Another election held an all this for alleged irregularities well go live to our correspondent in nairobi also coming up. A german human rights activist goes on trial in turkey today his case has become a flashpoint in order any strained relations between berlin and uncle. And german president a front but a steinmeier is in moscow on a mission to improve by not free ties well have a report from a correspondent in the russian capital a. Plus in the next sixty minutes a big clash tonight in german football bundesliga hifi is leipzig take on vine munich in the german copy but can they really take down the mighty bavarians a Sports Editor on the movie will join in me in the studio and a third and final part of a popular german teenager comedy opens in cinemas this week we take a look at why the movie series has been so popular here. How to work and im on with our chief. We start the show with kenya where the Supreme Court has dismissed a last minute petition to delay thursdays highly controversial president ial election the chief justices not enough judges had turned down to hear the petition the announcement means tomorrows vote will go ahead as shared the decision has triggered protests by opposition supporters in various cities around kenya theyre calling for the votes to be postponed and percys election is a rerun of polls nullified with the Supreme Court a month ago Opposition Leaders have said they will not believe the rerun will be fair and have called on supporters to boycott the vote. And this would of course as i mentioned comes off the Supreme Court announced results from all this election due to irregularities since then dozens have been killed in an Election Related Violence did obvious catherine and wonder joins me now from the kenyan capital nairobi catherine the chief election commissioner has been talking then explaining why the the votes we go ahead tomorrow as she said you know how do you justify his decision. Well the chairman of the Electoral Commission has always said even last week when he said that he could not deliver Credible Elections it would be difficult to deliver Credible Elections he always maintained that operationally the Electoral Commission was ready to to hold an election were seeing ballot papers being taken to the various areas and various polling stations about forty thousand polling stations across the country for the president ial rerun and even when he was making his Statement Last week he made the statement alone this week hes made the statement with other commissioners behind him so showing some sort of unity that didnt seem to be there last week. So thats thats basically the situation as it now we are getting reports that this polling stations which havent been able to set up and he was he was tasked with this question what do you do in a place where elections dont take place and he said that if elections dont take place in certain polling stations the elections will be postponed to a later date to give those people a chance to vote and can only get the Supreme Court had refused to hear a petition about delaying this election saying they want judges there to make a ruling what do people there make of this explanation. It was very suspect because the chief justice came to the Supreme Court alone and the only two judges who were ready to listen to this particular petition. Only two others gave proper excuses one is sick and the other one had her car shot out and her driver shocked last night and thats the deputy chief justice and shes sorting that out but the other three its really hard to explain how they didnt show up to the Supreme Court given that in order for them to have a majority at least five judges out of the seven need to sit so that was a very big question mark and a lot of Opposition Leaders and opposition supporters are questioning this and saying that this was orchestrated allegedly by the state but now this puts kenya in the same position where we dont know whats going to happen tomorrow and we have some voters who are saying they wont vote and they have some voters who are saying they will as this report suggests. On musher day or heroes day kenya celebrates those who fought for independence people from far and wide came last friday to nairobis main park to listen to president hu who kenya his address the event is usually filled with pomp and color with children getting the most out of the entertainment but this year and easiness hangs over canyons including jameson drug and his family. After the Supreme Court and all the elections theres been a lot of tension but we pray to god that well have an election and have peace on and there after. This you can use Electoral Commission has faced numerous challenges since the announcement on september first the chairman of the commission has not quite conceded that hes under siege and still insists the commission can deliver an election on the twenty sixth the Main Opposition Party insists the Commission Must get its house in order before it holds an election opposition supporters have taken to the streets demanding reforms within the commission but government supporters like james say the Electoral Commission is already capable of organizing a repeat poll. Were like troll commission should stay as it is and shouldnt be changed its independent and it will respect the democratic rights of kenyans i believe there will be voters in every polling station in the country with their move in the water so i do think. As we approach the twenty sixth of october kenya remains a divided country on one hope you have a population that is willing to support incumbent president hu hu kenya or any of the family party and the other half of the population that the boards made up of the right loading now according to the part of the population they claim that income the president has a few of them from his government and three to. In two thousand and thirteen. An informal settlement in the capital is a perceived opposition stronghold supporters of right loading up this years celebrations most stayed indoors mourning those killed opposition protests with no i cannot vote with an order from i cannot vote i voted last kidney of the