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Leader of the social democrats to join chancellor merkel in forming a government also coming up. Zimbabwe prepares to an ovary its new leader and larson among god what is promising to bring democracy and prosperity back to a country crippled by poverty but can he deliver ill take you live to harare for the latest. Thank what i showed me on margaret a star repatriating Muslim Minority refugees in two months time over half a million will hinge on a flood to bangladesh to escape persecution by me and maurice military. And also on the program grief and anger in argentina relatives of the crew members on board a missing submarine react to the navys announcement that a sound reported at the brussels last known position may have been an explosion. Plus a group of artists install a replica of berlins Holocaust Memorial white house side the home of a or right politician who called it a monument to shame a prank or something more weve got the story for you coming up. Im sara harmon welcome to the show. Juries social democrat leader Martin Schultz is consulting with seeing your Party Members this hour the s. P. D. Is under considerable pressure to join a Coalition Government under uncle americal to avoid fresh elections no shelter so far ruled out joining any new coalition that youre in president met with him earlier and is believed to have pressed him to reconsider that position thats after the collapse of talks last weekend between chancellor merkels conservatives and two other parties. But for more now lets cross over to Thomas Sparrow hes standing outside the social democrats headquarters here in berlin thomas good to see you has anything been decided what can you tell us. No up to now actually nothing has been decided the social democrats under martin shoals are still discussing what path they should take theyre still debating what martin shows discussed with john president on friday. Up to now the social democrats have been very reluctant to move from the position that they announced after the elections of twenty four when they had a very bad result which prompted them to announce that they would become the Strongest Party in opposition in other words that they would not join another coalition with Angela Merkels conservatives obviously our Coalition Talks collapsed a few days ago the pressure has increased on martin shows on the social democrats to try and revisit their position to see if theres any possibility of them sitting at the same table with anger and seeing if there is if there is enough Common Ground for another grand coalition it seems unlikely but there again thats why it was important for martin shows to meet today with the president who is trying to see if theres any way Common Ground for him to move his position ok right now thomas were hearing rumors in berlin marking schultz could potentially be poised to step down as the leader of the social democrats what are you hearing. Well i also heard those room or sorry but they are only that as of now theyre only rumors and its important to actually move beyond those rumors because not even the social democrats are addressing them they have mentioned that theyre obviously read discussing their positions there are members within the party that are asking martin shoots not to have thats tricked position of simply saying that theyre not joining another coalition that theyre remaining in the opposition so we can certainly say that there has been a big debate within the social democrats to see what the next move should be but as far as a resignation or possible resignation could be those as far as we know are only rumors are if they are speedy does not agree to form a Coalition Government how likely are we to see fresh elections in germany thomas. There are different possibilities one possibility would be a minority government of course conservatives with lets say the greens if that were to be the case they could also form some sort of agreement if you will with the social democrats on a case by case basis for example when it comes to proposals on europe or Foreign Policy thats one option if the option of a minority government is not successful and there is also no coalition then it could certainly be the case that we have fresh elections here in germany but that is a possibility that german leaders would like to avoid because you know way it would represent sending the responsibility back to the focus instead of having the responsibility within the parties after the election in september twenty fourth a lot at stake here in germany about Thomas Sparrow outside of the social democrat headquarters thanks for joining. Heres a look now at some of the other stories that are making news right now police in papa new guinea have removed dozens of refugees from an immigration camp on nonis island more than three hundred others are still refusing to leave the camp had been used to hells refugees who were trying to get to australia and it was closed back in october but the migrants fear for their safety if they leave. The sunni and political rivals fatah and hamas say theyve agreed to hold elections by the end of twenty teen following talks in cairo but hamas said little other progress was made about meeting which was called to form up an earlier reconciliation between the two sides. For us a limb to limb pick Gymnastics Team doctor larry nasser has pleaded guilty to charges of sexually most salting girls and women he now faces a minimum of twenty five years in prison the star gymnast Gabby Douglas and other olympic stores went public saying they were among his victims. Conservationists in china have released two pandas bred in captivity out into a nature reservation the objective is to increase the panda population these two pandas were born in twenty fifteen they took two years of Survival Training to help them adapt to their new lives in the wild. As them bob way prepares to inaugurate its new president. The fate of its all president is now clear the countrys ruling zanu p. F. Party says Robert Mugabe has been