so, the stroke of midnight, be careful there. then the ohio valley. as far as the northeast goes, still looks like we have a snowstorm coming. it won't be a blockbuster event. it will be light and it will be fluffy. our one computer, american model, is saying possibly 6 to 10 inches from a good chunk of central portions of new england, but maybe not so much from new york city southwards. so, again, that's thursday, so that's just a peek look at it. >> all right, but tonight -- >> it's just going to be pretty much cold everywhere. >> just going to be really cold? >> yes. >> all right, thanks, bill. major security concerns for our olympic athletes arise from terror strikes in russia. plus, getting high will cost you plenty in colorado as recreational marijuana sellers and the state prepare for a potential winfall. you're watching "first look" on msnbc. nouncer ] we eased your back pain... ♪ ready or not. [ female announcer ] you can be up there. here i come! [ female announcer ] ...down there, around there... and under there for him. tylenol® provides strong pain relief

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