Court threw out of the titian to delay the poll in kenya with the latest also coming up. A german human rights organizer goes on trial in turkey today his case another flashpoint in already strained relations between berlin and uncorrupt. And driven present hung close to showtime meyer is in russia on a mission to improve bilateral ties to gauge the mood with our correspondent in moscow. A. Pleasure to have you along on leyla iraq where we start off in kenya where the Supreme Court has dismissed a last minute petition to delay thursdays highly controversial president ial election the chief justice says not enough judge just turned up to hear the petition while the announcement means that tamars vote will go ahead as scheduled opposition. Leader while loading has urged his supporters to boycott the poll and has called for a new well lections within ninety days he also said his Opposition Movement would be transformed into a Resistance Movement against the government opposition supporters have been protesting in various cities around kenya where theyve been calling for the vote to be postponed and just to remind you thursdays election is a rerun of polls nullified by the Supreme Court a month ago. And sadly since then dozens have been killed in Election Related Violence catherine on one though joins me now from the kenyan capital of nairobi catherine the chief of the Electoral Commission says the vote is going ahead how did he justify this decision well he says operationally he can deliver an election but not necessarily a credible election but he can deliver election to an election on the twenty six ballot papers have been taken to the various polling stations and we have returning offices ready and preparing for tomorrows vote which he says starts at six am in the morning. Today when he was making his statements you could see a very big difference from when he made his Statement Last week today he made his statement with fellow commissioners and this kind of showed a sense of unity a sense of reassurance that they can actually deliver this election he also was taken to task about the areas that will not participate in this particular election the peak where people have decided to boycott the election and he says that elections in those specific areas can be postponed to a later date or an encounter in a reverse short while ago heard also from the Opposition Leader. Issue a very ominous warning saying and im quoting if there is no justice for their people that there be no peace for the government what does he mean by that. Well he basically says that this government is trying to install a dictatorship so hes calling on nasa supporters to resist this and who in fact he has dubbed the Main Opposition Party as a Resistance Movement from now on experts prior to this day had warned that if an election does take place then divisions will become very evident from the twenty six and often especially between supporters of the opposition and supporters of the government so now were seeing the divisions he says that his supporters should boycott any business that supports the regime so were seeing this and thats what it means whether or not hes done this before so whether or not his supporters will actually heed to his call is yet to be seen but to morrow he says that people should stay away from polling stations which is good because then they wont be able to confront the policeman who will be there hes asked people to stay at home and pray and they will fight for. Another election within ninety days so what this means is that kenya still remains divided because his supporters will follow him and were still waiting on what do you believe well have to see on this. Considering what youve just been reporting on have we heard from the incumbent president. Well hes expected to make a statement in about thirty minutes where he will tell kenyans or react to whatever a load has said. People are saying there probably will be no surprises and he will continue to say that those who want to vote tomorrow should come out and vote and those who dont want to vote should stay away from polling stations and allow people to vote so thats what were expecting to hear from the president in the past he has said that or he has ruled out dialogue with the main Opposition Leader raul odinga and you can actually tell from the statement makes a statement and the president makes a statement after that this seems to be no way forward in terms of dialogue between the two leaders catherine if you if you can please set the scene for us were on the eve of this scheduled a controversial vote whats the atmosphere like where you are. Its very tense if you go to supermarkets right now youll find them full of people trying to get last minute goods ahead of this particular election because this is seen as. Almost a dead and some people say its an. M a get in so people are stocking up and if you go to churches youre finding a lot of people in church praying the discussions between people is all politics and you can tell that its very divided along ethnic lines thats the situation we have right now there are people who are calling for peace. Tomorrow so people just do whatever you want to do peacefully but how that turns out will be very well have to see tomorrow catherine and wonder where it will porting from Nairobi Kenya thank you. Well turning now to turkey were a german human rights activists is standing trial in istanbul peter start was detained back in july during a meeting with other human rights activists he is being accused of having links to terrorism having ties to the man allegedly behind last years failed coup the islamic cleric fatah good un. The stumbles palace of justice as the trial began activists demonstrated for the release of german. And ten other defendants including the head of Amnesty International in cherokee for holding a workshop the Rights Group Says the charges are trumped up. By workshop in question is like those held around the world but here its being treated like a gathering of conspirators and criminalized it shows just how much turkish law is being instrumental ised. Instrumentality at that. Page and the other defendants were arrested in july show it was conducting a seminar in Data Security at the time turkish prosecutors allege that their actions aided the girl in movement and the kurdish p k k which are considered terror groups in turkey. And had been lecturing about encryption methods at the time of his arrest. If convicted he could face up to fifteen years in prison. If the indictment sounds like a collection of conspiracy theories. And his friends are not acquitted today that will