PUBLISHED 8:11 PM ET Apr. 26, 2021
PUBLISHED 8:11 PM EDT Apr. 26, 2021
Governor Andrew Cuomo’s COVID-19 emergency powers have remained unchecked, critics say.
In March 2020, while COVID-19 was sweeping the state, lawmakers granted the governor broad emergency powers that allowed him to override any state and local law.
Just recently, state lawmakers passed a bill that would limit that authority, with some Democrats claiming that this was a rollback of Cuomo’s emergency powers.
However, many lawmakers say this legislation does not go far enough.
“Ask a local business who's been impacted by these mandates whether anything has majorly changed for them since they supposedly took the powers away,” Assemblyman Edward Ra said. “They're still at the whims of the governor on a day-to-day basis, and in particular, the bars and restaurants, I think, feel very singled out at this point.”