short people and i watch im not voting because of what im not in to many of them everything thats happened and again i read my constitution and look at me constitution everywhere i go to them i dont have you to do what i want to understand what is there and i understand so im not going to vote and im going to predict other people like my mother who didnt go to school who doesnt own the thumb in the can until a doing what. They can you National Human Rights Commission says Police Killed at least thirty three opposition supporters in protests following the election in august this number includes seven children. There are fears men will die both sides stand their ground. Those who know it you know it goes back to when youre born into a tribal and right or more form i just mean youre born thinking the way appliance to politically even naturally grown into this political thinking and socialization of of other people with their tribe and parties dont represent me. To insist the elections must go ahead and has ruled out dialogue with. The pool a heavy Police Presence is expected on voting day as kenyas future hangs in the balance. So looking at your report the nation is very divided so much evil the election what is the atmosphere there like. Well the atmosphere is every supporters waiting for their leader to Say Something as we speak main Opposition Leader right loading goes at the Main City Park about to make his major announcement and then after that we expect president hu hu kenyatta to make an announcement after that in response to what he has to say so now kenyans are on edge waiting for their leaders to Say Something and waiting for tomorrow to see whether theyll vote or not get through monday in nairobi thank you very much for that live update. Turning now to turkey where the trial has started for a german human rights activist arrested in istanbul in july big destroyed noah was detained during a meeting with other human rights activists he stands accused of links to terrorism and of having ties to the man allegedly behind last years freed crew the islamic cleric for a girl and his arrest has raise concerns over turkeys authoritarian system is stumbles palace of justice as the trial began activists demonstrated for the release of german. And ten other defendants including the head of Amnesty International in cherokee for holding a workshop the Rights Group Says the charges are trumped up workshops music paid by workshop in question is like those held around the world but here its being treated like a gathering of conspirators and criminalized it shows just how much turkish law is being instrumentalist. Ustedes here in instrumentality at that. Page and the other defendants were arrested in july show it was conducting a seminar in Data Security at the time turkish prosecutors allege that their actions aided the girl in movement and the kurdish p k k which are considered terror groups in turkey. I had been lecturing about encryption methods at the time of his arrest. If convicted he could face up to fifteen years in prison. If the indictment sounds like a collection of conspiracy theories if his friends are not acquitted today that will further strain german turkish relations. To friend in. The german human Rights Commissioner along with german politicians are urging the Immediate Release of it now they say the move could help improve strained german turkish relations. For more on the story im joined by delay kurbaan shes a human rights lawyer working at the Hoodie School of governance here in berlin now welcome do you deal the evidence against jordan is fairly weak from what we hear and yet hes facing a jail sentence of fifteen years how do you see this case developing i mean this is not an exception right the evidence against all other human rights defenders in this case and hundreds of others journalists who must offenders politicians that are currently being prosecuted in turkey are extremely weak and that shows that theres no rule of law in turkey therefore it is not possible to answer your question in the sense that anything can happen and that depends on the political will high up in the turkish government if the turkish government the regime finds it in its interest to release. Or some of the other defenders they may do so today but they will still be prosecuted then of course the question is whether hell be able to leave turkey thats another question or if they want to continue this crackdown and send that keep sending the political message that they are sending that they may keep them jailed its just because its not a legal issue its a political trial its impossible to answer this question of do you see it as a political trial because the German Foreign minister has described british jordan and the other german nationals being detained in turkey as hostages it is absolutely a political trial showing to himself i dont know but of these ten defenders three of them are my colleagues and friends i know these people just like many others is for as far as the german nationals are concerned i think it is correct to characterize them as hostages because you know the government the turkish government is keeping them in turkey in jail or not to sort of you know use them. For a future of negotiations that we know this for example in the case of an american citizen who is a pastor whos you. In jail in turkey and the government in turkey has been using him as a bargain chip trying to get fit to luck to learn being extradited from the u. S. In its dealings with the u. S. Government so we can see the similar happening with turkey accuses germany of not helping or cooperated in extraditing people who would consider terrorists living in germany people linked to for the good Ones Movement does turkey have a point there absolutely not because the thing is this is all rhetoric right i mean calling someone you know as a lawyer anybody would agree in this calling someone a terrorist is not sufficient to prove that they are terrorists right the government hasnt come up with evidence really concrete evidence to link these people to the alleged crimes of staging acquitted or overthrowing the government and in the absence