the wedding or her mother's funeral. very heart tugging and wise for her to bring up these personal things. it's hard to believe there were 30,000 of those. we're dragged back not just by ideas, which is what you were doing -- showing us earlier. we're dragged back bike behavior. that's the problem with the e-mail issue. >> all right. i'll let you get in quickly at the end. >> she ran a terrible campaign in 2008. i have never seen one poll that said her problem was that voters didn't trust her. the media doesn't trust her, voters trust her. we have not seen jeb bush's private e-mails either. he admittedly has a lot of private e-mails he hasn't released. we're not going to see them. why must they not become public? it's ridiculous. >> ten seconds i'll put you onthen clock. >> this is wakeup call. it reminds them of their ability