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South Africa Jacob Zuma his party meets today in another bid to oust him from the presidency it could be the end of his political career the new leader post a sixteen and pushing him out. Knitting for the war effort most turks support the countrys offensive against kurds in syria those who dont are being targeted by the government. And in football vertebrae in rebounding will have the highlights from that point of the match. Almost comical to have you with us in her first interview since clinching a deal for a new government has a question for him or said she would step down early to make way for a new generation of leaders the german chancellor has faced growing dissent from within her own party as just to put together a new Coalition Government well talk about that in a moment but first this report. Angela merkel hits back critics she has vowed to stay on. The for years what a help promised and i am one of those people who keeps their promises matterless come under criticism from within her party for handing key ministerial positions to the social democrats and for disregarding the young c. D. U. Talent. The buses have there is frustration among the rank and file ive been hearing that every day for the past three days nonstop. Global we need a big team of younger people but also older ones a mix of new minds and experienced ones and if we can to manage to present ourselves as a team at this Party Conference then it will be a successful Party Conference it should be clear who the ministers will be by the cd use upcoming Party Conference on feb twenty sixth the chancellor has promised that they will include young up and coming politicians more of the story now with espana across a political scientist from university here in berlin and we also have our Political Correspondent Thomas Aspera with us welcome to you both thomas lets begin with you it is a pretty unusual move for america to do an interview like the one that she did sunday evening why do you think she decided to take on her critics so directly and did it work. Well merkel is a politician that doesnt give interviews all too often in fact she only tends to do that when political pressure is particularly high and this is certainly the case now after the deal was clinched last week there is a lot of pressure from her own party in particular after the deal made clear that the c. D. U. The conservatives would have to give key ministries to the social democrats in particular the finance minister and you may remember sumi that the finance ministry was for a long time in the hands of volved country a key conservative politician so that was one of the key reasons why im going to call decided to give that interview another question obviously if its if it worked if that interview managed to appease some of those criticisms thats something that we still have to to see in the next few hours in the next few days as more details come out about what the new posts will be so certainly it was an important step by anger to michael but the actual effect of that is still to be seen as something which would have been the first of all im glad that we have a Coalition Agreement that is very justifiable in terms of its content and we did indeed talk about the ministries for many many hours and the s. P. D. Had expectations as for the finance minister its painful but from my point of view its acceptable. After all the alternative have been on the turn to divs would have been that we would simply have had to tell the people we have agreed on a Coalition Agreement in terms of its substance but unfortunately we cannot agree upon the allocation of ministries and to me that was irresponsible. Its funny i want to come to you now because listening to that clip from the interview we also heard the chance or use the word in the course of this interview painful many times and she said there she had no alternative is that true i think so yes because merkel doesnt want to have a minority government so the coalition with the s. P. D. Is really the only option aside from the new election which i dont think any party really wants to have so. She already has also said i mean we have this Coalition Agreement where the policies are included in bear in the great detail so she sings and i also think so that the ministry of the finance finance ministry should not have that much weight additional weight for the s. P. D. Right a lot of questions also being asked at this point about americas authority her Political Capital and she was asked during this interview if she has lost authority within our party lets listen to what she had to say there. I didnt implement this no i do not feel this but i do feel that its natural for a party to begin having fun when someone like me is chancellor for twelve years its clear that im not going to be chancellor for the next twelve years on the other hand i talked about this very extensively with my party prior to the federal election whether it was right and desirable for me to stand again for four years that was approved at the time we have a situation where the c. D. U. And the c. S. U. Put up the chancellor jointly i am the candidate and i have given the electorate my commitment for another four years but of ok so tom i have to concrete elements here on the one hand obviously on that im a cause own power she promised there in that interview that she wanted to be the chancellor for the next four years but on the other hand it is obviously the case of the debate or who would follow on who the new leaders of the c. D. U. Would be has become an open political debate and thats something that im good im a obviously also stressed in that interview ok so much for the questions about im going miracles a future senator coming back to you we cant forget that both parties still have to approve this current Coalition Agreement and the social Democrats Party members will be voting on that its not a foregone conclusion what do you expect definitely it will be critical but i think india and we will see yes vote off the s. P. D. Members especially since most of the members of the s. P. D. Are rather old and rather conservative in comparison to the Youth Organisation they use source of the s. P. D. So i think it should be fine in the end but it will definitely be. A close call and direct spending across from the whole World University with us here in the studio and thomas sparer Political Correspondent