of that obviously the German Government cannot do anything especially in a country governed by a rule of law where independent courts make these decisions right to deliver from the thirty school of governance thank you very much for sharing your perspective with us on the doubling if you. Miss article look at some other stories making news around the wired the chinese president xi jinping has been confirmed for a second term as the countrys leader she was selected as secretary general of the communist partys Ruling Council six other leaders were also named to the Decision Making body but a successor to she was not named in a care of brick were tradition. The various crown prince of mohamad been solemn on has fish to restore a moderate form of islam in the kingdom at a conference in riyadh he said he wanted to end extremism and to make saudi arabia a country open to all faiths based on what he called the true values of our religion. In bangkok a five day funeral ceremony has started for King Bhumibol on his son has been performing riots in the citys Historic Quarter while tens of thousands of mourners have filed into the surrounding areas to be to prayer read to their beloved monarch the king died last october at the age of eighty eight. Jaylen president frontrunner steinmeyer has told russian president Vladimir Putin that hes unhappy about the state of relations between the two countries he made the remarks while on an official visit to the russian capital moscow steinmeier has taken part in a wreath laying ceremony at the city is the grave of the unknown soldier and is also due to hold talks with human rights activists hes the first german head of state to visit the country in seven years. And emily sharon joins me now live from moscow i really want to steinmeyer is the first german president to visit russia in seven years how is he being received one of the topics that he and president aadmi talked about. Well steinmeyer and putin have just come out of a meeting at the kremlin it was a working visit and putin actually commented on the fact that he seemed very happy that was back in russia he was of course in russia several times regularly as the foreign minister which was the position you served in before and he said that he really really is an expert in the bilateral relations between germany and russia so he seemed happy that wanted to keep the ball rolling on the dialogue there especially since as you mentioned the previous president you or him go actually never visited russia now steinmeyer emphasized today several times the importance of dialogue and he said he said that he wants this time of estrangement too and earlier he spoke to me and a few other journalists and he said he said that he actually sees it as his personal responsibility to keep this dialogue rolling and they spoke about human rights he said that they would speak about human rights and about ukraine and continuing to move forward the Peace Process there now the official reason why steinmeyer visited russia was the handover of st beaches and because he drew back to the event Lutheran Church of russia before i force my next question lets have a look at your report. An air of celebration at a normal sunday service the last one before this evangelical lutheran congregation in moscow officially gets its church back. Lutherans are religious minority here in russia most in the community have german roots their ancestors came to russia centuries ago on the invitation of the czars who Promised Land and religious freedom but later the soviet government persecuted lutherans and seized Church Property including this cathedral the Community Led by archbishop paula has been using it again since the fall of the soviet union but so far it has remained russian Government Property because unlike the courts here on a case like someone started living in your apartment and its not yours anymore they let you turn up but the whole time you have the feeling it isnt yours and any pointer could end up in the governments hands or other hands its ours it feels like home again this is just. In the officially atheist soviet union many churches were repurposed from nine hundred thirty seven this cathedral was used as a Movie Theater and a film studio by then all Lutheran Churches across the country had been closed and many of their pastors arrested and shot. Here at video cemetery in moscow long known as the citys German Cemetery the scars of that persecution are still tangible many gravestones here were neglected and destroyed after the Second World War the Lutheran Community struggled with the additional stigma of its german origins often associated with the nazi enemy. Which. Is the return of our church to some extent restores historical justice historical truths but only partially i hope that this will just be the beginning of a new stage in the development of our country and our community. Really just with the number of churches that were destroyed which of course the fact that this could be true is being returned thats good news for sure most of the church belongs to the congregation it belongs to the people that come and look after it to st peters and pauls cathedral will be the first evangelical Lutheran Church to be given back to the congregation they hope it will set a precedent and that the russian state will return to other churches as well. You didnt know to enliven law school any just how important is the hand of off this church for people there well it has a huge symbolic importance and of course its the official reason for steinmeyer his visit steinmeyer himself as foreign minister had asked the russian government to return this church which is located in the capital so thats the hope there is that it could set a precedent as you saw in the report and of course its very important for the congregation it could be the first step in the return of of more property to the evangelical Lutheran Church in fact there is some information that theres a clock on the f. S. B. Building that actually belonged to that church so it could be the first step there and started my himself said that this church they had over the top of the church is a nice gesture for the