespected without regard to their rank. The divisions white commander label black officers as workplace, and efficient, untrustworthy robert lee buller, named after that robert lee commanded atf second army, and wrote off the entire division as as a good experiment. In his words and he wrote in his post for more than ego division seem to fairway to be a failure. I went on to state altogether, my memories of the 92nd eager division are a nightmare. If you need combat soldiers and especially if you need them in a hurry, dont put your time upon euros. Captain was an officer in the 92nd division. Accompanied a company is good friend w. Y be duboiss took a trip to the front. In january of 1919. Reflecting on his battles with racism as a black officer in American Army that no nation on earth has ever hated a group as americans hate knee grows. In spite of it all, black soldiers returned home as heroes. They were greeted by parades and festivities. The famous homecoming parade of the three 69th in new york city. Some massive like this, other small the immediately became part of a collected historical memory of black contributions to the war and the allied victory. But even celebrating the Wartime Service and sacrifice after americans could not ignore White Supremacy and the Racial Discrimination endured by black soldiers hypocrisy of american democracy and that is why americans prepared for the next stage in the battle for racial justice, with black veterans on the front lines as w. Y be dubois expanded one of his most famous editorials may in 1919 returning soldiers we returned from fighting we return fighting. Make way for democracy we saved it in france and by the grace jehovah we will save it in the United States or know the reason why. But the voice was not being literal africans americans did in fact returned fighting. And it was by necessity because many white racists were ready to fight as well. Racial violence exploded throughout the country, much of it involving African American veterans and white people resisting to any changes, real or perceived in the status quo. In the south, the number of black people lynched skyrocketed. At least 11 returned black servicemen lost their lives to southern vigilante justice riots erupted in cities, large and small. The most explosive taking place in the lane, arkansas, washington d. C. And in chicago. 38 people died in the chicago race riots. Black people led by return black soldiers gave as good as they took. Black people fought back, beaten to a new spirit of resistance and self confidence inspired by the war. But the red summer as characterized by james Lyndon Johnson looked at the scar, in the psyches of many African Americans and shape their memory of the war as one of dashed expectations. As a black veteran of the 93rd division wrote in a letter, after the chicago riot, try to imagine smoldering hatred within the breath of an overseas veteran who was set upon and mercifully beaten by a gang of young hoodlums simply because he is colored. And this was the image taken during the chicago race riots one. Of my favorite images. I wish i knew what he was thinking. African americans translated the smoldering hatred in the raw memories of democracy denied into organized protest. So let me briefly mention and discuss some of the groups that African American veterans joint and founded and participated in and how they played an Important Role in the new legal movement. As i mentioned at the onset of my top, the black press was instrumental in emergence of the new knee grew. No paper was more important in this regard than the messenger. During the following the war the messenger distinguished itself as the nations leading radical African American magazine and a self proclaimed voice of the niagara. Its publishers, a philip brand often shunned their own became active members of the socialist party in late 1916, they founded the messenger year later. The end of the war coupled with the resurgence of White Supremacy intensified the messengers radicalism. Rand often oh and welcome the arrival of what they described as new crowd knee grows. Who, unlike receiving generations, of bourgeois black leaders pledged to wage entire battle against Racial Discrimination and working class exploitation. They declared that the new crowd is uncompromising. Its tactics are not defensive. But offensive. It would not said notes after a knee grow is lynched. It would not appeal to white leaders. It would appeal to the plain working people everywhere. The new crowd sees that the war came, the needle fought, blood, and died. That the war has ended and he is not yet free. Victor dailey, and Cornell University graduate, Alpha Fraternity member and former officer in the 92nd division served as Business Manager for the magazine in 1919 and 1920. Commissioned as a First Lieutenant at the des moines Officers Training camp, daily received honors for his unit battlefield performance in the war. Despite this achievement, like other officers in the 92nd, division pervasive discrimination daly endured soured him to americas democratic ideals and sharpen his racial and political consciousness. He wrote in an october 1919 letter published in the messenger, in response to the magazine being labeled as bolsheviks, promoting racial equality working class solidarity and our resistance to white violence made what a bolsheviks then classify me as former officer, former United States army officer as a bush of hissed. A second black veteran associated with the messenger was. Carlson graduated from Virginia Union university along with Chandler Owen and graduated from Columbia University law school. Carlson knew victor daly and served in the 92nd division as well and was also an officer. He returned to the United States anxious to expose the discrimination that he and his fellow soldiers and officers faced well overseas. Beginning in july 1919, colson published a series of articles, on the experiences of black soldiers during the war, essay such as a pro propaganda and analysis of new group patriotism. And the failure of the 92nd division reveals to readers what black soldiers encountered and in