granted immunity from prosecution along with his family has been met with broad acceptance in zimbabwe as the country attempts to put the worst of the mugabe air behind them and focus instead on the future. Its business as usual in harare. And time to digest the excitement of the past few days. Focus has briefly shifted to the announcement that Robert Mugabe and his family will be immune from prosecution. But zimbabweans are trying to put their countrys past behind them and are hopeful for the future. Might as we have we tried to lecture people will be freed to make a selection or a trace of their own we now to being intimidated and invited me into actually giving people that the freedom that they want. Is going to do things. In order being done by the past but i think. You know we want that president to be united with the people with that continent so that we can build our country but zimbabweans should remain cautious according to Opposition Leader morgan tsvangirai. Be seen to be. This both in terms of culture and in terms of practice unfortunately with. This us state this is. Yet to move away from that. Legacy. The incoming president emerson was welcome back to zimbabwe on wednesday as a hero in an emotional speech he promised a Brighter Future for the country and asked his people to help them improve the economy create jobs and stop by corruption. The final preparations are being made ahead of me was swearing in ceremony on friday zimbabweans will see a new president for the first time in thirty seven years. Christine lund were joined us now from harare christine you just heard that report the first new president in almost four decades how has money managing expectations there and zimbabwe sarah amazon was the president has evolved he has been saying all the right things last night when he addressed a huge crowd outside the posses head coaches he told he supported his that he was going to bring jobs to this economy he told people that he was in touch with with regional neighbors as well as International Countries who expressed the interest to supporting zimbabwe and growing the economy so hes certainly speaking to people here because sarah causative estimates have it that eighty percent of the vote wins on a bullet and that really is the case ive been traveling this country now for the past couple of days speaking to young people who just have no hope for the future and so he is talking about creating jobs hes talking about bringing investment back into this economy and these are the exact things that people want to hear so judging him by his words so its also good according to civil unions so some lofty promises there but the opposition has been skeptical of mungo what role will they play in the news and bob way. So we dont expect that the opposition will be involved in any way in the Transitional Government that will preside. Between now and september two thousand and eighteen next year when the general election now will announce hes cabinets tomorrow as far as we understand hes not the boss he has not had any engage in gages or discussions with any opposition members so at this stage we can expect that the opposition then moved in trying to push it in the piece i spoke to just two days ago told me that they will be doing is really preparing for that general election that is expected next year one of the things that they will be pressing the on is the Electoral Reform and making sure that there is going to be a democratic feet free and Fair Elections that will be Held Next Year in september and now we know that sunapee as has committed itself to honoring that election and so because we can expect that the opposition is going to start taking the submission is he to campaign rigorously ahead of the s. Ok briefly we also learned today that Robert Mugabe is not going to be prosecuted youve been speaking to people there in zimbabwe do you get the sense that theyre ready to move on and forgive and forget. Certainly and sara i know that this might sound difficult for a lot of people to understand but a lot of people still rizzio as one who liberated this country and they have Great Respect for him one person that they can you know speak very harshly about him to all of this is the form of this lady and so many zimbabweans are ok with the idea that he isnt going to face prosecution of any kind that hes going to live out the rest of his days in this country that hes going to have military protection theyre quite happy about that what they do take issue with is the amount of wealth that the family has amassed over the is im talking huge commercial farms im talking my last amount of lands zimbabwean saying surely they dont need all of that and that could be built some of that at least could be brought back into the economy so yes these are people looking forward looking to improve their lives grudges aside looking to the feature looking to the future in zimbabwe thats christine one of our in harare thank you. Well daniel has more now on the economic challenges that are facing zimbabwes incoming president thats right there plenty of economic knots for him to untangle zimbabwean stocks have lost a six billion dollars in value since the militarys takeover a few weeks ago thats according to data released by the Stock Exchange that today ordinary zimbabweans are cautiously optimistic about the future they know the next president im assuming gaga is closely tied to the old ways but they also see plenty of opportunity at least he couldnt plunge the country further into financial ruin than Robert Mugabe. Zimbabwe has being greedy and for Economic Growth planned for resources solid Public Infrastructure and plenty of Human Capital but under mugabe the countrys economy took a detour from its stubborn african neighbors it began in one thousand nine hundred ninety seven when the government began seizing land from white farmers the jolt for a country that leaned on its agricultural exports the result was an economy that nearly faulted in half over the next decade it was the strongest contraction of its kind during peacetime