Think. Yeah, im glad i came. Out. Somebody said, are you tired . I said, well, you know, sometimes you get old town road, then all of a sudden you come in front of a crowd. That should be the president. Its hard of it turn here. Its close to voting time here in South Carolina. And i like what i see here in clemson. I want to thank you all for coming up. I got to introduce a great clemson grad, the Lieutenant Governor, bob peeler. He said he said, you know, when i was going to clemson, i never dreamt id be introduce you to news president. I said half the professors that had you never dreamt youd graduate but a good man from gaffney, South Carolina, please welcome again your Lieutenant Governor, bobby peeler. One thing i found out about these clemson graduates is that if you ever need to go into battle, political battle, they wont wiggle on you. They will stay steady and one of those days steady, of course, was the Lieutenant Governor, the other graduate from Clemson University is a man from greenville, South Carolina, and a highly respected public official, the speaker of the house of representatives, clemson graduate david wilkins. Im traveling with a man who is a great governor of your state, a man who set the standard and set the example for governors coming up such as myself. Please welcome. Please welcome, governor yeah. I know. Im not going to forget his wife this time. She told me not to forget his wife. Please welcome governor Carol Campbell and his great wife, iris campbell. You met. And also with me today is the attorney general from the lowcountry attorney general is a good man, is a solid lawyer. He represents the people well in the courthouse. And as the attorney general, charlie condon, charlie. Theres been some members of the congress. You had the opportunity to hear from j. C. Watts where the real stars in the republican party. Congressman from South Carolina, jim demint, where i jimmy there he is. Good man. And a fellow texan. A friend of mine, a texan, a great hero. Somebody who represents the veterans of this of this United States. Very well, he himself was a prisoner of war in vietnam. Hes back. Hes serving as a congressman from north texas. Please welcome sam johnson. I appreciate the same. Somebody who is somebody who is tired of hearing me give a speech. Hes not my wife either. I want you to somebody whos been traveling with me around the state of South Carolina, indicative of the fact that i will carry the veterans in this state. Somebody whos heard me say a lot of times a promise made must be a promise kept to the veterans. This is a man who is a medal of honor recipient, a south carolinian, mr. John baker. Wheres johnnie . There he is right here. Appreciate your johnnie. I appreciate your body. And finally, an introduction that the Lieutenant Governor made. But i can make better, i think you can judge the nature of a man by the company he keeps. And im keeping great company. And yeah, at last, laura and i were both in midland, texas, and there you go. When i married her, she was a Public School librarian. Shes always been worried about illiteracy amongst our young. And she put her heart and her mind together to improve the literacy in my state of texas. As a younger. Anyway, she was a Public School librarian who didnt particularly care about politicians, and she certainly didnt care about the speeches they give and one interested in making them. Because when i asked her to marry me, i said, where are you . And she said, only if i dont have to give any speeches. I said, okay, but thats the only political promise ive broken and im better off for it. Not only is she a fabulous speaker, but more importantly, shes a great wife and a great mother and now watch. How often folks hear that many, many people in South Carolina understand what im about to say. But its important for this country and this state to understand where my priorities are. And my priorities are my faith and my priorities are my family. Those are my priorities. Were the proud parents of twin 18 year old daughters. They mean more to us than anything in life. Theyre incredibly important to us. And the reason i bring this up is youre about to have a president who will remind people in america that it doesnt matter what your job title is on a regular day, if you have a child, its not my most important job in being a governor and lauras most important job in being a first lady. Since weve got children, our most important job is to love our children with all our heart and all our soul and all our mind. Its important for us. Its like villa said, one time. He said, if you love your children so much, why are you running . Why are you putting your 18 year old twins through this one . I know our love for each other can endure anything, but i also love my country. I love what america stands for. I love the hope and promise of the American Dream. Im running, but because i want the American Dream to touch every willing heart im running because i dont want people feeling left out as we head into the 21st century. Im one of them because the great values america mean a lot to me and should mean a lot to everybody who is fortunate to be an american. Im running because i want to end the clinton era in washington, d. C. Again. I got a lot to say before dark. Now is the saturday. The people of this good state are fixing to go the polls and we can begin that end of that era this saturday. People of this state are going to send a signal all across america that our party is the party that stands for limited government and lower taxes. Weve been having a tax debate during this primary, and im glad im glad you see, ive been through a tax debate before as governor of the state of texas. Ive heard those voices say we cant give people their own money back. Government will suffer. Ive heard the voices say, like those who said out of washington, governor, your tax cut is too risky. Ive heard the voices, but let me tell you where im coming from. I understand