jordan france. The messenger the immediate function of the niagara veteran. The return niagara veteran, carlson wrote, by virtue of a service and experience have a certain special function which he cannot afford to fail to press to the limit. He continued the return soldier by reason of these military training can do more to stop lynch law and discrimination in the United States and Many Americans want to see. He is accomplishing it by resolute demonstration. A selfdefense and a growing desire to lose his life in a good cause. Close and encourage black veterans to actively fight back against White Supremacy and serve as inspiration for other black people to do the same. He continued, it is therefore the function of the return soldiers, with their new appreciation of social value, straight way to appropriate the desire for either revolutionize or destroy every evil american institution, which retard their progress. He must first of all continue their campaign of discontent and dissatisfaction. Let them neither smile nor sleep until they have burned into the soul of every knee grow in the United States an unquestionable desire to tear down every barrier which stops their onward march. Be the vanguard of the new needle movement low. And what about some of these other black veterans . Shortly after the november 1918 armistice, a number of black officers of the 92nd division, in fact, some of these men here, held a series of secret meetings in lemans, france, to discuss the formation of a postwar organization to combat Racial Discrimination both in an outside of the military. Military intelligence officials caught wind of these conversations and became immediately concerned, something was brewing and the result they feared could be terrifying. The organization envisioned by the officers of the 92nd Division Announced itself to the public. At a march 1919. They called organization the league for democracy. With the motto it less before get, the league for democracy appealed directly to black veterans and sought to honduras their political energy. A stated in his promotional brochure and constitution, the league for democracy was an organization of soldiers for soldiers by soldiers, with the goal to quote, keep alive the military spirit of the race. The primary mission of the league for democracy was to combat institutionalized racism, although the Organization Also had bigger objectives as well. They envisioned having camps in cities and towns throughout the country. A native of sumter, south carolina, served as the leading voice and organizing force behind the league for democracy. Mccain began his military career with the 24th division of the regular army, serving in the philippines and mexico. Upon the United States entering the world war, he joined 250 other enlisted regular Army Soldiers at the Officers Training camp where he received a commission as a First Lieutenant. He was appalled it is treatment and committed to do something about it. He challenged needle leaders such as robert mouton, the president of the tuskegee institute, telling him to his face that the new element of the race would now elect its own representatives. He also inspired black veterans and broader African American public to collective action. Appearing in washington d. C. , just before the race riots that erupted that summer. He told the capacity audience that no need gross anywhere in the United States should ever let white mobs take a black man to lynch him without using all the force possible to prevent it. The only thing with which to meet force is force. Despite its meteoric rise, the league for democracy faded from the scene by 1922, try to accomplish too much, was also under heavy surveillance by the federal. Government, but black veterans found other organizations to join and contribute. The unique skill, and experience. Too association. The new knee grow of the ports what period is in many ways anonymous with the charismatic leader marcus garvey. Remarkably short, time emerged as the largest Secular Organization among people of african descent in the 20th century. With billions of members as well as supporters in countries throughout the diaspora. In promoting the un high a, robbie consciously invoked the recent historical memory of black military service and the experiences of black soldiers and the future leaders of the race. Black people had fought in vain for democracy during the war, now it was time for black people to fight for themselves. Additionally, represented the new new grows willingness to fight back. And in january 1922 speech, robbie declared the new negro is a good fight. Little earlier to taking 20. I want to say to them, and to the white world, that if they try to witness this new negro association, they are going to get what theyre looking for. And other speeches say month, he told the hearing audience, i say this positively, the morale of the new needle cannot be broken. The morale of the knee grow american soldier in france, the morale of the niagara in france the morale of the african soldier in france were outspoken. And the morale of the soldiers of a bloody war of 1914 to 1918 is the morale of need rose throughout the world. As symbiotic relationship develop between black veterans and the un i a as robbie actively solicit tate at their participation and leadership. While black veterans responded by joining the un i a in significant numbers. We are not depending on the statesman like du bois to lead this thing of ours. We explained in 1921 speech. What we are depending on this of fellows like the new york 15th, the west Indian Regiment and the age illinois referring to the 378 infantry regiment of the 93rd division who fought their way in france. And served in a number of different capacities and the un i. From key leaders, to footsoldiers. Probably most black veterans actually served in a wing of the un eye which was called the african legions, the paramilitary wing of the organization which allowed them to make direct use of their military training and leadership. Base the organization of the african legion on the regulations and drill formation of the United States army. The