>> those credit cards tend to have a very high interest rate. it is true a store credit card carries less weight than a bank credit card in your credit score. if she has a lot of other credit cards with larger limits, shutting down two cards shouldn't make too much of a difference. i think the best advice is pay them down and keep them open. it doesn't hurt her to keep them open but it could actually have an affect later on if she does shut them down. pay them down, don't use them too much. leave them in your wallet when you go out shopping and you won't have to worry about your credit score at all. >> brian, kathy wrote in, we'd like to pay less interest on our credit cards. we get calls daily from companies saying they can lower our interest rates. we're wondering if these are legit. how do these companies work and how do they know to call us? >> they should put the information on information is getting sold like hotcakes out there. it is very prominent information. every time that someone looks at your score to see if you are

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