congregation but its also important an important gesture for germany and for german russian relations Going Forward im going to show when in moscow thank you very much for that live update from the. Ok ben joins me now with Business News is it a bird is it a plane is it its a giant of the skies i would say that the fans are keep getting bigger and bigger and greater profits have surged sky high germanys Largest Airline is celebrating the best Earnings Period in Company History the carrier has boosted its revenues by over twelve percent to around twenty seven billion euros and thats helping drive earnings to new heights pretax profits totaled two point six billion euros over the last nine months so fans a subsidiary airlines are helping fuel their growth theyve boosted their overall Passenger Capacity by over ten percent and keeping many of those extra seats filled of times they can use that extra cash of course its busy buying up failing rivals germanys Largest Airline love to answer seems to have an insatiable appetite after buying a large chunk of bankrupt lin the carrier now wants parts of beleaguered italian rival al italia would love to answer the most interested in the aircraft in the landing slots thousands could be laid off even so full of tons of expansion is the name of the game in twenty sixteen the carrier flew some one hundred ten million passengers nearly two percent more than in twenty fifteen that growth didnt come from its full Service Carry a look to answer but its budget euro wings for the first time lift on says passenger figures were overtaken by ireland by its low cost carrier ryanair the sector remains very competitive tons imes to grow and stay ahead without forking out huge amounts of money thats more than a survival strategy but antitrust authorities could spoil the party theyll be reviewing where they live to answer is gaining a monopoly position on too many groups as its buying spree continues. Over to our financial correspondent in frankfurt and that of buy spark and theres a just how dominant could love hands a become domestically. I dont my sickly it will be a very dominant carrier look at the big roots people are flying frankfurt hamburg frankfurt berlin frankfurt munich thats the only airline now doing these flights and thats also reflected already at least. What you fear in the prices at the same time the commission. Competition commission might give it to vest has already said in an interview that they will look very slowly into the deal now the. Last time that actually has to give away certain destinations in order to comply with Competition Laws so thats still open that question because its going to be interesting to see with ticket prices with some of those routes in the hundreds of euros what about internationally for the fans because its not just growing at home its also growing abroad. Gets is also growing abroad the European Market is a very competitive market and look tons as new mission is also close to compete with low Cost Carriers the likes of ryanair and also easy jet and what they are doing now is to bolster and to build up a unit euro beings and thats also why they were so interested in avalon assets and thats also the reason why theyre interested in tire yes its talking about. Bad boys or is an airline in trouble for so many years and also the lufthansa c. E. O. Is making it quite clear that they dont want to kind of take over alitalia as it stands they want to have a restructured alitalia and parts of the assets in order to. Have a bigger share of the italian Holiday Market which is quite attractive and currently dominated by ryan and easyjet and had a very in frankfurt on a six and thats really consolidating quickly thank you very much. Saudi arabia is planning a gigantic city full of drones Driverless Cars and robots the ambitious project was unveiled by the kingdoms crown prince behind it. As it is is planned to run entirely on alternative energy it will be located on desert land along the red sea in the egypt and jordan and might become by far the worlds biggest city with an estimated cost five hundred billion u. S. Dollars in the on is part of saudi arabias plans to diversify its economy more than five million young saudis are said to enter the workforce in the next day decade need jobs. Or business to come including the worlds most loved add most hated pesticide pesticides bit of a pet. Thank you very much for that well do all things in god sports like a plastic cycling and swimming in recent years now you can add dog sledding to doc list for dogs belonging to a four time champion of the grueling i did a lot race in alaska have tested positive for a banned substance according to organizers it was the first positive resign since the respect and drug testing in one thousand nine hundred four. Well why not these athletes too if the rest of the sporting world is doing it. Their parent bird like other athletes ahead of grueling tests of insurance and at least four of them race Officials Say cheated or at least they were given an opioid painkiller called tramadol in line with last spring sixteen hundred kilometer i did arrive there musher says hes not guilty and he might have been sabotaged im probably the only person the world that knows definitively i did not give a drug to my dog i have never used a banned substance in the race i have never knowingly broken a race rule. Race Officials Say they cant prove Dallas Seavey acted intentionally to dope his dogs so he wont be punished but the positive tests are a blow to an alaskan tradition major sponsors have pulled out as the i did a rod comes under pressure from Animal Rights activists who want to shut down dark days in anchorage heading into a long cold winter. Youre watching the devaney is coming up ahead leipzig get dreaded your take on buying music in the jenin camp wednesday night but is the up and coming cabin ready for the likes of mighty by hand. And the parent and child installment of a hugely successful german teen High School Comedy opens in cinemas this week culture editor of the job in marriage they tell us why this take on the joint that has been such a massive hit. Or that is more coming