hospital than at an outpatient clinic? our search for an explanation. >> i wouldn't expect any lay person to understand any of this. >> astronomical health care cost and how to fight a questionable bill. it is tuesday, december 3rd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good morning, everyone. pretty pathetic when our floor director over there, nole, says it is hump day eve. so we are thinking of wednesday because it is tuesday. >> they need to push the week along. >> hump day eve. >> we are gray today because we're unexcited about the day. >> i didn't notice that. >> you got my memo i'm glad. >> i didn't do cyber monday shopping. i got tired and never got it to. >> what are you going to do? >> i missed the bargains and will have to scramble. >> it's a little-known secret, the more stories we do about this, these deals last throughout the season. they want you to shop on black friday and cyber monday. >> it is a big trick it. >> might be -- just give me a couple of weeks and i will be able to tell you the truth. >> there's truth to what you're saying.