>> filing a lawsuit in u.s. district court in new york after they lost insurance coverage saying the push t to ban the gun group has costce them millions of dollars in damages. but joining the trend has also cost some companies millions. in georgia, delta airlines lost a 38-million-dollar tax cut after delta ditched their nra discounts. in louisiana, the bonds commission voted to block citigroup and bank of america from financing a 600-million-dollar highway construction project after they placed restrictions on gun purchases. >> they should be making sound business decisions that their shareholders not trying to be on the right side of what's popular politically. o >> tammy: hillary vaughn joins us now. great job. this is, withau everything going on in the world and elections and everything, this kind of stuff continues more under the radar. when it comes to the banks, they have historically used sometimes their power to affect really to implement discriminatory policies when