we're going to have a taco truck on every corner." and i'm thinking, "is this a bad thing?" >> estevan: where would all these food trucks be, you know? there was only taco trucks ten years ago. >> anthony: it's the prototype. >> estevan: ten years ago there wasn't a an asian fusion truck here or this kind of truck, or this kind of truck, an indian food truck or this truck, you know? >> anthony: taco truck, i mean, you opened the door. >> estevan: we kicked the door down, yeah. >> anthony: look, white america loves mexican food, i mean, probably more than any other food at this point. they sure like cheap mexican labor, because they can't live without it. >> mr. cartoon: right. >> anthony: why are they so freaked out about mexicans? nobody's talking about building a wall across the canadian border. >> mr. cartoon: who's going to help them build the wall? you got to have some mexican power to do that. >> anthony: that's exactly what i thought.