margin? >> romney. >> let me tell did you -- no, no. obama won by 53%. >> i know. >> everybody says this is such a republican district, how did obama win in 2012 by the same margin that president trump won? you know, it defies logic. >> romney won the state, though, and they've held the district for -- >> but we're not talking about the state. we're talking about -- look, chris, we're talking about this district. >> the democrats weren't even putting somebody up for some of those years because there was such prohibitive laws. >> how ruby red this is and how it's impossible for democrats to win. well, a democrat in 2012 won pretty handily. >> not for the congressional seat. >> don't paint it like it's this ruby red, dyed in the wool republican -- >> i don't know how red you have to be, sir. from 1935 to now, you've only lost twice. >> you don't have to call me sir, buddy. you can call me dave. [ overlapping voices ] >> listen, i heard your earlier