up shortly do stay with me on the diving is if you can. From the big easy to the big apple. By train from new orleans to mule. Thirty one of the original on the legend great christian. Taking twelve steps. And a trip back through american history. Will stunt jake train adventure. Forty five minutes. New on d w make grooves famous stars to me and now. With the feet up that came in via gods house of music. Up close to be destined to be the day i love you and unplugged. You. Three night groups starting november third on d w its reformation day on d w. I have programs around the clock marking its five hundredth anniversary were going live to the commemoration ceremony in britain barack will be documentaries magazines and talk shows focusing on luther and the groundbreaking events he helped set in motion restoration day march over thirty first g. W. Frank food to help watch International Gateway to the best connection self and road and rail. Located in the heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. Experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and triallists services. Be our guest at frankfurt. Managed by for. This is the devon news coming to you live from london im a document great to have your company stories came in opposition media and i know dingaan has gotten supporters to boycott because days president ial election read on the. Comes after the Supreme Court dropped a petition to delay the phone due to an absence of judges the decision has triggered protests by opposition supporters. And the trial for german human rights activist Peter Storrie now has begun today in turkey jordan or was arrested in istanbul last july on terrorism related charges the case has become a flashpoint in already tense relations between germany and turkey. Documents related to the assassination of john f. Kennedy over fifty years ago are said to be released tomorrow by the Us National Archives the true love is expected to include some a three thousand classified documents which have never been seen before and about thirty thousand that had been previously released with redactions recent pictures from that day on nov twenty second nine hundred sixty three when the lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald shot kennedy dead in dallas texas. Historic bitches then of course that anticipation of what could be revealed in those files has Armchair Detectives buzzing theres good morning after Elizabeth Shoaf from our social media team hi liz and what are people hoping that these documents will contain. Well rita the assassination of john f. Kennedy has sparked decades of conspiracy theories so these documents are highly being anticipated although experts on this matter say we shouldnt expect any explosive information to come out of that eighty eight percent of these a socalled j. F. K. Files have already been released to the public but people are hoping that maybe well get more information about the killer you had mentioned him Harvey Oswald so maybe more insights into a trip that he took to mexico city just a few weeks before the assassination and he apparently according to the cia met there with diplomats and spies from cuba and savia to union and then there are other people hoping that these documents will put an end to the theory that Lee Harvey Oswald was acting together with other people that there was more than one shooter we have a statement from one of j. F. K. s bodyguards actually this man that you see in the picture clint hill he is the one who jumped into the car when the shots were fired covering the president and the first lady with his body this is what he said on twitter he says i know what i saw heard felt that in addition to all the evidence ive seen everything points to one shooter Lee Harvey Oswald three shots all from the same position that is being echoed by a u. S. Author and he has written a book about the assassination of j. F. K. He says also well did it alone but what the files are doing and why theyre important to come out is they fill in the history of the case and show how the f. B. I. And cia repeatedly hid evidence so maybe we will get more information about the investigation by the f. B. I. And the cia and do you think this is put an end to all the speculation. Two of the conspiracy theories i would say no i mean this thing has taken on a life of its own right now on twitter people are saying ok we dont yet know what will be in those files but we do know what probably wont be in them so theyre using the hash tag unlikely things in the j. F. K. Files let me show you a couple of them so here is one thing we want to see its a morrow trumps tax return the of course has not released up until now another thing which is a little sad i would say this is the problem everybody has faced we will not see every sock that ever went missing and finally little im sure you remember the huge online debate about the color of this dress is that its black and blue is its gold and why we will unfortunately not get an answer tomorrow when those documents were released but it will be interesting to see what else is in those papers exactly Elizabeth Shoaf from a social media team thank you very much for that turning out to madagascar where the pig has killed more than one hundred and twenty people over the past two months the disease is not new to the island which sees hundreds of cases each year but this outbreak has been particularly severe infecting more than a thousand people the u. N. Has delivered one million doses of antibiotics to the ill who are often shunned as they struggle to recover. This young boy is infected with the plague. First he got a shot and now he has to keep a distance of two meters from his own mother. The outlook is good for many whove made it to this clinic in eastern madagascar. Like sylviana and her child. I think i got the plague in my lungs when we came into the hospital i was very afraid for my daughter and my family i had a fever and my lungs hurt. The plague can be treated if people receive antibiotics early enough but the outbreak of this disease in madagascar is not uncommon. Mostly its the plague but this time around its the extremely dangerous pneumonic