african legions allow black veterans to transform their service, for america into service for the race and for the black nation. Afforded an opportunity to remain connected to their discipline racial camaraderie, that many black serviceman value during their experience in the war. With dreams of freedom, democracy, supposedly fought and labored for during the war black veterans weather was messenger, leap for democracy or the university represented the advance guard of a national and International Movement to attack and challenge White Supremacy. Black soldiers stand at the core of the new knee grow movement. Without centering and appreciating the experiences and significance, our understanding of this pivotal era in history will remain incomplete. At a time when we seem to be facing many of the same challenges, that black people confront nearly a century ago, let us remember that the struggle for democracy has never ceased. That a new negro has never died. And that black people have always and continue to fight back. Thank you for your time. applause so as always we are going to open up our queue in a. There are microphones on either end, but our first question is actually going to start back here in the auditorium with me. Can you comment on the comparison between the french interacted with american African Americans and their own west african troops . Yeah thats an important question. Let me just kind of french color blindness and racial egalitarianism. The french had a race problem as well. And that manifested itself in certainly their treatment of their colonial soldiers north africa which is how they were really use shock troops on the front line. But also kind of exotic files in some deeply problematic ways. Compared to their treatment of African American soldiers, they sought africanamericans as civilized. They saw them as potentially representing what theyre african colonial could be come, through the French Mission civilizing mission. So they saw African American soldiers, and African Americans more broadly in a very kind of exotic fires, romanticize way. Fantasize their blankness in particular ways, especially as related to cultural protections. Like jazz, the introduction of jazz by black soldiers and their military they were part of understanding the complexities of that question is understanding how African American soldiers were treated by their fellow american soldiers, by white americans. And, the idea that the french were better than the white americans who are treating them so horrendously, certainly not to say that the french where color blind. But in comparison, to how the vast majority of white soldiers in officers treated African American soldiers in france, they certainly treated them with a level of openness and respect. They are also, happy to have some fresh bodies by that time they were tapped out. So they were looking for help and support wherever they can get it from. But thank you for that question. Thanks for a very interesting top, it was great. I was wondering whether w. W. E. B du bois, or any other african representative were actually president paris and what role they played . So du bois was president paris. He spent three months in paris, he was determined to get overseas, to get a passport when other African American leaders such as were being denied. Passports, he traveled on official pressed ship. Which was so he was determined to represent African Americans but also the black world more broadly as a peace conference. He was able to secure a few meetings that would some american officials never met with Woodrow Wilson, didnt actually attend the proceedings. But in vision the pan american as a kind of a Shadow Congress that if you will. To make it clear that the representatives some advertised need to take seriously the concerns especially as related to germanys colonial territories and how they were going to be reappropriated but also ensuring that the rights of African People in the former german territories would be respected. My question kind of refers back to two questions ago, and its the relationship with the french troops. Here in the museum we have on display an artifact called the red hand insignia, that members of the 93rd division got to where which was the french shoulder patch. Can he shed some additional light, was that a common practice to allow African American troops where such insignias and then, as i understand it i believe, they were required to take that off as they mustered off at a war . Right, so the 93rd division as i said, was actually provisional division. It was composed of national guardsmen, had one regiment that composed of some south carolina. They promised the french a division of american soldiers. If and when the United States enter the war. And conveniently, not knowing what to do with all these black national guardsmen, decided to give them over to the french. French happily accepted. So, they took on all the necessities of serving with the french in terms of gear, weaponry, also insignia. At the end of the war, seeing how well they had perform, they want to get them back in the american exhibition every forces. Many of the commanders of those regiments with the, wherever you hesitant to do that. But eventually they had to return back to the United States, which was really kind of speaks to their complicated relationship with American Army in particular but just with the entire war effort. I was just wondering if you could speak to the connection between the new Niagara Movement in the black Power Movement in the sixties and seventies. And then maybe, if there was any connection between black soldiers experiences in vietnam, and how that may have connected or related to black soldiers experiences in world war i . Sure. I think you could definitely see a historical continuum. Again on the one hand we can think of the new negro, kind of a trope, a symbolic representation of generational change. Kind of renewed commitment to black equality. Even tracing all the way back to the post civil war era. Turn of the century. So i think we see kind of this new knee grow ethos if you will, kind of coming in waves. And