thank you both for your analysis. Now moving on to some other news making headlines around the world egypts army says it has killed twelve islamist militants and detained some ninety others after gun battles in the northern sinai region the operation was part of a Government Campaign against insurgents blamed for a string of attacks in the Area Security forces said their latest airstrikes have destroyed dozens of militant targets. Liberias expresident Ellen Johnson sirleaf has won the most ybor him prize for African Leadership the five Million Dollar award is in recognition of her efforts to rebuild the country following two civil wars the continents first elected female leader left office last month after serving two terms. In the u. S. The state of new york has launched a lawsuit against hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein and his company and alleges that he and his Brother Robert broke the law by failing to protect employees from pervasive Sexual Harassment intimidation and discrimination Harvey Weinstein is facing accusations of Sexual Misconduct from dozens of women and London City Airport has now been closed as a safety precaution after the discovery of a World War Two bomb in the nearby river thames parts of east london have also been cordoned off as the navy and police still with the unexploded device officials have asked people to stay away from the area. Russian investigators are searching for clues as to what brought down an airliner on sunday outside of moscow killing all seventy one people on board the Saratov Airlines regional jet disappeared from radar screens about four minutes after takeoff russian president Vladimir Putin has ordered a special commission to lead the probe into the crash. There battling the biting cold to find answers to one of brushes worst ever plane crashes but with the culprit in six no its like looking for a needle in a haystack. Nearly one thousand people as well as drones and snowmobiles have been deployed to comb through the icy fields. We plan to continue the main stage of search and rescue operations fifty seven days. The wreckage is scattered across a very large area the snow is heavy and the terrain is difficult. Because believe it or the if youre from. The plane came down just outside moscow minutes after taking off for the southeastern city of. All sixty five passengers and six crew members were killed three children were among the dead. What exactly caused the crash about weather technical failure or human error c. C. T. V. Footage caught the fatal last moments. Something like a firework and then it fell and there was a big explosion. But Authorities Say they received no distress signals as the search operation continues investigators believe one of the black boxes found on the site could provide some answers. Now in south africa leaders of the Ruling African National congress are meeting to decide the future of the countrys embattled president jacob zuma the pressure on zuma has been growing ever since the Deputy President cyril ram opposed to replace him as a. N. C. Leader last december the seventy five year old president has been dogged by scandals ever since coming to power in two thousand and nine he is currently fighting the reinstatement of seven hundred eighty three charges of corruption now if zuma refuses to step down he could face a motion of no confidence in parliament or impeachment proceedings or we have a database christine meanwhile with us here in studio for more on the story about the future of Jacob Zuma Christine thank you very much for joining us now a decision is expected to be taken today take us through the possible scenarios of what could happen here ok so today were going to know if jacob zuma is going to jump or if hes going to be pushed out of office essentially. Has been negotiating with jacob zuma we understand that a lot of that negotiation has been about hes time after office for instance hes legal fees we understand that one of seumas demands has been that the stage continue to pay his legal fees after office there are other things about security detail et cetera that he has requested to keep the security detail off his time in office what you will know today is whether or not these two men have reached an agreement will have somehow come to to making a deal and that of course is what sort of would be presenting to any see today all sort of a poster is telling Party Members and theyve been locked in the meeting now for the two hours is telling members that i have been talking to jacob zuma and unfortunately we cannot get any further we now as a party have to take the next tip that state could either be the party required of him which i assume would be the first of the parties ses you jacob zuma would deploy ploy by the party to be president of the country we are now recording you but jacob zuma is the president of the country. So the a. N. C. As a party cannot recall a sitting president who was sworn in constitutionally so he doesnt have to heat the court to the recall so should say that would force the a. N. C. To take the matter of to parliament where they can either go by a motion of no confidence or they can take the impeachment route ok so theyve been working out all of these details is that whats taking so long for the a. N. C. To make a decision well whats taken so long i mean and this you know these negotiations pretty much started in december when it was clear that zuma was no longer the a. N. C. President it weve seen in the past that when a president a sitting president is no longer the president he hands of we saw that with those who must be just the same was expected internal Party Politics are at play here they are a lot of people within the party who are still supporters of jacob zuma and so the idea of just pushing him out of office does not sit well with them there are a number of reasons for that one of the key things is that there are a lot of ministers cabinet ministers who have been implicated with corruption allegations who are said to be close to zuma we talk about this president being you know associated with corruption hes of ministration a lot of those ministers sit on this cd and of course its in their best interest that president jacob zuma gets the best deal possible if he is facing the prospect of prison after his presidency so are they essentially so this is not a clear case of the party and ses of us a party is were recording the president but everybody