according to the World Bank Inflation hit five hundred billion percent poverty rates surged throwing a fit the country into extreme need things began to improve in two thousand and nine after zimbabwe abandoned its local currency from outside currency regime they can i mean has struggled again lately and Inflation Fears are back investors have ploughed their money into stocks in recent months as the mugabe government began printing acquires the money called bond notes the men on guard law Government Faces difficult questions once the cheering subsides can it bring back a local currency can it solve a liquidity crunch i suspect that everyone knows that fixing the economy is a very very edge and giving confidence to jobs giving to the investors what can with the rest of the world so that what it will get and get from anywhere in order to get our country going once again economists say the structure for zimbabwe success is there now the question is whether the leadership will be. Sales are up but earnings are a little more shaky german industrial giant and cups Financial Year wasnt exactly as strong as steel now management is forging ahead on merging its european Steel Division with that of competitor tata c. E. O. Hein the husing us says the plans have absolute priority weather with around four thousand jobs set to go workers are staging protests many ask why the company is no looking to merge and downsize a division which is making a profit. Ballons new airport was supposed to have opened in june twenty twelve thats exactly two thousand days ago today the airport was supposed to bring in more business to germanys capital as well but not so much is come out of it so far apart from more construction issues germany safety authorities now say there are problems with the sprinklers and the fire Safety System that means the airport wont be ready for the scheduled opening in twenty twenty one the cost alone is staggering rising from one billion euros to six point six billion and experts say that the airports design may already be outdated. So it will be landing there anytime soon chinas trade with north korea plunged last month with imports falling to their lowest level in the years the u. N. Imposed sanctions on pyongyang in the wake of two Intercontinental Ballistic Missile tests in july and the latest data suggests those sanctions are having an effect how do you knock out an opponent north korean soldiers show their guest from china how to do it over the weekend but the beijing delegation knows who really controls the ring or in this case the economy even a visit to a shoe factory in pyongyang cant hide the fact that china is importing less from north korea than it has in yours. As late as this summer trade between the two nations had reached a new high four hundred twenty six million u. S. Dollars according to chinese customs that was despite u. N. Sanctions it began falling noticeably in september after the first missile tests by october trade was in a dive. That means no more trucks to be seen carrying coal iron ore or fish across the friendship bridge separating the two countries u. N. Sanctions have forbidden the products for months it was only after u. S. President donald trump openly threatened to boycott chinese firms for the countrys business with north korea the trade began its dive now there are only north Korean Airlines to see at the airport air china has stopped their flights north korea disputes that sanctions are working it also hopes that the more than one hundred thousand tourists who visit the country each year can help fill coffers. I dont know if youve noticed yet but the Holiday Season is just beginning Christmas Decorations have already gone up at moscows Luxury Department store gum and there are some unusual gifts this Holiday Season christmas it seems isnt just about wild piece after old gum is offering a military themed set of decorations and includes all the mints hand painted with machinery of war a set of photos for two thousand roubles the equivalent of about thirty five dollars the unusual baubles received a mixed reaction from sophisticated shoppers. Not really my kind of thing anyway im going to back over to sara that they should get started on our Christmas Shopping that always plays i would have had were going to turn now to argentina where families are trapped between hope and fear as they wait to learn the fate of the forty four crewmembers who are on board a missing submarine naval Officials Say and im usually sound detected near the last known position of a sub may have been an explosion and that is further dashing hopes of finding survivors as the sub nears the end of its oxygen supply. The growing desperation of the families can be clearly heard in their prayers as they gather outside Mar Del Plata home naval base of the missing submarine. Relatives say they are becoming increasingly distressed as hopes the vessel has been located or raised and then dashed among those unaccounted for is eleanora soirees brother how much shes putting her faith in his strength of character. When everybody will tell you that hes an excellent person and must be keeping all his crewmates calm hes a really special person thats why were waiting here because well return having. The now naval officials have confirmed that an unusual sound detected a week ago near the last known position of the vessel could provide an important clue to the fate of the submarine. Basically we received information of an abnormal event a unique short violence a nonnuclear consistent with an explosion. Authorities say that the search will continue until it is clear what happened to the forty four crew members on board the air race and one for now the families of the missing sailors are left with their hopes and prayers. And more and bangladesh have signed a deal to allow members of the persecuted for hinge a Muslim Minority group to return home. Hundreds of thousands over a hundred a flood across the border recently to escape a violent military crackdown and its not yet clear how many refugees are going to be allowed