there. again as we review, you're looking at $1.3 million, plus you're talking about the tens of thousands of dollars a month come frg the president himself and a retainer. this is a lot of money coming into michael cohen tlau shell company. registered in delaware. i want to bring in brian now. and i want to get to this, obviously, because this is a wig story out there with trump's opposition that he had made so public to the at&t time warner merger. obviously that involveded cnn. at&t has confirmed it made $200,000 in payments to michael chone, to his consulting company. it raises a lot of questions. what are they saying now? >> at least 200,000. his documents identify it say ing it was $50,000 a month. i'm told by a well placed source, it was a higher total number because cohen's firm was contracted throughout much of 2017. avenatti is saying this didn't start until late 2017. at&t said it started in early 2017. that matters because when president trump was elected, 18