>> gretchen: top of the morning. it's thursday, october 13. i'm gretchen carlson. thank you so much for sharing your time with us today. herman cain is catching on. looks like he's the new top dog. new polls show the former pizza guy running away with the lead. >> he delivers. >> steve: rest easy, everyone. your blackberries are fixed. not mine. that's what the company says. so why are most of them still quiet this morning? turns out there is a catch. brian? >> brian: i just got your e-mail. i am going to be at work today. >> steve: okay, good. >> brian: medical miracle was caught on camera. a deaf woman hearing her own voice for the very first time. >> here you go. >> technically the device is on. can you tell? that's exciting! >> brian: can you imagine that? that woman here live to share with you that incredible experience. "fox & friends" starts right now