has to agree some internal Party Politics are at play here tell us more about the Deputy President are people excited about the prospect of him leaving the country definitely i think after off to prison jacob zuma presidency people were ready for change with whichever form it took but it has a lot of benefits right now hes got a very good brand he is associated with the with the class of mandela so to say i mean sort of pulls a came from that breed of politician we can see him there in picture he is holding the. For finance and then ill tell you that he was actually meant to succeed and also made him he was meant to be president after mandela last minute politics change things but subtle been left politics and went into business and came back south africas one of south africas richest men stepping out of politics meant hes got a very clean record so to say hes not been implicated in political scandal because hes just not been paying him that seems so he has a politician who who people look at him and and they remember images like we just saw you know him holding the microphone for for mandela and so they see that in him and they see the fact that hes hes got this business acumen that he knows how to talk the language of the investors this is this is a lawyer that hes a good negotiator and that he will do that on the parts of africa and so people were excited when it was clear that this is the person that would be taking over from from prison jacob zuma so to say the markets welcome that sure yes it is facing a tall task of not only cleaning up his own party but also the economy as you said is he up to that challenge well i mean one of the most pressing things and i think South Africans i think for the first time you hear people not just talking about you know their own sort of bring us jobs or what have but corruption has become a big thing for South Africans i mean president jacob zuma in a time in office has been you know surrounded with corruption allegations graft looting right now theres a probe in the country going on that state kept an inquiry that people close to the president even members of his family the new thing the state office essentially so people right now once was the first thing to do is clean up the cabinet get rid of all the people that are associated with corruption and then of course go on to grow their economy we see the numbers split South Africans are getting even poorer and so job creation is a burden he needs to grow that economy and of course bring in investment the relationship between business and government in south africa had deteriorated under jacob zuma and people are saying cyril needs to also get that going again but we are awaiting a decision from the a. N. C. Today on jacko simmons future and christian man why thank you very much for joining us there. Youre watching d. W. News still to come you expect the Winter Olympics to be cold and maybe a bit windy but in qiang chang competitors are suffering high winds in the mountains where bitter cold have become treacherous for the latest on the two thousand and eighteen winter games. But first after such a turbulent week european equities are rallying but for how much longer very good questions serve me the Worlds Largest Hedge Fund Says despite four trillion dollars in global losses that equities could be set for an even hostile shakeout bridgewater warns this wont be over in a matter of days it says theres been a lot of complacency building up in markets over a long time after a strong start one comes hang seng index finished the day down zero point two percent in japan markets were closed due to a Public Holiday but last week the countrys benchmark nikkei had its worst performance in two years in germany the dax shed ten percent of the last two weeks but observers here expect a recovery of sorts speaking at a conference in dubai on sunday i. M. F. Managing director Christine Lagarde told investors not to worry about the market fluctuations those market movements were clearly in our view necessary market corrections the markets have function well there is plenty of financing that is Still Available to finance the economy analysts will be keeping a close eye on u. S. Consumer price data on wednesday given that it was fears of faster inflation that triggered the global rout in the first place. Lets bring in all the banks and financial correspondent in frankfurt andrea hang in singapore only the dax is one of the best performers today is it all smiles there. Yes i wish it were or the people here wish they was looked i made sure and looked down at the people just before we went on air to see if the smile and maybe return but no for brows and the expectancy that this situation is not quite over yet people on the floor argue though in many other analysts and economists and economy out there the corporate earnings broadly support the market and that this was a correction that was overdue the market had heated up a little bit too quickly but that everything was fundamentally ok but everyone still nervous considering what had happened and how it took basically almost everyone off guard and it is a spooky situation with so many people blaming machines and address whats happening in singapore is there even more skepticism that. Well if you did see some rebounds to da starting all of the week on a good note but youre right in saying that investors are trading cautiously and the numbers do speak for themselves the climbs and the gains that we saw to d. D. Will minute to a just inches ahead they will all the hung saying the sci even the souls cost be they will all of these gains were just below one percent would you say that ager is in a more vulnerable position. I would say so analysts definitely think so and its because despite despite the small ready that weve seen today asian investors are still very hesitant and they still have to worry about a couple of things one being the inflation rates that are going to be coming from the u. S. And it was more almost certainly. Affect the wage numbers will almost certainly affect the stocks and shake up the equity markets in asia making stocks more expensive because they are expensive at the moment thats true only what about the fundamentals though extremely strong how seriously can we take bridgewaters warning of an even bigger shakeout i think you have to take it seriously the one hand the people in the market say well bridgewater it has billions at stake here in