that connections between the post world war one period and the black Power Movement of the 19 sixties are very clear in terms of the meaning of blackness. Embracing a more positive, a more militant form of a black miss. Also the creation of a distinct organization to channel and harness that type of radical energy. Also in terms of cultural production as well, so taking back to edward painting, some of the Cultural Representations that were key parts of the new knee grow movement. We also see that happening in the context of the black Arts Movement in the 19 sixties as well. The second part of your question certainly i think a much larger story to tell about the place of black veterans. And the long history of civil rights movements, the black freedom struggle, black veterans during vietnam. Who served in vietnam. Certainly played an active role in civil rights movements, but also in build organizations in the black for example so we have those parallels are definitely there. My question is about the editors the messenger. Along socialist lines, did they make an outreach or collaborate with editors of socialists or bolsheviks anarchists communists press in the United States or europe . Who did . A were there other leftists magazines and journals and United States of course when europe, did they collaborate or make an outreach in that direction . I would say so much certainly within the United States. We are talking about a pretty, i mean relatively small but nevertheless dynamic radical community in new york city specifically. So all these folks knew each other. Theyre always hanging out, arguing and fighting and getting into all types of ideological and political disagreements. You see certain figures between social apart is on the one hand, and communist party emerging and the post 1919 and the context of the United States specifically, the messenger at one point was very supported of and the un iafn chalet they have a falling out. So it speaks again to the ideological diversity, that existed within the. On the one hand that black people are driving for, but certainly going about it in different ways. Which i think is important to keep in mind, even today. That black political organizations, and activism has always taken many different forms and that not black folks think alike. There is time for two questions, particularly if those two questions and two answers are quick this might be quick. Were talking pretty much about anthonycentric experience, what about the other services the United States that were protectively in the United States navy, ive never heard of any officers in the navy who are African American. Second part is general like jack purging had a lot of experience with African Americans during spanish world war. Did that have anything to do with how he thought of them . He knew what the value was then how did that change for him in world war i . Yeah, i mean regarding of African Americans in the navy, served in explicitly in your capacities, as mess men. Did not have an opportunity to start as officers. Persian is complicated on one hand, as you said, he commanded black soldiers in the regular army. Then spanish american war, most recently his nickname was inward. Jack, so, so his relationship with black soldiers was kind of vexed as well as relationship with other commanding white officers. So i think he was very attentive to at the end of the day, placateing to the racist attitude and customs of the military and not upsetting the status quo. So while he knew firsthand a black soldiers could be affected combatants, could be effective officers, Charles Young for example, served with persian. Person was once eager to have him on his in france, and that did happen. The army and Woodrow Wilson made sure that Charles Young didnt become a general. And, persian than intervene. He had an opportunity to take much more definitive stand, and protecting black officers and their reputation. He chose not to do that what i think was really part of a stain on his leadership. Great top. A japanese proposed a racial equality clause as part of a government and the league of nations. Largely because as i understand it, wilsons opposition was rejected. Was this supported by black american leaders . It was a strictly a japanese initiative. Thats a good question. You begin to see a growing relationship between African Americans, and japan. You are going back to the japanese neguse a war. And this idea of japan as kind of part of a darker world. In a merging world of a nations. Which is going to challenge europe, and european supremacy. So there were certainly African American support for that racial equality cause. And, certainly during the and the war period, and see how that relationship evolved in different ways. 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With most College Campuses close, with the impact of the coronavirus, watch professors transfer teaching to a virtual setting to engage with their students. Gorbachev did most of the work but reagan met him halfway, reagan encouraged him reagan supported him. We know the press will get to later, i just mentioned madison originally called it freedom use of the press. And the freedom to print things and publish things. It is not a freedom for what we now refer to institutionally as the press. Lecture in history, on American History tv on cspan three every saturday on 8 pm eastern. Lectures in history is also invaluable as a podcast, find it where you listen to protest. Historian mark mullen is the offer of 1996 months to change the world paris peace conference which got the hammer out of peace treaty for over one reaching an agreement that satisfied all nations territorial claims and adequately punish germany for his wartime actions the National World War One Museum and memorial in kansas city hosted the top in front of their annual symposium last november. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. What a day. Really terrific event that weve had so far and thank you for being with us. I know that there is a lot of excitement as there ought to be about this evenig

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