plague which spreads through the air. For. Plague outbreaks often start when rats transmit the disease to humans via fleas unsanitary conditions make the spread more likely. To be places like this one look at how we live isnt it filthy People Like Us have to be better protected. The sick are afraid to tell others they have the disease because they are scared of being ostracized stigma associated with. Times creates rumors which make it difficult for us to actually get the truth about playing out into the community and when the people have a misconception of what the. Plague really is and it makes it much more difficult for us to actually cut the chain of transmission and to help. This outbreak has infected about twelve hundred people about seven hundred have now recovered. Adriano is one of them but its not easy to convince people at work that hes healthy again so he brings an aid worker in. You dont have to be afraid of him. Just talk normally with him. Hes just like he used to be. Im happy to be back the doctor says im well again and the disease wont come back. This month. The plague has been stamped out in most of the world but it remains a fact of life for people here in madagascar. Football now in the second round of the german cup there were no upsets and tuesday night as all six top teams won their games in monkey ball dortmund cruised to victory thanks to a goal from castro in the forty first minute the midfielder with a half from close range to understand these are not the boil down to his feet and two minutes later after the restart hes got one of his own daughter went on to score three more on their way to five female as the final score. Now the german cup action continues that of the clash between two of the best sides in germany are to be leipzig close by and in the first of two matches in four days between the teams its a chance for each side to strike a psychological blow ahead of their bundesliga clash this weekend. The buy and ship has steady and thats mostly thanks to this man. Has led the team to three wins out of three in all competitions and the boss is happy if and this is a mistake of business we need to launch i think its important that we won those three games that the players have regained some confidence and that we have a clear sense of what were doing. But leipzig posed by irans toughest challenge since ike its return to the dugout even with birons long list of stars their coach is wary of their opponents dangerous attack. They have some fantastic players who play imaginative Football Team over there is an outstanding german striker. Likes to go into the match in top form to win over stuttgart at the weekend was their fourth week win in a row but theyve never been higher and coach brown is not counting on an easy ride. Of two hundred you can see that you can i guess is a figure prince over there every its not easy to find this in the team. And theres more than just a place in the third round at stake a victory on wednesday would give whoever wins a psychological boost when the two sides meet again in the bundesliga on saturday. And for the big match up in germany capped action all of them would be from a sports desk joins me to say is x. The days when weve already seen leipsic have beaten dortmund but can they overcome the mighty brian yes they can and i think the most important thing for them is to play to their strengths have the courage to play that alone guy a lot of times when they come up against by and they spend too much time thinking about by and you know how do we stop eleventh of scale how do we stop drop and how do we stop giago like to get good enough to not have to worry about that kind of thing theyve got good enough players to be able to play their own game and beat by and they almost did it towards the back end of last season went by and eventually overcame them in a thrilling game a five four result that was but you know. Mentioned head of the game theyve got some great attacking players lifes a team of. Having augustana these are really dangerous attacking players they can do a lot of damage if like to just stay compact at the back get the ball forward quickly to those guys then theyve got a chance of winning and ill be listening to you at the point is that by an israeli informant the moment since they got their new coach what is he doing differently well you know you like to keep things simple he does what he knows you know hes not one of these sort of younger coaches each. Guys to reinvent the wheel with everything he has a formula for success and he goes with it hes going back to his old from ation with which he was very successful in his last season by many when the trouble of course the forty three one. Theres also though i think restored a bit of faith among the players in that coaching position to his predecessor i feel like he never really found the right formula for making this buy and team play to their potential europe has bags of experience doing exactly that by and i think thats basically what hes done winning those first three games as definite other players back on so i we had a few players a few big players as well Thomas Miller robert levin does he not formals all kind of showing their discontent towards the end of the actual atira i dont think were going to say that under europe but tonight is the biggest challenge that hes faced since coming back we have to wait and see what happens on ability thank you very much. Ok now we have a business is coming up with their ban on a contentious discussion around how do we eat and what do you drink and if its really safe because life you say to debate the use put a decision on the back burner again Member States congress on renewing a european license for the herbicide its widely used in crops well over a million europeans have signed a petition against it wired the chemical causes cancer but there are studies that show its totally safe. Its the most commonly used have assigned in the world. In europe farmer sprague life aside on around half of the fields used to raise commercial crops many critics demand a ban on bligh for site. Activists began applying pressure in brussels at the beginning of the