short selling thats a technical term putting pressure on major shares here in germany and spain and in italy but considering the total volume it cant move the market but the kind of worries that are behind this are the kind of idea thats behind this kind of downside speculation theres something to that a Technical Analyst here in germany i spoke to just a couple of minutes ago said yes when you have so much time with low ups and downs in the market and thats practically begging for a correction of the situation people have become too complacent and he looks at the Company Valuations and he says that a hedge fund maybe sees an over valuation of a companys values and then sees a window for betting against that and perhaps betting against that successfully and a lot of people are weighing into arguments like this at the time and really what do you think about the week ahead were going to be in for a lot more ups and downs of my going to be biting my nails a week. I dont think you will i do and i dont think there will be much more fun in the next week in fact over the next two weeks there may be Minimal Movement as we if you dont already know Lunar New Year is coming so china is going to be out for two weeks leaving the rest of asia to be pretty quiet so any movement in the markets over the next week also going to not going to be indicative of whats going to be happening over the next months and years even it will throw across the year given the route that we just saw ok so possibly some come in over the next couple weeks in asia as far as europe. Will have to cross i think is all the boats in frankfurt for us with the analysis thank you and andrea hang in singapore. Well when it is wreaking havoc on the olympics and chang and Jonathan Crane is here from database for us to tell us more about the affects of this weather yes of course to me now we expect wintry conditions at the Winter Olympics there with the clear whos kind of in the title but the conditions of actually sparked a bit of talk about safety weve got some pictures to show you just how blustery really the conditions are impure on chatting winds of up to fifty mph when she was down to minus fifteen south is now several events really been postponed the mens downhill on sunday and so the womens giant slalom today a couple of Alpine Skiing events obviously the higher up the mountains you go the windier it is the i. O. C. Has come out today and said look were never going to jeopardize the safety of our athletes also asked about whether the olympics would need to be extended because of the cancellations but they said no weve got some reserved time and buffer time so that should be a problem what are the athletes think of the condition of some of the athletes have been complaining about this actually and some today saying actually our event shouldnt have taken place and we saw that in the womens snowboard slopestyle the final took place today now the qualifying was actually supposed to take place yesterday but it was canceled because of the wind and now weve had to have all the competitors competing in the final and you can see here how difficult it was the wind blowing whites out wipeouts left right and center even the eventual winner cheney anderson was struggling this is how hitler often is going that she she falls there but she actually has the conditions better than anyone in the ends and successfully managed to defend her title and actually unlike her rival she said look these conditions a part and parcel of the sport thats what she has to say. I feel like honestly every event ive been at this year theres been a lot of drama about weather and snow and flat late in the safety of everything which definitely is an Important Role but i think when we all signed up for snowboarding it wasnt always bluebird perfect sunny days like we get in california. Ok your point there is it is snowboarding after all and yeah that kind of comes with her assistant now germanys been doing really well in the Olympic Games so far there was more success in the biathlon today more success for germany more success for laura doll my and if you remember she won a gold in the sprints events on saturday and shes become the first woman ever to compete on a limb picked up all because she won the pursuit today now and because she won the springs events on saturday she had a twenty four second head start no one could really catch should be going for a hat trick of golds in the mass starts event on saturday now biathlon its such a difficult event because it combines insurance with position they have to shoot so the hearts pumping blood around the body and they still have to try and keep still keep that rifle still sport actually took its origins from norwegian soldiers training in the seventeen hundreds all right well so not just barely celebrating also canada they took the the gold in Team Figure Skating tell us more about that yes this Canadian Team really at the figure skating there its full of stuff patrick chan richie sort of taken a tumble on friday but as you can see here he was a big bang. In his day but really the the trees starts to kind of this patch of virtue and scott more and they were really the inspiration and the candidate for this gold medal in avenging at the feet by the russians seen four years ago and so canada gets the gold and the olympic athletes and russia get the silver canada had seventy three point seven russian sixty six and the u. S. A team with full points behind. Hes one of the favorites for the mens event as well all right Jonathan Crane from database for it thank you very much for that wrap up todays day three of the Winter Olympics welcome. Theyre watching d. W. New is still to come in football bremen battle to avoid relegation in sundays the bundesliga will have the match match highlights that coming up. And netting them for the boys on the front line look at the public pressure on turkish citizens about the countrys up and thats against a Kurdish Militia in syria. And dont forget you can always get out of the euro zone to go download our app for google play or from the out story that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and then you can also use the data you have to send us your photos and your videos. Much more news coming up in the next thirty minutes. From the. African child soldier thats. Become the scenario. Employed by International Private Security Companies that are sent into war zones as cannon fodder. For