we was arresting her. and then, when she got to the jail, she said this was wrong. we made a mace take. >> the corporal and the sheriff were only too happy to explain how one clue led to another and eventually an inescapable conclusion. but prosecutor evans had questions, pointed ones. >> you could tell it was going to be difficult. >> where was the smoking gun? where was the murder weapon? where was even one single fingerprint tying dawn to the crime? >> as far as physical evidence, we really didn't have any. it was truly circumstantial because we didn't really know anything about what had happened. >> as far as evidence could see, the case was a maybe at best. she had no reason to kill teresa. so, you know, to bring a case against her would be pretty tough, i would think. >> the case with dawn is puzzling. when you're working with a circumstantial case, every piece of evidence is definitely important.