wake. The International Agency for research on cancer of the World Health Organisation has found that life as it causes cancer in animals and probably also in humans means that theres urgent need for action studies dont agree on where the glaive aside as a long term cancer risk or not the World Health Organization has said it could pose a danger the e. U. s Food Safety Authority has proclaimed the chemicals harmless but has also been accused of basing that opinion on studies sponsored by clive a site manufacturer of monsanto greens in the European Parliament say thats not acceptable that we need to look at independent studies not just ones carried out by the industry and then we have to finally end this thing with life aside there is a standard farming methods that work fine without the heavy use of chemicals. By standard farming methods sling means organic agriculture but many farmers say those methods are too expensive and think its enough to only ban the use of herbicide directly before the harvest conservative m. E. P. Is disagree with the greens but blame Member States for not reaching a decision i find it very regrettable that for more than two years the Member States dont have a clear position they are always postponing theres no majority for any position. If not extended the license to use clive for site in the European Union will expire on december the fifteenth. Lets get the view from our reporter in brussels Catherine Martens as well as our asia correspondent andrea hang you both catherine lets start with you should european consumers be worried. The conflicting evidence the european Member States indeed faith in providing a clear consumer. Indication of whether life was and is harmful or not and this added to or it only emphasizes a feeling of consumer insecurity in europe and republish fuel Civil Society protests in europe as well. Hows the i recall troll industry in asia reacting to the news well there is concern and nowhere in awareness about the use of legacy and its potential harm to humans but not really conclusive studies have been conducted just yet not enough to create. These theres a study. That focuses on the. Apparent evidence of like to see in pregnant women on the other hand sometime last year its high what had a clampdown on quick all its products which had traces of blood so there is concern just not quite a big enough one yet ok as far as the market goes in the asia pacific its the biggest for glad to say i guess a bat in europe wouldnt stop asian projects treated with the weed killer from crossing borders. Not immediately at the a lot of countries in the asia are still very heavily dependent on like the sea especially in the farming here in the countries like thailand even taiwan is i mentioned earlier now these countries some of these countries are a little behind in adopting. Alternative. More eco friendly and its also science and this is science in singapore one of them still is going to be a very slow process so anybody in the e. U. Is not going to. Its not going to have an immediate Ripple Effect is asia well its a similar case in europe after many farmers a heavily reliant on life in say traces have been found in french wine german beer why then is there so much confusion about its Health Effects i mean its been used for quite some time now. Well according to our sources here in brussels it is not any more about finding new facts or finding new Scientific Evidence it is getting more and more a political power game with huge and powerful lobbies on both sides so the giant one center its threaten the threatening the European Union to challenge any decision in court for example on the other hand the formal lobby is without life to say that the Agriculture Sector would be really. Having a really harmful impact there were there are threatening of upscaled food costs and watched in between the european Member States who are definitely not keen to touch this hot political potato very soon again ok so something thats become highly politicized given that when are we going to get a decision is this going to be on the back burner for months if not years to come or are we going to get a decision soon catherine. Well this is already in the kind of a joint game for already two years now because the european Member States are not keen to be the ones who will have maybe a for example of bad position and then they have to fix a difficult position back home so i think we can expect that there will be a decision by and of december this year at the latest when the European Commission calls on the Member States to convene one more time in brussels in order to finish their job and to make a decision of life is it ok that if it will be a Merry Christmas for all those involved catherine for the european perspective in brussels there for us and for the view from asia thank you to both of you. John to me is not a new film here and jimmy has died is so explicit im not allowed to see it on a robin miller from a guy to discus here so i thought it also. But its not all i could give you an idea the gist of the name of the film when i say its cold if dot dot dot you are and is the third installment of the show actually here in germany the first two were some of the most successful films in the cinema in recent years and before we go on i should tell everybody out there that this f. Word which is so rude in our language in germany its not so rude because its a foreign word they dont use the german way they use. A good example of this was do you remember smokey and what was living next door to alice you know ninetys they didnt film that was called who the bee is alice and it wasnt beat here in german ok so what is the movie who thought i should be a not going to say on what is the movie about its a comedy breaking to surprise me and its about a School Called the school day not for your hunger volved for a cause and the main role is a bank robber who went to cams out of jail he finds that the school is being built above where hes bootie thats the first film cutting a long story short hes now become the worst teacher in the world in school and i would say there is one good thing about the there is good