tampa news when Armed Conflict becomes a business a new job for child sergeants forty five minutes on d w. Petals or information they provide to the pentagons we want to stress g. W. Walks free school the twitter and up to date and in touch. Much of it. Surely to scream for. Your link to exceptional stories and discussion on the news it is easy to found what i would say deb you did come smart to join us on facebook j w for. The scholars on. The plane. For. Sure c. B. C. Edge going. To have surprised they dont so have a future. I really understand people who say they do want to stay here. But i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something new to peace time what needs to happen here for tolerance and reconciliation or to stand a chance darkness citys after war starting march tenth w. Bush comeback youre watching dude every news our top story german chancellor Angela Merkel has vowed to serve out another full four year term despite being under fire from her own conservatives for making sweeping concessions to form a Coalition Government and hang on to power. Now as turkey digs in for its offensive against kurdish fighters in syria its also looking to shore up support on the home front now most turks back operation all of branch a military incursion launched last month into serious are free in the region turkey views Kurdish Militia stationed there as terrorists and the threat here to its a southern border president edge of paper one has warned of a heavy price for anyone who speaks out against the deployment. Correspondent really hot has this report. They are knitting for the soldiers in the battle server all times a week these women meet in istanbul district they make newlin hats to be sent to the turkish Syrian Border a gift for the troops at war. Often the scout leader we want our soldiers in our printer know that we support them as their mothers and sisters they have everything they need but this is our way to show that we are with them carter the singer says i hope our soldiers will return home safely they shouldnt have to freeze thats why were sending them these hats and our prayers. And that is he has a license and. The mayor also could just set up the project hes a member of the ruling a tape party and believes every turkish citizen should stand unconditionally behind the military operation in syria. We dont have any problem with those who say no to war but if our country is being drawn into war we need to fight. Those who say no to war have a hidden agenda they are actually supporting the terrorists and this is something we cannot tolerate. For south with imus. Public support is strong with polls suggesting more than eighty percent of turks back the operation criticism is not well come president and one is blunt he calls those who oppose the war terrorists love us. Samit mean good she knows what that feels like he represents turkeys biggest medical association shortly after the military offensive began the doctors had published a declaration saying no to war peace now a few days later and even of his colleagues were detained on charges of spreading terrorist propaganda they have since been released but the authorities reaction shocked me which. Is why with those doctors detained first and foremost because of the Political Climate in this country for most of us. We are going through a time with no tolerance for dissenting voices or contrary opinions. We stand by our position that saying no to war is not a crime it shouldnt be a crime in this country. Which almost. Within the first two weeks of the operation nearly six hundred people have been detained here in turkey on charges of spreading terrorist propaganda even if many are released just after a few days the message is clear whoever opposes the turkish offensive in Northern Syria should think twice before seeing any criticism in public mehmood virally also believes the operation should not be criticised quite the opposite to support the offensive he decorated his next stall in istanbul is conservative neighborhood with turkish flags and hes donating some of his takings to the soldiers. Everybody can support the party they want i wouldnt judge. But when National Security is at stake you have to back your country. So you dont question why we go into our friend. We can see on television why its necessary to be. The operation will go on until a friend is freed from. Just as the government says. Because the. Garlic has one thousand five hundred euros to send to the frontline and he wants to continue with his project for the moment there is no end in sight to turkeys military offensive in syria. Sent us that report and she joins us for more on the story from if. You what are opponents of this military operation in syria doing our base staying quiet now and then to avoid arrest well we dont know how many opponents how many critics there are since protests and demonstrations are banned so people can take their dissent to the streets and if they do they might get detained right on the spot and its not just about protests as i was trying to show in my report hundreds of people got detained here in turkey in the past weeks over general antiwar declarations or tweets social media posts so it has become really difficult for anyone to express an oppositional thought or even a concern regarding this military operation and the government is really trying to shut all of that down and it has an effect on people we were trying for example to talk to one of the doctors who was detained and later released and one of them agreed to talk to us but later he canceled the interview saying he was too afraid and he needs to protect his family so yes people are scared really what about the opposition of Peoples Democratic party they have also been detained for criticizing this offensive what does that mean for the party. Well a pro kurdish h. E. P. A. Is under enormous pressure off for old they are the only major Oppositional Party to openly condemn turkeys military offensive in syria they say and i quote the offensive is an invasion against the kurds as a people but you have to know this party has been marginalized in the past years politically to an extent where they dont have any influence anymore several lawmakers are in jail for alleged links to the banned p k k including former party. She faces up to one hundred forty two years in jail so the party yesterday and ancora elected a new leadership and as we hear today and nother