photograph of him in a room by himself and they have actually got cuff on his leg chained to the bed. that has since been removed but i think that didn't occur for some period of time and of course it's unacceptable. unacceptable. >> bill: here is what bothers me. have you got jay carney. >> it bothers me too. bill. >> bill: i know it does. have you been doing good work. you and congressman down there in miami. excellent work. when jay carney says to our guy ed henry we don't nolg know anything about. this don't you think that president obama, with all the power that he has, could come out and say we're trying to get him released. you don't have to -- jo expect him to threaten mexico. i don't expect him to diminish the new president or lodge any charges. that's my job. i will do that but certainly the president can say we are very concerned woe would like