messages in all of these three films in this film is all of this stuff about School Bullying and how awful it is so thats good anyway lets him more about the movie we cant say the name of. Seche miller and his chaotic school class are back this time he has to get his charges through final exams and thinking about their futures. Thank you thats best the comcast no i love them set to get out of the air. Its about to go our next guest michel that i was hoping for mr johnson a comment from the outer banks because i can then yes you even cops thats not your to shop for the i love business you keep to this is just to try to get that just by me im songstress yeah thank you and the house was on the test that i was in to decision much as i documented just needed to come to a head shot to go down. To church has been down with the kids since twenty thirteen its a tried and tested recipe when i was im alone but the contrasts what and how did the out of the club of. The series has won millions of fans with its anarchic no holds barred comedy and fast paced storytelling german actor alias and barack plays the x. Prison inmate who stumbles into teaching a bunch of unruly socially disadvantaged teenagers and ends up finding his College Thanks for the first installment was seen by more than seven Million People making it one of the most successful german films of all time. So successful that a sequel soon followed part to see his second take his pupils on a class trip to thailand just part two didnt go down quite as well with the critics but audiences loved it making it an even Bigger Box Office hit than its predecessor. Part three promises to deliver on what made the first two films so successful. And you want to take the next. Chad. Thank you out. But is this really the last one maybe there will be a class reunion in ten years. Im sure there will be. Countless going to teenage comedies and High School Comedies that with the is what made these this series so successful well i think its the whether its here or in hollywood its down to chemistry and you must from this from most of the actors have been in the other two films so theres a good almost on sambal that the lead actor a very good friend with the director and they did as they did. Hit the books i was a focal turkish for beginners and i should mention theyre both from a migrant background to see that theyre both very integrated into German Society but maybe they look at German Society a bit bleakly you know have a sort of distance to it i think that could be part of it as well now of course that this group has been hugely successful this series in germany but what about is that when they. Fall the first few as being remade in mexico or in spanish and i was about to tell you the name of it in spanish but ive spoken to my spanish colleagues and its even rude but it has a reference to read a column and here it is this is a completely remade in spanish theres also rumors of it going to be made in turkish as well so this is sort of a bit of a franchise going on but on the other hand it is the title of the film in germany its actually called the final yes and the director of the movie did say quite categorically this is the last film they want to go out on top so theres no more that we talk about but they might go on elsewhere in the world with various titles that we copy. As adults not to be able to say that well it is something strange but thank you very much of getting us all about this movie whose title we get a mention on it. Ok now turning to something completely different the birth of a big b. Black rice a dog rhino in a zoo in the Czech Republic is boosting hopes for the survival of the species only a few hundred black rhinos are left in the ones in africa the cafe was born at the beginning of this month but not as yet has it got a name in fact its a she heard people say if shes in good shape she stay with her mother for the next few years it is possible she may one day join four other rhinos from the zoo which have been moved back to africa. I think the word is cute now a recap of the top stories that were following for you can an Opposition Leader has called on supporters to boycott thursdays president ial election rita the move comes after the Supreme Court dropped a petition to delay the pollie due to a lack of judges the decision has triggered protests by opposition supporters. The trial of german human rights activist peter stored there has begun today in turkish jordan was arrested in istanbul last july on terrorism related charges the case has become a flashpoint an already tense relations between germany and tacky. And thats it for me im touchy and robin miller from our culture just great to have your company and do remember we have more news for you in a few minutes back. The big easy to the big guy on. My train from new only to. The thirty one to the ranch on it all the legendary president taking twelve states. And a trip back through american history. A stunning train adventure. Fifteen minutes. When cities are in golf by the sea. That comes along. And costly protective measures with. Nothing. More challenging our future starting november ninth on. The tumbling dice when i ask him to daughters or dealing with anyone at all they killed many civilians with me and i should come including my father. So he said i was a student because i wanted to build a life for myself. But suddenly life became owlish kind of song. Providing insights global news that matters d. W. Made for mines me. Hes a doctor what kind of diseases can be healed spots at a reporter so what part of this implant is inside the ear what is outside. Draws on a wealth of insights totally different experts and whole fields of medicine. In good shape. It tells us storing stories. It makes us laugh. And cry. Tremble and smile. Magical images and big emotions from the now. You know the legacy every gend on d w. This is you know the news life from berlin on a knifes edge canyons braise them selves ahead of a disputed president ial Election Rerun Opposition Leader while a dinka has called on supporters to boycott the vote opposition backers are for

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