there he is. and now for the big number. did you notice that each of those headlines went with a different spelling for the former libya leader's name. does it start with an a, k, g, or a q, and does it end with an "i" or "y," and quite an arrange of spellings for his first name as well. how many translations for his name have popped up, 112, just in the english translations. the library congress alone lists 72 of them. 112 right ways or wrong ways to spell know mar gadhafi. that's tonight's big numbers. up next, jon huntsman is the presidential candidate democrats seem to like the most. he's coming here next. you're watching "hardball," only on msnbc. if shopping for insurance were like shopping for diapers, you might think all these cost about the same... protect about the same... but what if you have an accident? allstate accident forgiveness starts the day you sign up.