those alarms, because alarms can be tested after the fact. that's what you do in a fire investigation. >> reporter: madonna badger says she still doesn't know who ordered the demolition. she's filed a legal notice that will allow her to sue the city of stanford. >> i don't believe that the ashes caused the fire. it just doesn't seem like a plausible explanation. >> reporter: she says she simply wants answers. those questions that are unanswered, those questions you've told me about, is it imperative for you to answer those questions for lily, grace and sara and your parents? >> absolutely. you know, to honor them with the truth. you know? i believe they deserve that. >> reporter: and if the truth is that a bag filled with some ashes from a fireplace -- >> caused this? >> reporter: -- set their house on fire, that's okay, too, in terms of an answer? >> i mean, absolutely.