when all of a sudden, one wednesday night, immunotherapeutics introduces this press release saying hey, we've got this great news from the fda. we're going to be able to do clinical trials in the u.s. a couple days later, there's a sudden hold on the stock trading. and that seemed very, very suspicious. and then only a couple of days later, the following week, the following monday night, we find out why there was a hold. the clinical trials of their much touted drugging to supposedly cure multiple sclerosis failed completely. the company's only product was essentially worthless and so was the company. >> that's an unusual dynamic to have this hyping press release saying things are going great right before things actually cratered. >> exactly. i did a story where i talked to people in australia and also people in buffalo. they both looked at this as what's called a pump and dump scopy where you it out tyou tou