for that 100-pound weight loss. disgruntled customer sued her and claimed the product didn't work. part of the settlement, she was ordered to pay the woman and attorneys, $130,000. according to "national enquirer." settlement agreed for removal of the term "proven product" from the website and the company has to issue a disclaimer, that organic liaison is a calorie-based weight loss product. there you go. $130,000. >> interesting they went after her. don't blame the messenger. beware if you endorse the product as a celebrity. they hold you liable, not the makers of the product now. >> absolutely. she had to cough up $130,000. weight loss products. buyer beware. don't you think? caveat emptor as they say. >> fine print. they throw -- during the commercial they throw it at you anyway. >> some of them are so over the top silly. i don't know how anybody would take them seriously. i don't know much about this product. i can't speak for it. there you go. all right, we'll be back in a little bit. ttle built. ther l right, we'll be n a