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Numerous United States right now for the first time in probably close to twenty years were closer than we ever have been to a comprehensive Immigration Reform so going to start interacting there but i just i just really want to get to the meat of what the president said and the overall message you know lets talk about the language a little bit later but why not accept more immigrants from those countries because i mean that is ultimately the message that he sent across. The choice of words much notice that. The president signs the bill the house and senate are putting together a bill thats going to allow more people to come to United States were just trying to figure out an organized way to do that so that people who want to come to states they want to play by the rules they want to become citizens they want to do these things they cant right now the system we have in place isnt broken for a long time. Chris i mean i just want to remind our viewers of this vote this is a quote that that every american really knows give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free isnt that the spirit of america i mean we all know that that comes from the statue of liberty of course and isnt that the complete opposite of what we heard the u. S. President say in the past twenty four hours. Theres no doubt that thats exactly what substance search of the unit has been and it will be you know always will be the foundation of what the United States is the United States is not about which country youre from is about the opportunity that the United States represents. President s choice of words certainly regrettable i would defend those but it doesnt change the fundamental dynamic of what america is a great nation and why people try and restore a watch to get to the United States every single bit chris what the president said i mean these comments theyre being taken quite seriously a lot of people saying that they have racist overtones even republicans heading back like utah lawmaker we have to mention love who is apparently the child of haitian immigrants this is what one of the countries that the president and compass share you know haiti el salvador several african nations but what she was really talking about she has called his comments decisive divisive and asked for an apology should he give one. I think shes absolutely right and shes not the only republican spoken out about this theres a lot of us are deeply disappointed in the president s choice of words here because the senate evolves and he continued on with making the comment about norway which clearly was a reference to the fact that you just never the Prime Minister of norway the day before. He should absolutely clear a fight is certainly a pause or say that you said it but even today it doesnt change the court or an image of whats going on with this Immigration Reform the United States which is going to means far more in a careless war that was over today chris republican strategist who has worked on past National Campaigns joining us from los angeles we very much appreciate your joining us to share your views thank you. Facebook has announced a Major Overhaul to its new suite that will prioritize posts from friends and family over and paste posts from companies or media organizations the side hopes to stop businesses from crowding out personal moments for its users Facebook Says Companies Using pages to promote content will likely see a decrease in reach video watch time and referral traffic as a result facebook c. E. O. Mark zuckerberg said that changes should make people spend less time on facebook but that the time spent will be more valuable Companies Responding to a growing tide of criticism about its role in society with it as. Well facebook has changed its algorithms before and added new use options but what makes the latest announcement so different to find out im not joined by Stephen Beard from a social media desk stephen is this just another algorithm change you heard it here goes a bit more beyond user option and goes to something more fundamental about the ranking system itself so that means that friends and families are going to go higher and posts that are from organizations businesses Media Outlets like which of all theyre going to go below so that picture from your mother with you know your cats on it her cats on it once people start reacting with that once they start liking it once or harding it once they say how is mugsy doing then thats going to shoot up to the top youre going to see that more often but is this. The behavior of a monopolist is it an abuse of market as some people have said. I think some people would maybe argue that i think obviously a lot of people actually argue a lot of businesses especially Media Companies would argue that what facebook has done well you can say its monopolistic or not at a minimum its maybe a bait and switch theyve brought in a bunch of companies by saying this is your platform this is how you reach out were the only game in town and these Media Companies and other organizations saw that they really had no other options people werent going to their websites they were going to facebook so they had to be active on facebook and now facebook in a way of saying youre not going to get the same attention so what options is that leap does that mean they have to pay now to pay more about times what does that mean for full Media Companies and full for other businesses that rely on facebook by now were not just businesses but think about organizations think about charities you know organizations that need that outreach but obviously businesses to have l. Would be among i dont see this you know we depend on facebook as well as other social networks to reach out and to to form a core audience its a very important part of our work here we have products that are geared completely towards social media and facebook in particular one of them of course is dress code which youre familiar with as your series on men style thats very popular for us thats one of our biggest products the question now is and what were starting to look at is what happens address what happens to the other products we make exclusively for online and for facebook how do we get them to still get the same attention and draw in the audience that we feel that we need for news so what can we for example keep doing to keep viewers. Thats a good question and i think thats the question that looms large we cant post pictures of your grandmothers or your mothers cats and get people to really sort of interact in the same way what we can do is hopefully hope that by through their interaction with us if theyre going to comment with us if theyre going to like if theyre going to heart if theyre going to really sort of you know go back and forth with us a little bit that its going to shoot higher up the interaction lots of likes lots of comments means that the content will still appear on the users feeds and what works. Roberta said from the beginning is he wants less passive interaction he wants people he doesnt want to hear that he was going to scroll past so theyre going to and interact with your material they should shoot to the top another option of course is that there should be user setting that allows people to see more options more post from organizations news organizations like what you felt were businesses even is this is a shrewd move zuckerberg just saying he wants to make the world a better place wants to make facebook a better place more for families and all that all the other hand forcing companies to spend more money to promote their content i mean should we be surprised this is this is what this is tech one point zero right this is what they do this is straight out of the book you you talk about changing the world we want to make a killing doing it and so the language here is very much we have to make the world a better place but how are we still going to make all of our money and so they spoke still has a huge captive audience its not giving up that captive audience these are numbers have gone down a bit there is reason to you know maybe be a little concerned especially with this conversation that you referenced in terms of is it good for people is social media good for people separate is saying the right things now we want it to be good for people but he still wants that captive audience facebook is developing its own video offerings sort of like netflix it has plans for that audience not all be about make you facebook and the world a better place even busy social media to thank you very much for this insight going to the new bitcoin craze has achieved popular cultural status japans Virtual Currency goals performed the first concert in tokyo today each member of

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