now have this hurk you'lly an task of going through 250 gigabytes of video. they will help with the fbi of that but that timeline is important, brooke, for this reason, they wanted to establish no one else was providing aid, comfort or support for the shooter. they don't know if that happened prior. they don't believe the person that purchased the weps, mr. kollie and they don't know if he inspired this heinous act. >> and the video, this is me a week ago inside of ned peppers. so this is the bar where the shooter went to potentially case it out for about 20 minutes after he had been in blind bob's and this is where dane who was so lovely and working the bar, an assistant manager working the bar and pointing to where the doorman was because with the police didn't include in that news was it was the doorman of

Related Keywords

Inside Blind Bob S ,Timeline ,Hurk You Lly ,Fbi ,Brooke Ba ,250 ,Shooter ,Person ,Reason ,Aid ,Support ,Comfort ,Mr ,No One Else ,Sweps ,One ,Bar ,Ned Peppers ,Kollie ,This Is Me ,Case ,Heinous Act ,20 ,Riot Police ,News ,Blind Bob S ,Assistant Manager ,Doorman ,Pointing ,

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