further strain german turkish relations. For any of. The german human rights commissioner along with german politicians are urging the Immediate Release of it now they say the move could help improve strained german turkish relations. And you have used for insurance is covering trial proceedings at the Supreme Court and star ball dorrian turkey alleges that peter has ties to fatah theyre good and a cleric who the turkish leadership blames for last years failed coup what evidence was presented to support this claim. Well theres really very little so far and thats why this case which is so controversial and drawn so much condemnation even before it starts prosecutors main case the story is that he attended this seminar where he was giving a lecture on cybersecurity by the prosecutors claim that that meeting was in fact a plan a civil uprising against the president turkish. Youve heard one following the same a conspiracy lined up was involved in last years failed coup other than the prosecutors only other evidence has been publications by Amnesty International and some tweets with one suggesting turn off your telephones and enjoy the ride to the island where the seminar. Than that there is between very little evidence and addressing the court made a very impassioned plea say the only evidence against him was fabricated and he should be released immediately. Now some are calling you know have described relations between ancram berlin as having pledged to a new low with this case how serious is the rift especially considering that in addition to start ners there are ten other germans sitting in jail being accused of having ties to mr goh and i being used as political bargaining chips. Well that is certainly the fear and the widespread belief certainly in berlin among human rights activists both here and abroad and in fact turkish president s rhetoric increasingly indicate that is the case speaking to the other u. S. Citizen being held here he made a plea to washington to u. Turn fettle a good man who lives in the u. S. And is blamed for the last year and will send the american system back to the u. S. So there is this suspicion and that is certainly fueling. Now between violin and relations are a number president is low and the fact that people like flow. Ten other germans being currently held in jail is only fueling these rising tensions between the two countries and the expectation is things will get a lot worse before they get better and dorian how worried are people in turkey about the direction of politics under mr i want. What it really depends who you speak to present heard one still enjoys a very large support within the country still by far the most popular politician and many of them to buy into this line that europe along with the u. S. Are conspiring against turkey trying to remove him from power this plays into age old suspicions all foreign powers in turkey but among opponents they are alarmed that this rapid deterioration in relation to turkeys key allies and it has to be said even among president urged one supporters there do appear to be indications that there is a growing alarm at least among some sections and support for the president could be softening but at the moment this ongoing rivalry and tensions between turkey and its allies is only fueling the the polarization within turkey just thank you for your continued coverage. And there we have some breaking news just coming in there right now rock n roll a pioneer fats domino has died at the age of eighty nine the rhythm and blues pianist from new orleans a sold over one hundred million records and helped change the face of popular music his Dynamic Performance style drew crowds for five decades and he was one of the first ten artists named to the rock n roll hall of fame has died at the age of eighty nine. All right we want to fill you in now on some of the other stories making headlines right now a german president funk has told russian president Vladimir Putin that he is unhappy about the state of relations between germany and russia he made the remarks while on an official visit to the russian capital moscow steinmeyer took part in a reflating ceremony at the citys grave of the unknown soldier and met with human rights activists he is the first german head of state to visit russia in seven years. And our correspondent emily sharon joins us now or from a moscow emily i believe weve heard from weve heard from steinmeyer and putin already. Yeah the they came out of their meeting and they gave a brief statement it was just a working visit so they kept things pretty short ahead of the meeting told me in a couple of other journalists that he would discuss Common Ground with putin as well as not shying away from some of the more difficult topics he particularly mentioned russias russias human rights record and he also mentioned the conflict in ukraine in the east of ukraine and said that there needed to be solutions now and they didnt mention in those statements after the meeting what they actually discussed even though steinmeyer did say that they would they talked about solutions in crises so we can only guess that they did in fact talk about ukraine and thats all we know at the moment and really what kind of reception that the german president gets in moscow well the reception that the president got was rather warm putin invited him and the mood there was pretty positive there was this handover of Evangelical Lutheran Church which is important to germany and which i had asked for as in his time as foreign minister thats a symbolic gesture that russia is open for dialogue and putin after the meeting kind of heaped praise on steinmeier he said that hes an expert in russian german bilateral relations and he and. He that he was happy that that he died meyer would keep the ball rolling in his current in his current role as president steinmeyer was slightly reserved he talked about ending it strange meant but he also talked about keeping dialogue open. Positive in terms of them on a positive they end it there are a lot of talks on a positive note and we sure were reporting from moscow thank you. All right before i let you go i want to tell you about the birth of a black baby black or an all source and as you in the Czech Republic which is boosting hopes for the survival of this endangered species only a few hundred black rhinos are left in the wild in africa the cap was born at the beginning of this month but it doesnt have a name yet you think if youre going to youre all right thanks so much for rushing us a going to the top of the hour. The world over in asia

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