to go home and how many even want to. They fled to relative safety here in bangladesh bringing stories of homes burned to the ground and family members raped and murdered at the hands of Security Force says now theyre deeply skeptical of going back. I dont trust the myanmar government theyre always like this. This is my second time leaving home and my husband has left three times. They live in a massive refugee camp but despite the appalling conditions some say theyll only return home if myanmar meets their demands. Well go back if they stop harassing us. And if we can live free like the buddhists or the other ethnic minorities are allowed to do. Children should also get government jobs just like the others. For months now the un has been calling manned mars treatment of the ethnic cleansing on wednesday washington finally followed suit the Organization Human rights watch has welcomed that decision. The big question now is what is the u. S. Going to do about it what they should do is have targeted sanctions military commanders that were in charge of this ethnic cleansing and also people in the command of the burma military but in myanmar theres still lots of support for the military and its actions and a little love for the. Many in the majority buddhist nation view them as Illegal Immigrants now their own hinge are facing a return to myanmar with no clear guarantee of their safety. Well coming up is it a stunt or something war and artists collective here in germany has built rolands Holocaust Memorial right next to the home of a far right politician who publicly criticized the monument take a look at this twenty four large concrete slabs and a backyard and a small town and through its a replica of the berlin Holocaust Memorial erected outside the house of right wing politician. In january her off the far right alternative for Germany Party called the memorial a monument of shame this response from the berlin based artists collective center for political beauty is meant to show the politician what shame truly means. And we built a monument for her because who lives over there its supposed to remind him that you can only free yourself from god once you take responsibility for im forty one and. The group known for its provocative political actions spent ten months on the project they rented the lot next to her house and worked in secret only on viewing the work this week some argue the group may have taken their Artistic License too far. That he. Is allowed to criticize politics and politicians to a large extent even in a satirical exaggerated way what are they cannot do is degrade people. In. The groups Crowdfunding Campaign has raised enough money to maintain the monument for at least a few years but following the controversy the landlord has already cancelled the Lease Agreement meaning the group will have to leave in a months time. Well turning to soccer news where cologne put their bonus legal woes behind them with a narrow victory over arsenal in the Europa League striker say ruchir ross a one and scored a second half penalty to earn the german side a one victory the result colone up to second place in group h. And it means their qualification fate is now in their own hands arsenal are already through as Group Winners despite their defeat. In group j. There was no reason to celebrate for harry to berlin they crashed out of the Europa League after losing the spanish side at the diego bilbao goals for mathieu lucky and davie celko gave her to a two one lead going into the break but they failed to hold on bilbao scored twice in the second half with three two loss means he cannot qualify for the knockout rounds. Arts and cricket now for you fans the worlds oldest sporting rivalry has gotten underway australia playing host to england in the ashes a competition that dates back to eight hundred eighty two the first test in brisbane drew thousands of fans to the gov us stadium where a Party Atmosphere quickly took over. Englands fans have landed. The fancy dress. And the pubs are in full flow after one of the strangest ball is said he wanted to end the careers of englands players. For the banks with you know a lot for the ball so you can all media tells me that you know that france and england won the last ashes series but a stray you go into this one is favorites to reclaim the famous trophy. But the odds havent turned to the confidence of englands fan group the Army Although i think i can rejoice so we can be involved in the take or if you go boys if you go. Australias fans are just as upbeat. Paving the way for a competitive contest both on and off the pitch. Are minor of the top stories were following for you. The german president has now as a leader of the social democrats have been to break the coalition deadlock president Frank Fletcher shine marist thought to a bush marking shelf to reconsider his opposition to joining me in a new government. And state every day is here up to date at this hour they can find more on our website dot com facing. Laundry Done International talk show four journalists discuss the topic of the week the big question in german politics now is how stable is the country following the dramatic breakdown of coalition told will that be fresh elections and how dangerous is the crisis for chancellor Angela Merkel find our own country. Quadriga in sixty minutes on d w. Its all about the moments that. Its all about the stories inside. Its all about George Chance to discover the world from different perspectives. Join us and inspired by distinctive instagram hours at g. W. Stories topic each week on instagram. Your children like chocolate. You cant live without your smartphone. Or tomatoes in the supermarket. As we go about our daily lives juman lights off and the last thing on your minds. Invisible hand is slavery in the twenty First Century starting december second on d w. Soon bob way is on the cusp of a historic transition after weeks of turmoil the man who is poised to be president emerson monger is promising a forcing democracy

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