the reason we have a surplus. We have a surplus because the taxes are the highest they have been on the people who work for a living since world war two. Weve got extra money available. The reason we have extra money for babies because people are working harder than they ever work and putting less money in their pocket and more money in the government coffers. We have a surplus not of government, but of the peoples money, and i intend to give some of it back. Ive heard the debate. Ive heard those voices who say giving people their money back is risky. Let me tell you what we republicans ought to understand. Whats risky is leaving unspent surplus in washington, dc. Whats risky is a fear that the federal government will expand its reach and scope beyond that which we think is right. Thats whats risky. Now we need to have a standard bearer who says that were going to have a tax cut for everybody who pays taxes, not a favored few, a standard bearer who understands that by reducing the marginal rates on the people who pays taxes is a surefire way to keep our economy growing. We need to have a standard bearer who knows the death tax is unfair, the marriage penalty is unfair. The earnings test on Social Security is unfair and we need to have a standard bearer who not only hears the voices of the entrepreneurs and the Small Business people, but a standard bearer hears the voices of those who live on the outskirts of poverty under current code. Today, if youre a single mom with two children, if youre working the hardest job in america and youre making 22,000 a year under the current code today for every additional dollar earn, as youre struggling to get ahead, you pay a higher marginal rate on that dollar and someone making 200,000. And thats not right. You see, not only do i want to cut the taxes to keep the economy growing, i want to reform the tax code that hears the voices of those who are working hard. Our party ought to stand for this simple principle. The harder you work at the toughest job in america, the more money you ought to be able to put in your pocket to be able to save for your family. It is conservative to cut taxes and it compassionate to give people their own money back so they can save and they can dream and they can build. A the salary. The people of South Carolina can send a message that our standard bearer, that the republican standard bearers understand something about how to get our children educated. I, i made education my number one priority in the state of texas. I understand what it means to send high standards to raise the bar i know how important it is to have accountability systems that ask the simple question, why do you know . I know its important to put programs in place that once we asked the question, what do you know that if you dont know what youre supposed to know, were going to make sure you do before we simply shuffle you through the system. I know how important it is to challenge the status quo. It is important that our party have a nominee who can proudly say to republicans and democrats alike, i have put a system in place that improve the lot of all citizens in the state of texas. Im here to tell you, our test scores are up proudly amongst our African American students and hispanic students because we never on any single child, we expect the best. Ive told the people of South Carolina, i do not want to be the federal superintendent of schools. Im not interested in being the national principal. You see, i believe in local control of schools. Ill pass power back from washington, d. C. I believe we ought to change head start into a Reading Program to give our faces of our future the Building Blocks necessary to be able to learn. I know we need to expand education savings accounts from 500 to 5,000 per filer per year. So parents can have more options for their children. But let me tell you what else ill do. I will challenge the soft bigotry of low expectations that oftentimes pervades our schools system. I will demand that a School District receives federal money. They must let us know whether or not the faces of our future are learning and if they are, well praise the teachers. But if not, instead of funding mediocrity and accepting the status quo, that would trap children in failure. I will insist there be different options available to american parents, because you see, in my vision for america everyone ought to have a first rate education. There are no second rate children and there no second rate dreams. And finally and this is an appropriate place to say this on a college campus. And finally, i am running to keep the peace. I dont want you going to war. I want to be able to say to not only you, but your children and the grandchildren of others that georgetown be a bush kept the peace. He made the world more peaceful. And that begins by having a command in chief who understands the role of the military and a leader who sees the world the way it is. I see the world as a world of uncertainty. We should not let down our guard in the postcold war era. It is a world that is as dangerous as the past because what were certain about in the uncertain world is even that even though the evil empire has passed, evil still remains. Were certain that there are mad men and missiles and terror. Were certain that people cannot stand our successes. They hate our freedom. And i am certain of this a dangerous world requires a sharpened sword. So i will rebuild the military power of the United States of america. Morale is dangerously low, and our military over the past seven years, morale has declined to a dangerously low level. And no wonder weve got men and women who wear our uniform on food stamps. Im going to correct that. Im going to make sure our soldiers are well paid and well housed. Morale is low because it seems like were trying to be all things to all people in the world. Were overextended over deployed and undertrained. Im not going to retreat. Im going to help lead the world to peace, but