investigation has been opened against one of the new lead us for speaking out against the offensive in north of syria and what kind of information are turks getting on this offensive i mean how are turkish media covering this operation well took as news media almost overwhelmingly progovernment now so their reporting is really energetic on the military operation they follow a long tradition of really militaristic nationalism here. And they follow the government line really they would for example not talk about civilian casualties in Northern Syria among the kurdish population although International Media are reporting about these casualties in the pendant media on the other hand say they are facing censorship self censorship even so on these conditions in a country where citizens dont even have access to the pedia and seclude pedia anymore without a v. P. N. Client in such a climate in such a country its really difficult for people to come up with an independent well informed opinion about political issues. Really im reporting from istanbul thank you very much. Now to war torn iraq which is a seeking International Aid ben tell us more about that high hopes that a low level of response or fostered me its the first day of an International Reconstruction conference iraq is in ruins after the war on Islamic State so many people almost eight groups today pledging three hundred thirty Million Dollars but Officials Say a lot more is needed especially as the u. S. Isnt planning on giving any more. Rebuilding iraq will cost eighty eight point two billion dollars after years of civil war and decades of underinvestment thats according to the Planning Ministry complicating matters is the fact that the country is effectively under two governments theres the autonomous kurdistan region in the north with around forty five billion barrels of oil reserves the rest of iraq has at least one hundred fifty billion barrels. But its difficult to get reliable data from a country like iraq which is plagued by political instability but whats clear is just how dependent the country is on oil its estimated to account for around ninety two percent of overall state revenues. That some fifty seven billion out of sixty eight billion u. S. Dollars. The Iraqi Government is currently looking for investors for refineries pipelines and production facilities at its manned you can field one of the countrys largest the government hopes to double output and the chinese Led Consortium could be the favorite to take over the field. State owned petro china is already the largest foreign investor in iraq and it could work with us chevron and francis to town to exploit the field other big players include exxon mobil russian oil and british petroleum. But the worlds second Largest Oil Company Royal Dutch Shell was less optimistic about the field saying it wasnt profitable enough its pulled out and plans to focus instead on gas production. Now could there be a glamour in digging through dirt and manure can you hope so with its latest reality t. V. Challenge dont lose the plot the Government Back show aims to make farming hit again agriculture makes up a third of the economy with an aging population the business is on shaky ground over the next nine months this takes the bottle from telling. Their reality t. V. Shows for singing and dancing so why not for farming to lose the plot follows its candidates as they each cultivate an acre of land the show is helping to make farming in kenya long seen as an occupation for the elderly to become cool fun and profitable. Making that. The best. Country for me something i wanted to be into. The. Twenty eight year old Fashion Designer and businesswoman is one of four contestants who had one thing in common they knew nothing about farming when the season started they were given some training seeds and the freedom to make their own choices cut it. I decided to go with mushroom spirit or go from there. It doesnt take a long time. Within ten months to start making money dont lose the plot shows how farming is changing as modern farmers use Online Platforms and mobile technology to achieve their goals contestants can consult an app with their questions. Do you need to top dress do you need to five players do you need you have to be a scientist how much are you going to use in terms of input so budget in quantities for that public. The apis available to farmers outside the t. V. Show to one after all not every farmer wants to star on reality t. V. But for those who do casting for season two is about to begin and producers hope to give agriculture in kenya the boost it needs to be a long term pillar of the countrys economy. Now over the past few months weve seen the need to movement to gain strength holding men accused of Sexual Harassment to account it is prompted women in other communities to speak out as well now over the last week many muslim women have been talking about being assaulted during the annual pilgrimage when millions gather in the city of mecca and we have been from getting social media to tell us more about this story tell us about her yeah i mean this is a pilgrimage of course that every muslim adult muslim must undertake once in their life if they are able to it happens this year in august but its making headlines now because of an account that was shared on facebook by a pakistani teenager and she wrote about her past Sexual Assault that took place there in the very center of mecca her name is khan and she wrote that she was actually groped by several men while she was performing a ceremony known as the waffen and this is the post that she wrote she wrote it was my third to watch and i felt a hand on my waist during my six to watch i suddenly felt something aggressively poking my but i felt so violated i felt unable to speak out its sad to say that you were not even safe at holy places my entire experience of the holy city is overshadowed by this or bull incident we spoke with she told us that shes receiving such a backlash from this post that shes actually gone ahead and deactivated her facebook account she doesnt really want to talk about it shes having panic attacks. Its clearly sparking a big reaction right now you know how common are experiences like this i mean this seems to be one of those things thats a bit of an open secret it is not talked about publicly but it does happen far too frequently about half of the participants in the are women and those big crowds there are just so