growth for next year. let's talk about some of the other things that came out of the oecd meeting. they said they're expecting, as you would expect as well, slow rfry for countries like japan that were affected by that march 1 th earthquake and subsequent tsunami that's really affected the production and supply chain there. they also said they're expecting bigger than expected slowdowns in places like china. also, oil prices and european debt crises are probably likely, they say, to weigh on investors' minds and economists' minds and potentially do some damage, let's say those are the risk factors for the recovery as it gets under way. they've been urging a series of rate hikes, particularly from some of the institutions like, for instance, the ecb and also the federal reserve. they're saying they could expect rate hikes coming from the fed in the next few months or so. one of the things that was very much discussed was the long-term inflation expectations for the