im going to strengthen our alliances and at the same time say to our friends, if theres conflict in your area, you get to have the Peace Keeping mission. Were going to say to our friends, you get to put the troops on the ground to keep warring parties apart. America will be the peacemaker here in the world. Morale is low because our veterans are saying out loud, where is the promise kept to the promise made . Morale is low because soldiers in the uniform today wonder out loud in the cells. If our government has made a promise, will we keep it . After all, many veterans are saying the promise has not been made, kept to them, and morale is low for this reason. In order to boost morale, it is important to have a commander in chief who respects the men and women in uniform and who in turn earns the respect of the men and women in uniform. And thats exactly what im going to do when i get to be a president. So these are some of the reasons some of the reasons why ive asked my great family to join me in the quest to become your president. Some of the reasons that let me stand right here on the verge of the primaries and we got a good chance to win if my supporters show up to the polls. So im here asking for the vote. I ran for the United States congress in west texas in the late seventies, and i came in second place in a two man race. Some people call it last i called it second lady, walked up to me and our hometown of midland, and she said, i need to Say Something to you. I said, yes, maam, what is it . She said, i didnt vote for you. So really, why not . She said, because you didnt bother to ask for my vote. Ive always remember that lesson. I want it to be said. I came to this Great University dance for the vote. Im here to ask you to go to the polls tomorrow on my behalf and when your go and make sure you take a friend and neighbor with you. And if youre really for me, take the whole street and the whole block because i cant win without help. Oftentimes, oftentimes, people come to my rallies who havent made up their mind yet. Folks who i affectionately call tire kickers. If you know what i mean. So i want to thank you for coming. All i can do is ask for you to give me a chance to persuade you. I want to thank you for coming on the eve of the election to listen to what have to say. And if youre for one of my opponents sorry, i just only pull the lever one time. But no matter who youre for, i want you to know this about my job. My job is a set of positive agenda that i can get past an agenda that is an Economic Growth agenda. An agenda that will keep the peace by strengthening the military and education agenda that is powerful and positive and an agenda to fulfill the promise to the elderly, which says well have a Social Security system that is safe and secure. And, by the way, one thatll be available for when you all need social purity. And the same thing on medicare. We must fulfill the promise to the folks who rely upon medicare. But my job is more than just setting an agenda. My job will be to get it passed. I have had a record of reform in the state of texas. I know how to earn the will of the people and i know how to spend. That will to convince both republicans and democrats to listen to your voices. Ive had a record of reform with positive results, but my my role is even bigger than that. You see, my role is to lift the spirit of america, to to set high heights and high hopes. And my goal is to usher in what i call the responsibility era in this country, a culture which will stand in stark contrast to the last few decades, which is clearly said, if it feels good, do it. And if youve got a problem, blame somebody else. My vision for america is that each of us understand each of us to understand that were responsible for the decisions we make in life. Each of us must understand that were responding for love. The children we bring into this world, that were responsible for helping the communities in which they live to be the best they can be. And all of us are responsible for hearing that universal call to love a neighbor just like wed like to be loved our Self Government can help usher in the responsibility by passing a law that says were going to hold you accountable for what you do if you break the law with using a gun, there needs to be accountability. My vision, thats a four letter word called jail. But government, the false pass, the false hope for the past is all you got to do is wait for government to pass a law and everything will be lost. Everything will be fine. But let me tell you what i know. And you know, governments cannot make people love one another. Its been a great false hope for the past. All you got to do is pass a law and people will love one another. But love comes from a higher calling, a higher authority, the great strength of america lies in the hearts and souls of citizens whove heard that call, not in the halls of government. My job in order to usher in the responsibility era well to gather the armies of compassion and to rally the people of faith and goodwill and good heart who are willing to help a neighbor in need to. Help a young who needs to be mentored to say to people, there are right choices in life to make and there are wrong choices in life to make, to rally the armies of compassion, to help close the gap of hope in america and finally, in order to usher in the responsibility era, i understand this profound fact that in order to call upon the best of america, i am the one chosen. If i am the one that you dominate tomorrow, start on the nomination process tomorrow and eventually become your president. When i put my hand on the bible that january day of 2001, i will swear to only uphold the laws of the land. I will swear to uphold the honor and the integrity of the office to which i have been elected. So help me god. Thank you all for coming. God bless all. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Unbelievable

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