[ male announcer ] staples. make more happen. it would be a scary process... even bullhorns. how much? truecar made it very easy... for me to negotiate, because i didn't really need to do any negotiating at all. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ top three tools -- hammer, screwdriver, front loader. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. a john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. [ don ] in the right hands, an imatch quick-hitch could probably cure most of the world's problems. [ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or myso i asked her how i isaved fifteen percent on car insurance in just fifteen minutes. (laughter) "idk?" what does that mean?

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