many people packed in it does unfortunately make it easy for some men to commit Sexual Assault during the holiday that many women say they dont want to talk about this because this is meant to be a safe place a holy place but it does look like is helping to break that taboo or story has really gone viral and its now sparked discussion actually with this new hash tag which is called mosque me too and were seeing massive women sharing their stories especially speaking out on twitter using this hashtag and this is just one of them that we saw we want to highlight this for you this woman says i was actually harassed at twenty one when i was doing to walk the fact that it happened there in that place where its supposed to be the holiest and safest sanctuary broke me so bad that i never recovered from it how are muslims receiving this entire hashtag debate it seems to be a mixed reaction lots of support coming out from women online and then some skepticism from men who we actually spoke to with the founder the woman that helped to launch that mosque me to hash tag shes an egyptian American Writer named Mona Eltahawy and she says she was assaulted and factor in the back in the one nine hundred eighty s. This is not a new problem she told us so how she hopes to tackle this problem we have to make sure that that movement is global and inclusive which is why at the end hashtag most me too because i wanted it to be the intersection of i said me too which is about Sexual Harassment and sexual abuse and recently so my message to risk in men is listen dont judge and ask is how you can help. And one of the best ways to help is to be on the lookout who would start these conversations with others your men talk to other muslim men about Sexual Harassment and abuse in our sacred spaces because they wont listen to music and women rarely listen to us and media will listen to other muslim men. An important conversation just beginning here all right if you use a social media editor karl nasser with us here in studio carl thank you for bringing us that story. Where we have to sports again enough football the bundesliga side of votes for travel to bremen on sunday both teams were desperate to avoid being dragged deeper into the relegation fight but it was the home side that managed to pull off an important when. Max presented his brain when teammates rendered a two goal lead in midweek such slip ups must be avoided if they want to stay on as an laver couzin they got off to a flier against wolves sacking you news of a cheese crepes corner powered home by need vic augustin sent. The hosts looked out for the fight even when they were clearly punching above their weight. But sometimes footballs as much about beauty as it is brute force mariam heights was transferred that. He started doubling branes lead it was no more than they deserved for their first half dominance i. Would have settled for any kind of goal at this point and his side got one after this saw found in the books. Even then it wasnt pretty as captain pools were hard needed to attempts to school. But braman werent going to repeat shes days mistake and counter to good effect to see all the way in tights again on target i it was a critical finish from the austrian midfielder running braman a crucial three points iness vital bit. Elsewhere struggling start hoping for a new dawn under a new coach teflon coated quit he took charge of his first home game against mention gladbach for the rest of the season is all about avoiding relegation and they manage some valuable points on sunday. When bowled in his first home game starting with both Daniel Guinn Jack and mario gomez up top and it paid off in the fifth minute gomes set up in check and he fired home to make it one nil to stuttgart. Keeper to be a simple left with no chance. To organise i had a chance to equalise for got back but he failed to connect properly still got right in their luck to reach halftime in front. Of proton rafael in a bid to pep up their attack in the second half and the brazilian had one of his trademark shots from range but in the stuttgart goal was equal to his efforts. The visitors had more of the ball but most of the threat came from set pieces substitute your sadr image missed their best chance to equalise stuttgart managed to keep their opponents at bay to win in front of their own fans for the seventh time this season. Its a mess most were happy with the points theyre important but they put a shine on the point we won last week and the successful first home games of cook at but got bashed crisis goes on. Right now german movies are making waves far away across the world in San Francisco where the twenty second brylin and beyond Film Festival is underway thats a festival devoted entirely to german language films which have been getting warmer attention are brought in our culture editor karen house that is here to talk more about this with a section of the stock looks like a good week for german film in San Francisco its a good week all over the place as you know i mean were spiraling into movie mad as here in berlin with our own Film Festival are opening kicking off on thursday and people already deep into a lot of what this country has to offer in San Francisco well tell us more about berlin and beyond ok its its interesting the name isnt it its one of the leading film european Film Festivals outside of a sort of festivals of european cinema. In the world and its definitely the largest german language Film Festival outside of europe and since its beginnings back in one thousand nine hundred six i think it was founded the main venue has been the famous castro theater trying to see here in just a second there it is its nearly a century old and this festival attracts over ten thousand film goers a lot of german film stars and directors and over the years its presented some five hundred films and its organized by the go to institute in San Francisco with dr bell as a partner and last at and it builds on many of their other cultural activities. So lets have a quick look at what theyre lining up with this year. The german language films being screened in San Francisco this week arent blockbusters but this festival always manages to draw in enthusiastic audience. The grateful but its always good film to feel just a lot of fun and i saw that you know no other theater saw the factory a control room with a lot of good in the fray and look always looking forward to see a good german