good morning. this wednesday, 28th of july. thanks for being with us in the most news of the morning. i'm john rob zblerts i'm kiran chetry. where is the oil? cleanup crews in the gulf roaring there's not enough crude left on the surface to skim. 100 days into this disaster today. one top coast guard official says the spill is now entering its final life cycle. in a moment, incoming bp ceo bob dudley on the challenges ahead. >> search is costing women money. scammers are pretending to be u.s. servicemen deployed overseas and promising marriage just to cheat women out of thousands of dollars. it is a cnn special investigation. >> countdown to a rackdown. arizona officials find out today whether a federal judge will block their controversial new immigration law. police are getting ready to start enforcing it tomorrow. today we are taking a look at a young man caught in the middle