testing done before they were used. obviously this is a difficult decision. are you talking about oil which is highly toxic in the environment. epa looked at this issue. a decision was made to use dispersants. then a decision was made to dramatically reduce the amount of dispersants being used. a 72% reduction. we're going to continue to monitor, continue to test. right now there's no anomalies. toxicity levels are not above what you might normally see in the gulf but we need to remain vij leapt and we will. >> is the seafood safe to eat? >> we've been opening fisheries. they go through rigorous testing before they are reopened. we'll continue that testing. i'm going to 234r0rd latflorida today. i look forward to eating florida seafood. i think the public can eat sea fo food with confidence because we only reopen these fisheries after extensive testing with the fish. >> we're delighted to see the light at the end of the tunnel with this natural disaster. carol browning, thank you. . a blistering heat wave not

Related Keywords

Lot ,Soil ,Issue ,Scott Decision ,Dispersants ,Testing ,Environment ,Amount ,Epa ,Gulf ,Toxicity Levels ,Reduction ,Anomalies ,Avij ,72 ,Fisheries ,Rigorous Testing ,Seafood Safe ,Public ,Eating Florida Seafood ,234r0rd Latflorida ,234 ,Heat Wave ,Fish ,Carol Browning ,Natural Disaster ,Confidence ,Sea ,Fo ,Food ,Tunnel ,

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