film. Among the films featured at the festival is the comedy of welcome to germany. It explores what happens when an ordinary middle class German Family decides to open their home to a refugee from nigeria. Its humor and timeliness help make it a Huge Box Office hit in germany. The films director. Is making his first visit to San Francisco to open the festival but he says that breaking into the american film market is not his goal. I think im someone who likes to write his own stories and i think that would be much more difficult to do in hollywood if id have to write in english which i can do pretty well but certainly not as authentically as i can in germany and this region of georgia got. Another guest of honor at the festival is german actor lars id whos just been awarded the austrian film prize for his role in the gloom of yesterday but that film is also screening in San Francisco. To the session and theyre getting. What you can call of course for sure for you might get of if you get this complex covered up that its a put it you. Know as i dont know says german language film professionals can only be successful abroad if theyre truly exceptional. Some from Christopher Vaughns was incredible in glorious bastards and that has a lot to do with someone saying theyre not just taking part but they want to do it back says than anyone else i suspect that was an attitude that rhino verna fassbinder had he simply reinvented film for himself more often. There may never be anyone else like fassbender again but it is german language directors are certainly finding their work welcome to the united states. And for this on german language i should add that swiss and austrian films are also represented including. Its just one of the ones headlining this years festival so does that mean that interest in german language films is then indeed growing internationally i would say it is you know a lot when we get back to just german films if we can look at them for a moment a lot of them have done really really well in a outside of the country and gotten International Attention beyond the borders in recent years if you think of twenty one for instance back in two thousand and sixteen that got an oscar nomination or even the lives of others from two thousand and six which actually won the oscar back then for best Foreign Language film interest has really definitely be. Peaked again by. Very recent fill in the fade now thats of course a very disturbing look at the threat of new nazi terrorism starring diane kruger. And that of course as you know just won the golden globe for best Foreign Language film and the critics Choice Awards in january was also short lived it listed for the oscars of a very contemporary look at some of germanys internal issues and i think that the interest is also a generational thing and it mirrors perhaps whats going on here because you know as germany gets the necessary distance to its history. And starts being able to tackle topics like the third like me or nazi violence in in different ways. Those are such acts that were completely taboo. Right after the war so german filmmakers are not sort of treating how only some of these stories much humor and its always very controversial to do that but its highly interesting for foreign audiences obviously another another example is that its a short form of web series that was made by German Public Television thats a comedy called the brown family and it looks at what happens when the united discovers that he has a little black daughter. Makes the neo nazis look pretty ridiculous in the prose there. Now thats serious didnt get very much from the press here in germany but he did win an international and the emmys back in november so you can see that these kinds of productions are getting a lot more attention theyre not the lecturing kind of thing you know theyre definitely presenting really delicate topic spot as entertainment so serious like deutschland eighty three for instance also did very well in the states and of course netflix has already snapped up berlin so well see what happens with that one but for the younger generations i think you have first of all a member memory and are not burdened by history in the way the older generations are i think the interest for a lot of those chapters is huge so right now berlin and beyond just more on this on our website yes there is this time dot com slash culture and our culture editor karen help so thank you very much karen youre welcome pleasure. And thats all we have time for right now but i feel gail will have an update on your latest news stories at the top the hour they would. Move. From. The boat. To. The. African child soldiers who. Become. Employed by International Private Security Companies the best sent into war zones as cannon fodder for tampons when Armed Conflict becomes a business new job for child soldiers his team. Going to unofficial estimates more than one point two million venezuelans have been colombia legally and illegally. Already i dont know why return to venezuela. To visit friends is that i dont think id ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i dont know so im not sure. Bearing witness global news that matters. Made for minds meet the germans new and surprising aspects of life since culture in germany. Us american keep music takes a look at germany it is increasing use of their traditions every day lives and language to some of. Us so i am going to extend. The biggest fish tale d. W. Dot com make the germans. Earth home to millions of species a home worth saving. Googling goes tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like deals the protect the climate boost Green Energy Solutions and reforestation. Using interactive content to inspire people to take action of global ideas the multimedia environment series on d. W. It created movie milestones. Was an instrument of propaganda and persecution. It underwent a bankruptcy and restructuring. But it still turning out films today. Germanys biggest and oldest film company. A cinematic history from the german empire to the present one hundred years of conflict starting in february he changed on. Took. Place. The pressure on south africas president to resign increasing his meeting to. Pull allegations of corruption also on the program. She will stay on. Despite taking flak from her own party over the new German Coalition deal critics say shes making too

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